Balarıları, Jeomanyetik alanı, yön bulma ve konum belirleme amacıyla kullanırlar. Yaptığımız bu çalışmada, manyetik alanın bal arıları üzerindeki etkilerini tespit etmek maksadıyla 2022 yılında Bayburt Üniversitesi Arıcılık araştırma ve uygulama İstasyonunda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada Elektro Manyetik alan (EMF) nın bal arılarının beslenme yerini bulmasına ve beslenme kutusunda (BK) bekleme süresine etkisi tespit edilmiştir. Elektromanyetik alan kaynağı olarak Helmholtz bobini kullanılmıştır. Bobinlerin Elektro Manyetik alan değerleri 0 µT, 25 µT, 75 µT, 125 µT, 175 µT olarak sabitlendi. Helmholtz bobinlerinin merkezlerine içerisine 1/1 lik şeker şurubu doldurulmuş beslenme kapları (petri kabı) yerleştirilmiştir.
En çok ziyaret edilen uygulama BK1 (0 μT) (ortalama 20.06±0,76a arı) ve en az ziyaret edilen uygulama ise BK5 ( 175 μT) (ortalama 11,53±0,63 arı) olmuştur. Kontrol grubu uygulamasına BK1 (0 μT) gelen arılar burada ortalama 34,26±7,08 saniye, manyetik alanın en yüksek uygulandığı U5 (175μT) beslenme kaplarında ise ortalama 12.61 Sn gibi oldukça kısa bir süre bekleyebilmişlerdir.
Bu çalışmanın sonucunda bal arılarının elektromanyetik alandan oldukça etkilendiği görülmüştür.
Binhi, V. N., & Savin, A. V. J. P.-U. (2003). Effects of weak magnetic fields on biological systems: physical aspects. 46(3), 259.
Blank, M., & Goodman, R. J. P. (2009). Electromagnetic fields stress living cells. 16(2-3), 71-78.
Cammaerts, M.-C. J. M.-C. C. J. o. B. (2017). Is electromagnetism one of the causes of the CCD? A work plan for testing this hypothesis. 2(1), 1006.
Castro, S. L. J. A. R. o. B. S. (2001). Propolis: biological and pharmacological activities. Therapeutic uses of this bee-product. 3, 49-83.
Collett, T. S., & Baron, J. J. N. (1994). Biological compasses and the coordinate frame of landmark memories in honeybees. 368(6467), 137-140.
Darney, K., Giraudin, A., Joseph, R., Abadie, P., Aupinel, P., Decourtye, A., . . . Gauthier, M. J. A. (2016). Effect of high-frequency radiations on survival of the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.). 47, 703-710.
Dyer, F. C., & Gould, J. L. J. S. (1981). Honey bee orientation: a backup system for cloudy days. 214(4524), 1041-1042.
Erdogan, Y., & Dodologlu, A. J. U. B. J. (2005). Importance of Pollen in Life of Honeybee (Apismeelifera L.) Colonies. 5(2), 79-84.
Erdoğan, Y. J. I. J. o. A. S. (2019). Determination of the effect of electric fence system on productivity and behaviour of honeybees housed in different beehive types (Apis mellifera L.). 18(1), 941-948.
Evangelista, C., Kraft, P., Dacke, M., Labhart, T., & Srinivasan, M. J. P. T. o. t. R. S. B. B. S. (2014). Honeybee navigation: critically examining the role of the polarization compass. 369(1636), 20130037.
Favre, D. J. A. (2011). Mobile phone-induced honeybee worker piping. 42(3), 270-279.
Frier, H. J., Edwards, E., Smith, C., Neale, S., & Collett, T. S. J. J. o. E. B. (1996). Magnetic compass cues and visual pattern learning in honeybees. 199(6), 1353-1361.
Gallai, N., Salles, J.-M., Settele, J., & Vaissière, B. E. J. E. e. (2009). Economic valuation of the vulnerability of world agriculture confronted with pollinator decline. 68(3), 810-821.
Garibaldi, L. A., Aizen, M. A., Klein, A. M., Cunningham, S. A., & Harder, L. D. J. P. o. t. N. A. o. S. (2011). Global growth and stability of agricultural yield decrease with pollinator dependence. 108(14), 5909-5914.
Garibaldi, L. A., Carvalheiro, L. G., Leonhardt, S. D., Aizen, M. A., Blaauw, B. R., Isaacs, R., . . . Environment, t. (2014). From research to action: enhancing crop yield through wild pollinators. 12(8), 439-447.
Harst, W., Kuhn, J., & Stever, H. J. A. S.-I. I. J. (2006). Can electromagnetic exposure cause a change in behaviour? Studying possible non-thermal influences on honey bees—an approach within the framework of educational informatics. 6(1), 1-6.
Hernandez, C. U., Jongeling, C., Rouw, H., van Loon, M., Koenen, E., & Beguerie, S. J. S. r. c. b. t. S. o. W. U. (2010). Sham or reasons for concern? The influences of electromagnetic fields on honeybees.
Hsu, C.-Y., Ko, F.-Y., Li, C.-W., Fann, K., & Lue, J.-T. J. P. o. (2007). Magnetoreception system in honeybees (Apis mellifera). 2(4), e395.
Hsu, C.-Y., & Li, C.-W. J. S. (1994). Magnetoreception in honeybees. 265(5168), 95-97.
Jaccoud El-Jaick, L., Acosta-Avalos, D., Motta de Souza Esquivel, D., Wajnberg, E., & Paixão Linhares, M. J. E. B. J. (2001). Electron paramagnetic resonance study of honeybee Apis mellifera abdomens. 29, 579-586.
Kimmel, S., Kuhn, J., Harst, W., & Stever, H. J. A. m. (2007). Effects of electromagnetic exposition on the behavior of the honeybee. 1-6.
Kumar, S. S. J. B. (2018). Colony collapse disorder (CCD) in honey BeesCaused by EMF radiation. 14(9), 521.
Kuterbach, D. A., Walcott, B., Reeder, R. J., & Frankel, R. B. J. S. (1982). Iron-containing cells in the honey bee (Apis mellifera). 218(4573), 695-697.
Mall, P., & Kumar, Y. J. A. J. o. A. R. (2014). Effect of electromagnetic radiations on brooding, honey production and foraging behavior of European honeybees (Apis mellifera L.). 9(13), 1078-1085.
Mixson, T. A., Abramson, C. I., Nolf, S. L., Johnson, G., Serrano, E., & Wells, H. J. S. o. B. C. (2009). Effect of GSM cellular phone radiation on the behavior of honey bees (Apis mellifera). 1(2), 22-27.
Pattazhy, S. (2011). Impact of Electromagnetic Radiation on the Density of Honeybees: A Case Study: Lambert Academic Pub.
Pereira-Bomfim, M. d. G. C., Antonialli-Junior, W. F., & Acosta-Avalos, D. J. S. (2015). Effect of magnetic field on the foraging rhythm and behavior of the swarm-founding paper wasp Polybia paulista Ihering (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). 62(1), 99-104.
Roeder, T. J. P. i. n. (1999). Octopamine in invertebrates. 59(5), 533-561.
Rosen, A. D. J. C. b., & biophysics. (2003). Mechanism of action of moderate-intensity static magnetic fields on biological systems. 39, 163-173.
Rossel, S., & Wehner, R. J. N. (1986). Polarization vision in bees. 323(6084), 128-131.
Röösli, M., Egger, M., Pfluger, D., & Minder, C. J. E. H. (2008). Cardiovascular mortality and exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields: a cohort study of Swiss railway workers. 7(1), 1-7.
Schüz, J., & Ahlbom, A. J. R. p. d. (2008). Exposure to electromagnetic fields and the risk of childhood leukaemia: a review. 132(2), 202-211.
Schwärzel, M., Müller, U. J. C., & CMLS, M. L. S. (2006). Memory: Dynamic memory networks: dissecting molecular mechanisms underlying associative memory in the temporal domain. 63, 989-998.
Sharma, V. P., & Kumar, N. R. J. C. S. (2010). Changes in honeybee behaviour and biology under the influence of cellphone radiations. 98(10), 1376-1378.
Stefan, M., Matthias, S., Wilhelm, K., Andrea, M. J. I. f. A., & Astrophysics, S. C. P. E. K. U., Tubingen. (2013). Radiation hydrodynamics integrated in the PLUTO code. 10.
Taye, R. R., Deka, M. K., Rahman, A., Bathari, M. J. J. o. e., & studies, z. (2017). Effect of electromagnetic radiation of cell phone tower on foraging behaviour of Asiatic honey bee, Apis cerana F.(Hymenoptera: Apidae). 5(3), 1527-1529.
Vácha, M., Drštková, D., & Půžová, T. J. N. (2008). Tenebrio beetles use magnetic inclination compass. 95, 761-765.
Vácha, M. J. J. o. e. b. (2006). Laboratory behavioural assay of insect magnetoreception: magnetosensitivity of Periplaneta americana. 209(19), 3882-3886.
Vecchia, P., Matthes, R., Ziegelberger, G., Lin, J., Saunders, R., & Swerdlow, A. J. I. C. o. N.-I. R. P. (2009). Exposure to high frequency electromagnetic fields, biological effects and health consequences (100 kHz-300 GHz). 378.
Wiltschko, W., & Wiltschko, R. J. J. o. c. p. A. (2005). Magnetic orientation and magnetoreception in birds and other animals. 191, 675-693.
Honeybees use the geomagnetic field for navigation and location determination. This study was carried out at Bayburt University Beekeeping Research and Application Station in 2022 to determine the effects of the magnetic field on honey bees. In the study, the effect of Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) on the ability of honey bees to find the feeding place and the waiting time in the feeding box (BK) was determined. Helmholtz coil was used as the electromagnetic field source. Electro Magnetic field values of the coils were fixed as 0 µT, 25 µT, 75 µT, 125 µT, 175 µT. Feeding containers (Petri dishes) filled with 1/1 sugar syrup were placed in the centers of the Helmholtz coils.
The most visited application was BK1 (0 μT) (average 20.06±0.76 bees) and the least visited application was BK5 (175 μT) (average 11.53±0.63 bees). Bees in the control group application BK1 (0 μT) were able to wait an average of 34.26±7.08 seconds here, and in the U5 (175μT) feeding containers where the magnetic field was applied at the highest level, they were able to wait for a very short time, such as 12.61 seconds on average.
As a result of this study, it was seen that honey bees were greatly affected by the electromagnetic field.
Binhi, V. N., & Savin, A. V. J. P.-U. (2003). Effects of weak magnetic fields on biological systems: physical aspects. 46(3), 259.
Blank, M., & Goodman, R. J. P. (2009). Electromagnetic fields stress living cells. 16(2-3), 71-78.
Cammaerts, M.-C. J. M.-C. C. J. o. B. (2017). Is electromagnetism one of the causes of the CCD? A work plan for testing this hypothesis. 2(1), 1006.
Castro, S. L. J. A. R. o. B. S. (2001). Propolis: biological and pharmacological activities. Therapeutic uses of this bee-product. 3, 49-83.
Collett, T. S., & Baron, J. J. N. (1994). Biological compasses and the coordinate frame of landmark memories in honeybees. 368(6467), 137-140.
Darney, K., Giraudin, A., Joseph, R., Abadie, P., Aupinel, P., Decourtye, A., . . . Gauthier, M. J. A. (2016). Effect of high-frequency radiations on survival of the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.). 47, 703-710.
Dyer, F. C., & Gould, J. L. J. S. (1981). Honey bee orientation: a backup system for cloudy days. 214(4524), 1041-1042.
Erdogan, Y., & Dodologlu, A. J. U. B. J. (2005). Importance of Pollen in Life of Honeybee (Apismeelifera L.) Colonies. 5(2), 79-84.
Erdoğan, Y. J. I. J. o. A. S. (2019). Determination of the effect of electric fence system on productivity and behaviour of honeybees housed in different beehive types (Apis mellifera L.). 18(1), 941-948.
Evangelista, C., Kraft, P., Dacke, M., Labhart, T., & Srinivasan, M. J. P. T. o. t. R. S. B. B. S. (2014). Honeybee navigation: critically examining the role of the polarization compass. 369(1636), 20130037.
Favre, D. J. A. (2011). Mobile phone-induced honeybee worker piping. 42(3), 270-279.
Frier, H. J., Edwards, E., Smith, C., Neale, S., & Collett, T. S. J. J. o. E. B. (1996). Magnetic compass cues and visual pattern learning in honeybees. 199(6), 1353-1361.
Gallai, N., Salles, J.-M., Settele, J., & Vaissière, B. E. J. E. e. (2009). Economic valuation of the vulnerability of world agriculture confronted with pollinator decline. 68(3), 810-821.
Garibaldi, L. A., Aizen, M. A., Klein, A. M., Cunningham, S. A., & Harder, L. D. J. P. o. t. N. A. o. S. (2011). Global growth and stability of agricultural yield decrease with pollinator dependence. 108(14), 5909-5914.
Garibaldi, L. A., Carvalheiro, L. G., Leonhardt, S. D., Aizen, M. A., Blaauw, B. R., Isaacs, R., . . . Environment, t. (2014). From research to action: enhancing crop yield through wild pollinators. 12(8), 439-447.
Harst, W., Kuhn, J., & Stever, H. J. A. S.-I. I. J. (2006). Can electromagnetic exposure cause a change in behaviour? Studying possible non-thermal influences on honey bees—an approach within the framework of educational informatics. 6(1), 1-6.
Hernandez, C. U., Jongeling, C., Rouw, H., van Loon, M., Koenen, E., & Beguerie, S. J. S. r. c. b. t. S. o. W. U. (2010). Sham or reasons for concern? The influences of electromagnetic fields on honeybees.
Hsu, C.-Y., Ko, F.-Y., Li, C.-W., Fann, K., & Lue, J.-T. J. P. o. (2007). Magnetoreception system in honeybees (Apis mellifera). 2(4), e395.
Hsu, C.-Y., & Li, C.-W. J. S. (1994). Magnetoreception in honeybees. 265(5168), 95-97.
Jaccoud El-Jaick, L., Acosta-Avalos, D., Motta de Souza Esquivel, D., Wajnberg, E., & Paixão Linhares, M. J. E. B. J. (2001). Electron paramagnetic resonance study of honeybee Apis mellifera abdomens. 29, 579-586.
Kimmel, S., Kuhn, J., Harst, W., & Stever, H. J. A. m. (2007). Effects of electromagnetic exposition on the behavior of the honeybee. 1-6.
Kumar, S. S. J. B. (2018). Colony collapse disorder (CCD) in honey BeesCaused by EMF radiation. 14(9), 521.
Kuterbach, D. A., Walcott, B., Reeder, R. J., & Frankel, R. B. J. S. (1982). Iron-containing cells in the honey bee (Apis mellifera). 218(4573), 695-697.
Mall, P., & Kumar, Y. J. A. J. o. A. R. (2014). Effect of electromagnetic radiations on brooding, honey production and foraging behavior of European honeybees (Apis mellifera L.). 9(13), 1078-1085.
Mixson, T. A., Abramson, C. I., Nolf, S. L., Johnson, G., Serrano, E., & Wells, H. J. S. o. B. C. (2009). Effect of GSM cellular phone radiation on the behavior of honey bees (Apis mellifera). 1(2), 22-27.
Pattazhy, S. (2011). Impact of Electromagnetic Radiation on the Density of Honeybees: A Case Study: Lambert Academic Pub.
Pereira-Bomfim, M. d. G. C., Antonialli-Junior, W. F., & Acosta-Avalos, D. J. S. (2015). Effect of magnetic field on the foraging rhythm and behavior of the swarm-founding paper wasp Polybia paulista Ihering (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). 62(1), 99-104.
Roeder, T. J. P. i. n. (1999). Octopamine in invertebrates. 59(5), 533-561.
Rosen, A. D. J. C. b., & biophysics. (2003). Mechanism of action of moderate-intensity static magnetic fields on biological systems. 39, 163-173.
Rossel, S., & Wehner, R. J. N. (1986). Polarization vision in bees. 323(6084), 128-131.
Röösli, M., Egger, M., Pfluger, D., & Minder, C. J. E. H. (2008). Cardiovascular mortality and exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields: a cohort study of Swiss railway workers. 7(1), 1-7.
Schüz, J., & Ahlbom, A. J. R. p. d. (2008). Exposure to electromagnetic fields and the risk of childhood leukaemia: a review. 132(2), 202-211.
Schwärzel, M., Müller, U. J. C., & CMLS, M. L. S. (2006). Memory: Dynamic memory networks: dissecting molecular mechanisms underlying associative memory in the temporal domain. 63, 989-998.
Sharma, V. P., & Kumar, N. R. J. C. S. (2010). Changes in honeybee behaviour and biology under the influence of cellphone radiations. 98(10), 1376-1378.
Stefan, M., Matthias, S., Wilhelm, K., Andrea, M. J. I. f. A., & Astrophysics, S. C. P. E. K. U., Tubingen. (2013). Radiation hydrodynamics integrated in the PLUTO code. 10.
Taye, R. R., Deka, M. K., Rahman, A., Bathari, M. J. J. o. e., & studies, z. (2017). Effect of electromagnetic radiation of cell phone tower on foraging behaviour of Asiatic honey bee, Apis cerana F.(Hymenoptera: Apidae). 5(3), 1527-1529.
Vácha, M., Drštková, D., & Půžová, T. J. N. (2008). Tenebrio beetles use magnetic inclination compass. 95, 761-765.
Vácha, M. J. J. o. e. b. (2006). Laboratory behavioural assay of insect magnetoreception: magnetosensitivity of Periplaneta americana. 209(19), 3882-3886.
Vecchia, P., Matthes, R., Ziegelberger, G., Lin, J., Saunders, R., & Swerdlow, A. J. I. C. o. N.-I. R. P. (2009). Exposure to high frequency electromagnetic fields, biological effects and health consequences (100 kHz-300 GHz). 378.
Wiltschko, W., & Wiltschko, R. J. J. o. c. p. A. (2005). Magnetic orientation and magnetoreception in birds and other animals. 191, 675-693.
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Ziraat Mühendisliği (Diğer), Hayvansal Üretim (Diğer)