Case Report
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Cecal dilatation in a simmental cattle

Year 2024, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 7 - 11, 30.06.2024


The aim of this case report is to emphasise that mild changes in blood parameters can be observed in a Simmental cattle with severe pain and marked cecal dilatation. In this case report, a 3-year-old Simmental cattle was presented to our clinic with complaints of anorexia, decreased milk yield, absence of fecal output, and signs of colic. Clinical examination revealed hyperthermia, tachycardia, dehydration, and a ping and sloshing sound on auscultation and percussion. Rectal examination revealed a mucus-filled, tense structure to palpation. Ultrasound examination revealed a fluid-filled cecal with a thin wall structure. Laboratory analyses revealed elevated hematocrit, lactate, and total protein levels, as well as mild hypokalemia and hypocalcemia. The 1.4% glutaraldehyde solution test showed a clotting time of 6 minutes, and severe cecal dilatation was confirmed at laparotomy. The animal, which was hospitalized for the necessary postoperative care, died on the third postoperative day. In conclusion, it was found that clinical examination and laboratory findings may not always be consistent in cases of cecal dilatation, and that ultrasonography and the glutaraldehyde coagulation test, in addition to clinical examination
findings, are important in diagnosing the condition.


  • Allen, S. E., & Holm, J. L. (2008) Lactate: physiology and clinical utility. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, 18, 123-132.
  • Braun, U., Hermann, M., & Pabst, B. (1989). Haematological and biochemical findings in cattle with dilatation and torsion of the caecum. Veterinary Record, 125, 396–398.
  • Braun, U., Amrein, E., Koller, U., & Lischer, C. (2002). Ultrasonographic findings in cows with dilatation, torsion and retroflexion of the caecum. Veterinary record, 150(3), 75-79.
  • Braun, U., Beckmann, C., Gerspach, C., Hässig, M., Muggli, E., Knubben-Schweizer, G., & Nuss, K. (2012). Clinical findings and treatment in cattle with caecal dilatation. BMC Veterinary Research, 8(1), 1-9.
  • de Andrade Alves, B., de Mendonça, C. L., Afonso, J. A. B., Gonçalves, E., Colares, R. R., de Lima, T. C., & Arenales, A. (2021). Cecal dilatation and distension in a Holstein calf. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Pathology, 14(1), 29-32.
  • Fubini, S., & Divers, T. J. (2008). Noninfectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In: Divers TJ, Peek SF (Ed.), Rebun’s Diseases of Dairy Cattle (pp.184-187). Saunders Elsevier.
  • Fubini, S. L. (1990). Surgery of the bovine large intestine. The Veterinary Clinics of North America Food Animal Practice, 6(2), 461-471.
  • Garrett, E. F., & Singh, K. (2012). A colon-associated cystic mass occurring in conjunction with cecal dilatation in a Holstein cow. The Canadian Veterinary Journal, 53(12), 1317.
  • Khalphallah, A., Elmeligy, E., El-Hawari, S. F., & Mahmoud, U. T. (2016). Clinical, laboratory and ultrasonographic findings in Egyptian buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) with caecal and colonic dilatation. International journal of veterinary science and medicine, 4(1), 5-10.
  • Meylan, M. (2008). Surgery of the bovine large intestine. The Veterinary Clinics of North America Food Animal Practice, 24, 479-496.
  • Peek, S. F & Divers, T. J. (2018). Rebhun’s Diseases of Dairy Cattle. Elsevier.
  • Prathaban, S., & Gnanaprakashan, V. (1990). Studies on plasma fibrinogen level of Indian crossbred cow in health and disease. Indian Veterinary Journal, 67, 453-456.
  • Singh, G., Udehiya, R. K., Mohindroo, J., Kumar, A., Singh, T., Verma, P., & Anand, A. (2018). Differential diagnosis and surgical management of cecal dilatation vis-a-vis cecal impaction in bovine. Veterinary World, 11(9), 1244-1249. 10.14202/vetworld.2018.1244-1249
  • Steiner, A., Roussel, A. J, & Ellis, W. C. (1994). Colic motor complex of the cecum and proximal loop of the ascending colon observed in an experimental cow with large intestinal obstruction. Zentralbl Veterinärmed A, 41, 53–61.
  • Stocker, S., Steiner, A., Geiser, S., & Kündig, H. (1997). Myoelectric activity of the cecum and proximal loop of the ascending colon in cows after spontaneous cecal dilatation/dislocation. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 58, 961–968.


Year 2024, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 7 - 11, 30.06.2024


Bu vaka raporunun amacı ciddi sancı ve şiddetli sekum dilatasyonu görülen Simental ırkı bir inekte kan parametrelerinde hafif düzeyde değişiklikler görülebileceğini vurgulamaktır. Sunulan vaka raporunda 3 yaşlı Simental inek iştahsızlık, süt veriminde azalma, dışkı çıkışı olmaması ve sancı belirtileri şikayeti ile kliniğimize getirildi. Klinik muayenede hipertermi, taşikardi, dehidrasyon ve osküle- perküsyonda ping ve çalkantı sesi belirlendi. Yapılan rektal muayenede mukus içeriği ve duvarı gergin bir yapı palpe edildi. Ultrasonografik değerlendirmede içerisi sıvı ile dolu olan ve ince duvar yapısı görülen sekum tespit edildi. Laboratuvar analizleri sonucunda hematokrit, laktat ve total protein seviyelerinde artış görülürken, hafif düzeyde hipokalemi ve hipokalsemi belirlendi. Yapılan %1.4’lük gluteraldehit solüsyonu testinde pıhtılaşma süresi 6/dk olarak belirlendi ve laparatomide şiddetli sekum dilatasyonu doğrulandı. Gerekli postoperatif bakımlarının yapılması için hospitalize edilen inek postoperatif 3. gün ex oldu. Sonuç olarak, sekum dilatasyonlu vakalarda klinik muayene ve laboratuvar bulgularının paralellik göstermeyebileceği ve hastalığın teşhisinde klinik muayene bulgularına ek olarak ultrasonografi ve gluteraldehit koagulasyon testinin anlamlı olduğu belirlendi.


  • Allen, S. E., & Holm, J. L. (2008) Lactate: physiology and clinical utility. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, 18, 123-132.
  • Braun, U., Hermann, M., & Pabst, B. (1989). Haematological and biochemical findings in cattle with dilatation and torsion of the caecum. Veterinary Record, 125, 396–398.
  • Braun, U., Amrein, E., Koller, U., & Lischer, C. (2002). Ultrasonographic findings in cows with dilatation, torsion and retroflexion of the caecum. Veterinary record, 150(3), 75-79.
  • Braun, U., Beckmann, C., Gerspach, C., Hässig, M., Muggli, E., Knubben-Schweizer, G., & Nuss, K. (2012). Clinical findings and treatment in cattle with caecal dilatation. BMC Veterinary Research, 8(1), 1-9.
  • de Andrade Alves, B., de Mendonça, C. L., Afonso, J. A. B., Gonçalves, E., Colares, R. R., de Lima, T. C., & Arenales, A. (2021). Cecal dilatation and distension in a Holstein calf. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Pathology, 14(1), 29-32.
  • Fubini, S., & Divers, T. J. (2008). Noninfectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In: Divers TJ, Peek SF (Ed.), Rebun’s Diseases of Dairy Cattle (pp.184-187). Saunders Elsevier.
  • Fubini, S. L. (1990). Surgery of the bovine large intestine. The Veterinary Clinics of North America Food Animal Practice, 6(2), 461-471.
  • Garrett, E. F., & Singh, K. (2012). A colon-associated cystic mass occurring in conjunction with cecal dilatation in a Holstein cow. The Canadian Veterinary Journal, 53(12), 1317.
  • Khalphallah, A., Elmeligy, E., El-Hawari, S. F., & Mahmoud, U. T. (2016). Clinical, laboratory and ultrasonographic findings in Egyptian buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) with caecal and colonic dilatation. International journal of veterinary science and medicine, 4(1), 5-10.
  • Meylan, M. (2008). Surgery of the bovine large intestine. The Veterinary Clinics of North America Food Animal Practice, 24, 479-496.
  • Peek, S. F & Divers, T. J. (2018). Rebhun’s Diseases of Dairy Cattle. Elsevier.
  • Prathaban, S., & Gnanaprakashan, V. (1990). Studies on plasma fibrinogen level of Indian crossbred cow in health and disease. Indian Veterinary Journal, 67, 453-456.
  • Singh, G., Udehiya, R. K., Mohindroo, J., Kumar, A., Singh, T., Verma, P., & Anand, A. (2018). Differential diagnosis and surgical management of cecal dilatation vis-a-vis cecal impaction in bovine. Veterinary World, 11(9), 1244-1249. 10.14202/vetworld.2018.1244-1249
  • Steiner, A., Roussel, A. J, & Ellis, W. C. (1994). Colic motor complex of the cecum and proximal loop of the ascending colon observed in an experimental cow with large intestinal obstruction. Zentralbl Veterinärmed A, 41, 53–61.
  • Stocker, S., Steiner, A., Geiser, S., & Kündig, H. (1997). Myoelectric activity of the cecum and proximal loop of the ascending colon in cows after spontaneous cecal dilatation/dislocation. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 58, 961–968.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Sciences (Other)
Journal Section Vaka Raporu/Olgu Sunumu

Alper Ertürk 0000-0002-4271-7953

Kadir Sulu

Abdullah Başoğlu

Publication Date June 30, 2024
Submission Date December 5, 2023
Acceptance Date March 14, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Ertürk, A., Sulu, K., & Başoğlu, A. (2024). BİR SİMENTAL İNEKTE SEKUM DİLATASYONU. Antakya Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(1), 7-11.