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Jeremy Bentham’ın Gerçek ve Kurgusal Varlıklar Teorisi ve Hukuki Terimlerin Açıklanması

Year 2024, , 247 - 272, 05.02.2024


Jeremy Bentham 18. yüzyılda yaşamış önemli bir filozof ve hukukçudur. Faydacılığın önemli temsilcilerinden ve modern düşüncede etkin olmasını sağlayan başlıca isimlerden biri olarak gösterilebilecek Bentham, çok geniş bir yelpazede eserlerini sunmuştur. İlgilendiği alanlardan birisi de düşünce ve düşüncenin hem iletim hem de üretim aracı olan dil üzerinedir. Bentham özellikle hukuk terimlerini tanımlamak istediğinde Aristoteles’ten beri kullanılan klasik tanımlama yönteminin yetersiz olacağını keşfetmiş ve hukuki terimleri de içeren etik kurgusal varlıklara dair adlandırmaların farklı bir yöntemle -kendisinin adlandırmasıyla paraphrasis yöntemiyle- açıklanabileceğini ileri sürmüştür. Bu çalışmada öncelikle Bentham’ın ontolojisi ve epistemolojisi bağlamında geliştirdiği dil ve anlam teorisi hakkında bilgiler verilmiş ve sonrasında bu teori üzerinden temellendirdiği paraphrasis yöntemi, filozofun çeşitli hukuk terimlerine yönelik açıklamaları da sunularak izah edilmiştir. Son olarak Bentham’ın bu girişiminin sunduğu avantajlar ve dezavantajlar ele alınarak hukukçular için ne derece faydalı olabileceği hakkında değerlendirmelerde bulunulmuştur.


  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, 2. Baskı, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, 2008 (A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government).
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: “A Fragment on Ontology”, The Works of Jeremy Bentham-Vol 8, William Tait, Edinburg, 1843, s. 193-212 (A Fragment on Ontology).
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: Ahlak ve Yasama İlkeleri, (Çev.) SARUHANLIOĞLU, Ömer / BOYACI, Uğur Kaşif, 1. Baskı, Litera Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2017.
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: Chrestomathia, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1983 (Chrestomathia).
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: Deontology together with A Table of the Springs of Action and Article on Utilitarianism, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1983 (Deontology).
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: “Essay on Language”, The Works of Jeremy Bentham-Vol. 8, William Tait, Edinburg, 1843, s. 295-338 (Essay on Language).
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: “Essay on Logic”, The Works of Jeremy Bentham-Vol. 8, William Tait, Edinburg, 1843, s. 213-294 (Essay on Logic).
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: Of the Limits of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010 (Of the Limits of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence).
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: “Pannomial Fragments”, The Works of Jeremy Bentham-Vol. 3, William Tait, Edinburg, 1843, s. 211-230.
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: Preparatory Principles, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, 2017 (Preparatory Principles).
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: “Radical Reform Bill, With Extracts From The Reasons”, The Works of Jeremy Bentham-Vol. 3, William Tait, Edinburg, 1843, s. 558-598 (Radical Reform Bill).
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham, Volume 1, 1752-76, UCL Press, London, 2017 (Correspondence Vol. 1).
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham, Volume 2, 1777-80, UCL Press, London, 2017 (Correspondence Vol. 2).
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: The Works of Jeremy Bentham- Vol. 11 (Memoirs of Bentham Part II and Analytical Index), William Tait, Edinburg, 1843.
  • ÇÜÇEN, A. Kadir: Klasik Mantık (Mantığa Giriş), 2. Baskı, Asa Kitabevi, Bursa, 2009.
  • DE CHAMPS, Emmanuelle: “The Place of Jeremy Bentham’s Theory of Fictions in Eighteenth-century Linguistic Thought”, Journal of Bentham Studies, 1999, Cilt 2, Sayı 1, s. 1-28.
  • HARRISON, Ross: Bentham, 1. Baskı, Routledge, London and Boston, 1999.
  • HART, H. L. A.: “Legal Duty and Obligation”, (Ed.) HART, H. L. A., Essays on Bentham: Jurisprudence and Political Philosophy, 1. Baskı, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1982, s. 121-161.
  • LOCKE, John: İnsan Anlığı Üzerine Bir Deneme, (Çev.) HACIKADİROĞLU, Vehbi, 1. Baskı, Ara Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 1992.
  • OGDEN, Charles Kay: Bentham’s Theory of Fictions, 1. Baskı, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd., London, 1932.
  • PORPHYRIOS, Isagoge: Aristoteles’in Kategorilerine Giriş, (Çev.) ÇOTUKSÖKEN, Betül, 2. Baskı, BilgeSu Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2022.
  • POSTEMA, Gerald: “Meaning, Analysis, and Exposition: The Technology of Thought”, Utility, Publicity, and Law: Essays on Bentham’s Moral and Legal Philosophy, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2019, s. 3-25.
  • SCHOFIELD, Philip: “Real and Fictitious Entities”, (Ed.) SCHOFIELD, Philip: Utility and Democracy-The Political Thought of Jeremy Bentham, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006, s. 1-27.
  • ŞAHİN CEYLAN, Şule: “Anarşik Safsatalar: Bentham’ın Doğal Haklar Eleştirisi”, Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 2020, Cilt 15, Sayı 189-190, s. 723-746.
  • TAKASHIMA, Kazuya: “Bentham’s Theory of Language”, Revue d’études Benthamiennes, 2019, Cilt, 16, s. 1-23.
  • TARANTINO, Piero: Philosophy, Obligation and the Law-Bentham’s Ontology of Normativity, Routledge, London-Newyork, 2018.

Jeremy Bentham’s Theory of Real and Fictitious Entities and Explanation of Legal Terms

Year 2024, , 247 - 272, 05.02.2024


Jeremy Bentham was a significant 18th-century philosopher and jurist. He is recognized as one of the principal representatives of utilitarianism and played a crucial role in its proliferation in modern thought. He is recognized as one of the principal representatives of utilitarianism and played a crucial role in its proliferation in modern thought. Bentham’s extensive works spanned a broad range of fields, including thought and language, which he identified as a medium for transmitting and producing ideas. Bentham found that the traditional method of definition, employed since Aristotle, was insufficient, particularly when attempting to define legal terminology. He proposed an alternative approach – the method of paraphrasis – to explain the names of fictional entities with ethical fictional entities, including legal terms. Firstly, this study presents Bentham’s theory of language and meaning which he developed within his ontology and epistemology. Subsequently, the method of paraphrasing, based on this theory, is explained by presenting the philosopher’s explanations of several legal terms. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of Bentham's initiative are assessed. The usefulness of Bentham's initiative for lawyers is evaluated.


  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government, 2. Baskı, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, 2008 (A Comment on the Commentaries and A Fragment on Government).
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: “A Fragment on Ontology”, The Works of Jeremy Bentham-Vol 8, William Tait, Edinburg, 1843, s. 193-212 (A Fragment on Ontology).
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: Ahlak ve Yasama İlkeleri, (Çev.) SARUHANLIOĞLU, Ömer / BOYACI, Uğur Kaşif, 1. Baskı, Litera Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2017.
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: Chrestomathia, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1983 (Chrestomathia).
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: Deontology together with A Table of the Springs of Action and Article on Utilitarianism, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1983 (Deontology).
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: “Essay on Language”, The Works of Jeremy Bentham-Vol. 8, William Tait, Edinburg, 1843, s. 295-338 (Essay on Language).
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: “Essay on Logic”, The Works of Jeremy Bentham-Vol. 8, William Tait, Edinburg, 1843, s. 213-294 (Essay on Logic).
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: Of the Limits of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010 (Of the Limits of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence).
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: “Pannomial Fragments”, The Works of Jeremy Bentham-Vol. 3, William Tait, Edinburg, 1843, s. 211-230.
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: Preparatory Principles, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, 2017 (Preparatory Principles).
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: “Radical Reform Bill, With Extracts From The Reasons”, The Works of Jeremy Bentham-Vol. 3, William Tait, Edinburg, 1843, s. 558-598 (Radical Reform Bill).
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham, Volume 1, 1752-76, UCL Press, London, 2017 (Correspondence Vol. 1).
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham, Volume 2, 1777-80, UCL Press, London, 2017 (Correspondence Vol. 2).
  • BENTHAM, Jeremy: The Works of Jeremy Bentham- Vol. 11 (Memoirs of Bentham Part II and Analytical Index), William Tait, Edinburg, 1843.
  • ÇÜÇEN, A. Kadir: Klasik Mantık (Mantığa Giriş), 2. Baskı, Asa Kitabevi, Bursa, 2009.
  • DE CHAMPS, Emmanuelle: “The Place of Jeremy Bentham’s Theory of Fictions in Eighteenth-century Linguistic Thought”, Journal of Bentham Studies, 1999, Cilt 2, Sayı 1, s. 1-28.
  • HARRISON, Ross: Bentham, 1. Baskı, Routledge, London and Boston, 1999.
  • HART, H. L. A.: “Legal Duty and Obligation”, (Ed.) HART, H. L. A., Essays on Bentham: Jurisprudence and Political Philosophy, 1. Baskı, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1982, s. 121-161.
  • LOCKE, John: İnsan Anlığı Üzerine Bir Deneme, (Çev.) HACIKADİROĞLU, Vehbi, 1. Baskı, Ara Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 1992.
  • OGDEN, Charles Kay: Bentham’s Theory of Fictions, 1. Baskı, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd., London, 1932.
  • PORPHYRIOS, Isagoge: Aristoteles’in Kategorilerine Giriş, (Çev.) ÇOTUKSÖKEN, Betül, 2. Baskı, BilgeSu Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2022.
  • POSTEMA, Gerald: “Meaning, Analysis, and Exposition: The Technology of Thought”, Utility, Publicity, and Law: Essays on Bentham’s Moral and Legal Philosophy, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2019, s. 3-25.
  • SCHOFIELD, Philip: “Real and Fictitious Entities”, (Ed.) SCHOFIELD, Philip: Utility and Democracy-The Political Thought of Jeremy Bentham, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006, s. 1-27.
  • ŞAHİN CEYLAN, Şule: “Anarşik Safsatalar: Bentham’ın Doğal Haklar Eleştirisi”, Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 2020, Cilt 15, Sayı 189-190, s. 723-746.
  • TAKASHIMA, Kazuya: “Bentham’s Theory of Language”, Revue d’études Benthamiennes, 2019, Cilt, 16, s. 1-23.
  • TARANTINO, Piero: Philosophy, Obligation and the Law-Bentham’s Ontology of Normativity, Routledge, London-Newyork, 2018.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Legal Theory, Jurisprudence and Legal Interpretation
Journal Section Articles

Fatih Güneş 0000-0002-8368-2638

Publication Date February 5, 2024
Submission Date November 15, 2023
Acceptance Date January 6, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Güneş, F. (2024). Jeremy Bentham’ın Gerçek ve Kurgusal Varlıklar Teorisi ve Hukuki Terimlerin Açıklanması. Anadolu Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(1), 247-272.
AMA Güneş F. Jeremy Bentham’ın Gerçek ve Kurgusal Varlıklar Teorisi ve Hukuki Terimlerin Açıklanması. AndHD. February 2024;10(1):247-272. doi:10.54699/andhd.1391418
Chicago Güneş, Fatih. “Jeremy Bentham’ın Gerçek Ve Kurgusal Varlıklar Teorisi Ve Hukuki Terimlerin Açıklanması”. Anadolu Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 10, no. 1 (February 2024): 247-72.
EndNote Güneş F (February 1, 2024) Jeremy Bentham’ın Gerçek ve Kurgusal Varlıklar Teorisi ve Hukuki Terimlerin Açıklanması. Anadolu Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 10 1 247–272.
IEEE F. Güneş, “Jeremy Bentham’ın Gerçek ve Kurgusal Varlıklar Teorisi ve Hukuki Terimlerin Açıklanması”, AndHD, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 247–272, 2024, doi: 10.54699/andhd.1391418.
ISNAD Güneş, Fatih. “Jeremy Bentham’ın Gerçek Ve Kurgusal Varlıklar Teorisi Ve Hukuki Terimlerin Açıklanması”. Anadolu Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 10/1 (February 2024), 247-272.
JAMA Güneş F. Jeremy Bentham’ın Gerçek ve Kurgusal Varlıklar Teorisi ve Hukuki Terimlerin Açıklanması. AndHD. 2024;10:247–272.
MLA Güneş, Fatih. “Jeremy Bentham’ın Gerçek Ve Kurgusal Varlıklar Teorisi Ve Hukuki Terimlerin Açıklanması”. Anadolu Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 1, 2024, pp. 247-72, doi:10.54699/andhd.1391418.
Vancouver Güneş F. Jeremy Bentham’ın Gerçek ve Kurgusal Varlıklar Teorisi ve Hukuki Terimlerin Açıklanması. AndHD. 2024;10(1):247-72.
