Knowing and learning are the basic requirements and necessities of human mind. The solution to fulfill this requirement and necessity is fulfilling the curiosities of mind. People who make the knowing their center of lives contributed and served for humanity by following and producing knowledge through history of humanity. Those of keep doing this service are settled in places where their value is known. Therefore they always seek new and advanced knowledge. By doing this service, those people carried the most of the burden of the great cavitation’s creation. After the Sumerian, Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greek civilizations, a new civilization was born in the Islamic countries. Khorasan and Transoxiana became the centers of it. Modern European civilization's foundation, the Islam civilization, raised the most of the well-known scientists for five centuries. Ali Şir Nevâyî, who lived in the 15th century which is the declining era of this civilization, has established new scientific institutions with most of his own contribution and the support of the government. Due to his extraordinary efforts, a scientific environment was created then raised new scientists and artists in Herat.
Ali Şir Nevâyî was born in 1441, in Herat. It's known that both of his mother and father and their elders are high-ranking officials alongside Timurid princes. He is the one of the intellectuals who has he greatest numbers of works in various subjects when it considered to Turkish culture and literary history as a whole. But first of all his poetry is acknowledged by everyone. Turkish language has been neglected sometimes even by some Turkish intellectuals. But a few Turkish scientists and artists such as Kaşgarlı Mahmud, Yusuf Has Hacip and Hoca Ahmet Yesevi strongly opposed this situation and wrote books to destroy this neglection. Also Nevâyî has served for Turkish and kept it superior.
Ali Şir Nevâyî is a person who has spent his whole life with the thought of how to serve the society which he lived in. The charity institutions that he created should be considered as the product of service to society and the country. Educational institutions within these charities have special importance.
Nevâyî mentions many names in his works, especially in Mecâlisü'n-nefâyis, excluding those educational institutions such as madrasahs, who he raised and whose education has been influenced directly by him. He evaluate and direct young people who like science, literature and art in Mecâlisü'n-nefâyis.
Knowledge is a vital phenomenon for human beings. People; to live a better and more comfortable life, to find answers to the search and questioning of the mind, to solve the sense of curiosity for a variety of reasons tried to understand the universe and self, as a result of these efforts, people's curiosity has increased and the desire to learn has put many people in the path of science. The history of humanity shows that there are occasional knowledge accumulations in some geographies. The first thing that seems to be understood when these places and times are examined; that state officials such as governors, princes, sultans, and people value information and scholars, and create and provide an environment for the advancement and development of science.
Ali Şir Nevâyî grew up in the fight of the throne of the princes of Timur, and was greatly influenced by these fights as his family was one of the leading families. His colleague and friend Hüseyin Baykara gained a relatively relaxed life with the capture of Herat and carried out a variety of works in the fields of science, art, architecture and culture as well as government tasks. He helped and supported the people, especially the young people, provided them with the necessary opportunities to grow up well. Today, in the Turkish-spoken countries, especially Uzbekistan, Turkey, and Azerbaijan there are ongoing studies about this great man.
Science History of Science Summerian Ancient Egypt Ancient Greek Islam Civilization Turkish Civilization Ali Şir Nevâyî Herat
İnsan aklının temel istek ve ihtiyaçlarından biri bilme ve
öğrenmedir. Bu isteğin ve gerekliliğin karşılanmasının yolu ise aklın
meraklarının giderilmesidir. Bilme eylemini hayatının merkezine yerleştiren
insanlar, insanlık tarihi boyunca bilgiyi izleyerek ve yeni bilgiler üreterek
insanlığa hizmet etti. Bu hizmeti sürdürenler, değer gördükleri coğrafyada
yerleşerek hep daha ileri ve daha gelişmişin peşinde oldu. Bunlar, büyük
uygarlıkların ortaya çıkmasında asıl yükü taşıdı. Sümer, Eski Mısır, Eski Yunan
uygarlıklarının ardından İslam dünyasında yeni bir uygarlık gelişti ve önce
Bağdat ve çevresi bu uygarlığın merkezi oldu, daha sonra ise Horasan ve
Maveraünnehir bu uygarlığa merkezlik etti. Çağdaş Avrupa uygarlığının temelini
oluşturan İslam uygarlığı yaklaşık beş yüz yıl bilimin de zirve isimlerini
yetiştirdi. Bu uygarlığın gerilemeye yüz tuttuğu bir zaman dilimi olan 15.
yüzyılda yaşayan Ali Şir Nevâyî, devleti yönetenlerin desteği ve daha çok şahsi
çabalarıyla, kurduğu bilim kurumları ve oluşturduğu ortamla Herat’ta bilim
hayatının canlanması, bilim ve sanat adamları yetişmesi için olağanüstü bir
uğraş verdi.
Bilim Bilim Tarihi Sümer Eski Mısır Eski Yunan İslam Uygarlığı Türk Uygarlığı Ali Şir Nevâyî Herat
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Studies on Education |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | June 24, 2019 |
Published in Issue | Year 2019 Volume: 2 Issue: 1 |