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Magnitude of Environmentally Induced Migration: A Study on Developed and Developing Countries

Year 2020, Issue: 39, 123 - 128, 29.06.2020


Although the environmental migrations has become a triggering factor nowadays as the result of climate change effects, the issue of migration is still controversial for the international poltics. It is estimated that by 2050 one in every 45 people in the world will be displaced by the impact of climate change. More than 143 million (around 2,8%) internal climate migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Latin America could be forced to move within their own countries to escape the slow-onset disasters by the 2050. Therefore, it becomes a responsibility at the international level, however there is no concrete international law to protect the environmentally induced migrants. As both developed and developing countries are facing huge challenges they should, therefore, portray its urgency, depth and coordinated framework for addressing challenges with “hotspot”s to reduce their vulnerability to the impacts of environmental disasters and manage the risks. This paper tries to explain how big the problem is, what international liability lies on developed and developing countries in reducing risk, and the problems of environmentally induced migrants.


  • Ahsan, M. M. (2017). Role and policy challenges of local governments on environmentally induced displacement and migration in Bangladesh. M. Güler ve M. Turan (ed.) içinde, Belediyelerin Gelecegi ve Yeni Yaklaşımlar, 1. Cilt (s. 496-508). Marmara Belediyeler Birliği Kültür Yayınları.
  • Bettini, G. (2014). Climate migration as an adaption strategy: de-securitizing climate-induced migration or making the unruly governable? Critical Studies on Security, 2(2).
  • Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft ve United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) (2016). World Risk Report 2016, Germany.
  • Clark, W. (2007). Environmentally induced migration and conflict. German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU), Germany.
  • Council of Europe (2008). Environmentally induced migration and displacement: A 21st century challenge.
  • Christian Aid (2007). Human tide: Real Migration Crisis. London.
  • Davison, S., ve Shire, G. (2015, 13 Şubat). Race, migration and neoliberalism. Open Democracy.
  • Dryzek, J. S., Norgaardi R. B., ve Schlosberg, D. (Ed.) (2011). The Oxford handbook of climate change and Society. Oxford University Press.
  • European Parliament (2011). “Climate Refugees” - Legal and policy responses to environmentally induced migration.
  • Hayman, R., King, S., Kontinen, T., ve Narayanaswamy, L. (Ed.) (2016). Negotiating knowledge: Evidence and experience in development NGOs. Practical Action Publishing.
  • IDMC - Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (2016). Global report on internal displacement. Geneva: Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre.
  • IOM - International Organisation for Migration (2007). Discussion note: Migration and the environment (MC/INF/2008). International Organization for Migration.
  • IOM - International Organisation for Migration (2008). World migration 2008: Managing labour mobility in the evolving global economy. Volume 4 - IOM World Migration Report Series. Switzerland.
  • IOM - International Organisation for Migration (2009). Migration, environment and climate change: Assessing the evidence.
  • IISS - International Institute for Strategic Studies (2011). The IISS transatlantic dialogue on climate change and security.
  • Leutz, J. (2013). Climate migration: preparedness informed policy opportunities identified during field research in Bolivia, Bangladesh, and Maldives. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. The Univeristy of New South Wales, Avustralya.
  • PDD - Platform of Disaster Displacement (2019). Platform on disaster displacement (PDD) strategy 2019-2022.
  • McAdam, J. (2016). From the nansen initiative to the platform on disaster displacement: Shaping international approaches to climate change, disasters and displacement. UNSW Law Journal, 39(4), 1518-1546.
  • Moon, B. K. (2007, 16 Haziran). A climate culprit in Darfur. The Wasginton Post. Sassen, S. (2014). Expulsions: Brutality and complexity in the global economy. Harvard University Press.
  • UNDESA - United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2018). World urbanization prospects: The 2018 revision. (ST/ESA/SER.A/420). United Nations.
  • UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2016). Report of the conference of the parties on its twenty-first session, held in Paris from 30 November to 13 December 2015. Part one: Proceedings. (FCCC/CP/2015/10).
  • UNISDR - United Nations Office of Disaster Risk Reduction (2015). Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction 2015 – 2030. The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • UNOCHA - United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (2004). Guiding principles on internal displacement. United Nations.
  • UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (2017). Climate change and disaster displacement: An overview of UNHCR’s role. UNHCR, Switzerland.
  • Varol, N., ve Gültekin, T. (2016). Etkin bir göç faktörü: Afetler. Antropoloji, 32, 43-51.
  • Waldinger, M., ve Fankhauser, S. (2015). Climate change and migration in developing countries: evidence and implications for PRISE countries. Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP).
  • White, R. (Ed.) (2012). Climate change from a criminological perspective. Springer.
  • World Bank (2018). Groundswell: Preparing for internal climate migration. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank.
  • World Economic Forum (2018). The global risks report 2018, 13th edition. World Economic Forum.

Çevreden Kaynaklanan Göçün Boyutu: Gelişmiş ve Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Üzerine Bir Çalışma

Year 2020, Issue: 39, 123 - 128, 29.06.2020


Günümüzde iklim değişikliğinin etkileri sonucu tetiklenen çevresel göçler, yoğun olarak yaşanmasına rağmen, uluslararası politikalar açısından hala tartışmalı bir konu olmaya devam etmektedir. Dünyada her 45 kişiden birinin 2050 yılına kadar iklim değişikliği nedeniyle yer değiştirme zorunda kalacağı tahmin edilmektedir. Dünya Bankası’nın son yayımlanan raporunda, Sahra altı Afrika, Güney Asya ve Latin Amerika’daki 143 milyondan fazla (yaklaşık %2,8) vatandaşın 2050 yılına kadar iklim değişikliğinin etkilerinden kaçmak için kendi ülkeleri içerisinde yer değiştirmek zorunda kalacakları belirtilmektedir. Bu durum bile iklim değişikliklerinden kaynaklanan göçün küresel bağlamda bir problem haline geldiğinin bir göstergesidir. Ancak halen, çevre kaynaklı göçmenleri korumak için somut uluslararası bir yasa yoktur. Gelişmekte olan ve gelişmiş ülkeler bu problemden dolayı büyük zorluklarla karşı karşıya olduğundan dolayı, çevresel afetlerin etkilerine karşı “sıcak noktaların” kırılganlıklarını azaltmak ve riski yönetmek için acil, kapsamlı bir çerçeve planı geliştirilmelidir. Bu makale ile sorunun ne kadar büyük olduğu ortaya koyulmakta, gelişmiş ve az gelişmiş ülkelerde çevrekaynaklı göçmenlerin risklerini, sorunlarını azaltmada uluslararası sorumluluğun önemine vurgu yapılmaktadır.


  • Ahsan, M. M. (2017). Role and policy challenges of local governments on environmentally induced displacement and migration in Bangladesh. M. Güler ve M. Turan (ed.) içinde, Belediyelerin Gelecegi ve Yeni Yaklaşımlar, 1. Cilt (s. 496-508). Marmara Belediyeler Birliği Kültür Yayınları.
  • Bettini, G. (2014). Climate migration as an adaption strategy: de-securitizing climate-induced migration or making the unruly governable? Critical Studies on Security, 2(2).
  • Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft ve United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) (2016). World Risk Report 2016, Germany.
  • Clark, W. (2007). Environmentally induced migration and conflict. German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU), Germany.
  • Council of Europe (2008). Environmentally induced migration and displacement: A 21st century challenge.
  • Christian Aid (2007). Human tide: Real Migration Crisis. London.
  • Davison, S., ve Shire, G. (2015, 13 Şubat). Race, migration and neoliberalism. Open Democracy.
  • Dryzek, J. S., Norgaardi R. B., ve Schlosberg, D. (Ed.) (2011). The Oxford handbook of climate change and Society. Oxford University Press.
  • European Parliament (2011). “Climate Refugees” - Legal and policy responses to environmentally induced migration.
  • Hayman, R., King, S., Kontinen, T., ve Narayanaswamy, L. (Ed.) (2016). Negotiating knowledge: Evidence and experience in development NGOs. Practical Action Publishing.
  • IDMC - Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (2016). Global report on internal displacement. Geneva: Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre.
  • IOM - International Organisation for Migration (2007). Discussion note: Migration and the environment (MC/INF/2008). International Organization for Migration.
  • IOM - International Organisation for Migration (2008). World migration 2008: Managing labour mobility in the evolving global economy. Volume 4 - IOM World Migration Report Series. Switzerland.
  • IOM - International Organisation for Migration (2009). Migration, environment and climate change: Assessing the evidence.
  • IISS - International Institute for Strategic Studies (2011). The IISS transatlantic dialogue on climate change and security.
  • Leutz, J. (2013). Climate migration: preparedness informed policy opportunities identified during field research in Bolivia, Bangladesh, and Maldives. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. The Univeristy of New South Wales, Avustralya.
  • PDD - Platform of Disaster Displacement (2019). Platform on disaster displacement (PDD) strategy 2019-2022.
  • McAdam, J. (2016). From the nansen initiative to the platform on disaster displacement: Shaping international approaches to climate change, disasters and displacement. UNSW Law Journal, 39(4), 1518-1546.
  • Moon, B. K. (2007, 16 Haziran). A climate culprit in Darfur. The Wasginton Post. Sassen, S. (2014). Expulsions: Brutality and complexity in the global economy. Harvard University Press.
  • UNDESA - United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2018). World urbanization prospects: The 2018 revision. (ST/ESA/SER.A/420). United Nations.
  • UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2016). Report of the conference of the parties on its twenty-first session, held in Paris from 30 November to 13 December 2015. Part one: Proceedings. (FCCC/CP/2015/10).
  • UNISDR - United Nations Office of Disaster Risk Reduction (2015). Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction 2015 – 2030. The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • UNOCHA - United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (2004). Guiding principles on internal displacement. United Nations.
  • UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (2017). Climate change and disaster displacement: An overview of UNHCR’s role. UNHCR, Switzerland.
  • Varol, N., ve Gültekin, T. (2016). Etkin bir göç faktörü: Afetler. Antropoloji, 32, 43-51.
  • Waldinger, M., ve Fankhauser, S. (2015). Climate change and migration in developing countries: evidence and implications for PRISE countries. Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP).
  • White, R. (Ed.) (2012). Climate change from a criminological perspective. Springer.
  • World Bank (2018). Groundswell: Preparing for internal climate migration. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank.
  • World Economic Forum (2018). The global risks report 2018, 13th edition. World Economic Forum.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Ecology
Journal Section Review Articles

Md Moynul Ahsan 0000-0003-0822-3850

Nehir Varol 0000-0003-4876-9313

Publication Date June 29, 2020
Submission Date February 25, 2020
Acceptance Date April 22, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Issue: 39


APA Ahsan, M. M., & Varol, N. (2020). Çevreden Kaynaklanan Göçün Boyutu: Gelişmiş ve Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Üzerine Bir Çalışma. Anthropology(39), 123-128.

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