Research Article
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A Lost Legendary Humane Common Properties Called Peace and Coexistence of Homo Muslimus in Jerusalem

Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 1 - 12, 15.06.2018


In this joint article, we shall deal with Jerusalem and its three historic faces of ‘homo Muslimus’ (i.e. Judaistic,
Christian and Islamic traditions as three religious faces of Abraham at the sample of both his biological and
religious family tree traced back to Adam) have been recorded in ‘Jerusalem’ City as to peaceful co-existence.
Our inquiry stand points will be based on the philosophico-sociological ground as well as the history of Divine
religions. Jerusalem is one of the oldest habitats of Adam’s children. The members of Adamhood had been
mentally and spiritually evolved by divine intervention from the state of homo sapiens to the state of, what we
call, homo skeptikus so as to be a good and a model homo Muslimus on the earth in the very long journey of
divine evolution. Thus one of the largest groups of homo Muslimus and civilizations historically known as
members of Abrahamic religions and their followers have been living together in Jerusalem city as a nucleus
sample. All homo skeptikus reason porters have been divinely formatted by God in their very nature as people of
peace and co-existence to talk and act during their stay on the earth. However both historical records of homo
skeptikus reason porter in general and of homo Muslimus in particular led us to think that having and practising
culture of peace and coexistence was/is not easy on the earth. As a world famous old city, such historical case
have been happened and observed at the sample of social, religious and cultural habitat of Jerusalem. Therefore
today we desperately need ‘peace’ and ‘coexistence’ all over the world as well as Jerusalem City for the wellness
and welfare of humanity at global and even at universal levels. However, the question is to be answered: How is
it so? 

In this context in the realization process of the joint paper our aim will be to draw participants’ attention to two
main historic points of homo sapiens and thus discuss the outcome. These are: i) histories of homo Muslimus
and Jerusalem as a city of various cultures; and ii) the historic relation between three faces of ‘homo Muslimus’
and ‘Jerusalem’ as to (regional and global) ‘peace’ and ‘coexistence’. 


  • Acikoz, H. M. (2006)Tevhidi Kozmik Holizm, Şüphe ve Eski Uygarlıklar (Tawhedy Cosmic Holism and Ancient Civilizations). Ankara: Elis, Introduction and Chapter One.
  • Acikoz, H. M.(2010) Philosophical Essays –II– .Ankara: Araştırma Yayınları, Related Articles.
  • Acikoz, H. M.(2016) İletişim Felsefesine Giriş: İnsani İletişimin Felsefi Temelleri (Introduction to Philosophy of Communication: Humanistic Basics of Philosophical Communication). Gnş. 3. Baskı, Ankara: Elis 92, Preface and Introduction.
  • Acikoz, H. M.(2016)A Philosophical Critique of the Origin, the Content and the Function of the Ancient Greek Philosophy and Its Myth as to History of Reason Portery of Homo Sceptikus” in ‘Current Topics in Social Scienses’. Eds: Yaldır etal., Chapter SevenSofia, Bulgaria: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, pp: 70-97.
  • Cline, E. H. (2004) Jerusalem Besieged: From Ancient Canaan to Modern Israel. Michigan: University of Michigan Press, pp: 2-11.
  • Ahmad, I. (2016) 21. Asırda Islam Rönesansı (Islamic Renaissance in 21th Century).Translated by Acikoz, H. M., Ankara: Araştırma Yayınları 132, pp.33-89.
  • Ekman, P. (1992) Telling Lies: Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace, Politics, and Marriage”, W. W. Norton & Company, New York, London,
  • Gunes, H. H. (2017) “Kudüs’ü Yeniden Düşünmek”, Önsöz Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • Gunes, H. H. (2015) “Kudus’te Bir Vakıf Mahalle: Sekiz Yüzyıllık Megaribe Mahallesi ve Serencamı”, Vakıflar Dergisi (44), pp: 9-35.
  • Islamoglu, M. (2014) Hayat Kitabı KUR’AN – Gerekçeli Meal-Tefsir (The Book of Life QUR’AN – Justified Translation-Interpretation). İstanbul: Düşün Yayıncılık, related Surah and Ayath.
  • Islamoglu, M. (2016) Tabiat ve Kur’an Ayetleri Işığında Yaratılış ve Evrim (Creation and Evolution in the Light of Nature and Quranic Verses), Istanbul: Düşün Yayınları, Preface and First Chapter.
  • Meir, G. (1973) A Land of Our Own” (An Oral Autobiography). ed. by Syrkin, M. New York: Putnam’s Sons, On Peace, pp:239-242.
  • Ozbay, O. and Dagıtmac, M. (2017) “Dijital Haçlı Seferleri- (Digital Holy Wars of West)”. Introduction, Motto Yayınları, Istanbul.
  • Ozturk, A.(2013) İmajoloji: Yeni Bir Disiplin Denemesi (Imagology: A Trail of New Discipline), 2nd Ed., Ankara: Elis Yayınları, pp: 32-65.
  • Ozturk, A.(2014) Medeniyet ve Sosyoloji: İmajoloji Çalışmaları (Imagology Studies: Civilization and Sociology), Ankara: Elis Yayınları, pp: 78-112.
  • Ozturk, A. (2011) Kriz Sosyolojisi: Batı Merkezciliğinin Yapısal Sorunları ve Kriz (Sociology of Crises: Structural Problems and Crises of Western Centrality). Istanbul: Dogu Kitapevi.
  • TDV Islam Ansiklopedisi, KUDUS(القدس(Maddesi (Islamic Encyclopedia of Turkish Religion Foundation, JARESALEM Article), Yıl (Year): 2002, Cilt (Volume): 26, 5 Bölüm (5 Sections Writen by Five Authors), Sayfalar (Pages):323-338.
  • Harman, O. H. (2002) Uç İlahi Dinde de Onemli Bir Yere Sahip Olan ve Kutsal Sayılan Sehir (Holied City and Crucial Place for the Three Divine Religions), Section I, pp: 323-327.
  • Avci, C. (2002) Fetihten Haçlı Seferlerine Kadar (After Conquer until Crusaders Attacks), Section II, pp: 327-329.
  • Demirkent, I. (2002)Haclılar Donemi (Period of Crusaders), Section III, pp: 329-332.
  • Tomar, C. (2002)Memluklular (Mamluqies), Section IV, pp: 332-334.
  • El-Aseli, K. C. (2002) Osmanlılar Dönemi ve Sonrası (The Period of Ottomans and Further), Section V, pp:334-338.
  • Wikipedia (February 2017) Articles of: Homo sapiens; Human Evolution, Jerusalem; History of Jerusalem; and Abraham.

A Lost Legendary Humane Common Properties Called Peace and Coexistence of Homo Muslimus in Jerusalem

Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 1 - 12, 15.06.2018


In this joint article, we shall deal with Jerusalem and its three historic faces of ‘homo Muslimus’ (i.e. Judaistic,
Christian and Islamic traditions as three religious faces of Abraham at the sample of both his biological and
religious family tree traced back to Adam) have been recorded in ‘Jerusalem’ City as to peaceful co-existence.
Our inquiry stand points will be based on the philosophico-sociological ground as well as the history of Divine
religions. Jerusalem is one of the oldest habitats of Adam’s children. The members of Adamhood had been
mentally and spiritually evolved by divine intervention from the state of homo sapiens to the state of, what we
call, homo skeptikus so as to be a good and a model homo Muslimus on the earth in the very long journey of
divine evolution. Thus one of the largest groups of homo Muslimus and civilizations historically known as
members of Abrahamic religions and their followers have been living together in Jerusalem city as a nucleus
sample. All homo skeptikus reason porters have been divinely formatted by God in their very nature as people of
peace and co-existence to talk and act during their stay on the earth. However both historical records of homo
skeptikus reason porter in general and of homo Muslimus in particular led us to think that having and practising
culture of peace and coexistence was/is not easy on the earth. As a world famous old city, such historical case
have been happened and observed at the sample of social, religious and cultural habitat of Jerusalem. Therefore
today we desperately need ‘peace’ and ‘coexistence’ all over the world as well as Jerusalem City for the wellness
and welfare of humanity at global and even at universal levels. However, the question is to be answered: How is
it so? 

In this context in the realization process of the joint paper our aim will be to draw participants’ attention to two
main historic points of homo sapiens and thus discuss the outcome. These are: i) histories of homo Muslimus
and Jerusalem as a city of various cultures; and ii) the historic relation between three faces of ‘homo Muslimus’
and ‘Jerusalem’ as to (regional and global) ‘peace’ and ‘coexistence’. 


  • Acikoz, H. M. (2006)Tevhidi Kozmik Holizm, Şüphe ve Eski Uygarlıklar (Tawhedy Cosmic Holism and Ancient Civilizations). Ankara: Elis, Introduction and Chapter One.
  • Acikoz, H. M.(2010) Philosophical Essays –II– .Ankara: Araştırma Yayınları, Related Articles.
  • Acikoz, H. M.(2016) İletişim Felsefesine Giriş: İnsani İletişimin Felsefi Temelleri (Introduction to Philosophy of Communication: Humanistic Basics of Philosophical Communication). Gnş. 3. Baskı, Ankara: Elis 92, Preface and Introduction.
  • Acikoz, H. M.(2016)A Philosophical Critique of the Origin, the Content and the Function of the Ancient Greek Philosophy and Its Myth as to History of Reason Portery of Homo Sceptikus” in ‘Current Topics in Social Scienses’. Eds: Yaldır etal., Chapter SevenSofia, Bulgaria: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, pp: 70-97.
  • Cline, E. H. (2004) Jerusalem Besieged: From Ancient Canaan to Modern Israel. Michigan: University of Michigan Press, pp: 2-11.
  • Ahmad, I. (2016) 21. Asırda Islam Rönesansı (Islamic Renaissance in 21th Century).Translated by Acikoz, H. M., Ankara: Araştırma Yayınları 132, pp.33-89.
  • Ekman, P. (1992) Telling Lies: Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace, Politics, and Marriage”, W. W. Norton & Company, New York, London,
  • Gunes, H. H. (2017) “Kudüs’ü Yeniden Düşünmek”, Önsöz Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • Gunes, H. H. (2015) “Kudus’te Bir Vakıf Mahalle: Sekiz Yüzyıllık Megaribe Mahallesi ve Serencamı”, Vakıflar Dergisi (44), pp: 9-35.
  • Islamoglu, M. (2014) Hayat Kitabı KUR’AN – Gerekçeli Meal-Tefsir (The Book of Life QUR’AN – Justified Translation-Interpretation). İstanbul: Düşün Yayıncılık, related Surah and Ayath.
  • Islamoglu, M. (2016) Tabiat ve Kur’an Ayetleri Işığında Yaratılış ve Evrim (Creation and Evolution in the Light of Nature and Quranic Verses), Istanbul: Düşün Yayınları, Preface and First Chapter.
  • Meir, G. (1973) A Land of Our Own” (An Oral Autobiography). ed. by Syrkin, M. New York: Putnam’s Sons, On Peace, pp:239-242.
  • Ozbay, O. and Dagıtmac, M. (2017) “Dijital Haçlı Seferleri- (Digital Holy Wars of West)”. Introduction, Motto Yayınları, Istanbul.
  • Ozturk, A.(2013) İmajoloji: Yeni Bir Disiplin Denemesi (Imagology: A Trail of New Discipline), 2nd Ed., Ankara: Elis Yayınları, pp: 32-65.
  • Ozturk, A.(2014) Medeniyet ve Sosyoloji: İmajoloji Çalışmaları (Imagology Studies: Civilization and Sociology), Ankara: Elis Yayınları, pp: 78-112.
  • Ozturk, A. (2011) Kriz Sosyolojisi: Batı Merkezciliğinin Yapısal Sorunları ve Kriz (Sociology of Crises: Structural Problems and Crises of Western Centrality). Istanbul: Dogu Kitapevi.
  • TDV Islam Ansiklopedisi, KUDUS(القدس(Maddesi (Islamic Encyclopedia of Turkish Religion Foundation, JARESALEM Article), Yıl (Year): 2002, Cilt (Volume): 26, 5 Bölüm (5 Sections Writen by Five Authors), Sayfalar (Pages):323-338.
  • Harman, O. H. (2002) Uç İlahi Dinde de Onemli Bir Yere Sahip Olan ve Kutsal Sayılan Sehir (Holied City and Crucial Place for the Three Divine Religions), Section I, pp: 323-327.
  • Avci, C. (2002) Fetihten Haçlı Seferlerine Kadar (After Conquer until Crusaders Attacks), Section II, pp: 327-329.
  • Demirkent, I. (2002)Haclılar Donemi (Period of Crusaders), Section III, pp: 329-332.
  • Tomar, C. (2002)Memluklular (Mamluqies), Section IV, pp: 332-334.
  • El-Aseli, K. C. (2002) Osmanlılar Dönemi ve Sonrası (The Period of Ottomans and Further), Section V, pp:334-338.
  • Wikipedia (February 2017) Articles of: Homo sapiens; Human Evolution, Jerusalem; History of Jerusalem; and Abraham.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Religious Studies
Journal Section Research Article

Ali Öztürk

Mustafa Açıköz

Publication Date June 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


ISNAD Öztürk, Ali - Açıköz, Mustafa. “A Lost Legendary Humane Common Properties Called Peace and Coexistence of Homo Muslimus in Jerusalem”. Akademik Platform İslami Araştırmalar Dergisi 2/1 (June 2018), 1-12.
Akademik Platform İslami Araştırmalar Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.