Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 184 - 211, 25.12.2021


Doğu Çin Denizi ihtilafı dünyanın en önemli ve stratejik deniz ulaşım yollarından biri üzerinde dünyanın en büyük ikinci ve üçüncü ekonomisi olan Çin ve Japonya’nın doğrudan üzerinde egemenlik iddiasında bulunduğu Senkaku/Diaoyu Adaları’nı içermektedir. Dünyanın en büyük ekonomisi ve süper gücü olan Amerika Birleşik Devletleri de soruna, Asya’daki en önemli müttefiki Japonya ile olan güvenlik anlaşması nedeniyle dolaylı olarak müdahildir. Doğu Çin Denizi Çin ve Japonya arasında uzun zamandır ciddi bir ihtilaf konusu olarak durmaktadır. Bölgeyi taraflar için önemli kılan Doğu Çin Denizi’nin sahip olduğu petrol ve doğal gaz gibi hidrokarbon rezervleri ile balık çeşitliliği gibi enerji kaynakları dışındaki potansiyelidir. Fakat bölgeyi taraflar açısından esas önemli kılan nokta her iki ülkenin de dış ticaretinin devamı ve ekonomik kalkınmasının sürdürülmesi için deniz iletişim yollarına bağlı olmasıdır. Dolayısıyla Doğu Çin Denizi hem Çin’in hem de Japonya’nın güvenlik hesaplamalarında çok önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Bu makale Doğu Çin Denizi ihtilafına yönelik sorunun tarihsel ve sınır iddialarını ele almanın ötesinde, soruna taraf olan ülkeler için konunun önemini ve tarafların son yıllarda iddialarını güçlendirmek ve pozisyonunu sağlamlaştırmak için ne tür adımlar attıklarının bir değerlendirmesini sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.


  • Arakawa, N. ve Will, C. (2015). The Japan Coast Guard: Resourcing and Responsibility, 1 Eylül 2021 tarihinde Center for Strategic & International Studies sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Axe, D. (2021). Japanese Hypersonic Missiles? Oh God Yes, 8 Eylül 2021 tarihinde The National Interest sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Bendini, R. (2014). The Struggle for Control of the East China Sea, European Parliament, s.9.
  • Burke, E. J. ve Heath, T. R. (2018). China’s Military Activities in the East China Sea: Implications for Japan’s Air Self-Defense Force, Santa Monica: RAND Corporation.
  • Bush, R. (2012). Chinese and Japanese Geo-Strategic Interests in the East China Sea, M. A. McDevitt, ve C. K. Lea, içinde, The Long Littoral Project: East China and Yellow Seas, (s.69-80), CNA Analysis & Solutions: Conference Report.
  • Chang, G. G. (2014). Economic Implications of Provocative Chinese Behavior in the East China Sea, R. Pearson içinde, East China Sea Tensions: Perspectives and Implications, (s.15-21), Washington: Maureen And Mike Mansfield Foundation.
  • Clinton, H. (2010). Press Availability with Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1 Eylül 2021 tarihinde U.S Department of Sate sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Cole, B. D. (2001). The Great Wall at Sea: China’s Navy Enters the Twenty-First Century, Annapolis: Naval Institute Press.
  • CSIS Missile Defense Project, (2021). DF-26, 21 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde CSIS Missile Defense Preject sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Dossani, R. ve Harold, S. W. (2016). Maritime Issues in the East and South China Seas, Rand Corporation, 12-13 Ocak 2016, s.5.
  • Drifte, R. (2008). Japanese-Chinese Territorial Disputes in the East China Sea--Between Military Confrontation and Economic Cooperation, Asia Research Centre Working Paper, 24, s.1-44.
  • Glaser, B. S. (2012). Potential Flashpoints in the East China Sea, M. A. McDevitt, ve C. K. Lea, içinde, The Long Littoral Project: East China and Yellow Seas, (s.53-68), CNA Analysis & Solutions: Conference Report.
  • Hartnett, D. M. (2012). China’s Evolving Interest and Activities in the East China Sea, M. A. McDevitt, ve C. K. Lea, içinde, The Long Littoral Project: East China and Yellow Seas, (s.81-95), CNA Analysis & Solutions: Conference Report.
  • Ikeshima, T. (2016). China’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) and its Impact on the Territorial and Maritime Disputes in the East and South China Seas, Transcommunication, Cilt 3, Sayı 1, ss.151-170.
  • Japan Ministry of Defense, (2013). National Defense Program Guidelines and the Mid-Term Defense Program, 25 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde Japan Ministry of Defense sistesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Japan Ministry of Defense, (2015a). The Current Status of China’s Unilateral Development of Natural Resources in the East China Sea, 25 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde Japan Ministry of Defense sistesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Japan Ministry of Defense, (2015b). The Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation, 25 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde Japan Ministry of Defense sistesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Kanehara, A. (2011). Provisional Arrangements as Equitable Legal Management of Maritime Delimitation Disputes in the East China Sea, NBR Special Report, Sayı 35, ss.135 ve 141.
  • Kato, M. ve Kanaya, S. (2021). Team Biden Assures Japan that Senkakus Fall Under Security Treaty, 28 Ağustos 2021 tarihınde Nikkei Asia sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Kobara, J. (2021). Japan Sees Taiwan Clash as Serious Threat to its Security, 2 Eylül 2021 tarihinde Nikkei Asia sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Kotani, T. (2014). U.S.-Japan Allied Maritime Strategy: Balancing the Rise of Maritime China, Center for Strategic & International Studies, s.12.
  • Kotani, T. (2015). Crisis Management in the East China Sea, 27 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde SIPRI sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Kotani, T. (2015b). The Maritime Security Implications of the New U.S.-Japan Guidelines, 22 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde Center for Strategic & International Studies sistesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Kotani, T. (2016). Regional Approaches to Territorial Dispute Management, R. Dossani ve S. W. Harold’ın içinde, Maritime Issues in the East and South China Seas, Rand Coporation, (s.36-42), Santa Monica: Rand Corporation.
  • Küçükdeğirmenci, O. (2021). Asya-Pasifik’te Büyük Güç Rekabeti: Silahlanma Yarışı, 4 Eylül 2021 tarihinde ANKASAM sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Manicom, J. (2014). Bridging Troubled Waters: China-Japan and Maritime Order in the East China Sea, Washington: Georgetown University Press.
  • Manyin, M. E. (2017). Senkaku (Diaoyu/Diaoyutai) Islands Dispute: U.S. Treaty Obligations, 1 Eylül 2021 tarihinde Congressional Research Service:, adresinden alındı.
  • Manyin, M. E. (2021). Senkaku (Diaoyu/Diaoyutai) Islands Dispute: U.S. Treaty Obligations, (Güncellenmiş versiyon) 1 Eylül 2021 tarihinde Congressional Research Service:, adresinden alındı.
  • McDevitt, M. (2007). The Strategic and Operational Context Driving PLA Navy Building,” R. Kamphausen ve A. Scobell içinde, Right-Sizing the People’s Liberation Army: Exploring the Contours of China’s Military, (s.481-522), Carlisle, Pa:Strategic Studies Institute.
  • McDevitt, M. (2014). Some Thoughts on the Centrality of the East China Sea to the Future of the U.S.-Japan Alliance, R. Pearson içinde, East China Sea Tensions: Perspectives and Implications, (s.41-49), Washington: Maureen And Mike Mansfield Foundation.
  • McDevitt, M. A. ve Lea, C. K. (2012). East China and Yellow Seas Overview Essay, M. A. McDevitt, ve C. K. Lea, içinde, The Long Littoral Project: East China and Yellow Seas, (s.1-19), CNA Analysis & Solutions: Conference Report.
  • Pan, Z. (2007). Sino-Japanese Dispute over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands: The Pending Controversy from the Chinese Perspective, Journal of Chinese Political Science, Cilt. 12, Sayı 1, ss.71-92.
  • Reynolds, I. (2021). Biden Team Slams China Claims in Swift Calls to Asia Allies, 27 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde Bloomberg sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Rich, M. and Ismay, J. (2021). Visiting Japan, Top U.S. Envoys Set Combative Tone for China Talks, 29 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde New York Times sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Sakamaki, S. ve Duce, J. (2010). China May Be Drilling in East China Sea Near Disputed Island, Japan Says, 30 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde Bloomberg sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Swaine, M. D. (2014). Chinese Views and Commentary on the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone (ECS ADIZ), China Leadership Monitor, Sayı 43, ss.1-57.
  • The Japan Times, (2016). Tokyo Trying to Draw Attention to Mass China Ship Incursions off Senkakus, 3 Eylül 2021 tarihinde The Japan Times sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • The Japan Times, (2021) Deputy PM Says Japan Must Defend Taiwan with U.S., 2 Eylül 2021 tarihinde The Japan Times sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • The Straits Times, (2021a). Japan Developing Artificial Intelligence System to Monitor Suspicious Activity at Sea, 3 Eylül 2021 tarihinde The Straits Times sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • The Straits Times, (2021b). Missile units to be deployed on Ishigakijima island, 28 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde, The Straits Times sitesi:,of%20fiscal%202022%2C%20sources%20said adresinden alındı.
  • The Straits Times, (2021c). Taiwan, Japan Ruling Parties Discuss China, Military Cooperation, 2 Eylül 2021 tarihinde The Straits Times sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Tomohisa, T. (2008). Japan Maritime Self Defense Force in the New Maritime, Manuscript, s.3-7.
  • Turung, N. T. (2021). How China’s Coast Guard Law Has Changed the Regional Security Structure, Erişim tarihi: 2 Eylül 2021 tarihinde Asia Maritime Transperency Initiative sitesi: structure/#:~:text=China's%20newly%20passed%20coast%20guard,operations%20in%20the%20waters%20under
  • U.S. Embassy & Consulate in the Repblic of Korea, (2017). Joint Statement from President Donald J. Trump and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, 27 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde U.S. Embassy & Consulate in the Republc of Korea sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Valencia, M. J. (2007). The East China Sea Disputes: Context, Claims, Issues, and Possoble Solutions, Asian Perspective, Cilt. 31, Sayı. 1, s.127-167.
  • Valencia, M. J. (2014). The East China Sea Disputes: History, Status and Ways Forward, Asian Perspective, 38, ss.183-218.
  • Yukio, W. (2012). Barren Senkaku Nationalism and China-Japan Conflict, The Asia-Pacific Journal, Cilt. 10, Sayı 4, ss.1-7.
  • Weitz, R. (2012). Global Insights: Senkaku Dispute Reflects China-Japan Struggle for Regional Primacy, 28 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde World Politics Review sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • White House, (2014). Joint Press Conference with President Obama and Prime Minister Abe of Japan, Akasaka Palace, 24 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde, White House sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • White House, (2017). Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Abe of Japan in Joint Press Conference, 24 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde, White House sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • White Paper, (2012). Diaoyu Dao, an Inherent Territory of China, 2 Eylül 2021 tarihinde, State Council Information Office (PRC): adresinden alındı.
  • Wu, W. ve Ng, T. (2021). China-US Tension: Biden Administration Pledges to Back Japan and Philippines in Maritime Disputes, 25 Ağustos 2021 tartihinde South China Morning Post sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Xinhua, (2013). Xi Jinping Vows Peaceful Development While Not Waiving Legitimate Rights, 1 Eylül 2021 tarihinde adresinden alındı.
  • Yoshihiro, I. (2021). Japan to Greatly Extend Range of Type 12 Anti-Ship Missiles, Modify It For F-15J, 28 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde Naval News sitesi: adresinden alındı.


Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 184 - 211, 25.12.2021


The East China Sea conflict includes the Senkaku/Daiaoyu Islands, on one of the world’s most important and strategic maritime transport routes, over which China and Japan the world’s second and third largest economies, directly claim sovereignty. The United States of America, the world’s largest economy and superpower, is also indirectly involved in the problem due to its security agreement with Japan, its most significant ally in Asia. the East China Sea has long been a matter of serious conflict between China and Japan. What makes the region crucial for the parties is the hydrocarbon reserves of the East China Sea, such as oil and natural gas, and its potential other than energy resources such as fish diversity. However, the point that makes the region important for the parties is that both countries depend on maritime communication routes for the continuation of their foreign trade and economic development. Therefore, the East China Sea plays a very important role in the security calculations of both China and Japan. Beyond addressing the historical and border claims of the East China Sea conflict, this article aims to present an assessment of the importance of the issue for the parties to the issue and what have taken in recent years to strengthen their claims and consolidate their position.


  • Arakawa, N. ve Will, C. (2015). The Japan Coast Guard: Resourcing and Responsibility, 1 Eylül 2021 tarihinde Center for Strategic & International Studies sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Axe, D. (2021). Japanese Hypersonic Missiles? Oh God Yes, 8 Eylül 2021 tarihinde The National Interest sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Bendini, R. (2014). The Struggle for Control of the East China Sea, European Parliament, s.9.
  • Burke, E. J. ve Heath, T. R. (2018). China’s Military Activities in the East China Sea: Implications for Japan’s Air Self-Defense Force, Santa Monica: RAND Corporation.
  • Bush, R. (2012). Chinese and Japanese Geo-Strategic Interests in the East China Sea, M. A. McDevitt, ve C. K. Lea, içinde, The Long Littoral Project: East China and Yellow Seas, (s.69-80), CNA Analysis & Solutions: Conference Report.
  • Chang, G. G. (2014). Economic Implications of Provocative Chinese Behavior in the East China Sea, R. Pearson içinde, East China Sea Tensions: Perspectives and Implications, (s.15-21), Washington: Maureen And Mike Mansfield Foundation.
  • Clinton, H. (2010). Press Availability with Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1 Eylül 2021 tarihinde U.S Department of Sate sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Cole, B. D. (2001). The Great Wall at Sea: China’s Navy Enters the Twenty-First Century, Annapolis: Naval Institute Press.
  • CSIS Missile Defense Project, (2021). DF-26, 21 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde CSIS Missile Defense Preject sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Dossani, R. ve Harold, S. W. (2016). Maritime Issues in the East and South China Seas, Rand Corporation, 12-13 Ocak 2016, s.5.
  • Drifte, R. (2008). Japanese-Chinese Territorial Disputes in the East China Sea--Between Military Confrontation and Economic Cooperation, Asia Research Centre Working Paper, 24, s.1-44.
  • Glaser, B. S. (2012). Potential Flashpoints in the East China Sea, M. A. McDevitt, ve C. K. Lea, içinde, The Long Littoral Project: East China and Yellow Seas, (s.53-68), CNA Analysis & Solutions: Conference Report.
  • Hartnett, D. M. (2012). China’s Evolving Interest and Activities in the East China Sea, M. A. McDevitt, ve C. K. Lea, içinde, The Long Littoral Project: East China and Yellow Seas, (s.81-95), CNA Analysis & Solutions: Conference Report.
  • Ikeshima, T. (2016). China’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) and its Impact on the Territorial and Maritime Disputes in the East and South China Seas, Transcommunication, Cilt 3, Sayı 1, ss.151-170.
  • Japan Ministry of Defense, (2013). National Defense Program Guidelines and the Mid-Term Defense Program, 25 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde Japan Ministry of Defense sistesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Japan Ministry of Defense, (2015a). The Current Status of China’s Unilateral Development of Natural Resources in the East China Sea, 25 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde Japan Ministry of Defense sistesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Japan Ministry of Defense, (2015b). The Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation, 25 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde Japan Ministry of Defense sistesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Kanehara, A. (2011). Provisional Arrangements as Equitable Legal Management of Maritime Delimitation Disputes in the East China Sea, NBR Special Report, Sayı 35, ss.135 ve 141.
  • Kato, M. ve Kanaya, S. (2021). Team Biden Assures Japan that Senkakus Fall Under Security Treaty, 28 Ağustos 2021 tarihınde Nikkei Asia sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Kobara, J. (2021). Japan Sees Taiwan Clash as Serious Threat to its Security, 2 Eylül 2021 tarihinde Nikkei Asia sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Kotani, T. (2014). U.S.-Japan Allied Maritime Strategy: Balancing the Rise of Maritime China, Center for Strategic & International Studies, s.12.
  • Kotani, T. (2015). Crisis Management in the East China Sea, 27 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde SIPRI sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Kotani, T. (2015b). The Maritime Security Implications of the New U.S.-Japan Guidelines, 22 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde Center for Strategic & International Studies sistesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Kotani, T. (2016). Regional Approaches to Territorial Dispute Management, R. Dossani ve S. W. Harold’ın içinde, Maritime Issues in the East and South China Seas, Rand Coporation, (s.36-42), Santa Monica: Rand Corporation.
  • Küçükdeğirmenci, O. (2021). Asya-Pasifik’te Büyük Güç Rekabeti: Silahlanma Yarışı, 4 Eylül 2021 tarihinde ANKASAM sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Manicom, J. (2014). Bridging Troubled Waters: China-Japan and Maritime Order in the East China Sea, Washington: Georgetown University Press.
  • Manyin, M. E. (2017). Senkaku (Diaoyu/Diaoyutai) Islands Dispute: U.S. Treaty Obligations, 1 Eylül 2021 tarihinde Congressional Research Service:, adresinden alındı.
  • Manyin, M. E. (2021). Senkaku (Diaoyu/Diaoyutai) Islands Dispute: U.S. Treaty Obligations, (Güncellenmiş versiyon) 1 Eylül 2021 tarihinde Congressional Research Service:, adresinden alındı.
  • McDevitt, M. (2007). The Strategic and Operational Context Driving PLA Navy Building,” R. Kamphausen ve A. Scobell içinde, Right-Sizing the People’s Liberation Army: Exploring the Contours of China’s Military, (s.481-522), Carlisle, Pa:Strategic Studies Institute.
  • McDevitt, M. (2014). Some Thoughts on the Centrality of the East China Sea to the Future of the U.S.-Japan Alliance, R. Pearson içinde, East China Sea Tensions: Perspectives and Implications, (s.41-49), Washington: Maureen And Mike Mansfield Foundation.
  • McDevitt, M. A. ve Lea, C. K. (2012). East China and Yellow Seas Overview Essay, M. A. McDevitt, ve C. K. Lea, içinde, The Long Littoral Project: East China and Yellow Seas, (s.1-19), CNA Analysis & Solutions: Conference Report.
  • Pan, Z. (2007). Sino-Japanese Dispute over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands: The Pending Controversy from the Chinese Perspective, Journal of Chinese Political Science, Cilt. 12, Sayı 1, ss.71-92.
  • Reynolds, I. (2021). Biden Team Slams China Claims in Swift Calls to Asia Allies, 27 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde Bloomberg sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Rich, M. and Ismay, J. (2021). Visiting Japan, Top U.S. Envoys Set Combative Tone for China Talks, 29 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde New York Times sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Sakamaki, S. ve Duce, J. (2010). China May Be Drilling in East China Sea Near Disputed Island, Japan Says, 30 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde Bloomberg sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Swaine, M. D. (2014). Chinese Views and Commentary on the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone (ECS ADIZ), China Leadership Monitor, Sayı 43, ss.1-57.
  • The Japan Times, (2016). Tokyo Trying to Draw Attention to Mass China Ship Incursions off Senkakus, 3 Eylül 2021 tarihinde The Japan Times sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • The Japan Times, (2021) Deputy PM Says Japan Must Defend Taiwan with U.S., 2 Eylül 2021 tarihinde The Japan Times sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • The Straits Times, (2021a). Japan Developing Artificial Intelligence System to Monitor Suspicious Activity at Sea, 3 Eylül 2021 tarihinde The Straits Times sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • The Straits Times, (2021b). Missile units to be deployed on Ishigakijima island, 28 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde, The Straits Times sitesi:,of%20fiscal%202022%2C%20sources%20said adresinden alındı.
  • The Straits Times, (2021c). Taiwan, Japan Ruling Parties Discuss China, Military Cooperation, 2 Eylül 2021 tarihinde The Straits Times sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Tomohisa, T. (2008). Japan Maritime Self Defense Force in the New Maritime, Manuscript, s.3-7.
  • Turung, N. T. (2021). How China’s Coast Guard Law Has Changed the Regional Security Structure, Erişim tarihi: 2 Eylül 2021 tarihinde Asia Maritime Transperency Initiative sitesi: structure/#:~:text=China's%20newly%20passed%20coast%20guard,operations%20in%20the%20waters%20under
  • U.S. Embassy & Consulate in the Repblic of Korea, (2017). Joint Statement from President Donald J. Trump and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, 27 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde U.S. Embassy & Consulate in the Republc of Korea sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Valencia, M. J. (2007). The East China Sea Disputes: Context, Claims, Issues, and Possoble Solutions, Asian Perspective, Cilt. 31, Sayı. 1, s.127-167.
  • Valencia, M. J. (2014). The East China Sea Disputes: History, Status and Ways Forward, Asian Perspective, 38, ss.183-218.
  • Yukio, W. (2012). Barren Senkaku Nationalism and China-Japan Conflict, The Asia-Pacific Journal, Cilt. 10, Sayı 4, ss.1-7.
  • Weitz, R. (2012). Global Insights: Senkaku Dispute Reflects China-Japan Struggle for Regional Primacy, 28 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde World Politics Review sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • White House, (2014). Joint Press Conference with President Obama and Prime Minister Abe of Japan, Akasaka Palace, 24 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde, White House sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • White House, (2017). Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Abe of Japan in Joint Press Conference, 24 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde, White House sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • White Paper, (2012). Diaoyu Dao, an Inherent Territory of China, 2 Eylül 2021 tarihinde, State Council Information Office (PRC): adresinden alındı.
  • Wu, W. ve Ng, T. (2021). China-US Tension: Biden Administration Pledges to Back Japan and Philippines in Maritime Disputes, 25 Ağustos 2021 tartihinde South China Morning Post sitesi: adresinden alındı.
  • Xinhua, (2013). Xi Jinping Vows Peaceful Development While Not Waiving Legitimate Rights, 1 Eylül 2021 tarihinde adresinden alındı.
  • Yoshihiro, I. (2021). Japan to Greatly Extend Range of Type 12 Anti-Ship Missiles, Modify It For F-15J, 28 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde Naval News sitesi: adresinden alındı.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects International Relations
Journal Section Research Article

Oktay Kucukdegırmencı

Publication Date December 25, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Kucukdegırmencı, O. (2021). ÇİN VE JAPONYA’NIN DOĞU ÇİN DENİZİ İHTİLAFI ÜZERİNE BİR DEĞERLENDİRME: SENKAKUDIAOYU ADALARI, DÜNÜ VE BUGÜNÜ. Academic Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 184-211.

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