Research Article
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Mental Disability (?): On the Akkadian Word Lillu

Year 2018, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 49 - 70, 17.08.2018


scripts of the ancient Mesopotamia include information also about
mental-cognitive problems of the people. However, since they are not in a
well-designed text type, these pieces of information are dispersed and theyi
are mostly encountered among the lines. Moreover, it is not always simple to
comprehend what problems Sumerian and Akkadian words refer to, which are
thought to be related with mental problems, and what the levels of these health
problems are. Grounding on the usages of Sumerian LÚ.LIL and Akkadian
lillu/lillatu words in mainly literary and mythological texts, the article will
focus on what kind of a mental problem this word refers to. Additionally, the
context usages and purposes of this word in the texts will be dwelled on. In
this way, how the people, who are defined as lillu, are perceived in the
community will be put forth in general terms. It will be tried to manifest that
although the word is used together with physical disabilities in many texts, it
is used by a certain fraction of the community to define the individuals who
are different regarding demeanor and temperament, rather than a mental
disability or an illness.


  • Abusch 2001: Tzvi Abusch, “The Development and Meaning of the Epic of Gilgamesh: An Interpretive Essay”, Journal of the American Oriental Society 121/4, 2001, 614-622.
  • Alster 1997: Bendt Alster, Proverbs of Ancient Sumer: The World’s Earliest Proverb Collections Vol 1, CDL Press: Bethesda-Maryland, 1997.
  • Alster 2005: Bendt Alster, Wisdom of Ancient Sumer, CDL Press: Bethesda-Maryland, 2005.
  • Bauer 1993: Josef Bauer, “Rezension zu J. Marzahn, Altsumerische Verwaltungsurkunden aus Girsu Lagaš (= VS 25)”, Bibliotheca Orientalis 50, 1993, 173-180.
  • Beaulie 2007: Paul-Alain Beaulie, “The Social and Intellectual Setting of Babylonian Wisdom Literature”, Wisdom Literature in Mesopotamia and Israel, (Ed: Richard J. Clifford), Society of Biblical Literature: Atlanta, 2007, 3-19.
  • Black and 2004: Jeremy Black-Graham Cunningham-Eleanor Robson-Gabor Zolyomi, The Literature of Ancient Sumer, Oxford Universiy Press: New York, 2004.
  • Bottéro – Kramer 1989: Jean Bottéro – Samuel Noah Kramer, “ Le récit du Déluge dans l’Épopée ninivite de Gilgames”, Lorsque Les Dieux Faisaient L’Homme: Mythologie Mésopotamienne, Gallimard: Paris, 1989.
  • Cassin 1987: Elena Cassin, “Le droit et le tordu – II: Handicapés et marginaux dans la Mésopotamie des IIe-Ier millénaires”, Le Semblable et le Différent, Éditions La Découverte: Paris, 1987, 72-97.
  • Ceccarelli 2016: Manuel Ceccarelli, Enki and Ninmaḫ: Eine mythische Erzählung in sumerischer Sprache, Mohr Siebeck: Tubingen, 2016.
  • Dalley 2000: Stephanie Dalley, Myths from Mesopotamia, Oxford University Press: New York, 2000.
  • Dossin 1978: Georges Dossin, Correspondance Féminine: Transcrite et Traduite, Archives Royales de Mari X (Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner: Paris, 1978.
  • Foster 1996: Benjamin R. Foster, Before the Muses: An Anthology of Akkadian Literature I, Second Edition, CDL Press: Bethesda-Maryland, 1996.
  • Foster 1997: Benjamin R. Foster, “The Babylonian Theodicy”, The Context of Scripture I (Ed: W.W.Hallo), Leiden: Brill, 1997, 492-495.
  • Foxvog 2011: Daniel A. Foxvog, “Aspects of Name-Giving in Presargonic Lagash”, Strings and Threads: A Celebration of the Work of Anne Draffkorn Kilmer, (Eds: Wolfgang Heimpel – Gabriella Frantz Szabo), Eisenbrauns: Winona Lake, Indiana, 2011, 59-97.
  • Freedman 1998: Sally M. Freedman, If A City is Set on A Height I: The Akkadian Omen Series Šumma Alu ina Mēlē Šakin (Tablet 1-21), Occasional Publications of Samuel Noah Kramer Fund 17: Philadelphia, 1998.
  • George 1993: A. R. George, “Ninurta-Pāqidāt's Dog Bite, and Notes on Other Comic Tales”, Iraq 55, 1993, 63-75.
  • George 2000: A. R. George, The Epic of Gılgamesh: A New Translation, Penguin Classics: London, 2000.
  • George 2003: A. R. George, The Babylonian Gılgamesh Epic: Introduction, Critical Edition and Cuneiform Texts I, Oxford University Press: New York, 2003.
  • Glassner 2009: Jean-Jacqoues Glassner, “Eski Mezopotamya’da İlerleme, Bilim ve Bilginin Kullanımı”, (Translated by Gökhan Kağnıcı), Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi XXIV/2, 2009, 157-170.
  • Günbattı 2017: Cahit Günbattı, Kültepe-Kaniş: Anadolu’da İlk Yazı, İlk Belgeler, Second Edition, Kayseri Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kültür Yayınları (No: 89): Kayseri, 2017.
  • Hass 1992: Volkert Hass, “Soziale Randgruppen und Außenseiter altorientalischer Gesellschaften in Alten Orient”, Außenseiter und Randgruppen: Beiträge zu einer Sozialgeschicte des Alten Orients, (Ed: Volkert Hass), Xenia 32, Universitätsverlag Konstanz: Konstanz, 1992, 29-51.
  • Jiménez 2017: Enrique Jiménez, The Babylonian Disputation Poems, Brill: Boston, 2017.
  • Johnson – Geller 2015: J. Cale Johnson – Markham J.Geller, The Class Reunion-An Annotated Translation and Commentary on the Sumerian Dialogue Two Scribes, Brill: Leiden, 2015.
  • Kellenberger 2011: Edgar Kellenberger, Der Schutz der Einfältigen: Menschen mit einer geistigen Behinderung in der Bibel und in weiteren Quellen, Theologischer Verlag Zurich: Zurich, 2011.
  • Kellenberger 2013: Edgar Kellenberger, “Children and Adults with Intellectual Disability in Antiquity and Modernity: Toward a Biblical and Sociological Model”, Crosscurrent 63, 2013, 449-472.
  • Kellenberger 2017: Edgar Kellenberger, “Mesopotamia and Israel”, Disability in Antiquity, (Ed: Christian Laes), New York: Routledge, 2017, 47-60.
  • Krebernik 1987-1990: Manfred Krebernik, “Lil”, Reallexikon der Assyriologie 7, Walter de Gruyter: New York-Berlin, 1987-1990, 19-20.
  • Lambert 1967: W.G.Lambert, “Enmeduranki and Related Matters”, Journal of Cuneiform Studies 21, 1967, 126-138.
  • Lambert 1996: W.G.Lambert, Babylonian Wisdom Literature, Eisenbrauns: Winona Lake, Indiana, 1996.
  • Lambert 1998: W.G.Lambert, “The Qualifications of Babylonian Diviners”, tikip santakki mala bašmu. Festchrift für Rykle Borger zu seinem 65. Geburtstag am 24.Mai 1994, (Ed: S.M.Maul), Styx Publications: Groningen, 1998, 141-158.
  • Leichty 1970: Erle Leichty, The Omen Series Šumma Izbu, J.J.Augustin Publisher-Locust Valley: New York, 1970.
  • Leichty 2011: Erle Leichty, The Royal Inscriptions of Esarhaddon, King of Assyria (680–669 BC) Winona Lake- Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 2011.
  • Lenzi 2011: Alan Lenzi, Reading Akkadian Prayers & Hymns: An Introduction, Society of Biblical Literature: Atlanta, 2011.
  • Löhnert 2007: “The Installation of Priests According to Neo-Assyrian Documents”, State Archives of Assyria Bulletin XVI, 2007, 273- 286.
  • Oshima 2013: Takayoshi Oshima, The Babylonian Theodicy, introduction, cuneiform text and transliteration with a translation, glossary and commentary, The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project: Helsinki, 2013.
  • Paulus 2014: Susanne Paulus, Die Babylonischen Kudurru-Inschriften von der Kassitischen bis zur Frühneubabylonischen Zeit, Ugarit-Verlag: Münster, 2014.
  • Pearce 1995: Laurie E. Pearce, “The Scribes and Scholars of Ancient Mesopotamia”, Civilizations of the Ancient Near East IV (Ed: Jack M. Sasson), Charles Scribner’s Son: New York, 1995, 2265-2278.
  • Pittl 2015: Simone Pittl, “Some Considerations on Disabled People in the Sumerian Myth of Enki and Ninmaḫ”, Kaskal 12, 2015, 467-483. Renger 1992: Johannes Renger, “Kranke, Krüppel, Debile –eine Randgruppe im Alten Orient”, Außenseiter und Randgruppen: Beiträge zu einer Sozialgeschicte des Alten Orients, (Ed: Volkert Hass), Xenia 32, Universitätsverlag Konstanz: Konstanz, 1992, 113-126.
  • Roth 1997: Martha T. Roth, Law Collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor, Second Edition, Society of Biblical Literature Scholars Press: Atlanta-Georgia: 1997.
  • Scurlock – Andersen 2005: JoAnn Scurlock – Burton R Andersen, Diagnoses in Assyrian and Babylonian Medicine: Ancient Sources, Translations, and Modern Medical Analyses, University of Illinois Press: Urbana – Chicago, 2005.
  • Sjöberg 1972: Ǻke W. Sjöberg, “He is a Good Seed of a Dog” and “Engardu, the Fool”, Journal of Cuneiform Studies 24/4, 1972, 107-119.
  • Sjöberg 1993: Ǻke W. Sjöberg, “CBS 11319+ An Old Babylonian Schooltext from Nippur”, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie 83, 1993, 1-21.
  • Slanski 2003: Kathryn Slanski, Babylonian Entitlement Narûs (Kudurrus): A Study in Form and Function, American Schools of Oriental Research: Boston, 2003.
  • Snyder 2006: Sharon L. Snyder, “Disability Studies” Encyclopedia of Disability I, (Ed: Gary L. Albrecht), California: Sage Publications, 2006, 478-490. Stol 2007: Marten Stol, “Insanity in Babylonian Sources”, Journal des Medicines Cuneiformes 13, 2009, 1-12.
  • Streck 2015: Von Michael P. Streck, “Ein Arzt ohne Sumerisch-Kenntnisse ist ein idiot”, Akademie aktuell 2, 2015, 21-23.
  • Toorn 1985: Karel Van der Toorn, Sin and Sanction in Israel and Mesopotamia, Van Gorcum: Assen, 1985.
  • Veenhof 2015: Klass R. Veenhof, “Nuhšatum, The Wife of an Old Assyrian Trader: Her Status, Responsibilities and Worries (With Two New Letters)”, Cahit Günbattı’ya Armağan, (Eds: İrfan Albayrak – Hakan Erol – Murat Çayır), Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Yayınları: Ankara 2015, 271-288.
  • Veldhuis 2014: Niek Veldhuis, History of the Cuneiform Lexical Tradition, Ugarit-Verlag: Münster, 2014.
  • Waetzoldt 1996: Hartmut Waetzoldt, “Der Umgang mit Behinderten in Mesopotamien” Behinderung als Padagogische und Politische Herausforderung: Historische und Systematische Aspekte (Ed: M. Liedtke), Verlag Julius Klinkhardt: Bad Heilbrunn 1996, 77-91.
  • Walls 2007: Neal H. Walls “The Origins of the Disabled Body: Disability in Ancient Mesopotamia”, This Able Body: Rethinking Disabilities in the Biblical Studies (Eds: Hector Avalos-Sarah J.Melcher-Jeremy Schipper), Society of Biblical Literature: Atlanta, 2007. 13-30.
  • Weisberg 1969-1970: David B. Weisberg, “An Old Babylonian Forerunner to Šumma Alu”, Hebrew Uniorr College Annual 40/41, 1969-1970, 87-104.

Mental Disability (?): On the Akkadian Word Lillu

Year 2018, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 49 - 70, 17.08.2018


Mezopotamya’nın çivi yazılı metinleri insanlardaki zihinsel-bilişsel sorunlarla
da ilgili bilgiler içermektedir. Ancak belirli bir metin türünde derli toplu
bir şekilde bulunmadıkları için bu bilgiler oldukça dağınık bir şekildedir ve
çoğu zaman metinlerin satır aralarında karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Ayrıca
insanlardaki zihinsel sorunlarla ilgili olduğu düşünülen Sümerce ve Akadca
kelimelerin tam olarak ne tür sorunlara göndermede bulunduğunu ve bu sağlık
sorunlarının seviyesinin ne olduğunu anlamak her zaman kolay olamamaktadır.
Makale, Sümerce LÚ.LIL ve Akadca lillu/lillatu kelimelerinin özellikle edebi ve
mitolojik metinler başta olmak üzere çivi yazılı metinlerdeki kullanımlarından
yola çıkarak kelimenin ne tür bir zihinsel sorunu tanımladığını anlamaya odaklanacaktır.
Bununla birlikte kelimenin metinlerde ne amaçla ve hangi bağlamlarda
kullanıldığı üzerinde kısaca durulacaktır. Böylece lillu olduğu ifade edilen
insanların toplumsal anlamda nasıl algılanmış olduğu genel hatlarıyla ortaya
konulmaya çalışılacaktır. Kelimenin birçok metinde özellikle fiziksel
sakatlıklarla birlikte geçmesine rağmen zihinsel bir sakatlıktan ve
rahatsızlıktan daha ziyade özellikle toplumun kimi kesimleri tarafından
davranış biçimleri ve mizaçları açısından farklı görülen kişileri tanımladığı
gösterilmeye çalışılacaktır.


  • Abusch 2001: Tzvi Abusch, “The Development and Meaning of the Epic of Gilgamesh: An Interpretive Essay”, Journal of the American Oriental Society 121/4, 2001, 614-622.
  • Alster 1997: Bendt Alster, Proverbs of Ancient Sumer: The World’s Earliest Proverb Collections Vol 1, CDL Press: Bethesda-Maryland, 1997.
  • Alster 2005: Bendt Alster, Wisdom of Ancient Sumer, CDL Press: Bethesda-Maryland, 2005.
  • Bauer 1993: Josef Bauer, “Rezension zu J. Marzahn, Altsumerische Verwaltungsurkunden aus Girsu Lagaš (= VS 25)”, Bibliotheca Orientalis 50, 1993, 173-180.
  • Beaulie 2007: Paul-Alain Beaulie, “The Social and Intellectual Setting of Babylonian Wisdom Literature”, Wisdom Literature in Mesopotamia and Israel, (Ed: Richard J. Clifford), Society of Biblical Literature: Atlanta, 2007, 3-19.
  • Black and 2004: Jeremy Black-Graham Cunningham-Eleanor Robson-Gabor Zolyomi, The Literature of Ancient Sumer, Oxford Universiy Press: New York, 2004.
  • Bottéro – Kramer 1989: Jean Bottéro – Samuel Noah Kramer, “ Le récit du Déluge dans l’Épopée ninivite de Gilgames”, Lorsque Les Dieux Faisaient L’Homme: Mythologie Mésopotamienne, Gallimard: Paris, 1989.
  • Cassin 1987: Elena Cassin, “Le droit et le tordu – II: Handicapés et marginaux dans la Mésopotamie des IIe-Ier millénaires”, Le Semblable et le Différent, Éditions La Découverte: Paris, 1987, 72-97.
  • Ceccarelli 2016: Manuel Ceccarelli, Enki and Ninmaḫ: Eine mythische Erzählung in sumerischer Sprache, Mohr Siebeck: Tubingen, 2016.
  • Dalley 2000: Stephanie Dalley, Myths from Mesopotamia, Oxford University Press: New York, 2000.
  • Dossin 1978: Georges Dossin, Correspondance Féminine: Transcrite et Traduite, Archives Royales de Mari X (Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner: Paris, 1978.
  • Foster 1996: Benjamin R. Foster, Before the Muses: An Anthology of Akkadian Literature I, Second Edition, CDL Press: Bethesda-Maryland, 1996.
  • Foster 1997: Benjamin R. Foster, “The Babylonian Theodicy”, The Context of Scripture I (Ed: W.W.Hallo), Leiden: Brill, 1997, 492-495.
  • Foxvog 2011: Daniel A. Foxvog, “Aspects of Name-Giving in Presargonic Lagash”, Strings and Threads: A Celebration of the Work of Anne Draffkorn Kilmer, (Eds: Wolfgang Heimpel – Gabriella Frantz Szabo), Eisenbrauns: Winona Lake, Indiana, 2011, 59-97.
  • Freedman 1998: Sally M. Freedman, If A City is Set on A Height I: The Akkadian Omen Series Šumma Alu ina Mēlē Šakin (Tablet 1-21), Occasional Publications of Samuel Noah Kramer Fund 17: Philadelphia, 1998.
  • George 1993: A. R. George, “Ninurta-Pāqidāt's Dog Bite, and Notes on Other Comic Tales”, Iraq 55, 1993, 63-75.
  • George 2000: A. R. George, The Epic of Gılgamesh: A New Translation, Penguin Classics: London, 2000.
  • George 2003: A. R. George, The Babylonian Gılgamesh Epic: Introduction, Critical Edition and Cuneiform Texts I, Oxford University Press: New York, 2003.
  • Glassner 2009: Jean-Jacqoues Glassner, “Eski Mezopotamya’da İlerleme, Bilim ve Bilginin Kullanımı”, (Translated by Gökhan Kağnıcı), Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi XXIV/2, 2009, 157-170.
  • Günbattı 2017: Cahit Günbattı, Kültepe-Kaniş: Anadolu’da İlk Yazı, İlk Belgeler, Second Edition, Kayseri Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kültür Yayınları (No: 89): Kayseri, 2017.
  • Hass 1992: Volkert Hass, “Soziale Randgruppen und Außenseiter altorientalischer Gesellschaften in Alten Orient”, Außenseiter und Randgruppen: Beiträge zu einer Sozialgeschicte des Alten Orients, (Ed: Volkert Hass), Xenia 32, Universitätsverlag Konstanz: Konstanz, 1992, 29-51.
  • Jiménez 2017: Enrique Jiménez, The Babylonian Disputation Poems, Brill: Boston, 2017.
  • Johnson – Geller 2015: J. Cale Johnson – Markham J.Geller, The Class Reunion-An Annotated Translation and Commentary on the Sumerian Dialogue Two Scribes, Brill: Leiden, 2015.
  • Kellenberger 2011: Edgar Kellenberger, Der Schutz der Einfältigen: Menschen mit einer geistigen Behinderung in der Bibel und in weiteren Quellen, Theologischer Verlag Zurich: Zurich, 2011.
  • Kellenberger 2013: Edgar Kellenberger, “Children and Adults with Intellectual Disability in Antiquity and Modernity: Toward a Biblical and Sociological Model”, Crosscurrent 63, 2013, 449-472.
  • Kellenberger 2017: Edgar Kellenberger, “Mesopotamia and Israel”, Disability in Antiquity, (Ed: Christian Laes), New York: Routledge, 2017, 47-60.
  • Krebernik 1987-1990: Manfred Krebernik, “Lil”, Reallexikon der Assyriologie 7, Walter de Gruyter: New York-Berlin, 1987-1990, 19-20.
  • Lambert 1967: W.G.Lambert, “Enmeduranki and Related Matters”, Journal of Cuneiform Studies 21, 1967, 126-138.
  • Lambert 1996: W.G.Lambert, Babylonian Wisdom Literature, Eisenbrauns: Winona Lake, Indiana, 1996.
  • Lambert 1998: W.G.Lambert, “The Qualifications of Babylonian Diviners”, tikip santakki mala bašmu. Festchrift für Rykle Borger zu seinem 65. Geburtstag am 24.Mai 1994, (Ed: S.M.Maul), Styx Publications: Groningen, 1998, 141-158.
  • Leichty 1970: Erle Leichty, The Omen Series Šumma Izbu, J.J.Augustin Publisher-Locust Valley: New York, 1970.
  • Leichty 2011: Erle Leichty, The Royal Inscriptions of Esarhaddon, King of Assyria (680–669 BC) Winona Lake- Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 2011.
  • Lenzi 2011: Alan Lenzi, Reading Akkadian Prayers & Hymns: An Introduction, Society of Biblical Literature: Atlanta, 2011.
  • Löhnert 2007: “The Installation of Priests According to Neo-Assyrian Documents”, State Archives of Assyria Bulletin XVI, 2007, 273- 286.
  • Oshima 2013: Takayoshi Oshima, The Babylonian Theodicy, introduction, cuneiform text and transliteration with a translation, glossary and commentary, The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project: Helsinki, 2013.
  • Paulus 2014: Susanne Paulus, Die Babylonischen Kudurru-Inschriften von der Kassitischen bis zur Frühneubabylonischen Zeit, Ugarit-Verlag: Münster, 2014.
  • Pearce 1995: Laurie E. Pearce, “The Scribes and Scholars of Ancient Mesopotamia”, Civilizations of the Ancient Near East IV (Ed: Jack M. Sasson), Charles Scribner’s Son: New York, 1995, 2265-2278.
  • Pittl 2015: Simone Pittl, “Some Considerations on Disabled People in the Sumerian Myth of Enki and Ninmaḫ”, Kaskal 12, 2015, 467-483. Renger 1992: Johannes Renger, “Kranke, Krüppel, Debile –eine Randgruppe im Alten Orient”, Außenseiter und Randgruppen: Beiträge zu einer Sozialgeschicte des Alten Orients, (Ed: Volkert Hass), Xenia 32, Universitätsverlag Konstanz: Konstanz, 1992, 113-126.
  • Roth 1997: Martha T. Roth, Law Collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor, Second Edition, Society of Biblical Literature Scholars Press: Atlanta-Georgia: 1997.
  • Scurlock – Andersen 2005: JoAnn Scurlock – Burton R Andersen, Diagnoses in Assyrian and Babylonian Medicine: Ancient Sources, Translations, and Modern Medical Analyses, University of Illinois Press: Urbana – Chicago, 2005.
  • Sjöberg 1972: Ǻke W. Sjöberg, “He is a Good Seed of a Dog” and “Engardu, the Fool”, Journal of Cuneiform Studies 24/4, 1972, 107-119.
  • Sjöberg 1993: Ǻke W. Sjöberg, “CBS 11319+ An Old Babylonian Schooltext from Nippur”, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie 83, 1993, 1-21.
  • Slanski 2003: Kathryn Slanski, Babylonian Entitlement Narûs (Kudurrus): A Study in Form and Function, American Schools of Oriental Research: Boston, 2003.
  • Snyder 2006: Sharon L. Snyder, “Disability Studies” Encyclopedia of Disability I, (Ed: Gary L. Albrecht), California: Sage Publications, 2006, 478-490. Stol 2007: Marten Stol, “Insanity in Babylonian Sources”, Journal des Medicines Cuneiformes 13, 2009, 1-12.
  • Streck 2015: Von Michael P. Streck, “Ein Arzt ohne Sumerisch-Kenntnisse ist ein idiot”, Akademie aktuell 2, 2015, 21-23.
  • Toorn 1985: Karel Van der Toorn, Sin and Sanction in Israel and Mesopotamia, Van Gorcum: Assen, 1985.
  • Veenhof 2015: Klass R. Veenhof, “Nuhšatum, The Wife of an Old Assyrian Trader: Her Status, Responsibilities and Worries (With Two New Letters)”, Cahit Günbattı’ya Armağan, (Eds: İrfan Albayrak – Hakan Erol – Murat Çayır), Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Yayınları: Ankara 2015, 271-288.
  • Veldhuis 2014: Niek Veldhuis, History of the Cuneiform Lexical Tradition, Ugarit-Verlag: Münster, 2014.
  • Waetzoldt 1996: Hartmut Waetzoldt, “Der Umgang mit Behinderten in Mesopotamien” Behinderung als Padagogische und Politische Herausforderung: Historische und Systematische Aspekte (Ed: M. Liedtke), Verlag Julius Klinkhardt: Bad Heilbrunn 1996, 77-91.
  • Walls 2007: Neal H. Walls “The Origins of the Disabled Body: Disability in Ancient Mesopotamia”, This Able Body: Rethinking Disabilities in the Biblical Studies (Eds: Hector Avalos-Sarah J.Melcher-Jeremy Schipper), Society of Biblical Literature: Atlanta, 2007. 13-30.
  • Weisberg 1969-1970: David B. Weisberg, “An Old Babylonian Forerunner to Šumma Alu”, Hebrew Uniorr College Annual 40/41, 1969-1970, 87-104.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Linguistics, Archaeology
Journal Section Articles

Gökhan Kağnıcı

Publication Date August 17, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 12 Issue: 1


Chicago Kağnıcı, Gökhan. “Mental Disability (?): On the Akkadian Word Lillu”. Archivum Anatolicum-Anadolu Arşivleri 12, no. 1 (August 2018): 49-70.