Uygarlıkları Ansiklopedisi. Cilt 1-2.
the Ancient World. S atış katalogu.
Medfield, MA.
ARIK 1989 R. Arık, “1967yılı Kubad-Abad Kazısı”,
X. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı II. Ankara
- 23-27 Mayıs 1966, s.401-6. Ankara.
BASS/VAN DOORNINCK 1962. G. F. Bass ve F.
H. van Doorninck, Jr., Yassı Ada. A
S e v e n th -C e n tu r y B y z a n tin e
Shipwreck. C ilt 1. College S ta tio n .
Texas. '
BISHOP/COULSTON 1993 M.C. Bishop ve J.C.N.
Coulston, Roman M ilitary Equipment.
BODUR 1967 F. Bodur, Türk Maden Sanatı. The
A rt of Turkish Metalworking. Istanbul.
BRITANNICA 1995 The New Encyclopaedia
Britannica. Cilt 2.
CESNOLA1677 L.R di Cesnola, Cyprus: Its Ancient
C itie s, Tombs, and Temples. A
N a rra tiv e o f R esearches and
E xca va tio n s during Ten Y ea rs’
Residence as American Consul in That
Island. London.
CHAVÄNE1975 M.-J. Chavane, Salamine de Chypre
VI: Les p etits objects. Paris.
CONZE 1913 A. Conze e t al., A lte rtü m e r von
Pergamon. Cilt 1/2. Berlin.
CRYPTA BALBI 2 0 0 0 C rypta Balbi. Museo
Nazionale Romano. Cilt 1/2. Milan.
CSALLANY, “ B yzantinische Schnallen und
Gürtelbeschläge m it Maskenmuster,”
Acta Antiqua (Academia Scientiarum
Hungaricae) 0, s. 55-77.
CUDDEFORD 1996 M. J. Cuddeford, Identifying
Buckles. Chelmsford.
DAGRON/FEISSEL 1967 G. Dagron ve D. Feissel,
Inscriptions de Cilicie. Paris.
DAMM 2 0 0 0 I.G. Damm, “ Huns and G oths:
Jew elry fro m th e Ukraine and
Southern Russia,” in K. R. Brown, D.
Kidd ve C.T. L ittle (ed.), From A ttila
to Charlemagne. A rts of the Early
Medieval Period in th e M etropolitan
Museum of A rts, s. 102-19. New York.
DAVIDSON 1952 G. R. Davidson, Corinth XII. The
Minor Objects. Princeton.
DE RIDDER 1915 A. de Ridder, Les bronzes
antiques du Louvre. Les instruments.
Cilt 2. Paris.
DİYARBEKİRLİ1972 N. Diyarbekirli, Hun Sanatı.
DİYARBEKİRLİ 1993 N. Diyarbekirli, Başlangıcından
Bugüne Türk Sanatı (Böl. 1). Ankara.
ELTON 1996 H. Elton, “ Fravitta and Barbarian
O pportunities in Constantinople,”
Medieval Prosography (Special Issue:
Late A ntiquity and Byzantium) 17/1,
FLEISCHER 1996 J. Fleischer, o. H jort ve M. B.
Rasmussen (ed.), Byzantium. Late
A n tiq u e and B yza n tin e A r t in
Scandinavian Collections. Copenhagen.
FOSS 1976 C. Foss, Byzantine and Turkish Sardis.
Cam bridge, MA (A rchaeological
Exploration of Sardis Monograph 4).
FRANTZ 1965 A. Frantz, “ From Paganism to
Christianity in the Temples of Athens,”
Dumbarton Oaks Papers 19, s. 167
FROVA1943 A. Frova, Pittura romana in Bulgaria.
GILL 1991 M.A.V. Gill, “ Small Finds,” in R.M.
Harrison, Saraçhane. Cilt I, s. 263-7.
Washington, D.C.
GIRSHMAN 1979 R. Girshman, “ La ceinture en
Iran,” Iranica Antiqua 4, s. 167-96.
GOUGH 1965 M. Gough (ed.), Alahan. An Early
C hristian M onastery in Southern
Turkey. Toronto.
GREIFENHAG EN 1975 A. G reifenhagen,
Schmuckarbeiten in Edelmetall. Cilt
2. Berlin.
HASPELS 1951 C.H.E. Haspels, Phryie III, La cite
de Midas: ceramique e t trouvailles
diverses. Paris.
HATTAT 1969 R. H a tta t, Ancient Brooches and
Other A rtefacts. Oxford.
HIRSCH 1993 G. Hirsch, Münzen und Medallien
Antiken, Auktion 179. Munich.
HIRSCH 1995 G. Hirsch, Münzen und Medallien
Antiken, Auktion 165. Munich.
HIRSCH 2001 G. Hirsch, Münzen un Medallien
Antiken, Auktion 213-214. Munich.
JOHANSEN 1994 I.M. Johansen, “Rings, Fibulae
and buckles with Imperial P ortraits
and Inscriptions,” Journal of Roman
Archaeology 7, s. 223-42.
KONDOLEON 2 0 0 0 C. Rondoleon (ed.), Antioch.
The Lost Ancient City. Princeton.
KONSEVIC/MAKJANIC 1995 R. Roscevic ve R.
Makjanic, Siscia. Pannonia Superior:
Finds and Metalwork Production, Terra
Sigillata. Oxford (BAR Int. Ser. 621).
KYPRAIOU 1997 E. Kypraiou (ed.), Greek Jewellery.
6 ,0 0 0 Years of Tradition. Athens.
LIGHTFOOT/IVISON 1996 C. S. Lightfoot, E. A.
Ivison, e t al., “Amorium Excavations
1995 : The Eighth Preliminary Report,”
Anatolian Studies 46, s. 91-110.
LIGHTFOOT 1997 C. S. L ig h tfo o t, “ 9 9 5 Yılı
Amorium Razısı”, XVIII. Razı Sonuçları
Toplantısı, 27-31 Mayıs 1996. Cilt 2,
s. 431-47. Ankara.
MC CLELLAN M. L. RAUTMAN, “The 1991-1993.
Field Seasons a t Ralavasos-Ropetra”,
R e p o rt o f th e D e p a rtm e n t o f
Antiquities, Cyprus, s. 269 -3 0 7.
MYRES 1914 J. L. Myres, Handbook of the Cesnola
Collection of Antiquities from Cyprus.
New York.
REIMER 1 9 9 5 E. Reimer, “ B yza n tin is c h e
Gürtelschnallen aus der Sammlung
Diergardt im Römisch-Germanischen
Museum Röln,” Rölner Jahrbuch 26, s.
RICHTER 1915 G.M.A. Richter, The M etropolitan
Museum of A rt. Greek, Etruscan, and
Roman Bronzes. New York.
ROBERTSON 1959 M. Robertson, Greek Painting.
ROBINSON 1976 H.S. Robinson, “ Excavations a t
C orinth: Temple Hill, 1966-1972,”
Hesperia 45, s. 2 0 3 -3 9 .
ROUECHE 1969 C. Roueche, Aphrodisias in Late
A ntiqity. London (Journal of Roman
Studies Monograph 5).
RUSSELL 1962 J. Russell, “ Byzantine Instrumental
D om estica from Anemurium: th e
Significance o f C ontext,” in R. L.
H ohlfelder (ed.), C ity, Town and
Countryside in the Early Byzantine
Era, s. 133-63. New York.
SCHULZE 1965 M. Schulze, “ Neuerwerbungen für
die Sam m lungen,” Jahrbuch des
Zentralsmuseums Mainz 32, 730-1.
SETTON 1950 R. S e tto n , “The Bulgars in the Balkans and the Occupation of Corinth
in th e Seventh Century,” Speculum
25, s. 502-43.
SO DİNİ1993 J. - P Sodoni, “ La contribution de
l’archéologie a la connaissance du
monde byzantin (IVe-VlIe siècles),”
Dumbarton Oaks Papers 47, s. 139
STEPHENSON 1999 P. Stephenson, Koman
Infantry Equipment. The Later empire.
STIEGEMANN 2001 C. Stiegemann (ed.), Byzanz.
Das Licht aus dem Osten: Ruit und
Alltag im Byzantinischen Reich vom
4. bis 5. Jahrhundert; Ratalog der
A usteilung im E rzbischhöfliches
Diözesanmeeum Faderborn 2001.
TARRANT 1994 N.E.A. Tarrant, The Development
of Costume. Edinburgh.
TJÄDER 1 9 5 5 J.-O . T jä d e r (e d .), Die
nichtliterarischen lateinischen Papyri
Italiens aus der Zeit 445-700. Cilt 1.
Lund (S rikfte r utgivna av Svenska
In s titu te t i Rom, A c ta In s tu tu ti
Romani Regni Sueciae 4,19,1).
TOUCHAIS 1961 G. Touchais, “Chronique des
fouilles e t décovertes archéologiques
en G rèce en I9 6 0 ,” B ulletin de
correspondance hellénique 105, s. 771
6 6 9 .
TRAVLOS/FRANTZ 1965 J. Travlos ve A. Frantz,
“The Church of S t. Dionysios th e
Areopagite and the Palace of the
Archbishop of Athens in the 16th
Century,” Hesperia 34, s. 157-202.
WALDBAUM 1963 J.C. Waldbaum, Metalwork from
Sardis, th e Finds through 1974.
Cam bridge, MA (A rchaeological
Exploration of Sardis Monograph 6).
WEINBERG 1937 G.D. Weinberg, “The Avar Invasion
of Corinth,” Hesperia 6, s. 227-39.
WEINBERG 1974 G.D. Weinberg, “A Wandering
Soldier’s Grave in Corinth,” Hesperia
43, s. 512-21.
WERNER 1955 J. Werner, “ B yzan tin isch e
G ü rte ls c h n a lle n des 6 und 7
Ja h rh u n d e rts as der Sammlung
Diergardt,3 Rölner Jahrbuch fü r Vor,
und Frühgeschichte 1, s. 3 6 -4 6 .
YARWOOD 1976 D. Yarwood, Encylopedia of World
Costume. New York.
ZOROĞLU 1969 R.L. Zoroğlu, “ Relenderis, 1967
Yılı kazası,” X. Razı Sonuçları Toplantısı.
Ankara - 23-27 Mayıs I9 6 0 . Cilt 1, s.
135-55. Ankara
Uygarlıkları Ansiklopedisi. Cilt 1-2.
the Ancient World. S atış katalogu.
Medfield, MA.
ARIK 1989 R. Arık, “1967yılı Kubad-Abad Kazısı”,
X. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı II. Ankara
- 23-27 Mayıs 1966, s.401-6. Ankara.
BASS/VAN DOORNINCK 1962. G. F. Bass ve F.
H. van Doorninck, Jr., Yassı Ada. A
S e v e n th -C e n tu r y B y z a n tin e
Shipwreck. C ilt 1. College S ta tio n .
Texas. '
BISHOP/COULSTON 1993 M.C. Bishop ve J.C.N.
Coulston, Roman M ilitary Equipment.
BODUR 1967 F. Bodur, Türk Maden Sanatı. The
A rt of Turkish Metalworking. Istanbul.
BRITANNICA 1995 The New Encyclopaedia
Britannica. Cilt 2.
CESNOLA1677 L.R di Cesnola, Cyprus: Its Ancient
C itie s, Tombs, and Temples. A
N a rra tiv e o f R esearches and
E xca va tio n s during Ten Y ea rs’
Residence as American Consul in That
Island. London.
CHAVÄNE1975 M.-J. Chavane, Salamine de Chypre
VI: Les p etits objects. Paris.
CONZE 1913 A. Conze e t al., A lte rtü m e r von
Pergamon. Cilt 1/2. Berlin.
CRYPTA BALBI 2 0 0 0 C rypta Balbi. Museo
Nazionale Romano. Cilt 1/2. Milan.
CSALLANY, “ B yzantinische Schnallen und
Gürtelbeschläge m it Maskenmuster,”
Acta Antiqua (Academia Scientiarum
Hungaricae) 0, s. 55-77.
CUDDEFORD 1996 M. J. Cuddeford, Identifying
Buckles. Chelmsford.
DAGRON/FEISSEL 1967 G. Dagron ve D. Feissel,
Inscriptions de Cilicie. Paris.
DAMM 2 0 0 0 I.G. Damm, “ Huns and G oths:
Jew elry fro m th e Ukraine and
Southern Russia,” in K. R. Brown, D.
Kidd ve C.T. L ittle (ed.), From A ttila
to Charlemagne. A rts of the Early
Medieval Period in th e M etropolitan
Museum of A rts, s. 102-19. New York.
DAVIDSON 1952 G. R. Davidson, Corinth XII. The
Minor Objects. Princeton.
DE RIDDER 1915 A. de Ridder, Les bronzes
antiques du Louvre. Les instruments.
Cilt 2. Paris.
DİYARBEKİRLİ1972 N. Diyarbekirli, Hun Sanatı.
DİYARBEKİRLİ 1993 N. Diyarbekirli, Başlangıcından
Bugüne Türk Sanatı (Böl. 1). Ankara.
ELTON 1996 H. Elton, “ Fravitta and Barbarian
O pportunities in Constantinople,”
Medieval Prosography (Special Issue:
Late A ntiquity and Byzantium) 17/1,
FLEISCHER 1996 J. Fleischer, o. H jort ve M. B.
Rasmussen (ed.), Byzantium. Late
A n tiq u e and B yza n tin e A r t in
Scandinavian Collections. Copenhagen.
FOSS 1976 C. Foss, Byzantine and Turkish Sardis.
Cam bridge, MA (A rchaeological
Exploration of Sardis Monograph 4).
FRANTZ 1965 A. Frantz, “ From Paganism to
Christianity in the Temples of Athens,”
Dumbarton Oaks Papers 19, s. 167
FROVA1943 A. Frova, Pittura romana in Bulgaria.
GILL 1991 M.A.V. Gill, “ Small Finds,” in R.M.
Harrison, Saraçhane. Cilt I, s. 263-7.
Washington, D.C.
GIRSHMAN 1979 R. Girshman, “ La ceinture en
Iran,” Iranica Antiqua 4, s. 167-96.
GOUGH 1965 M. Gough (ed.), Alahan. An Early
C hristian M onastery in Southern
Turkey. Toronto.
GREIFENHAG EN 1975 A. G reifenhagen,
Schmuckarbeiten in Edelmetall. Cilt
2. Berlin.
HASPELS 1951 C.H.E. Haspels, Phryie III, La cite
de Midas: ceramique e t trouvailles
diverses. Paris.
HATTAT 1969 R. H a tta t, Ancient Brooches and
Other A rtefacts. Oxford.
HIRSCH 1993 G. Hirsch, Münzen und Medallien
Antiken, Auktion 179. Munich.
HIRSCH 1995 G. Hirsch, Münzen und Medallien
Antiken, Auktion 165. Munich.
HIRSCH 2001 G. Hirsch, Münzen un Medallien
Antiken, Auktion 213-214. Munich.
JOHANSEN 1994 I.M. Johansen, “Rings, Fibulae
and buckles with Imperial P ortraits
and Inscriptions,” Journal of Roman
Archaeology 7, s. 223-42.
KONDOLEON 2 0 0 0 C. Rondoleon (ed.), Antioch.
The Lost Ancient City. Princeton.
KONSEVIC/MAKJANIC 1995 R. Roscevic ve R.
Makjanic, Siscia. Pannonia Superior:
Finds and Metalwork Production, Terra
Sigillata. Oxford (BAR Int. Ser. 621).
KYPRAIOU 1997 E. Kypraiou (ed.), Greek Jewellery.
6 ,0 0 0 Years of Tradition. Athens.
LIGHTFOOT/IVISON 1996 C. S. Lightfoot, E. A.
Ivison, e t al., “Amorium Excavations
1995 : The Eighth Preliminary Report,”
Anatolian Studies 46, s. 91-110.
LIGHTFOOT 1997 C. S. L ig h tfo o t, “ 9 9 5 Yılı
Amorium Razısı”, XVIII. Razı Sonuçları
Toplantısı, 27-31 Mayıs 1996. Cilt 2,
s. 431-47. Ankara.
MC CLELLAN M. L. RAUTMAN, “The 1991-1993.
Field Seasons a t Ralavasos-Ropetra”,
R e p o rt o f th e D e p a rtm e n t o f
Antiquities, Cyprus, s. 269 -3 0 7.
MYRES 1914 J. L. Myres, Handbook of the Cesnola
Collection of Antiquities from Cyprus.
New York.
REIMER 1 9 9 5 E. Reimer, “ B yza n tin is c h e
Gürtelschnallen aus der Sammlung
Diergardt im Römisch-Germanischen
Museum Röln,” Rölner Jahrbuch 26, s.
RICHTER 1915 G.M.A. Richter, The M etropolitan
Museum of A rt. Greek, Etruscan, and
Roman Bronzes. New York.
ROBERTSON 1959 M. Robertson, Greek Painting.
ROBINSON 1976 H.S. Robinson, “ Excavations a t
C orinth: Temple Hill, 1966-1972,”
Hesperia 45, s. 2 0 3 -3 9 .
ROUECHE 1969 C. Roueche, Aphrodisias in Late
A ntiqity. London (Journal of Roman
Studies Monograph 5).
RUSSELL 1962 J. Russell, “ Byzantine Instrumental
D om estica from Anemurium: th e
Significance o f C ontext,” in R. L.
H ohlfelder (ed.), C ity, Town and
Countryside in the Early Byzantine
Era, s. 133-63. New York.
SCHULZE 1965 M. Schulze, “ Neuerwerbungen für
die Sam m lungen,” Jahrbuch des
Zentralsmuseums Mainz 32, 730-1.
SETTON 1950 R. S e tto n , “The Bulgars in the Balkans and the Occupation of Corinth
in th e Seventh Century,” Speculum
25, s. 502-43.
SO DİNİ1993 J. - P Sodoni, “ La contribution de
l’archéologie a la connaissance du
monde byzantin (IVe-VlIe siècles),”
Dumbarton Oaks Papers 47, s. 139
STEPHENSON 1999 P. Stephenson, Koman
Infantry Equipment. The Later empire.
STIEGEMANN 2001 C. Stiegemann (ed.), Byzanz.
Das Licht aus dem Osten: Ruit und
Alltag im Byzantinischen Reich vom
4. bis 5. Jahrhundert; Ratalog der
A usteilung im E rzbischhöfliches
Diözesanmeeum Faderborn 2001.
TARRANT 1994 N.E.A. Tarrant, The Development
of Costume. Edinburgh.
TJÄDER 1 9 5 5 J.-O . T jä d e r (e d .), Die
nichtliterarischen lateinischen Papyri
Italiens aus der Zeit 445-700. Cilt 1.
Lund (S rikfte r utgivna av Svenska
In s titu te t i Rom, A c ta In s tu tu ti
Romani Regni Sueciae 4,19,1).
TOUCHAIS 1961 G. Touchais, “Chronique des
fouilles e t décovertes archéologiques
en G rèce en I9 6 0 ,” B ulletin de
correspondance hellénique 105, s. 771
6 6 9 .
TRAVLOS/FRANTZ 1965 J. Travlos ve A. Frantz,
“The Church of S t. Dionysios th e
Areopagite and the Palace of the
Archbishop of Athens in the 16th
Century,” Hesperia 34, s. 157-202.
WALDBAUM 1963 J.C. Waldbaum, Metalwork from
Sardis, th e Finds through 1974.
Cam bridge, MA (A rchaeological
Exploration of Sardis Monograph 6).
WEINBERG 1937 G.D. Weinberg, “The Avar Invasion
of Corinth,” Hesperia 6, s. 227-39.
WEINBERG 1974 G.D. Weinberg, “A Wandering
Soldier’s Grave in Corinth,” Hesperia
43, s. 512-21.
WERNER 1955 J. Werner, “ B yzan tin isch e
G ü rte ls c h n a lle n des 6 und 7
Ja h rh u n d e rts as der Sammlung
Diergardt,3 Rölner Jahrbuch fü r Vor,
und Frühgeschichte 1, s. 3 6 -4 6 .
YARWOOD 1976 D. Yarwood, Encylopedia of World
Costume. New York.
ZOROĞLU 1969 R.L. Zoroğlu, “ Relenderis, 1967
Yılı kazası,” X. Razı Sonuçları Toplantısı.
Ankara - 23-27 Mayıs I9 6 0 . Cilt 1, s.
135-55. Ankara