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Karanlık Zamanlarda Arendt Okumak: Avrupa Birliği, Göç Sorunu ve Geri İtmeler

Year 2022, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 1 - 31, 28.02.2022


Hannah Arendt, siyasal alanda sıkışmış ve kendini çağının acı veren hakikatlerini anlamaya adamış bireye yıllar ötesinden seslenmeye devam ediyor. Arendt’in tanımladığı karanlık zamanların tarihte sanıldığı kadar ender ve olağanüstü anlar olmadığını bilmek ve kamusal alan karardığında bunu fark etmek, insanlığın bütüncül ve iyi bir hayat yaşamasının ön koşuludur. Arap Ayaklanmalarından beri süregiden ve küresel bir boyut kazanan göç ve sığınmacı krizi, böyle anlardan biri olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada özellikle son 10 yılda katlanarak büyüyen Suriye kaynaklı göç krizinin, Arendt’in karanlık zamanlar ve devletsizleşme kavramları üzerinden açıklanması amaçlanmaktadır. Bunu yaparken devletsizleşmenin insan kapasitesi üzerinde yarattığı olumsuz ve yoksun bırakıcı etkinin nasıl Arendt’in karanlık zamanlar tanımının kapsamına girdiği tartışılacaktır. Ayrıca Avrupa Birliği’nin (AB) göç politikası uygulamalarında, başta geri itmeler olmak üzere, kendi değer ve normlarına ters düşen tutumları Arendtçi siyaset felsefesi açısından incelenirken üzerindeki Arendt etkisi bilinen ve göç meselesi hakkında da yazmış olan sosyolog ve filozof Zygmunt Bauman’ın görüşleri de bu çerçevede ele alınacaktır.


  • “66% of Syrian Asylum Seekers in EU Don’t Intend to Return to Their Home Country” (2021), (16.07.2021).
  • “A Dangerous ‘Game’: The pushback of migrants, including refugees, at Europe’s borders” (2017), Belgrade Center for Human Rights, Macedonian Young Lawyers Association and OXFAM, (09.11.2021).
  • Adelman, Jeremy (2016), “Pariah: Can Hannah Arendt Help Us Rethink Our Global Refugee Crisis?”, Wilson Quarterly, 40 (2), (09.11.2021).
  • Akkaya, Aysun Yaralı (2019), “Avrupa’nın Mülteci Politikalarına Oryantalist Yaklaşımı: Suriye Krizi Sonrası Avrupa ve Türkiye İlişkileri”, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 74 (2): 357-380.
  • Arendt, Hannah (1961), Between Past and Future: Eight Exercises in Political Thought (New York: Viking Press).
  • Arendt, Hannah (1965), Men in Dark Times (New York: Harvest Book).
  • Arendt, Hannah (1994), “On the Nature of Totalitarianism (An essay in understanding)”, Arendt, Hannah (Der.), Essays in Understanding, 1930-1954: Formation, Exile, Totalitarianism (New York: Shocken Books): 328-361.
  • Arendt, Hannah (1994), “Understanding and Politics (The difficulties of understanding)”, Arendt, Hannah (Der.), Essays in Understanding, 1930-1954: Formation, Exile, Totalitarianism (New York: Shocken Books): 307-328.
  • Arendt, Hannah (2007), “We Refugees”, Feldman, J. K. (Der.), The Jewish Writings (New York: Schocken Books): 264-274.
  • Arendt, Hannah (2016), İnsanlık Durumu (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları).
  • Arendt, Hannah (2017), Totalitarizmin Kaynakları 3 / Totalitarizm (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları).
  • Arendt, Hannah (2018), “Freedom and Politics: A Lecture”, Kohn, J. (Der.), Thinking without a Banister: Essays in Understanding, 1953-1975 (New York: Shocken Books): 220-245.
  • Bauman, Zygmunt (2010), 44 Letters from the Liquid Modern World (Cambridge: Polity Press).
  • Bauman, Zygmunt (2000), Siyaset Arayışı (İstanbul: Metis Yayınları).
  • Bauman, Zygmunt (2007), Liquid Times: Living in an Age of Uncertainty, (Cambridge: Polity Press).
  • Bauman, Zygmunt (2018a), Akışkan Hayat (İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları).
  • Bauman, Zygmunt (2018b), Kuşatılmış Toplum (İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları).
  • Bauman, Zygmunt ve Corlo Bordoni (2018), Kriz Hali ve Devlet (İstanbul: İthaki Yayınları).
  • Bauman, Zygmunt ve Stanislaw Obirek (2018), Dünyaya ve Kendimize Dair (İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları).
  • Benhabib, Seyla (2000), The Reluctant Modernism of Hannah Arendt (Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.)
  • Benhabib, Seyla (2004), The Right of Others: Aliens, Residents and Citizens (New York: Cambridge University Press).
  • Benhabib, Seyla (2010), “Introduction”, Benhabib, Seyla (Der.), Politics in Dark Times: Encounters with Hannah Arendt (New York: Cambridge University Press): 1-17.
  • Benhabib, Seyla (2018), Exile, Statelessness and Migration: Playing Chess with History from Hannah Arendt to Isaiah Berlin (Princeton: Princeton University Press).
  • Berkowitz, Roger (2010a), “Introduction: Thinking in Dark Times,” Berkowitz, R., T. Keenan ve J. Katz (Der.), Thinking in Dark Times: Hannah Arendt on Ethics and Politics (New York: Fordham University Press): 3-17.
  • Berkowitz, Roger (2010b), “Solitude and The Activity of Thinking,” Berkowitz, R., T. Keenan ve J. Katz (Der.), Thinking in Dark Times: Hannah Arendt on Ethics and Politics (New York: Fordham University Press): 237-248.
  • Bernstein, Richard (2010), “Are Arendt's Reflections on Evil Still Relevant?”, Seyla Benhabib (Der.), Politics in Dark Times: Encounters with Hannah Arendt (New York: Cambridge University Press): 293-304.
  • Bernstein, Richard (2018), “The Illuminations of Hannah Arendt”, New York Times, (15.02.2020).
  • Bernstein, Richard (2018), Why Read Arendt Now? (Cambridge: Polity Press).
  • Bilsky, Leora (2010), The Eichmann Trial and the Legacy of Jurisdiction, Benhabib, Seyla (Der.), Politics in Dark Times: Encounters with Hannah Arendt (New York: Cambridge University Press):198-218.
  • Birmingham, Per (2009), Hannah Arendt and Human Rights: The Predicament of Common Responsibility (Bloomington: Indiana University Press).
  • Bowring, Finn (2011), “Comparing Bauman and Arendt: Three Important Differences”, Sociology, 45 (1): 54-69.
  • Buckler, Steve (2001), “Coming out of Hiding: Hannah Arendt on Thinking Dark Times”, The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms, 6 (5): 615-631.
  • “Dünyada 70,8 Milyon İnsan Yerinden Edildi” (2019), Deutsche Welle, (14.02.2020).
  • Efe, Büşra (2018), Hannah Arendt’in “Haklara Sahip Olma Hakkı” Kavramı Çerçevesinde Türkiye’deki Suriyelilerin Çalışma ‘Hakkı’ (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi) (Ankara: TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü).
  • European Commission (2016), EU-Turkey Statement: Four Years On, (16.12.2020).
  • European Union External Action Service (2015), The EU’s Relations With Syria (14.02.2020).
  • Evans, Brad (2017), “Humans in Dark Times,” NYTimes, (17.07.2021).
  • Ezrow, Natasha (2018), “Authoritarianism in the 21st Century”, Politics and Governance, 6 (2), 83-86.
  • Fraser, Nancy (2004), “Hannah Arendt in the 21st Century”, Contemporary Political Theory, 3 (3): 253-261.
  • Gratton, Peter (2012), The State of Sovereignty (New York: New York Press).
  • Gündoğdu, Ayten (2015), Rightlessness in an Age of Rights: Hannah Arendt and the Contemporary Struggles of Migrants (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
  • Harabin, Radoslow (2015), “Democracy, Its Collapse and the Jewish Question: Comparing Hannah Arendt's and Zygmunt Bauman's Philosophies”, Annales Universitatis Mariae-Curie Sklodowska, 22(1): 108-118.
  • Horst, Cindy ve Odin Lysaker (2021), “‘Miracles in Dark Times’: Hannah Arendt and Refugees as ‘Vanguard’,” Journal of Refugee Studies, 34 (1): 67-84.
  • Howard, Dick (2010), “Keeping the Republic: Reading Arendt's On Revolution after the Fall of the Berlin Wall,” Benhabib, Seyla (Der.), Politics in Dark Times: Encounters with Hannah Arendt, (New York: Cambridge University Press): 277-292.
  • Kalyvas, Andreas (2004), “From Act to Decision: Hannah Arendt and the Question for Decisionism”, Political Theory, 32 (3): 304-346.
  • Khalip, Jacques (2010), “Arendt, Byron and De Quincey in Dark Times”, European Romantic Review, 21 (5): 615-630.
  • Klusmeyer, Douglas (2010), “Hannah Arendt's Case for Federalism”, Publius, 40 (1): 31-58.
  • Maley, William (2015), “Refugee Diplomacy”, Cooper Andrew F., Jorge Heine ve Ramesh Thankur (Der.), The Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy, (Oxford: Oxford University Press): 675-690.
  • Moran, Shane (2013), “Politics in Dark Times: Reflections on Hannah Arendt”, Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies, 40 (2): 277-297.
  • Morrision, James (2019), “Re-framing Free Movement in the Countdown to Brexit? Shifting UK Press Portrayals of EU Migrants in the Wake of the Referandum”, The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 21 (3): 594-611.
  • “No lockdown for pushbacks during COVID 19” (2020), Euromed Rights, (09.11.2021)
  • Nielsen, Nikolaj (2021), “Frontex Chief Accused of Possible Rights ‘Cover Up’”, (17.07.2021).
  • Orchard, Phil (2014), A Right to Flee: Refugees, States, and the Construction of International Cooperation (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
  • Outhwaite, William (2019), Migration Crisis and “Brexit,” Oxford Handbooks Online, (Oxford: Oxford University Press). 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190856908.013.7
  • Özkazanç, Alev (2017), “Anlamak ve Politika: Arendt'ten Öğrenmek”, Vira Verita, 7: 1-17.
  • Parekh, Serena (2008), Hannah Arendt and the Challenge of Modernity: A Phenomenology of Human Rights (New York: Routledge).
  • “PM bristles at Dutch journalist’s accusations of pushbacks” (2021), Ekathimerini, (09.11.2021)
  • “Report for the Special Rapporteur on pushback practices and their impact on the human rights of migrants” (2021), European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, (09.11.2021)
  • Reus-Smit, Christian (2001), “Human Rights and the Social Construction of Sovereignty”, Review of International Studies, 27, 519-538.
  • Scipioni, Marco (2017), “Failing Forward in EU Migration Policy? EU Integration after the 2015 Asylum and Migration Crisis”, Journal of European Public Policy, 25 (9), 1357-1375.
  • Sönmez, Pelin (2014), Avrupa Birliğinde Yeni Dönem Postkolonyal İlişkiler ve Göç Politikaları Diyaloğu (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi) (İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü).
  • Stivers, Camilla (2004), “On Theorising Dark Times”, Administrative Theory and Praxis, 26 (1): 19-26.
  • Stivers, Camilla (2008), Governance in Dark Times: Practical Philosophy for Public Service (Washington: Georgetown University Press).
  • Trauner, Florian (2016), “Asylum Policy: the EU’s ‘Crises’ and Looming Policy Regimes Failure”, Journal of European Integration, 38 (3): 311-325.
  • Walsh, Mary (2011), “Arendtian Thinking through Politics in Dark Times and Beyond”, Australian Journal of Political Science, 46 (3): 573-581.
  • Weber, Bodo (2017), “The EU-Turkey refugee deal and the not quite closed Balkan route,” Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, (09.11.2021)
  • World Bank (2019), Research Conference on Forced Displacement, (31 Mart 2021).
  • Young-Bruehl, Elizabeth (2006), Why Arendt Matters (London: Yale University Press).

Reading Arendt in Dark Times: EU, the Migration Problem and the Pushbacks

Year 2022, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 1 - 31, 28.02.2022


Hannah Arendt continues to appeal to individuals who feel trapped in the public sphere and devote themselves to understanding the painful political realities of their lifetimes. Knowing what Arendt describes as dark times, unlike the general impression, is neither rare nor extraordinary and recognizing the moment when the public sphere goes dark are prerequisites of an integrated and wholesome good life. The migration and asylum-seeking crisis that has been going on since the Arab Uprisings and now has gained a global dimension comes to the fore as one of the indicators of dark times. This study seeks to explain the Syria-originated migration crisis of the past decade in terms of Arendt’s notions of dark times and statelessness. In doing that it aims to elaborate on the negative and depriving impact of statelessness on human capacity as well as on its potential to create darkness in the public sphere. Also, while discussing from a Arendtian perspective how the European Union’s (EU) migration policies and the pushbacks have resulted in practices in contradiction with European norms and values, specific reference to the sociologist and philosopher Zygmunt Bauman is made as Arendt’s influence on him is well-known.


  • “66% of Syrian Asylum Seekers in EU Don’t Intend to Return to Their Home Country” (2021), (16.07.2021).
  • “A Dangerous ‘Game’: The pushback of migrants, including refugees, at Europe’s borders” (2017), Belgrade Center for Human Rights, Macedonian Young Lawyers Association and OXFAM, (09.11.2021).
  • Adelman, Jeremy (2016), “Pariah: Can Hannah Arendt Help Us Rethink Our Global Refugee Crisis?”, Wilson Quarterly, 40 (2), (09.11.2021).
  • Akkaya, Aysun Yaralı (2019), “Avrupa’nın Mülteci Politikalarına Oryantalist Yaklaşımı: Suriye Krizi Sonrası Avrupa ve Türkiye İlişkileri”, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 74 (2): 357-380.
  • Arendt, Hannah (1961), Between Past and Future: Eight Exercises in Political Thought (New York: Viking Press).
  • Arendt, Hannah (1965), Men in Dark Times (New York: Harvest Book).
  • Arendt, Hannah (1994), “On the Nature of Totalitarianism (An essay in understanding)”, Arendt, Hannah (Der.), Essays in Understanding, 1930-1954: Formation, Exile, Totalitarianism (New York: Shocken Books): 328-361.
  • Arendt, Hannah (1994), “Understanding and Politics (The difficulties of understanding)”, Arendt, Hannah (Der.), Essays in Understanding, 1930-1954: Formation, Exile, Totalitarianism (New York: Shocken Books): 307-328.
  • Arendt, Hannah (2007), “We Refugees”, Feldman, J. K. (Der.), The Jewish Writings (New York: Schocken Books): 264-274.
  • Arendt, Hannah (2016), İnsanlık Durumu (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları).
  • Arendt, Hannah (2017), Totalitarizmin Kaynakları 3 / Totalitarizm (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları).
  • Arendt, Hannah (2018), “Freedom and Politics: A Lecture”, Kohn, J. (Der.), Thinking without a Banister: Essays in Understanding, 1953-1975 (New York: Shocken Books): 220-245.
  • Bauman, Zygmunt (2010), 44 Letters from the Liquid Modern World (Cambridge: Polity Press).
  • Bauman, Zygmunt (2000), Siyaset Arayışı (İstanbul: Metis Yayınları).
  • Bauman, Zygmunt (2007), Liquid Times: Living in an Age of Uncertainty, (Cambridge: Polity Press).
  • Bauman, Zygmunt (2018a), Akışkan Hayat (İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları).
  • Bauman, Zygmunt (2018b), Kuşatılmış Toplum (İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları).
  • Bauman, Zygmunt ve Corlo Bordoni (2018), Kriz Hali ve Devlet (İstanbul: İthaki Yayınları).
  • Bauman, Zygmunt ve Stanislaw Obirek (2018), Dünyaya ve Kendimize Dair (İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları).
  • Benhabib, Seyla (2000), The Reluctant Modernism of Hannah Arendt (Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.)
  • Benhabib, Seyla (2004), The Right of Others: Aliens, Residents and Citizens (New York: Cambridge University Press).
  • Benhabib, Seyla (2010), “Introduction”, Benhabib, Seyla (Der.), Politics in Dark Times: Encounters with Hannah Arendt (New York: Cambridge University Press): 1-17.
  • Benhabib, Seyla (2018), Exile, Statelessness and Migration: Playing Chess with History from Hannah Arendt to Isaiah Berlin (Princeton: Princeton University Press).
  • Berkowitz, Roger (2010a), “Introduction: Thinking in Dark Times,” Berkowitz, R., T. Keenan ve J. Katz (Der.), Thinking in Dark Times: Hannah Arendt on Ethics and Politics (New York: Fordham University Press): 3-17.
  • Berkowitz, Roger (2010b), “Solitude and The Activity of Thinking,” Berkowitz, R., T. Keenan ve J. Katz (Der.), Thinking in Dark Times: Hannah Arendt on Ethics and Politics (New York: Fordham University Press): 237-248.
  • Bernstein, Richard (2010), “Are Arendt's Reflections on Evil Still Relevant?”, Seyla Benhabib (Der.), Politics in Dark Times: Encounters with Hannah Arendt (New York: Cambridge University Press): 293-304.
  • Bernstein, Richard (2018), “The Illuminations of Hannah Arendt”, New York Times, (15.02.2020).
  • Bernstein, Richard (2018), Why Read Arendt Now? (Cambridge: Polity Press).
  • Bilsky, Leora (2010), The Eichmann Trial and the Legacy of Jurisdiction, Benhabib, Seyla (Der.), Politics in Dark Times: Encounters with Hannah Arendt (New York: Cambridge University Press):198-218.
  • Birmingham, Per (2009), Hannah Arendt and Human Rights: The Predicament of Common Responsibility (Bloomington: Indiana University Press).
  • Bowring, Finn (2011), “Comparing Bauman and Arendt: Three Important Differences”, Sociology, 45 (1): 54-69.
  • Buckler, Steve (2001), “Coming out of Hiding: Hannah Arendt on Thinking Dark Times”, The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms, 6 (5): 615-631.
  • “Dünyada 70,8 Milyon İnsan Yerinden Edildi” (2019), Deutsche Welle, (14.02.2020).
  • Efe, Büşra (2018), Hannah Arendt’in “Haklara Sahip Olma Hakkı” Kavramı Çerçevesinde Türkiye’deki Suriyelilerin Çalışma ‘Hakkı’ (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi) (Ankara: TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü).
  • European Commission (2016), EU-Turkey Statement: Four Years On, (16.12.2020).
  • European Union External Action Service (2015), The EU’s Relations With Syria (14.02.2020).
  • Evans, Brad (2017), “Humans in Dark Times,” NYTimes, (17.07.2021).
  • Ezrow, Natasha (2018), “Authoritarianism in the 21st Century”, Politics and Governance, 6 (2), 83-86.
  • Fraser, Nancy (2004), “Hannah Arendt in the 21st Century”, Contemporary Political Theory, 3 (3): 253-261.
  • Gratton, Peter (2012), The State of Sovereignty (New York: New York Press).
  • Gündoğdu, Ayten (2015), Rightlessness in an Age of Rights: Hannah Arendt and the Contemporary Struggles of Migrants (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
  • Harabin, Radoslow (2015), “Democracy, Its Collapse and the Jewish Question: Comparing Hannah Arendt's and Zygmunt Bauman's Philosophies”, Annales Universitatis Mariae-Curie Sklodowska, 22(1): 108-118.
  • Horst, Cindy ve Odin Lysaker (2021), “‘Miracles in Dark Times’: Hannah Arendt and Refugees as ‘Vanguard’,” Journal of Refugee Studies, 34 (1): 67-84.
  • Howard, Dick (2010), “Keeping the Republic: Reading Arendt's On Revolution after the Fall of the Berlin Wall,” Benhabib, Seyla (Der.), Politics in Dark Times: Encounters with Hannah Arendt, (New York: Cambridge University Press): 277-292.
  • Kalyvas, Andreas (2004), “From Act to Decision: Hannah Arendt and the Question for Decisionism”, Political Theory, 32 (3): 304-346.
  • Khalip, Jacques (2010), “Arendt, Byron and De Quincey in Dark Times”, European Romantic Review, 21 (5): 615-630.
  • Klusmeyer, Douglas (2010), “Hannah Arendt's Case for Federalism”, Publius, 40 (1): 31-58.
  • Maley, William (2015), “Refugee Diplomacy”, Cooper Andrew F., Jorge Heine ve Ramesh Thankur (Der.), The Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy, (Oxford: Oxford University Press): 675-690.
  • Moran, Shane (2013), “Politics in Dark Times: Reflections on Hannah Arendt”, Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies, 40 (2): 277-297.
  • Morrision, James (2019), “Re-framing Free Movement in the Countdown to Brexit? Shifting UK Press Portrayals of EU Migrants in the Wake of the Referandum”, The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 21 (3): 594-611.
  • “No lockdown for pushbacks during COVID 19” (2020), Euromed Rights, (09.11.2021)
  • Nielsen, Nikolaj (2021), “Frontex Chief Accused of Possible Rights ‘Cover Up’”, (17.07.2021).
  • Orchard, Phil (2014), A Right to Flee: Refugees, States, and the Construction of International Cooperation (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
  • Outhwaite, William (2019), Migration Crisis and “Brexit,” Oxford Handbooks Online, (Oxford: Oxford University Press). 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190856908.013.7
  • Özkazanç, Alev (2017), “Anlamak ve Politika: Arendt'ten Öğrenmek”, Vira Verita, 7: 1-17.
  • Parekh, Serena (2008), Hannah Arendt and the Challenge of Modernity: A Phenomenology of Human Rights (New York: Routledge).
  • “PM bristles at Dutch journalist’s accusations of pushbacks” (2021), Ekathimerini, (09.11.2021)
  • “Report for the Special Rapporteur on pushback practices and their impact on the human rights of migrants” (2021), European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, (09.11.2021)
  • Reus-Smit, Christian (2001), “Human Rights and the Social Construction of Sovereignty”, Review of International Studies, 27, 519-538.
  • Scipioni, Marco (2017), “Failing Forward in EU Migration Policy? EU Integration after the 2015 Asylum and Migration Crisis”, Journal of European Public Policy, 25 (9), 1357-1375.
  • Sönmez, Pelin (2014), Avrupa Birliğinde Yeni Dönem Postkolonyal İlişkiler ve Göç Politikaları Diyaloğu (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi) (İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü).
  • Stivers, Camilla (2004), “On Theorising Dark Times”, Administrative Theory and Praxis, 26 (1): 19-26.
  • Stivers, Camilla (2008), Governance in Dark Times: Practical Philosophy for Public Service (Washington: Georgetown University Press).
  • Trauner, Florian (2016), “Asylum Policy: the EU’s ‘Crises’ and Looming Policy Regimes Failure”, Journal of European Integration, 38 (3): 311-325.
  • Walsh, Mary (2011), “Arendtian Thinking through Politics in Dark Times and Beyond”, Australian Journal of Political Science, 46 (3): 573-581.
  • Weber, Bodo (2017), “The EU-Turkey refugee deal and the not quite closed Balkan route,” Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, (09.11.2021)
  • World Bank (2019), Research Conference on Forced Displacement, (31 Mart 2021).
  • Young-Bruehl, Elizabeth (2006), Why Arendt Matters (London: Yale University Press).
There are 68 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects International Migration
Journal Section Research Article

C. Akça Ataç This is me 0000-0002-3871-8830

Şebnem Açelya Baştan This is me 0000-0002-4715-503X

Publication Date February 28, 2022
Submission Date August 3, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 14 Issue: 1


APA Ataç, C. A., & Baştan, Ş. A. (2022). Karanlık Zamanlarda Arendt Okumak: Avrupa Birliği, Göç Sorunu ve Geri İtmeler. Alternatif Politika, 14(1), 1-31.
AMA Ataç CA, Baştan ŞA. Karanlık Zamanlarda Arendt Okumak: Avrupa Birliği, Göç Sorunu ve Geri İtmeler. Altern. Polit. February 2022;14(1):1-31. doi:10.53376/ap.2022.01
Chicago Ataç, C. Akça, and Şebnem Açelya Baştan. “Karanlık Zamanlarda Arendt Okumak: Avrupa Birliği, Göç Sorunu Ve Geri İtmeler”. Alternatif Politika 14, no. 1 (February 2022): 1-31.
EndNote Ataç CA, Baştan ŞA (February 1, 2022) Karanlık Zamanlarda Arendt Okumak: Avrupa Birliği, Göç Sorunu ve Geri İtmeler. Alternatif Politika 14 1 1–31.
IEEE C. A. Ataç and Ş. A. Baştan, “Karanlık Zamanlarda Arendt Okumak: Avrupa Birliği, Göç Sorunu ve Geri İtmeler”, Altern. Polit., vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 1–31, 2022, doi: 10.53376/ap.2022.01.
ISNAD Ataç, C. Akça - Baştan, Şebnem Açelya. “Karanlık Zamanlarda Arendt Okumak: Avrupa Birliği, Göç Sorunu Ve Geri İtmeler”. Alternatif Politika 14/1 (February 2022), 1-31.
JAMA Ataç CA, Baştan ŞA. Karanlık Zamanlarda Arendt Okumak: Avrupa Birliği, Göç Sorunu ve Geri İtmeler. Altern. Polit. 2022;14:1–31.
MLA Ataç, C. Akça and Şebnem Açelya Baştan. “Karanlık Zamanlarda Arendt Okumak: Avrupa Birliği, Göç Sorunu Ve Geri İtmeler”. Alternatif Politika, vol. 14, no. 1, 2022, pp. 1-31, doi:10.53376/ap.2022.01.
Vancouver Ataç CA, Baştan ŞA. Karanlık Zamanlarda Arendt Okumak: Avrupa Birliği, Göç Sorunu ve Geri İtmeler. Altern. Polit. 2022;14(1):1-31.