Research Article
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Perceptions on Syrian Refugees in Turkey, Short analysis of a survey identifying differences and similarities between two groups of Turkish voters

Year 2020, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 67 - 91, 21.06.2020


Halen sürmekte olan Suriye çatışması, en az 5,5 milyon Suriyeli mültecinin yerlerinden edilmiş ve ülkeleri dışında yaşamak zorunda kalmış olması nedeniyle 21. yüzyılın en kötü insani felaketlerinden biridir. Birleşmiş Milletler Mülteciler Yüksek Komisyonu’na göre mülteci dalgasının vurduğu en kötü ülke, şu anda geçici korumaya sahip 3,5 milyondan fazla mülteciye ev sahipliği yapan Türkiye’dir. Türkiye başlangıçta Açık Kapı Politikasını uygulamış ve mültecileri misafir olarak karşılamıştır. Ancak Ankara’yı baskı altına alan ve karşılama tutumlarından daha hoş olmayan tutumlara geçişin kanıtları artmaktadır. Bu makale, Türk halkının Türkiye’de ikamet eden Suriyeli mültecilere yönelik algısını, hükümet yanlısı veya muhalefetten 161 katılımcıdan oluşan bir anket üzerinden tespit etmektedir. Anket iki bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölüm toplam katılımcı sayısını içerirken, ikinci bölüm katılımcıları iki seçmen grubuna (her gruptan 52 katılımcı) ayırmaktadır. Analizin sonucu, hükümet ittifakı seçmenleri (Cumhur İttifakı) ile muhalefet ittifakı seçmenleri (Millet İttifakı) arasında önemli farklılıklar gözlemlenmiştir. Muhalefet ittifakının seçmenleri, muhafazakâr hükümet ittifakının seçmenlerinden daha olumsuz tutumlara, önyargılara ve ayrımcı görüşlere yönelmiştir. Hükümet ittifakı seçmenleri, mültecilerin varlığı ya da kabulü konusunda çok daha yardımsever bir tavır sergilerken, çok az bir kesimi Türkiye’nin varlığı ve güvenlik durumu konusunda kaygı duydular. Muhalefet ittifakı seçmenleri de Türkiye’nin laik bir karakterine olası muhafazakâr bir tehdit olarak Suriyeli mültecilerin varlığı konusunda daha güçlü güvenlik endişeleri dile getirdiler. Suriye’nin Halep ve İdlib illerindeki endişe verici durum nedeniyle kapalı sınırlarla birlikte bu olumsuz tutumlar, şu anda İdlib’de hapsolmuş yüzbinlerce mültecinin Türkiye’ye girişinin reddedilmesi olası bir insani felaketin uyarı işareti olabilir.


  • Adigüzel, Y. ‘Suriyeliler gitsin’ demek çözüm mü? Star Newspaper. 7.7.2019 (
  • Atlas, M. I. Syrian refugees and the CHP’s culture of hate. SETA Foundation. 23.2.2019 (
  • Babbie, E. The Practice of Social Research. 12th edition, Wadsworth Cengage Learning. 2010.
  • Blackstone, A. Principles of Sociological Inquiry: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods. Flatworld. 2012. (
  • Bilir, I. Banned from the beach: Excluding Syrian from public spaces. Inside Turkey. 19.7.2019 (
  • Canefe, N. The Syrian Exodus in Context. Istanbul Bilgi University Press. 2018.
  • Dadouch, S. ‚They want to kill you’: Anger at Syrians erupts in Istanbul. Reuters. 9.7.2019 (
  • Daily Sabah: Far-right IP’s anti-refugee election banner draws criticism. 18.3.2019 (
  • Daily Sabah: Newly elected CHP mayor cuts aid to Syrian refugees. 10.4.2019 (
  • Erdoğan, M. Syrians in Turkey: Social acceptance and integration research. Ankara: HUGO Hacettepe University, 2015.
  • HRW: Turkey: Syrians Being Deported to Danger. Human Rights Watch. 24.10.2019 (
  • Kirişçi, K. Syrian refugees and Turkey’s challenges: Going beyond hospitality. The Brookings Institution. 2014 (
  • Kirman, M. A. Sosyal Bir Olgu Olarak Göç, İslam Coğrafyasında Terör, Göç ve Mültecilik. Ankara: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi Yay. 2017, p.109-129.
  • Middle East Monitor, Turkey’s presidential candidate vows to repatriate Syrian refugees if elected. 7.5.2018 ( )
  • Pillon, M. The Syrian Conflict. Conflict Analysis of a Multi-Layered Civil War. Sabanci University. 2014 (
  • Ragıp, S. Angry crowds attack Syrian business in Turkey over sexual abuse allegation. Middle East Eye. 20.9.2019 (
  • Reeves, M. Reading the Signs in Istanbul. Center for Strategic and International Studies. 15.1.2020 (
  • Rod, A. Likertovo Škálovaní. Electronic Journal for Philosophy. 13 (2012): 1-14.
  • Tremblay, P. Anti-Arab sentiment on rise in Turkey. Al-Monitor. 21.8.2014 (
  • WSJ: Interview with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The Wall Street Journal. 31.1.2011 (

Perceptions on Syrian Refugees in Turkey, Short analysis of a survey identifying differences and similarities between two groups of Turkish voters

Year 2020, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 67 - 91, 21.06.2020


The ongoing Syrian conflict is one of the worst humanitarian catastrophes of the 21st century with at least 5,5 million refugees displaced outside of Syria. According to UNHCR, the worst country hit by the refugee wave is Turkey, currently hosting more than 3,5 million refugees with temporary protection. Turkey initially applied Open Door Policy and welcomed refugees as guests, however, evidences of the shift from welcoming attitudes towards more unwelcoming attitudes are increasing, placing Ankara under a pressure. This article is identifying Turkish people’s perceptions on Syrian refugees residing in Turkey on a survey conducted on a sample of 161 respondents either pro-government or pro-opposition, the survey consists of two parts, the first one is including the total number of participants while the second part is dividing participants into two groups of voters (52 participants per one group). The outcome of the analysis is that significant differences can be observed between the voters of government alliance (Cumhur İttifakı) and voters of opposition alliance (Millet İttifakı). Voters of opposition alliance tended much more to negative attitudes, prejudices and discriminative opinions than voters of conservative government alliance. Government alliance voters turned out to be much more benevolent to the presence of refugees or their accepting and significantly less concerned about the security situation or character of Turkey, while opposition alliance voters expressed stronger security concerns over the presence of Syrian refugees and they refer to them as a possible conservative threat to a secular character of Turkey. Negative attitudes together with closed borders during the alarming situation in Syrian provinces of Aleppo and Idlib might be a warning sign of a possible humanitarian catastrophe when hundreds of thousands of refugees currently trapped in Idlib will be denied from entering Turkey.


  • Adigüzel, Y. ‘Suriyeliler gitsin’ demek çözüm mü? Star Newspaper. 7.7.2019 (
  • Atlas, M. I. Syrian refugees and the CHP’s culture of hate. SETA Foundation. 23.2.2019 (
  • Babbie, E. The Practice of Social Research. 12th edition, Wadsworth Cengage Learning. 2010.
  • Blackstone, A. Principles of Sociological Inquiry: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods. Flatworld. 2012. (
  • Bilir, I. Banned from the beach: Excluding Syrian from public spaces. Inside Turkey. 19.7.2019 (
  • Canefe, N. The Syrian Exodus in Context. Istanbul Bilgi University Press. 2018.
  • Dadouch, S. ‚They want to kill you’: Anger at Syrians erupts in Istanbul. Reuters. 9.7.2019 (
  • Daily Sabah: Far-right IP’s anti-refugee election banner draws criticism. 18.3.2019 (
  • Daily Sabah: Newly elected CHP mayor cuts aid to Syrian refugees. 10.4.2019 (
  • Erdoğan, M. Syrians in Turkey: Social acceptance and integration research. Ankara: HUGO Hacettepe University, 2015.
  • HRW: Turkey: Syrians Being Deported to Danger. Human Rights Watch. 24.10.2019 (
  • Kirişçi, K. Syrian refugees and Turkey’s challenges: Going beyond hospitality. The Brookings Institution. 2014 (
  • Kirman, M. A. Sosyal Bir Olgu Olarak Göç, İslam Coğrafyasında Terör, Göç ve Mültecilik. Ankara: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi Yay. 2017, p.109-129.
  • Middle East Monitor, Turkey’s presidential candidate vows to repatriate Syrian refugees if elected. 7.5.2018 ( )
  • Pillon, M. The Syrian Conflict. Conflict Analysis of a Multi-Layered Civil War. Sabanci University. 2014 (
  • Ragıp, S. Angry crowds attack Syrian business in Turkey over sexual abuse allegation. Middle East Eye. 20.9.2019 (
  • Reeves, M. Reading the Signs in Istanbul. Center for Strategic and International Studies. 15.1.2020 (
  • Rod, A. Likertovo Škálovaní. Electronic Journal for Philosophy. 13 (2012): 1-14.
  • Tremblay, P. Anti-Arab sentiment on rise in Turkey. Al-Monitor. 21.8.2014 (
  • WSJ: Interview with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The Wall Street Journal. 31.1.2011 (
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Patrik Bandúr 0000-0001-8205-7243

Publication Date June 21, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Bandúr, P. (2020). Perceptions on Syrian Refugees in Turkey, Short analysis of a survey identifying differences and similarities between two groups of Turkish voters. Antakiyat, 3(1), 67-91.
AMA Bandúr P. Perceptions on Syrian Refugees in Turkey, Short analysis of a survey identifying differences and similarities between two groups of Turkish voters. Antakiyat. June 2020;3(1):67-91.
Chicago Bandúr, Patrik. “Perceptions on Syrian Refugees in Turkey, Short Analysis of a Survey Identifying Differences and Similarities Between Two Groups of Turkish Voters”. Antakiyat 3, no. 1 (June 2020): 67-91.
EndNote Bandúr P (June 1, 2020) Perceptions on Syrian Refugees in Turkey, Short analysis of a survey identifying differences and similarities between two groups of Turkish voters. Antakiyat 3 1 67–91.
IEEE P. Bandúr, “Perceptions on Syrian Refugees in Turkey, Short analysis of a survey identifying differences and similarities between two groups of Turkish voters”, Antakiyat, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 67–91, 2020.
ISNAD Bandúr, Patrik. “Perceptions on Syrian Refugees in Turkey, Short Analysis of a Survey Identifying Differences and Similarities Between Two Groups of Turkish Voters”. Antakiyat 3/1 (June 2020), 67-91.
JAMA Bandúr P. Perceptions on Syrian Refugees in Turkey, Short analysis of a survey identifying differences and similarities between two groups of Turkish voters. Antakiyat. 2020;3:67–91.
MLA Bandúr, Patrik. “Perceptions on Syrian Refugees in Turkey, Short Analysis of a Survey Identifying Differences and Similarities Between Two Groups of Turkish Voters”. Antakiyat, vol. 3, no. 1, 2020, pp. 67-91.
Vancouver Bandúr P. Perceptions on Syrian Refugees in Turkey, Short analysis of a survey identifying differences and similarities between two groups of Turkish voters. Antakiyat. 2020;3(1):67-91.

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