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Afrika Birliği ve Uluslararası Ceza Adaleti

Year 2023, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 167 - 195, 15.02.2023


Afrika Birliği, 2014 yılında başlattığı girişimle, Afrika kıtasını bölgesel bir uluslararası ceza mahkemesine kavuşturmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu girişim, Nüremberg’ten bu yana evrensel olarak uygulanagelen uluslararası cezai muhakemede daha önce örneği olmayan yeni bir araçtır. Söz konusu girişimin önemi, uluslararası ceza hukukunda bölgeselleşme kavramını tartışmaya açma potansiyeli taşımasındandır. Kıta düzeyinde bütünleşmeyi hedef alan Afrika Birliği, 2000’li yılların başından itibaren artan şekilde uluslararası ceza adaletini gündemine almaktadır. Afrika Birliği, uluslararası cezai muhakeme araçlarının Afrikalıları haksız yere hedef aldığı iddiasına dayanmaktadır. Ancak bu durum, uluslararası ceza hukuku normlarının tümden reddi anlamına gelmemektedir. Talep edilen, bu normların Afrika devletlerinin önceliklerini, değer ve farklılıklarını içerecek şekilde reforme edilmesidir. Bu anlamda “Afrika Ceza Mahkemesi”, uluslararası cezai muhakemenin bilinen araçlarından pek çok açıdan farklılaşan bir yargı yetkisine sahip olacaktır. Bölgesel ve evrensel olan mutlak surette birbirine karşıt olmak zorunda değildir. Her ne kadar işler bir mekanizma kurabilmek için Afrika Birliği’nin aşması gereken pek çok sorun olsa da Afrika Ceza Mahkemesi sayesinde yaratılacak bölgesel uygulama ve teamüllerin uluslararası ceza hukukunun gelişimine katkı sunması beklenmektedir.


  • Abi-Saab, Georges (1973), “The Third World and the Future of the International Legal Order”, Revue Egyptienne de Droit International, 29: 27-66.
  • Afrika Birliği (2001), “The Constitutive Act of the African Union”, (25.06.2022).
  • Afrika Birliği (2003), “Protocol on the Amendments to the Constitutive Act of the African Union”, (10.11.2022).
  • Afrika Birliği (2004), “Decision on the Seats of the African Union”, Assembly/AU/Dec.45 (III) Rev.1, (27.06.2022).
  • Afrika Birliği (2006), “Decision on the Hisséne Habré Case and the African Union”, Assembly/AU/Dec.103 (VI), (13.06.2022).
  • Afrika Birliği (2008), “Report of the Commission on the Use of the Principle of Uuniversal Jurisdiction by some Non-African States as Recommended by the Conference of Ministers of Justice/Attorneys General”, EX.CL/411(XIII),, (23.06.2022).
  • Afrika Birliği (2009), “Decision on the Implementation of the Assembly Decision on the Abuse of the Principle of Universal Jurisdiction”, Assembly/AU/Dec.213(XII), (28.06.2022).
  • Afrika Birliği (2012), “The Agreement on the Establishment of the Extraordinary African Chambers within the Senegalese Judicial System between the Governemnt of the Republic of Senegal and the African Union”, (21.06.2022).
  • Afrika Birliği (2013), “Decision on Africa’s Relationship with the International Cirminal Court”, Ext/Assembly/AU/Dec.1, (14.07.2022).
  • Afrika Birliği (2014), “Decision on the Draft Legal Instruments”, Assembly/AU/Dec.529(XXIII), (14.07.2022).
  • Afrika Birliği (2017), “Withdrawal Strategy Document,” Assembly/AU/Draft/Motion(XXVIII), (23.06.2022)
  • Afrika Birliği Örgütü (1999), “Grand Bay (Mauritius) Declaration and Plan of Action”, _bay_en.html (30.06.2022).
  • Ambos, Kai (2017), “Genocide (Article 28B), Crimes Against Humanity (Article 28C), War Crimes (Article 28D) and the Crime of Aggression (Article 28M)”, Werle, Gerhard ve Moritz Vormbaum (Der.), The African Criminal Court: A Commentary on the Malabo Protocol (Berlin: Springer): 31-56.
  • Apiko, Philomeno ve Fatten Aggad (2016), “The International Criminal Court, Africa and the African Union: What Way Forward?”, European Center for Development Policy Management Discussion Paper, 201: 1-23.
  • AU-EU Ministrial Troika (2009), “The AU-EU Expert Report on the Principle of Universal Jurisdiction”, (17.07.2022).
  • Ayittey, George B. N. (1994), “The Somali Crisis: Time for an African Solution”, Cato Institute Policy Analysis, 205: 1-20.
  • Baker, Roozbeh B. (2009), “Universal Jurisdiction and the Case of Belgium: A Critical Assessment”, ILSA Journal of International&Comparative Law, 16 (1): 141-167.
  • Bassiouni, M. Cherif (2001), “Universal Jurisdiction for International Crimes: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Practice”, Virginia Journal of International Law, 42 (1): 81-162.
  • Baylis, Elena (2020), “Regionalized Hybrid Courts”, University of Pittsburgh Legal Studies Research Paper, 13.
  • Boister, Neil (2019), “Transnational Crimes Jurisdiction of the Criminal Chamber of the African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples’ Rights”, Jalloh, Charles C., Kamari M. Clarke ve Vincent O. Nmehille (Der.), The African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples’ Rights in Context: Development and Challenges (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 336-361.
  • Branch, Adams (2019), “The African Criminal Court: Towards an Emancipatıry Politics, Jalloh, Charles C., Kamari M. Clarke ve Vincent O. Nmehille (Der.), The African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples’ Rights in Context: Development and Challenges (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 198-220.
  • Brett, Peter ve Line Engbo Gissel (2020), Africa and the Backlash Against International Courts (Londra: Zedbooks).
  • Brown, Bartram (1998), “Primacy or Complementarity: Reconciling the Jurisdiction of National Courts and International Criminal Tribunals”, The Yale Journal of International Law, 23 (3): 383-436.
  • Brown, Bartram (2001), “The Evolving Concept of Universal Jurisdiction (symposium)”, New England Law Review, 35 (2): 383-397.
  • Burke-White, William W. (2003), “Regionalization of International Criminal Law Enforcement: A Preliminary Exploration”, Texas International Law Journal, 38 (4): 729-762.
  • Chad Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (1992), “Report of the Commission of Inquiry Into the Crimes and Misapropriations Committed by Ex-President Habré, His Accomplices and/or Accessories”, (20.06.2022).
  • Cimiotta, Emanuele (2016), “The Specialist Chambers and the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office in Kosovo: The ‘Regionalization’ of International Criminal Justice in Context”, Journal of International Criminal Justice, 14 (1): 53-72.
  • Davies, Shawn, Threse Petterson ve Magnus Öberg (2022), “Organized Violence 1989–2021 and Drone Warfare”, Journal of Peace Research, 59 (4): 593-910.
  • Denk, Erdem (2009), “Evrensel Adalet: El-Beşir mi UCM mi Derken Heba Olan Bir Değer Daha...”, Afrika Gündemi, 1 (3): 24-30.
  • Elbadawi, Ibrahim ve Nicholas Sambanis (2000), “Why Are There so Many Civil Wars in Africa? Understanding and Preventing Violent Conflict”, Journal of African Economies, 9 (3): 244-269.
  • Elias, Taslim Oliwale (1972), Africa and the Development of International Law (Leiden: Oceana Publications).
  • Gaeta, Paola ve Labuda, Patryk I (2017), “Trying Sitting Heads of State: The African Union versus the ICC in the Al Bashir and Kenyatta Cases”, Jalloh, Charles Chernor ve Ilias Bantekas (Der.), The International Criminal Court and Africa (Oxford:Oxford University Press): 138-162.
  • Gray, Chris Hables (1997), Postmodern War: The New Politics of Conflict (New York: Guilford Press).
  • Jalloh, Charles Chernor (2019), “A Clasification of the Crimes in the Malabo Protocol”, Jalloh, Charles C., Kamari M. Clarke ve Vincent O. Nmehille (Der.), The African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples’ Rights in Context: Development and Challenges (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 225-256.
  • Jessberger, Florian (2014), “‘On Behalf of Africa’: Towards the Regionalization of Universal Jurisdiction?”, Werle, Gerhar, Lovell Fernandez ve Moritz Vormbaum (Der.), Africa and the International Criminal Court (Berlin: Springer): 155-175.
  • Kaldor, Mary (2007), New and Old Wars: Organized Violance in a Global Era (Stanford: Stanford University Press).
  • Kiwanuka, Richard N. (1988), “The Meaning of ‘People’ in the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights”, The American Journal of International Law, 82 (1): 80-101.
  • Kontorovich, Eugene (2004), “The Piracy Analogy: Modern Universal Jurisdiction’s Hollow Foundation”, Harvard International Law Journal, 45 (1): 183-237.
  • Köchler, Hans (2005), Küresel Adalet mi, Küresel İntikam mı? (İstanbul: Alkım Yayınevi).
  • Kreß, Claus (2015), “The ICC’s First Encounter with the Crime of Genocide: The Case against Al Bashir”, Stahn, Carsten (Der.), The Law and Practice of the International Criminal Court (Oxford: Oxford University Press): 669-704.
  • Kyriakakis, Joanna (2009), “Corporate Criminal Liability and the ICC Statute: The Comparative Law Challenge”, Netherlands International Law Review, 56 (3): 333-366.
  • Langer, Maximo (2015), “Universal Jurisdiction is Not Disappearing: The Shift from‘Global Enforcer’ to ‘No Safe Haven’ Universal Jurisdiction”, Journal of International Criminal Justice, 13 (2): 245-256.
  • Langer, Maximo ve Mackenzie Eason (2019), “The Quiet Expansion of Universal Jurisdiction”, The European Journal of International Law, 30 ( 3): 779-817.
  • Levitt, Jeremy (1996), “Pro-democratic Intervention in Africa”, Wisconsin International Law Journal, 24 (3): 785-833.
  • Martini, Pauline (2020), “The International Criminal Court versus the African Criminal Court: A Remodelling of the Principle of Complementarity as a Solution to Potential Conflicts of Jurisdiction between the Courts”, Journal of International Criminal Justice, 18 (5): 1185-1205.
  • Melander, Erik, Magnus Öberg ve Hall Jonathan (2007), “The ‘New Wars’ Debate Revisited: An Empirical Evaluation of the Atrociousness of ‘New Wars’”, Uppsala Peace Research Papers, No. 9.
  • Mills, Kurt (2012), “‘Bashir is Dividing Us’: Africa and the International Criminal Court”, Human Rights Quarterly, 34 (2): 404-447.
  • Mills, Kurt ve Alan Bloomfield (2017), “African Resistance to the International Criminal Court: Halting the Advance of the Anti-Impunity Norm”, Review of International Studies, 44 (1): 101-127.
  • Mutua, Makau W. (2016), “Africans and the ICC: Hypocrisy, Impunity and Perversion”, Clarke, Kamari vd. (Der.), Africans and the ICC: Perceptions of Justice (Londra: Cambridge University Press): 47–60.
  • Mystris, Dominique (2021), An African Criminal Court: The African Union’s Rethinking of International Criminal Justice (Leiden: Brill).
  • Okafor, Obiora C. (2005), “Newness, Imperialism and International Legal Reform in Our Time: A TWAIL Perspective”, Osgoode Hall Law Journal, 43 (1-2): 171-191.
  • Ranger, Terence O. (1986), “Resistance in Africa: From Nationalist Revolt to Agrarain Protest”, Okihiro, Gary Y. (Der.), In Resistance: Studies in African, Caribbean and Afro-American History (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press): 32-52.
  • Schabas, William (2007), “Regions, Regionalism and International Criminal Law”, New Zealand Yearbook of International Law, 3: 1-7.
  • Sirleaf, Matiangai (2016), “Regionalism, Regime Complexes and the Crisis in International Criminal Justice”, Legal Studies Research Paper Series Working Paper, 31.
  • Souaré, Issaka K. (2009), “The International Criminal Court and African Conflicts: The Case of Uganda”, Review of African Political Economy, 36 (121): 369-388.
  • Tiba, Firew Kebede (2016), “Regional International Criminal Courts: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?”, Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution, 17 (2): 521-549.
  • Uluslararası Af Örgütü (2012), Universal Jurisdiciton: A Preliminary Survey of Legislation Around the World (Londra: 2015 Amnesty International Publications).
  • Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi (2022), (04.11.2022).
  • Uwazuruike, Allwell (2021), “The AU’s Journey to an African Criminal Court: a Regional Perspective”, Global Affairs, 7 (3): 343-357.
  • Van Der Wilt, Harmen (2011), “Universal Jurisdiciton Under Attack: An Assessment of African Misgivings towards International Criminal Justice as Administered by Western States”, Journal of International Criminal Justice, 9 (5): 1043-1066.
  • Walleyn, Luc (2002), “Universal Jurisdiction: Lessons From the Belgian Experience”, Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, 5: 394-406.
  • Werle, Gerhard ve Vormbaum, Moritz (2017) (Der.), The African Criminal Court: A Commentary on the Malabo Protocol (Berlin: Springer).
  • Williams, Paul D. (2007), “From Non-Intervention to Non-Indifference: The Origins and Development of the African Union’s Security Culture”, African Affairs, 106 (423): 253-279.
  • Williams, Phil (2014), “Nigerian Criminal Organizations”, Paoli, Letizia (Der.), The Oxford Handbook of Organized Crime (Oxford:Oxford University Press): 254-269.

The African Union and International Criminal Justice

Year 2023, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 167 - 195, 15.02.2023


With a proposal launched in 2014, the African Union wants to establish a regional international criminal court for the continent. This effort may introduce a brand-new tool that has never been used before in international criminal justice since Nuremberg. This initiative is a significant effort as it may lead to a regionalization debate in international criminal law. Since the early 2000s, the African Union has more frequently prioritized international criminal justice as part of its efforts to achieve continental integration. The African Union was founded on the understanding that international criminal procedures have unfairly targeted Africans. This claim does not, however, imply a total denial of the principles of international criminal law. These standards are asked to be reformed to reflect African governments’ goals, values, and differences. Therefore, “the African Criminal Court” will have a very different jurisdiction from the established international criminal law mechanisms. Although the African Union faces significant difficulties in establishing a well-working system, the regional norms and customs to be established by the African Criminal Court may contribute to the development of international criminal law.


  • Abi-Saab, Georges (1973), “The Third World and the Future of the International Legal Order”, Revue Egyptienne de Droit International, 29: 27-66.
  • Afrika Birliği (2001), “The Constitutive Act of the African Union”, (25.06.2022).
  • Afrika Birliği (2003), “Protocol on the Amendments to the Constitutive Act of the African Union”, (10.11.2022).
  • Afrika Birliği (2004), “Decision on the Seats of the African Union”, Assembly/AU/Dec.45 (III) Rev.1, (27.06.2022).
  • Afrika Birliği (2006), “Decision on the Hisséne Habré Case and the African Union”, Assembly/AU/Dec.103 (VI), (13.06.2022).
  • Afrika Birliği (2008), “Report of the Commission on the Use of the Principle of Uuniversal Jurisdiction by some Non-African States as Recommended by the Conference of Ministers of Justice/Attorneys General”, EX.CL/411(XIII),, (23.06.2022).
  • Afrika Birliği (2009), “Decision on the Implementation of the Assembly Decision on the Abuse of the Principle of Universal Jurisdiction”, Assembly/AU/Dec.213(XII), (28.06.2022).
  • Afrika Birliği (2012), “The Agreement on the Establishment of the Extraordinary African Chambers within the Senegalese Judicial System between the Governemnt of the Republic of Senegal and the African Union”, (21.06.2022).
  • Afrika Birliği (2013), “Decision on Africa’s Relationship with the International Cirminal Court”, Ext/Assembly/AU/Dec.1, (14.07.2022).
  • Afrika Birliği (2014), “Decision on the Draft Legal Instruments”, Assembly/AU/Dec.529(XXIII), (14.07.2022).
  • Afrika Birliği (2017), “Withdrawal Strategy Document,” Assembly/AU/Draft/Motion(XXVIII), (23.06.2022)
  • Afrika Birliği Örgütü (1999), “Grand Bay (Mauritius) Declaration and Plan of Action”, _bay_en.html (30.06.2022).
  • Ambos, Kai (2017), “Genocide (Article 28B), Crimes Against Humanity (Article 28C), War Crimes (Article 28D) and the Crime of Aggression (Article 28M)”, Werle, Gerhard ve Moritz Vormbaum (Der.), The African Criminal Court: A Commentary on the Malabo Protocol (Berlin: Springer): 31-56.
  • Apiko, Philomeno ve Fatten Aggad (2016), “The International Criminal Court, Africa and the African Union: What Way Forward?”, European Center for Development Policy Management Discussion Paper, 201: 1-23.
  • AU-EU Ministrial Troika (2009), “The AU-EU Expert Report on the Principle of Universal Jurisdiction”, (17.07.2022).
  • Ayittey, George B. N. (1994), “The Somali Crisis: Time for an African Solution”, Cato Institute Policy Analysis, 205: 1-20.
  • Baker, Roozbeh B. (2009), “Universal Jurisdiction and the Case of Belgium: A Critical Assessment”, ILSA Journal of International&Comparative Law, 16 (1): 141-167.
  • Bassiouni, M. Cherif (2001), “Universal Jurisdiction for International Crimes: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Practice”, Virginia Journal of International Law, 42 (1): 81-162.
  • Baylis, Elena (2020), “Regionalized Hybrid Courts”, University of Pittsburgh Legal Studies Research Paper, 13.
  • Boister, Neil (2019), “Transnational Crimes Jurisdiction of the Criminal Chamber of the African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples’ Rights”, Jalloh, Charles C., Kamari M. Clarke ve Vincent O. Nmehille (Der.), The African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples’ Rights in Context: Development and Challenges (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 336-361.
  • Branch, Adams (2019), “The African Criminal Court: Towards an Emancipatıry Politics, Jalloh, Charles C., Kamari M. Clarke ve Vincent O. Nmehille (Der.), The African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples’ Rights in Context: Development and Challenges (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 198-220.
  • Brett, Peter ve Line Engbo Gissel (2020), Africa and the Backlash Against International Courts (Londra: Zedbooks).
  • Brown, Bartram (1998), “Primacy or Complementarity: Reconciling the Jurisdiction of National Courts and International Criminal Tribunals”, The Yale Journal of International Law, 23 (3): 383-436.
  • Brown, Bartram (2001), “The Evolving Concept of Universal Jurisdiction (symposium)”, New England Law Review, 35 (2): 383-397.
  • Burke-White, William W. (2003), “Regionalization of International Criminal Law Enforcement: A Preliminary Exploration”, Texas International Law Journal, 38 (4): 729-762.
  • Chad Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (1992), “Report of the Commission of Inquiry Into the Crimes and Misapropriations Committed by Ex-President Habré, His Accomplices and/or Accessories”, (20.06.2022).
  • Cimiotta, Emanuele (2016), “The Specialist Chambers and the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office in Kosovo: The ‘Regionalization’ of International Criminal Justice in Context”, Journal of International Criminal Justice, 14 (1): 53-72.
  • Davies, Shawn, Threse Petterson ve Magnus Öberg (2022), “Organized Violence 1989–2021 and Drone Warfare”, Journal of Peace Research, 59 (4): 593-910.
  • Denk, Erdem (2009), “Evrensel Adalet: El-Beşir mi UCM mi Derken Heba Olan Bir Değer Daha...”, Afrika Gündemi, 1 (3): 24-30.
  • Elbadawi, Ibrahim ve Nicholas Sambanis (2000), “Why Are There so Many Civil Wars in Africa? Understanding and Preventing Violent Conflict”, Journal of African Economies, 9 (3): 244-269.
  • Elias, Taslim Oliwale (1972), Africa and the Development of International Law (Leiden: Oceana Publications).
  • Gaeta, Paola ve Labuda, Patryk I (2017), “Trying Sitting Heads of State: The African Union versus the ICC in the Al Bashir and Kenyatta Cases”, Jalloh, Charles Chernor ve Ilias Bantekas (Der.), The International Criminal Court and Africa (Oxford:Oxford University Press): 138-162.
  • Gray, Chris Hables (1997), Postmodern War: The New Politics of Conflict (New York: Guilford Press).
  • Jalloh, Charles Chernor (2019), “A Clasification of the Crimes in the Malabo Protocol”, Jalloh, Charles C., Kamari M. Clarke ve Vincent O. Nmehille (Der.), The African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples’ Rights in Context: Development and Challenges (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 225-256.
  • Jessberger, Florian (2014), “‘On Behalf of Africa’: Towards the Regionalization of Universal Jurisdiction?”, Werle, Gerhar, Lovell Fernandez ve Moritz Vormbaum (Der.), Africa and the International Criminal Court (Berlin: Springer): 155-175.
  • Kaldor, Mary (2007), New and Old Wars: Organized Violance in a Global Era (Stanford: Stanford University Press).
  • Kiwanuka, Richard N. (1988), “The Meaning of ‘People’ in the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights”, The American Journal of International Law, 82 (1): 80-101.
  • Kontorovich, Eugene (2004), “The Piracy Analogy: Modern Universal Jurisdiction’s Hollow Foundation”, Harvard International Law Journal, 45 (1): 183-237.
  • Köchler, Hans (2005), Küresel Adalet mi, Küresel İntikam mı? (İstanbul: Alkım Yayınevi).
  • Kreß, Claus (2015), “The ICC’s First Encounter with the Crime of Genocide: The Case against Al Bashir”, Stahn, Carsten (Der.), The Law and Practice of the International Criminal Court (Oxford: Oxford University Press): 669-704.
  • Kyriakakis, Joanna (2009), “Corporate Criminal Liability and the ICC Statute: The Comparative Law Challenge”, Netherlands International Law Review, 56 (3): 333-366.
  • Langer, Maximo (2015), “Universal Jurisdiction is Not Disappearing: The Shift from‘Global Enforcer’ to ‘No Safe Haven’ Universal Jurisdiction”, Journal of International Criminal Justice, 13 (2): 245-256.
  • Langer, Maximo ve Mackenzie Eason (2019), “The Quiet Expansion of Universal Jurisdiction”, The European Journal of International Law, 30 ( 3): 779-817.
  • Levitt, Jeremy (1996), “Pro-democratic Intervention in Africa”, Wisconsin International Law Journal, 24 (3): 785-833.
  • Martini, Pauline (2020), “The International Criminal Court versus the African Criminal Court: A Remodelling of the Principle of Complementarity as a Solution to Potential Conflicts of Jurisdiction between the Courts”, Journal of International Criminal Justice, 18 (5): 1185-1205.
  • Melander, Erik, Magnus Öberg ve Hall Jonathan (2007), “The ‘New Wars’ Debate Revisited: An Empirical Evaluation of the Atrociousness of ‘New Wars’”, Uppsala Peace Research Papers, No. 9.
  • Mills, Kurt (2012), “‘Bashir is Dividing Us’: Africa and the International Criminal Court”, Human Rights Quarterly, 34 (2): 404-447.
  • Mills, Kurt ve Alan Bloomfield (2017), “African Resistance to the International Criminal Court: Halting the Advance of the Anti-Impunity Norm”, Review of International Studies, 44 (1): 101-127.
  • Mutua, Makau W. (2016), “Africans and the ICC: Hypocrisy, Impunity and Perversion”, Clarke, Kamari vd. (Der.), Africans and the ICC: Perceptions of Justice (Londra: Cambridge University Press): 47–60.
  • Mystris, Dominique (2021), An African Criminal Court: The African Union’s Rethinking of International Criminal Justice (Leiden: Brill).
  • Okafor, Obiora C. (2005), “Newness, Imperialism and International Legal Reform in Our Time: A TWAIL Perspective”, Osgoode Hall Law Journal, 43 (1-2): 171-191.
  • Ranger, Terence O. (1986), “Resistance in Africa: From Nationalist Revolt to Agrarain Protest”, Okihiro, Gary Y. (Der.), In Resistance: Studies in African, Caribbean and Afro-American History (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press): 32-52.
  • Schabas, William (2007), “Regions, Regionalism and International Criminal Law”, New Zealand Yearbook of International Law, 3: 1-7.
  • Sirleaf, Matiangai (2016), “Regionalism, Regime Complexes and the Crisis in International Criminal Justice”, Legal Studies Research Paper Series Working Paper, 31.
  • Souaré, Issaka K. (2009), “The International Criminal Court and African Conflicts: The Case of Uganda”, Review of African Political Economy, 36 (121): 369-388.
  • Tiba, Firew Kebede (2016), “Regional International Criminal Courts: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?”, Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution, 17 (2): 521-549.
  • Uluslararası Af Örgütü (2012), Universal Jurisdiciton: A Preliminary Survey of Legislation Around the World (Londra: 2015 Amnesty International Publications).
  • Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi (2022), (04.11.2022).
  • Uwazuruike, Allwell (2021), “The AU’s Journey to an African Criminal Court: a Regional Perspective”, Global Affairs, 7 (3): 343-357.
  • Van Der Wilt, Harmen (2011), “Universal Jurisdiciton Under Attack: An Assessment of African Misgivings towards International Criminal Justice as Administered by Western States”, Journal of International Criminal Justice, 9 (5): 1043-1066.
  • Walleyn, Luc (2002), “Universal Jurisdiction: Lessons From the Belgian Experience”, Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, 5: 394-406.
  • Werle, Gerhard ve Vormbaum, Moritz (2017) (Der.), The African Criminal Court: A Commentary on the Malabo Protocol (Berlin: Springer).
  • Williams, Paul D. (2007), “From Non-Intervention to Non-Indifference: The Origins and Development of the African Union’s Security Culture”, African Affairs, 106 (423): 253-279.
  • Williams, Phil (2014), “Nigerian Criminal Organizations”, Paoli, Letizia (Der.), The Oxford Handbook of Organized Crime (Oxford:Oxford University Press): 254-269.
There are 64 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects International Relations
Journal Section Research Articles

Müge Dalar This is me 0000-0003-0594-840X

Publication Date February 15, 2023
Submission Date August 15, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 15 Issue: 1


APA Dalar, M. (2023). Afrika Birliği ve Uluslararası Ceza Adaleti. Alternatif Politika, 15(1), 167-195.
AMA Dalar M. Afrika Birliği ve Uluslararası Ceza Adaleti. Altern. Polit. February 2023;15(1):167-195. doi:10.53376/ap.2023.07
Chicago Dalar, Müge. “Afrika Birliği Ve Uluslararası Ceza Adaleti”. Alternatif Politika 15, no. 1 (February 2023): 167-95.
EndNote Dalar M (February 1, 2023) Afrika Birliği ve Uluslararası Ceza Adaleti. Alternatif Politika 15 1 167–195.
IEEE M. Dalar, “Afrika Birliği ve Uluslararası Ceza Adaleti”, Altern. Polit., vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 167–195, 2023, doi: 10.53376/ap.2023.07.
ISNAD Dalar, Müge. “Afrika Birliği Ve Uluslararası Ceza Adaleti”. Alternatif Politika 15/1 (February 2023), 167-195.
JAMA Dalar M. Afrika Birliği ve Uluslararası Ceza Adaleti. Altern. Polit. 2023;15:167–195.
MLA Dalar, Müge. “Afrika Birliği Ve Uluslararası Ceza Adaleti”. Alternatif Politika, vol. 15, no. 1, 2023, pp. 167-95, doi:10.53376/ap.2023.07.
Vancouver Dalar M. Afrika Birliği ve Uluslararası Ceza Adaleti. Altern. Polit. 2023;15(1):167-95.