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Olekranon kırıklarında modifiye gergi bandı yöntemi: K-tellerinin eklemden geçmemesi için teller nereden ve nasıl gönderilmelidir?

Year 2015, , 190 - 196, 22.05.2015


Amaç: K-tellerinin eklemin içinden geçmesi modifiye gergi bandı yönteminin komplikasyonlarında biridir. Bununla birlikte bu komplikasyondan kaçınmak için tellerin giriş noktası ve gönderilme açısı ile ilgili bilgi ve yeterli kanıt bulunmamaktadır. Bu deneysel çalışmanın amacı olekranonun değişik noktalarından ve değişik açılarla gönderilen K-tellerinin eklemi delme olasılığının değerlendirilmesidir.

Çalışma planı: Tüm ölçümler 50 farklı kadavra ulnasında, uygulamalar ise bu ulnaların birebir köpük kopyaları üzerinde yapıldı. Olekranon yüksekliği, semilunar çentiğin santral, ulnar ve radial yüksekliği gibi morfometrik ölçümler yapıldı. Sagittal planda eklem açısı ve “tüberkül” açısı olarak adlandırdığımız açı ölçüldü. 1.6 mm çapında iki adet K-teli olekranon dorsal korteksinin 0 mm, 5 mm ve 8 mm anteriorundan 20° ve 30° açılar ile gönderildi. Tellerin eklemin içinden geçip geçmediği görsel ve radyolojik olarak incelendi.

Bulgular: Semilunar çentiğin santral, radial ve ulnar yükseklikleri sırası ile ortalama 17.3 mm (14.7-20.0), 16.2 mm (12.0-21.0) ve 15.8 mm (13.30-20.5) olarak ölçüldü. 0mm seviyesinde 20° ve 30° açılarla (0 mm 20° 30°) ve 5 mm seviyesinde 20° açı ile (5 mm 20°) eklem içi tel geçişi izlenmedi. 8 mm 30° tel gönderilirken her iki fasette %64’den daha fazla oranda eklem içi tel geçişi izlendi. Eklem içi tel geçişi göz önünde tutulduğunda başarı sıralaması 0 mm = 5 mm 20° > 5 mm 30° = 8 mm 20° > 8 mm 30° şeklinde idi. Teller 8 mm 30°, 8 mm 20° ve 5 mm 30° şeklinde gönderildiğinde semilunar çentiğin radial yüksekliği ve eklem içi tel geçişi arasında negatif korrelasyon izlendi (tüm p<0.047). Özellikle 8 mm 20° ve 5 mm 30° uygulamalarda olmak üzere radyolojik ve gözlemsel incelemeler arasında uyumsuzluk mevcuttu. Radyolojik olarak eklem dışı olarak değerlendirilen ve aslında eklem içinden geçen tellerin sıklığı 8 mm 30° uygulama için 4/28 (%14.3), 8 mm 20° uygulama için 4/7 (%57.1) ve 5 mm 30° uygulama için 5/6 (%83.3) idi.

Çıkarımlar: Modifiye gergi bandı yöntemi uygulanırken eklem içi geçişi önlemek için K-telleri olekranon dorsal korteksinin ilk 5 mm’lik kısmından en fazla 20° açı ile gönderilmelidir. Buna ek olarak kırık konfigürasyonu nedeni ile tellerin daha anteriordan gönderilmesi gerekirse teller proksimal ulna korteksine göre daha dar bir açı ile gönderilmelidir.



  • Van Der Horst CM, Keeman JN. Treatment Of Olecra- non Fractures. Neth J Surg 1983;35:27–9.
  • Weber Bg, Vasey H. Osteosynthesıs In Olecranon Fractures. [Article in German] Z Unfallmed Berufskr 1963;56:90–6. [Abstract]
  • Mueller ME, Allgoewer W, Sneider R, Willengner R. In Manual of internal fixation. Techniques recomended by the AO-Group. New York, Springer 1991. p. 460–461.
  • Mullett JH, Shannon F, Noel J, Lawlor G, Lee TC, O’Rourke SK. K-wire position in tension band wiring of the olecranon - a comparison of two techniques. Injury 2000;31:427–31.
  • Prayson MJ, Williams JL, Marshall MP, Scilaris TA, Lin- genfelter EJ. Biomechanical comparison of fixation meth- ods in transverse olecranon fractures: a cadaveric study. J Orthop Trauma 1997;11:565–72.
  • Prayson MJ, Iossi MF, Buchalter D, Vogt M, Towers J. Safe zone for anterior cortical perforation of the ulna during tension-band wire fixation: a magnetic resonance imaging analysis. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2008;17:121–5.
  • Mauffrey CP, Krikler S. Surgical techniques: how I do it? Open reduction and tension band wiring of olecranon frac- tures. Injury 2009;40:461–5.
  • Shatzker J. In The rationale of operative fracture care, pp. 123-130. Edited by J. Shatzker; Tile M, 123-130, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2005.
  • Donegan RP, Bell JE. Olecranon fractures. Operative tech- niques in orthopaedics. 2010;20:17–23.
  • van der Linden SC, van Kampen A, Jaarsma RL. K-wire position in tension-band wiring technique affects stability of wires and long-term outcome in surgical treatment of olecranon fractures. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2012;21:405– 11.
  • Huang TW, Wu CC, Fan KF, Tseng IC, Lee PC, Chou YC. Tension band wiring for olecranon fractures: relative stability of Kirschner wires in various configurations. J Trauma 2010;68:173–6.
  • Rommens PM, Küchle R, Schneider RU, Reuter M. Olec- ranon fractures in adults: factors influencing outcome. In- jury 2004;35:1149–57.
  • Sadri H, Stern R, Singh M, Linke B, Hoffmeyer P, Schwieger K. Transverse fractures of the olecranon: a bio- mechanical comparison of three fixation techniques. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 2011;131:131–8.
  • Rüedi TP, Murphy WM. AO principles of fracture man- agement. 2000. p. 327–45.
  • Catalano LW 3rd, Crivello K, Lafer MP, Chia B, Barron OA, Glickel SZ. Potential dangers of tension band wiring of olecranon fractures: an anatomic study. J Hand Surg Am 2011;36:1659–62.
  • Chalidis BE, Sachinis NC, Samoladas EP, Dimitriou CG, Pournaras JD. Is tension band wiring technique the “gold standard” for the treatment of olecranon fractures? A long term functional outcome study. J Orthop Surg Res 2008;3:9.
  • Candal-Couto JJ, Williams JR, Sanderson PL. Impaired forearm rotation after tension-band-wiring fixation of olecranon fractures: evaluation of the transcortical K-wire technique. J Orthop Trauma 2005;19:480–2.
  • De Carli P, Gallucci GL, Donndorff AG, Boretto JG, Alfie VA. Proximal radio-ulnar synostosis and nonunion after olecranon fracture tension-band wiring: a case report. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2009;18:40–4.
  • Lee SH, Han SB, Jeong WK, Park JH, Park SY, Patil S. Ulnar artery pseudoaneurysm after tension band wiring of an olecranon fracture resulting in Volkmann’s isch- emic contracture: a case report. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2010;19:6–8.
  • Parker JR, Conroy J, Campbell DA. Anterior interosseus nerve injury following tension band wiring of the olecra- non. Injury 2005;36:1252–3.
  • Rompen JC, Vos GA, Verheyen CC. Acute ischemia of the hand seven months after tension-band wiring of the olec- ranon. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2010;19:9–11.
  • Thumroj E, Jianmongkol S, Thammaroj J. Median nerve palsy after operative treatment of olecranon fracture. J Med Assoc Thai 2005;88:1434–7.

Modified tension band wiring technique for olecranon fractures: where and how should the K-wires be inserted to avoid articular penetration?

Year 2015, , 190 - 196, 22.05.2015


Objective: Articular penetration of K-wires is a possible complication of the modified tension band wiring technique. However, there is no clear information or evidence regarding the entry point or introduction angle for K-wires to avoid this complication. The aim of this experimental study was to evaluate the effect of varying K-wire insertion points and angles on the risk for articular penetration during modified tension band wiring for olecranon fractures.

Methods: All anatomical measurements were made on 50 cadaveric ulnas, and all other measurements were performed on exact foam replications of the 50 cadaveric ulnas. Morphometric measurements, including olecranon height and heights of the central, radial and ulnar facets of the semilunar notch, were taken. In the sagittal plane, articular angle and tubercle angle were measured. Two 1.6-mm parallel K-wires were inserted from 0, 5 and 8 mm anterior to the dorsal cortex of the olecranon process at angles of 20Åã and 30Åã. K-wire articular penetration was evaluated both visually and radiographically.

Results: The mean central, radial and ulnar heights of the semilunar notch were 17.3 mm (14.7–20.0),16.2 mm (12.0–21.0) and 15.8 mm (13.30–20.5), respectively. We observed no articular penetration at the 0-mm level at 20Åã and 30Åã (0 mm 20Åã and 0 mm 30Åã, respectively) or at 5 mm 20Åã. At 8 mm 30Åã wire introduction, more than 64% articular penetration was observed on either facet. The sequence from least to most likely to cause articular penetration was: 0 mm = 5 mm 20Åã > 5 mm 30Åã = 8 mm 20Åã > 8 mm 30Åã. The radial height of the semilunar notch was negatively correlated to the risk of articular penetration, when the wire was introduced at 8 mm 30Åã, 8 mm 20Åã and 5 mm 30Åã (all p<0.047). There were poor correlations between radiological and direct observational assessments, particularly for 8 mm 20Åãand 5 mm 30Åã. The frequency of intra-articular positioning for those observed to be radiologically extra-articular was 4/28 (14.3%) for 8 mm 30Åã, 4/7 (57.1%) for 8 mm 20Åã and 5/6 (83.3%) for 5 mm 30Åã.

Conclusion: When applying the modified tension band wiring technique to prevent articular penetration, K-wires should be inserted in the first 5 mm from dorsal cortex of the olecranon process at a maximum angle of 20Åã. Moreover, if the wires are required to be inserted more anteriorly because of the anatomical configuration of the fracture, they should be inserted at a shallow angle in the sagittal plane in relation to the proximal cortex of the ulna.


  • Van Der Horst CM, Keeman JN. Treatment Of Olecra- non Fractures. Neth J Surg 1983;35:27–9.
  • Weber Bg, Vasey H. Osteosynthesıs In Olecranon Fractures. [Article in German] Z Unfallmed Berufskr 1963;56:90–6. [Abstract]
  • Mueller ME, Allgoewer W, Sneider R, Willengner R. In Manual of internal fixation. Techniques recomended by the AO-Group. New York, Springer 1991. p. 460–461.
  • Mullett JH, Shannon F, Noel J, Lawlor G, Lee TC, O’Rourke SK. K-wire position in tension band wiring of the olecranon - a comparison of two techniques. Injury 2000;31:427–31.
  • Prayson MJ, Williams JL, Marshall MP, Scilaris TA, Lin- genfelter EJ. Biomechanical comparison of fixation meth- ods in transverse olecranon fractures: a cadaveric study. J Orthop Trauma 1997;11:565–72.
  • Prayson MJ, Iossi MF, Buchalter D, Vogt M, Towers J. Safe zone for anterior cortical perforation of the ulna during tension-band wire fixation: a magnetic resonance imaging analysis. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2008;17:121–5.
  • Mauffrey CP, Krikler S. Surgical techniques: how I do it? Open reduction and tension band wiring of olecranon frac- tures. Injury 2009;40:461–5.
  • Shatzker J. In The rationale of operative fracture care, pp. 123-130. Edited by J. Shatzker; Tile M, 123-130, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2005.
  • Donegan RP, Bell JE. Olecranon fractures. Operative tech- niques in orthopaedics. 2010;20:17–23.
  • van der Linden SC, van Kampen A, Jaarsma RL. K-wire position in tension-band wiring technique affects stability of wires and long-term outcome in surgical treatment of olecranon fractures. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2012;21:405– 11.
  • Huang TW, Wu CC, Fan KF, Tseng IC, Lee PC, Chou YC. Tension band wiring for olecranon fractures: relative stability of Kirschner wires in various configurations. J Trauma 2010;68:173–6.
  • Rommens PM, Küchle R, Schneider RU, Reuter M. Olec- ranon fractures in adults: factors influencing outcome. In- jury 2004;35:1149–57.
  • Sadri H, Stern R, Singh M, Linke B, Hoffmeyer P, Schwieger K. Transverse fractures of the olecranon: a bio- mechanical comparison of three fixation techniques. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 2011;131:131–8.
  • Rüedi TP, Murphy WM. AO principles of fracture man- agement. 2000. p. 327–45.
  • Catalano LW 3rd, Crivello K, Lafer MP, Chia B, Barron OA, Glickel SZ. Potential dangers of tension band wiring of olecranon fractures: an anatomic study. J Hand Surg Am 2011;36:1659–62.
  • Chalidis BE, Sachinis NC, Samoladas EP, Dimitriou CG, Pournaras JD. Is tension band wiring technique the “gold standard” for the treatment of olecranon fractures? A long term functional outcome study. J Orthop Surg Res 2008;3:9.
  • Candal-Couto JJ, Williams JR, Sanderson PL. Impaired forearm rotation after tension-band-wiring fixation of olecranon fractures: evaluation of the transcortical K-wire technique. J Orthop Trauma 2005;19:480–2.
  • De Carli P, Gallucci GL, Donndorff AG, Boretto JG, Alfie VA. Proximal radio-ulnar synostosis and nonunion after olecranon fracture tension-band wiring: a case report. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2009;18:40–4.
  • Lee SH, Han SB, Jeong WK, Park JH, Park SY, Patil S. Ulnar artery pseudoaneurysm after tension band wiring of an olecranon fracture resulting in Volkmann’s isch- emic contracture: a case report. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2010;19:6–8.
  • Parker JR, Conroy J, Campbell DA. Anterior interosseus nerve injury following tension band wiring of the olecra- non. Injury 2005;36:1252–3.
  • Rompen JC, Vos GA, Verheyen CC. Acute ischemia of the hand seven months after tension-band wiring of the olec- ranon. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2010;19:9–11.
  • Thumroj E, Jianmongkol S, Thammaroj J. Median nerve palsy after operative treatment of olecranon fracture. J Med Assoc Thai 2005;88:1434–7.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Experimental Study

Mehmet Ozsoy This is me

Onur Kizilay This is me

Ceren Gunenc This is me

Arzu Ozsoy This is me

Deniz Demiryurek This is me

Mutlu Hayran This is me

Burcu Ercakmak This is me

Abdurrahman Sakaogullari This is me

Publication Date May 22, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Ozsoy, M., Kizilay, O., Gunenc, C., Ozsoy, A., et al. (2015). Modified tension band wiring technique for olecranon fractures: where and how should the K-wires be inserted to avoid articular penetration?. Acta Orthopaedica Et Traumatologica Turcica, 49(2), 190-196.
AMA Ozsoy M, Kizilay O, Gunenc C, Ozsoy A, Demiryurek D, Hayran M, Ercakmak B, Sakaogullari A. Modified tension band wiring technique for olecranon fractures: where and how should the K-wires be inserted to avoid articular penetration?. Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica. May 2015;49(2):190-196. doi:10.3944/AOTT.2015.14.0155
Chicago Ozsoy, Mehmet, Onur Kizilay, Ceren Gunenc, Arzu Ozsoy, Deniz Demiryurek, Mutlu Hayran, Burcu Ercakmak, and Abdurrahman Sakaogullari. “Modified Tension Band Wiring Technique for Olecranon Fractures: Where and How Should the K-Wires Be Inserted to Avoid Articular Penetration?”. Acta Orthopaedica Et Traumatologica Turcica 49, no. 2 (May 2015): 190-96.
EndNote Ozsoy M, Kizilay O, Gunenc C, Ozsoy A, Demiryurek D, Hayran M, Ercakmak B, Sakaogullari A (May 1, 2015) Modified tension band wiring technique for olecranon fractures: where and how should the K-wires be inserted to avoid articular penetration?. Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica 49 2 190–196.
IEEE M. Ozsoy, O. Kizilay, C. Gunenc, A. Ozsoy, D. Demiryurek, M. Hayran, B. Ercakmak, and A. Sakaogullari, “Modified tension band wiring technique for olecranon fractures: where and how should the K-wires be inserted to avoid articular penetration?”, Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 190–196, 2015, doi: 10.3944/AOTT.2015.14.0155.
ISNAD Ozsoy, Mehmet et al. “Modified Tension Band Wiring Technique for Olecranon Fractures: Where and How Should the K-Wires Be Inserted to Avoid Articular Penetration?”. Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica 49/2 (May 2015), 190-196.
JAMA Ozsoy M, Kizilay O, Gunenc C, Ozsoy A, Demiryurek D, Hayran M, Ercakmak B, Sakaogullari A. Modified tension band wiring technique for olecranon fractures: where and how should the K-wires be inserted to avoid articular penetration?. Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica. 2015;49:190–196.
MLA Ozsoy, Mehmet et al. “Modified Tension Band Wiring Technique for Olecranon Fractures: Where and How Should the K-Wires Be Inserted to Avoid Articular Penetration?”. Acta Orthopaedica Et Traumatologica Turcica, vol. 49, no. 2, 2015, pp. 190-6, doi:10.3944/AOTT.2015.14.0155.
Vancouver Ozsoy M, Kizilay O, Gunenc C, Ozsoy A, Demiryurek D, Hayran M, Ercakmak B, Sakaogullari A. Modified tension band wiring technique for olecranon fractures: where and how should the K-wires be inserted to avoid articular penetration?. Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica. 2015;49(2):190-6.