Anderson, J. G. C. 1897, "The Road-System o f Eastern Asia Minor with the Evidence o f Byzantine Campaigns" The Jo u rn al o f H ellenic Studies 17: 22-44
Beal, R. 1993, "Kurunta o f Tarhuntassa and the Imperial H ittite Mausoleum: A New Interpretation o f §10 o f the Bronze Tablet" Anatolian Studies 43: 29-39
Brown, G. B. 1967, "Prehistoric Pottery from the Antitaurus" Anatolian Studies t 17: 123-164
Bryce, T. 2005, The Kingdom o f the H ittite s, O xford
Dinçol, A.; J. Yakar; B. Dinçol, l; A. T a ffe t 2000, "The Borders o f the Appanage Kingdom o f Tarhuntassa - A Geographical and Archaeological Assessment" Anatolica 26: 1-19
Dönmez, Ahmet; W.C. Brice 1949, "The Distribution o f Some Varieties o f Early Pottery in South-east Turkey" Ira q 11: 44 58
Eralp, Gül 1995, "Sevdili Köy Geç H itit Aslanı" I. M e tin Akyurt, Bahattin Devam anı K itabı-Eski Yakın Doğu K ü ltü rleri Üzerine İncelem eler (ed) A. Erkenal, H. Erkanal, H. Hüryılmaz, A. Tuba Ökze, N. Çinardalı, S. Günel, H. Tekin, B. Uysal, D. Yalcıklı, 115-120, İstanbul
Garstang, J.; O. R. Gurney 1959, The Goegraphy o f the H ittite Empire, London
Hawkins, J. D. 1974, "Assyrians and H ittites" Iraq, in Honour o f S ir M ax Mallowan, 36:67-83
, "N e o-H ittite States in Syria and Anatolia", The Cambridge A ncient H istory: The P reh istory o f the Balkans; and M id dle E a s t a n d the Aegean W o r ld , Tenth to E ig h th Centauries BC, Vol. I I I part I. 372-441
, "Kuzi-Tesub and the Great Kings o f Karkamış" Anatolian Studies 38:99-108
, "The historical significance o f the Karahöyük (Elbistan) Stele" A spects o f A r t and Iconography: Anatolia and its Neighbors, Studies in Honor o f N im et Özgüç (ed.) M. J. Mellink - E. Porada - T. Özgüç, 273-279
, "H ittite s and Assyrians at Melid (Malatya)" 34 Intern ational Assyriology Congress, (ed.) Hayat Erkanal, Veysel Dönmez, Ayşegül Uğurlu, 63-78, İstanbul
, Corpus o f H ieroglyphic Luwian Inscrip tion s Vol. I Inscrip tion o f the Iron Age, P a rt 1
Hogart, D. G.; J. A. R. Munro 1893, M odern and A ncient Roads in Eastern A sia M inor, Supplementary Papers o f the Royal Geographical Society
Konyar, E. 2008, "Kahramanmaraş Yüzey Araştırması 2007" Anadolu A kdeniz A rkeo loji H a b e rle ri 8:130-136
M elchert, H. Craig 2003, The Luwians Handbook o f Oriental Studies; The Near and M iddle East, Leiden
Orthmann, W. 1971, Untersuchungen zur spatheth Kunst, Bonn
Özgüç, T.; N. Özgüç 1949, Türk Tarih Kurumu Tarafindan Yapılan Karahöyük H a r fiyat Raporu 1947; Ausgrabungen in Karahöyük, Ankara
Özgüç, T. 1971, Dem ir Devrinde Kültepe ve Civan: Kültepe and its Vicinity in the Iron Age, Ankara
Ramsay, W. M. 1890, The H isto rica l Geography o f A sia Minor, Royal Geographical Society's Supplementary Paper Vol. IV, London
Sevin, V. 1991, "The Early Iron Age in the Elazığ Region and the Problem o f the Mushkians" Anatolian Studies 41:87-97
von der Osten, Hans H. 1929, Explorations in H ittite A sia M in or 1927-28, Oriental In stitu te Communications No. 6, Chicago
Wilhelm, G. 1989, Hurrians, (Translated by J. Barnes) Warminster
W inter, Iren e J. 1973, N orth Syria in the Early F irst Millennium BC with Special Reference to Ivory Carving, Columbia Üniversitesi, Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Xerox microfilm
Yakar, J. 1993, "Anatolia civilisation following the disintegration o f the h ittite empire: An archaeological appraisal" Tel Aviv 20:3-28 TÜRK ARKEOLOJİ VE ETNOGRAFYA DERGİ SÎ
Anderson, J. G. C. 1897, "The Road-System o f Eastern Asia Minor with the Evidence o f Byzantine Campaigns" The Jo u rn al o f H ellenic Studies 17: 22-44
Beal, R. 1993, "Kurunta o f Tarhuntassa and the Imperial H ittite Mausoleum: A New Interpretation o f §10 o f the Bronze Tablet" Anatolian Studies 43: 29-39
Brown, G. B. 1967, "Prehistoric Pottery from the Antitaurus" Anatolian Studies t 17: 123-164
Bryce, T. 2005, The Kingdom o f the H ittite s, O xford
Dinçol, A.; J. Yakar; B. Dinçol, l; A. T a ffe t 2000, "The Borders o f the Appanage Kingdom o f Tarhuntassa - A Geographical and Archaeological Assessment" Anatolica 26: 1-19
Dönmez, Ahmet; W.C. Brice 1949, "The Distribution o f Some Varieties o f Early Pottery in South-east Turkey" Ira q 11: 44 58
Eralp, Gül 1995, "Sevdili Köy Geç H itit Aslanı" I. M e tin Akyurt, Bahattin Devam anı K itabı-Eski Yakın Doğu K ü ltü rleri Üzerine İncelem eler (ed) A. Erkenal, H. Erkanal, H. Hüryılmaz, A. Tuba Ökze, N. Çinardalı, S. Günel, H. Tekin, B. Uysal, D. Yalcıklı, 115-120, İstanbul
Garstang, J.; O. R. Gurney 1959, The Goegraphy o f the H ittite Empire, London
Hawkins, J. D. 1974, "Assyrians and H ittites" Iraq, in Honour o f S ir M ax Mallowan, 36:67-83
, "N e o-H ittite States in Syria and Anatolia", The Cambridge A ncient H istory: The P reh istory o f the Balkans; and M id dle E a s t a n d the Aegean W o r ld , Tenth to E ig h th Centauries BC, Vol. I I I part I. 372-441
, "Kuzi-Tesub and the Great Kings o f Karkamış" Anatolian Studies 38:99-108
, "The historical significance o f the Karahöyük (Elbistan) Stele" A spects o f A r t and Iconography: Anatolia and its Neighbors, Studies in Honor o f N im et Özgüç (ed.) M. J. Mellink - E. Porada - T. Özgüç, 273-279
, "H ittite s and Assyrians at Melid (Malatya)" 34 Intern ational Assyriology Congress, (ed.) Hayat Erkanal, Veysel Dönmez, Ayşegül Uğurlu, 63-78, İstanbul
, Corpus o f H ieroglyphic Luwian Inscrip tion s Vol. I Inscrip tion o f the Iron Age, P a rt 1
Hogart, D. G.; J. A. R. Munro 1893, M odern and A ncient Roads in Eastern A sia M inor, Supplementary Papers o f the Royal Geographical Society
Konyar, E. 2008, "Kahramanmaraş Yüzey Araştırması 2007" Anadolu A kdeniz A rkeo loji H a b e rle ri 8:130-136
M elchert, H. Craig 2003, The Luwians Handbook o f Oriental Studies; The Near and M iddle East, Leiden
Orthmann, W. 1971, Untersuchungen zur spatheth Kunst, Bonn
Özgüç, T.; N. Özgüç 1949, Türk Tarih Kurumu Tarafindan Yapılan Karahöyük H a r fiyat Raporu 1947; Ausgrabungen in Karahöyük, Ankara
Özgüç, T. 1971, Dem ir Devrinde Kültepe ve Civan: Kültepe and its Vicinity in the Iron Age, Ankara
Ramsay, W. M. 1890, The H isto rica l Geography o f A sia Minor, Royal Geographical Society's Supplementary Paper Vol. IV, London
Sevin, V. 1991, "The Early Iron Age in the Elazığ Region and the Problem o f the Mushkians" Anatolian Studies 41:87-97
von der Osten, Hans H. 1929, Explorations in H ittite A sia M in or 1927-28, Oriental In stitu te Communications No. 6, Chicago
Wilhelm, G. 1989, Hurrians, (Translated by J. Barnes) Warminster
W inter, Iren e J. 1973, N orth Syria in the Early F irst Millennium BC with Special Reference to Ivory Carving, Columbia Üniversitesi, Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Xerox microfilm
Yakar, J. 1993, "Anatolia civilisation following the disintegration o f the h ittite empire: An archaeological appraisal" Tel Aviv 20:3-28 TÜRK ARKEOLOJİ VE ETNOGRAFYA DERGİ SÎ