Research Article
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Deserting the Wife, Between Disciplining and Abuse

Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 29 - 41, 29.03.2019


This study treats the topic of deserting the wife as a means for
disciplining the wife upon disobedience of her husband and rebellion against
him, such by means of elucidating the manifold opinions of the Fuqaha (Muslim jurists)
insofar as the method of desertion such as desertion of the wedlock bed or
eschewal of sexual contact or verbal communication or otherwise, while also
pointing out the lawful duration.

Moreover, the adoption of desertion as a means for harming the wife
was addressed, and the position of the Fuqahavis a vis the right of the wife to
demand separation as a result of this reason through the courts of law, and the
period that grants the wife this right, and also the type of separation
resulting from the separation ordained by the judge in terms of considering it
as a separation/ Dissolution (Faskh) or divorce.

The author reached several results including the fact that
desertion (
Hajr) may be applied to its multiple meanings, whereby the husband my
choose the method which influences and   assists
in ending the condition of the rebellion of the wife in a manner whereby the interests
of the children are not affected negatively.

Moreover, the desertion of the wife should be time-specific and it
may not be prolonged toseveral months or years, because al-
Hajr entails an aim
related to reforming the wife and ending her rebellion or disobedience.

And in case the period of desertion exceeds the Islamicallypermitted
period, or the
Hajr was adopted as a means for harming the wife, such will confer on
her the right to take recourse to the judiciary, in order to admonish the
husband and give him a period of time to mend his ways with his wife, but
incase he continues the desertion, the author views with favor the possibility
of effecting separation. 


  • - Holy Qur’an
  • - Al-Isfahani, Al-Hussein Bin Muhammad. Al-Mufradat FiGharib Al-Qur’an, edited by Muhammad Kilani, Beirut: Dar Al-Ma`rifah.
  • - Al-Albani, Muhammad Nasser Eddin, Irwa`aAl-Ghalil FiTakhrijAhadithManar Al-Sabeel, Beirut: Al-MaktabAl-Islami, 1405H.-1985A.D.
  • - Al-Albani, Muhammad Nasser Eddin, SilsilatAl-Ahadith Al-SahihaWa Shay` Min FiqhihaWaFawa`ediha, Riyadh: Maktabat Al-Ma`arif, 1415H.-1995A.D.
  • - Al-Ansari, Zakariah Bin Muhammad, Asna Al-Matalib FiSharhRawdAl-Taleb, Al-MaktabahAl-Islamiyyah.
  • - Al-Bukhari, Muhammad in Ismail, SahihAl-Bukhari, edited by Mustafa Al-Bagha, Beirut, Dar IbnKathir and Dar Al-Yamamah, 1407H.-1987A.D.
  • - Al-Bahuti, Mansour Bin Younis, Kashaf Al-Qina`a, edited by HilalMseilhiHilal, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, 1402H.-1982A.D . - Al-Bayhaqi, Ahmad Bin Al-Hussein, Sunan Al-Bayhaqi, edited by Muhammad Ata, Mecca, Maktabat Dar Al-Baz, 1414H.-1994A.D.
  • - Tirmidhi, Muhammad Bin Issa, SunanAl-Tirmidhi, edited by Ahmad Shaker and others. Beirut, Dar Ihya`aAl-Turath.
  • - Al-Jassas, Abu Bakr Ahmad Bin Ali, AhkamAl-Qur’an, edited by Muhammad Al-SadeqQamhawi, Beirut, Dar Ihya`aAl-Turath, 1405H.-1985A.D.
  • - Al-Hakem, Muhammad Bin Abdullah, MustadrakAl-Hakem, edited by Mustafa Ata, Beirut, Dar Al-KutubAl-Ilmiyyah, 1411H.-1991A.D.
  • - Al-Hattab, Muhammad Bin Abdel Rahman, MawahebAl-JalilSharhMukhtassar Khalil, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, 1398H.-1978A.D.
  • - Al-Kharshi, Muhammad, SharhAl-KharshiAlaMukhtassar Khalil, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr.
  • - Al-Dardir, Abu Al-Barakat Ahmad, Al-Sharh Al-Kabir, edited by Muhammad Aleesh, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr.
  • - Al-Dessouqi, Muhammad Bin Arafah, HashiyatAl-DessouqiAlaAl-Sharh Al-Kabir, edited by Muhammad Aleesh, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr.
  • - Al-Dimyati, Abu Bakr Bin Al-Sayyed Muhammad, I`anatAl-Talibin, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr.
  • - Al-Rheibani, Mustafa Al-Suyuti, MatalebUliAl-Nuha, Damascus, Al-MaktabAl-Islami.
  • - IbnRushd, Muhammad Bin Ahmad, BidayatAl-MujtahidWaNihayatAl-Muqtasid, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr.
  • - Al-Rifai`i, Rudayna, WaTawalbeh, Muhammad, AhkamAl-HajrFilFiqhAl-Islami, MajallatDirassatUlum Al-Shari`ahW`alQanun, Amman, University of Jordan, Vol. (36), Issue (2), 1429H.-2009A.D.
  • - Al-Ramli, Muhammad Bin AbiAl-Abbas, GhayatAl-Bayan SharhZabadIbnRaslan, Beirut, Dar Al-Ma`rifah.
  • - Al-Ramli, Muhammad Bin Abi Al-Abbas, Nihayat Al-Muhtaj, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, 1404H.-1984A.d . - Zeidan, Abdel Karim, Al-Mufassal Fi AhkamAl-Mar`aW`alBayt al-Muslim F`ilShari`ahAl-Islamiyyah, Beirut, Mu`assassat Al-Risalah, 1420H.-2000A.D.
  • - Shindi, Ismail, HukmHajr Al-ZawjahF`ilFiqh Al-Islami-Comparative Study, Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Research and Studies, Issue (36), 1436H.-2015A.D. - Al-Tabari, Muhammad Bin Jarir, Tafsir Al-Tabari, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, 1405H.-1985A.D.
  • - IbnAbdeen, Muhammad , HashiyatIbnAbdeen, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, 1421H.-2001A.D., with a completion of the Hashiyah by the son of the author Ala`aEddin. - IbnAbdAl-Barr, Yousef Bin Abdullah, Al-Kafi, Beirut, Dar Al-KutubAl-Ilmiyyah, 1407H.-1987A.D.
  • - Abdel Razzaq, Abu Bakr Abdel Razzaq Bin Humam, Mussanaf Abdel Razzaq, edited by Habib Al-Rahman Al-A`dhami, Beirut, Al-Maktab Al-Islami, 1403H.-1983A.D.
  • - IbnAssaker, Abu Al-Qassem Ali Bin al-Hassan, History of Damascus, edited by Ali Shiri, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, 1419H.-1998A.D.
  • - IbnAl-‘Arabi, Abu Bakr Muhammad Bin Abdullah, AhkamAl-Qur’a, edited by Muhammad Ata, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr. - Aleesh, Muhammad, ManhAl-Jalil, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, 1409H.-1989A.D.
  • - Alfayrouzabadi, Muhammad Bin Ya`coub, Al-QamousAl-Muheet, Beirut, Mu`assassatAl-Risalah.
  • - IbnQudamah, Abdullah Bin Ahmad, Al-Mughni, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, 1405H.-1985A.D.
  • - Al-Kassani, Alaa Eddin, Bada`i Al-Sana`e Fi Tartib Al-Shara`e’, Beirut, Dar Al-Kitab Al-Arabi, 1402H.-1982A.D.
  • - IbnKathir, Ismail Bin Umar, Tafsir Al-Qur’an Al-‘Adheem, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, 1401H.-1981A.D.
  • - IbnMajah, Muhammad Bin Yazid, SunanIbnMajah, edited by Muhammad Fouad Abdel Baqi, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr. - Malik, Malik Bin Anas, Al-Mudawwannah Al-Kubra, Beirut, Dar Sader.
  • - Al-Mardawi, Ali Bin Suleiman, Al-Insaf Fi Ma`ar’ifatAl-Rajeh Min Al-Khilaf, edited by Muhammad Hamed Al-Faqi, Beirut, Dar Ihya`aAl-Turath.
  • - Muslim, Muslim Bin Al-Hajjaj, Sahih Muslim, edited by Muhammad Fouad Abdel Baqi, Beirut, Dar Ihya`aAl-Turath.
  • - IbnMufleh, Ibrahim Bin Muhammad, Al-Mubde`, Beirut, Al-Maktab Al-Islami, 1400H.-1980A.D.
  • - Al-Manawi, Muhammad Abdel Ra`ouf, Al-TawqifAlaMuhimmatAl-Ta`arif, edited by Muhammad Al-Dayah, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Mu`asser, 1410H.-1990A.D.
  • - Ibn Mandhur, Jamal Eddin, Lisan Al-Arab, Beirut, Dar Sader.
  • - Al-Muwaq, Muhammad Bin Yousef, Al-Taj W`al Iklil, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, 1398H.-1978A.D.
  • - Ibn Nujeim, Zein Eddin, Al-Bahr Al-Ra`eq Sharh Kanz Al-Daqa`eq, Beirut, Dar Al-Ma`rifah.
  • - Al-Nissa`i, Ahmad Bin Shu`ayb, Al-SunanAl-Kubra, edited by Hassan Shalabi, Beirut, Mu`assassat Al-Risalah, 1421H.-2001A.D.
  • - Al-Nafrawi, Ahmad Bin Ghneim, Al-Fawakeh Al-Dawani, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, 1415H.-1995A.D.
  • - Al-Nawawi, Yahya Bin Sharaf, RawdatAl-Talibin, Beirut, Al-Maktab Al-Islami, 1405H.-1985A.D.
  • - IbnAl-Humam, Kamal Eddin Muhammad, SharhFathAl-Qadir, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr.

Deserting the Wife, Between Disciplining and Abuse

Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 29 - 41, 29.03.2019


wife upon disobedience of her husband and rebellion against him,
such by means of elucidating the manifold opinions of the Fuqaha (Muslim jurists)
insofar as the method of desertion such as desertion of the wedlock bed or
eschewal of sexual contact or verbal communication or otherwise, while also
pointing out the lawful duration.

Moreover, the adoption of desertion as a means for harming the wife
was addressed, and the position of the Fuqahavis a vis the right of the wife to
demand separation as a result of this reason through the courts of law, and the
period that grants the wife this right, and also the type of separation
resulting from the separation ordained by the judge in terms of considering it
as a separation/ Dissolution (Faskh) or divorce.

The author reached several results including the fact that
desertion (
Hajr) may be applied to its multiple meanings, whereby the husband my
choose the method which influences and   assists
in ending the condition of the rebellion of the wife in a manner whereby the interests
of the children are not affected negatively.

Moreover, the desertion of the wife should be time-specific and it
may not be prolonged toseveral months or years, because al-
Hajr entails an aim
related to reforming the wife and ending her rebellion or disobedience.

in case the period of desertion exceeds the Islamicallypermitted period, or the
Hajr was adopted as a
means for harming the wife, such will confer on her the right to take recourse
to the judiciary, in order to admonish the husband and give him a period of
time to mend his ways with his wife, but incase he continues the desertion, the
author views with favor the possibility of effecting separation


  • - Holy Qur’an
  • - Al-Isfahani, Al-Hussein Bin Muhammad. Al-Mufradat FiGharib Al-Qur’an, edited by Muhammad Kilani, Beirut: Dar Al-Ma`rifah.
  • - Al-Albani, Muhammad Nasser Eddin, Irwa`aAl-Ghalil FiTakhrijAhadithManar Al-Sabeel, Beirut: Al-MaktabAl-Islami, 1405H.-1985A.D.
  • - Al-Albani, Muhammad Nasser Eddin, SilsilatAl-Ahadith Al-SahihaWa Shay` Min FiqhihaWaFawa`ediha, Riyadh: Maktabat Al-Ma`arif, 1415H.-1995A.D.
  • - Al-Ansari, Zakariah Bin Muhammad, Asna Al-Matalib FiSharhRawdAl-Taleb, Al-MaktabahAl-Islamiyyah.
  • - Al-Bukhari, Muhammad in Ismail, SahihAl-Bukhari, edited by Mustafa Al-Bagha, Beirut, Dar IbnKathir and Dar Al-Yamamah, 1407H.-1987A.D.
  • - Al-Bahuti, Mansour Bin Younis, Kashaf Al-Qina`a, edited by HilalMseilhiHilal, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, 1402H.-1982A.D . - Al-Bayhaqi, Ahmad Bin Al-Hussein, Sunan Al-Bayhaqi, edited by Muhammad Ata, Mecca, Maktabat Dar Al-Baz, 1414H.-1994A.D.
  • - Tirmidhi, Muhammad Bin Issa, SunanAl-Tirmidhi, edited by Ahmad Shaker and others. Beirut, Dar Ihya`aAl-Turath.
  • - Al-Jassas, Abu Bakr Ahmad Bin Ali, AhkamAl-Qur’an, edited by Muhammad Al-SadeqQamhawi, Beirut, Dar Ihya`aAl-Turath, 1405H.-1985A.D.
  • - Al-Hakem, Muhammad Bin Abdullah, MustadrakAl-Hakem, edited by Mustafa Ata, Beirut, Dar Al-KutubAl-Ilmiyyah, 1411H.-1991A.D.
  • - Al-Hattab, Muhammad Bin Abdel Rahman, MawahebAl-JalilSharhMukhtassar Khalil, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, 1398H.-1978A.D.
  • - Al-Kharshi, Muhammad, SharhAl-KharshiAlaMukhtassar Khalil, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr.
  • - Al-Dardir, Abu Al-Barakat Ahmad, Al-Sharh Al-Kabir, edited by Muhammad Aleesh, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr.
  • - Al-Dessouqi, Muhammad Bin Arafah, HashiyatAl-DessouqiAlaAl-Sharh Al-Kabir, edited by Muhammad Aleesh, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr.
  • - Al-Dimyati, Abu Bakr Bin Al-Sayyed Muhammad, I`anatAl-Talibin, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr.
  • - Al-Rheibani, Mustafa Al-Suyuti, MatalebUliAl-Nuha, Damascus, Al-MaktabAl-Islami.
  • - IbnRushd, Muhammad Bin Ahmad, BidayatAl-MujtahidWaNihayatAl-Muqtasid, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr.
  • - Al-Rifai`i, Rudayna, WaTawalbeh, Muhammad, AhkamAl-HajrFilFiqhAl-Islami, MajallatDirassatUlum Al-Shari`ahW`alQanun, Amman, University of Jordan, Vol. (36), Issue (2), 1429H.-2009A.D.
  • - Al-Ramli, Muhammad Bin AbiAl-Abbas, GhayatAl-Bayan SharhZabadIbnRaslan, Beirut, Dar Al-Ma`rifah.
  • - Al-Ramli, Muhammad Bin Abi Al-Abbas, Nihayat Al-Muhtaj, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, 1404H.-1984A.d . - Zeidan, Abdel Karim, Al-Mufassal Fi AhkamAl-Mar`aW`alBayt al-Muslim F`ilShari`ahAl-Islamiyyah, Beirut, Mu`assassat Al-Risalah, 1420H.-2000A.D.
  • - Shindi, Ismail, HukmHajr Al-ZawjahF`ilFiqh Al-Islami-Comparative Study, Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Research and Studies, Issue (36), 1436H.-2015A.D. - Al-Tabari, Muhammad Bin Jarir, Tafsir Al-Tabari, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, 1405H.-1985A.D.
  • - IbnAbdeen, Muhammad , HashiyatIbnAbdeen, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, 1421H.-2001A.D., with a completion of the Hashiyah by the son of the author Ala`aEddin. - IbnAbdAl-Barr, Yousef Bin Abdullah, Al-Kafi, Beirut, Dar Al-KutubAl-Ilmiyyah, 1407H.-1987A.D.
  • - Abdel Razzaq, Abu Bakr Abdel Razzaq Bin Humam, Mussanaf Abdel Razzaq, edited by Habib Al-Rahman Al-A`dhami, Beirut, Al-Maktab Al-Islami, 1403H.-1983A.D.
  • - IbnAssaker, Abu Al-Qassem Ali Bin al-Hassan, History of Damascus, edited by Ali Shiri, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, 1419H.-1998A.D.
  • - IbnAl-‘Arabi, Abu Bakr Muhammad Bin Abdullah, AhkamAl-Qur’a, edited by Muhammad Ata, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr. - Aleesh, Muhammad, ManhAl-Jalil, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, 1409H.-1989A.D.
  • - Alfayrouzabadi, Muhammad Bin Ya`coub, Al-QamousAl-Muheet, Beirut, Mu`assassatAl-Risalah.
  • - IbnQudamah, Abdullah Bin Ahmad, Al-Mughni, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, 1405H.-1985A.D.
  • - Al-Kassani, Alaa Eddin, Bada`i Al-Sana`e Fi Tartib Al-Shara`e’, Beirut, Dar Al-Kitab Al-Arabi, 1402H.-1982A.D.
  • - IbnKathir, Ismail Bin Umar, Tafsir Al-Qur’an Al-‘Adheem, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, 1401H.-1981A.D.
  • - IbnMajah, Muhammad Bin Yazid, SunanIbnMajah, edited by Muhammad Fouad Abdel Baqi, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr. - Malik, Malik Bin Anas, Al-Mudawwannah Al-Kubra, Beirut, Dar Sader.
  • - Al-Mardawi, Ali Bin Suleiman, Al-Insaf Fi Ma`ar’ifatAl-Rajeh Min Al-Khilaf, edited by Muhammad Hamed Al-Faqi, Beirut, Dar Ihya`aAl-Turath.
  • - Muslim, Muslim Bin Al-Hajjaj, Sahih Muslim, edited by Muhammad Fouad Abdel Baqi, Beirut, Dar Ihya`aAl-Turath.
  • - IbnMufleh, Ibrahim Bin Muhammad, Al-Mubde`, Beirut, Al-Maktab Al-Islami, 1400H.-1980A.D.
  • - Al-Manawi, Muhammad Abdel Ra`ouf, Al-TawqifAlaMuhimmatAl-Ta`arif, edited by Muhammad Al-Dayah, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Mu`asser, 1410H.-1990A.D.
  • - Ibn Mandhur, Jamal Eddin, Lisan Al-Arab, Beirut, Dar Sader.
  • - Al-Muwaq, Muhammad Bin Yousef, Al-Taj W`al Iklil, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, 1398H.-1978A.D.
  • - Ibn Nujeim, Zein Eddin, Al-Bahr Al-Ra`eq Sharh Kanz Al-Daqa`eq, Beirut, Dar Al-Ma`rifah.
  • - Al-Nissa`i, Ahmad Bin Shu`ayb, Al-SunanAl-Kubra, edited by Hassan Shalabi, Beirut, Mu`assassat Al-Risalah, 1421H.-2001A.D.
  • - Al-Nafrawi, Ahmad Bin Ghneim, Al-Fawakeh Al-Dawani, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr, 1415H.-1995A.D.
  • - Al-Nawawi, Yahya Bin Sharaf, RawdatAl-Talibin, Beirut, Al-Maktab Al-Islami, 1405H.-1985A.D.
  • - IbnAl-Humam, Kamal Eddin Muhammad, SharhFathAl-Qadir, Beirut, Dar Al-Fikr.
There are 41 citations in total.


Journal Section Research Article

Orwa Sabri

Publication Date March 29, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


ISNAD Sabri, Orwa. “Deserting the Wife, Between Disciplining and Abuse”. Akademik Platform İslami Araştırmalar Dergisi 3/1 (March 2019), 29-41.
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