Research Article
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Evaluation of Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors about Gluten-Free Diet of 5th Year Medical Students: An Example of a Faculty

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 23 - 33, 19.04.2024


Dietary habits integrated with lifestyle have impact on health. Just only proper and balanced nutrition can prevent and treat many diseases. Celiac disease is a good example which the only known treatment is a gluten-free diet. This descriptive study aims to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes, and personal competencies of trainee doctors about the effects of gluten and gluten-free diet on health. A face-to-face survey was conducted on 175 participants who agreed to participate in the study (203 total) from a public university medical school's fifth year class from January to February 2020. Only 9.1% of the participants were able to correctly answer that wheat, barley, rye, and bulgur are all sources of gluten. The relationship between gluten and many diseases isn’t well known. In addition, 67.8% of participants were aware that a gluten-free diet can also cause additional health problems. However, it is not fully understood that a gluten-free diet can cause deficiencies as iron, calcium, vitamin D, folate, and magnesium. Total 68.5% of participants self reported as healthy eaters. Trainee doctors who believe they have received education on nutrition implied that they can provide effective dietary advice to their patients. Doctors with sufficient information will not only be able to treat their own patients more easily, but also increase the health awareness of the public in their area of responsibility. Effective interventions such as regular seminars, added nutrition education to students' classes, changes in curriculum or exam questions will be useful in improving the results of our study.


  • Açıkgöz, A., Akgün, M.F., Korkut, B., Cecen, E., Kocaoğlu, N.M. and Dayı, A. (2018). Healthy lifestyle behaviors and related factors of faculty of medicine students: Observational study. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(2), 99-110.
  • Akobeng, A.K. and Thomas, A.G. (2008). Systematic review: Tolerable amount of gluten for people with coeliac disease. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 27(11), 1044-1052.
  • Al-Toma, A., Volta, U., Auricchio, R., Castillejo, G., Sanders, D.S., Cellier, C., Mulder, C.J. and Lundin, K.E.A. (2019). European Society for the Study of Coeliac Disease (ESsCD) guideline for coeliac disease and other gluten‐related disorders. United European Gastroenterology Journal, 7(5), 583-613.
  • Arslain, K., Gustafson, C.R., Baishya, P. and Rose, D.J. (2021). Determinants of gluten-free diet adoption among individuals without celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Appetite, 156, 104958.
  • Bektas, A., Ulusoy, M. and Bektaş, V. (2020). Gıda etiketlerinde yer alan bilgilerin sağlıklı algılanma (Health Halo) etkisi. Gıda, 45(3), 590-599. Beuthin, J., Veronesi, M., Grosberg, B. and Evans, R. W. (2020). Gluten‐free diet and migraine. headache. The Journal of Head and Face Pain, 60(10), 2526-2529.
  • Blackett, J.W., Shamsunder, M., Reilly, N.R., Green, P.H.R. and Lebwohl, B. (2018). Characteristics and comorbidities of inpatients without celiac disease on a gluten-free diet: European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 30(4), 477-483.
  • Caio, G., Volta, U., Sapone, A., Leffler, D.A., De Giorgio, R., Catassi, C. and Fasano, A. (2019). Celiac disease: A comprehensive current review. BMC Medicine, 17(1), 142.
  • Cheng, J., Brar, P.S., Lee, A.R. and Green, P.H.R. (2010). Body mass ındex in celiac disease: beneficial effect of a gluten-free diet. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 44(4), 267-271.
  • Cranney, A., Zarkadas, M., Graham, I.D., Butzner, J.D., Rashid, M., Warren, R., Molloy, M., Case, S., Burrows, V. and Switzer, C. (2007). The Canadian Celiac Health Survey. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 52(4), 1087-1095. 006 9258-2
  • Dembiński, Ł., Mazur, A., Dąbrowski, M., Jackowska, T. and Banaszkiewicz, A. (2021). Knowledge of medical students and medical professionals regarding nutritional deficiencies in patients with celiac disease. Nutrients, 13(6), 1771.
  • Demir, E. and Baydar Artantaş, A. (2018). Evaluation of healthy life behaviours in medical and nursing students: a cross sectional study. Ankara Medical Journal, 18(2), 186-197. FDA. (2013). Food labeling: Gluten-free labeling of foods. Final rule. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), HHS, Federal Register, 78(150), 47154-47179.
  • Gaesser, G.A. and Angadi, S.S. (2015). Navigating the gluten-free boom. Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants, 28(8), 1-7.
  • Ghalichi, F., Ghaemmaghami, J., Malek, A. and Ostadrahimi, A. (2016). Effect of gluten free diet on gastrointestinal and behavioral indices for children with autism spectrum disorders: A randomized clinical trial. World Journal of Pediatrics, 12(4), 436-442.
  • Gobbetti, M., Pontonio, E., Filannino, P., Rizzello, C.G., De Angelis, M. and Di Cagno, R. (2018). How to improve the gluten-free diet: The state of the art from a food science perspective. Food Research International, 110, 22-32.
  • Kaleli̇, S., Kiliç, N., Erdoğan, M. ve Erdoğan, N. (2017). Sakarya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin beslenme alışkanlıkları. Online Türk Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(2),12-18.
  • King, J.A., Jeong, J., Underwood, F.E., Quan, J., Panaccione, N., Windsor, J.W., Coward, S., deBruyn, J., Ronksley, P.E., Shaheen, A.A., Quan, H., Godley, J., Veldhuyzen van Zanten, S., Lebwohl, B., Ng, S.C., Ludvigsson, J.F. and Kaplan, G. G. (2020). Incidence of celiac disease ıs ıncreasing over time: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 115(4), 507-525.
  • Lee, A.R., Ng, D.L., Zivin, J. and Green, P.H.R. (2007). Economic burden of a gluten-free diet. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 20(5), 423-430.
  • Lindfors, K., Ciacci, C., Kurppa, K., Lundin, K.E.A., Makharia, G.K., Mearin, M.L., Murray, J.A., Verdu, E.F. and Kaukinen, K. (2019). Coeliac disease. Nature Reviews Disease Primers, 5(1), 3.
  • Makharia, G.K., Singh, P., Catassi, C., Sanders, D.S., Leffler, D., Ali, R.A.R. and Bai, J.C. (2022). The global burden of coeliac disease: Opportunities and challenges. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 19(5), 313-327.
  • Miranda, J., Lasa, A., Bustamante, M.A., Churruca, I. and Simon, E. (2014). Nutritional differences between a gluten-free diet and a diet containing equivalent products with gluten. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 69(2), 182-187.
  • Priven, M., Baum, J., Vieira, E., Fung, T. and Herbold, N. (2015). The Influence of a Factitious Free-From Food Product Label on Consumer Perceptions of Healthfulness. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 115(11), 1808-1814.
  • Sapone, A., Bai, J. C., Ciacci, C., Dolinsek, J., Green, P.H., Hadjivassiliou, M., Kaukinen, K., Rostami, K., Sanders, D.S., Schumann, M., Ullrich, R., Villalta, D., Volta, U., Catassi, C. and Fasano, A. (2012). Spectrum of gluten-related disorders: Consensus on new nomenclature and classification. BMC Medicine, 10(1), 13.
  • Staudacher, H.M. and Gibson, P.R. (2015). How healthy is a glüten-free diet? British Journal of Nutrition, 114(10), 1539-1541.
  • Theethira, T.G. and Dennis, M. (2015). Celiac disease and the gluten-free diet: Consequences and recommendations for ımprovement. Digestive Diseases, 33(2), 175-182. Volta, U. and De Giorgio, R. (2012). New understanding of gluten sensitivity. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 9(5), 295-299.
  • Wieser, H., Ruiz-Carnicer, Á., Segura, V., Comino, I. and Sousa, C. (2021). Challenges of monitoring the gluten-free diet adherence in the management and follow-up of patients with celiac disease. Nutrients, 13(7), 2274.

Bir Tıp Fakültesi 5. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Glütensiz Diyet Hakkında Bilgi, Tutum ve Davranışlarının Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 23 - 33, 19.04.2024


İnsana ve sağlığa bütüncül yaklaştığımızda, yaşam tarzıyla şekillenen beslenme alışkanlıkları büyük önem arz etmektedir. Sadece doğru ve dengeli beslenme ile birçok hastalık önlenebilir ve tedavi edebilir. Bu duruma en güzel örneklerden biri olan Çölyak hastalığı başta olmak üzere glüten hassasiyeti şemsiyesi kapsamındaki hastalıkların günümüzde bilinen tek tedavisi glütensiz diyettir. Tanımlayıcı tipteki bu araştırmada, yakın zamanda sağlık sisteminin bir parçasını oluşturacak stajyer hekimlerin glüten ve glütensiz diyetin sağlık üzerine etkileri hakkındaki bilgi, tutum, davranış ve kişisel yetkinliklerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bir kamu üniversitesi tıp fakültesi 5. sınıf öğrencileri (203 kişi) arasından araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden 175 katılımcıya (Ocak - Şubat) 2020 tarihleri arasında yüz yüze anket uygulanmıştır. Katılımcıların yalnızca %9,1’i buğday, arpa, çavdar ve bulgur dörtlüsünün glüten içerdiğini doğru yanıtlayabilmiştir. Ayrıca glütenin birçok hastalık ile ilişkisi pek bilinmemektedir. Glüten hassasiyetinin görülme sıklığının prevalansın üzerinde olduğunun düşünülmesi ve daha sağlıklı olarak algılanmasıyla glütensiz diyet popülerleşebilmektedir. Katılımcıların %67,8’i glütensiz beslenmenin de ek sağlık sorunlarına yol açabileceğinin farkındadır. Ancak glütensiz diyetin mikronutrient (demir, kalsiyum, vitamin D, folat, magnezyum) eksikliklerine neden olabileceği tam olarak bilinmemektedir. Katılımcıların %68.5’i sağlıklı beslendiğini belirtmiştir. Beslenme konusunda yeterli eğitim aldığını düşünen stajyer hekimler danışanlarına etkili diyet önerisinde bulunabileceklerini düşünmektedir. Doğru, yeterli ve önemli bilgiler ile sahaya çıkan hekimler sadece kendi hastalarını daha kolay tedavi etmekle kalmayacak, aynı zamanda bulundukları görev alanındaki halkın sağlık bilincini de artıracaktır. Düzenli semineler, öğrencilerin derslerine yapılacak eklemelerle beslenmeye yönelik eğitimler, müfredat veya sınav sorularındaki yönelimlerin değişmesi gibi etkili müdahaleler çalışmamızın bize gösterdiği yetersiz sonuçların iyileştirilmesinde faydalı olacaktır.

Ethical Statement

Marmara üniversitesi klinik araştırmalar etik kurulundan 03.01.2020 tarihli 09.2020.130 protokol nolu etik kurul onayı ile gerekli izinler alınmıştır.

Supporting Institution



  • Açıkgöz, A., Akgün, M.F., Korkut, B., Cecen, E., Kocaoğlu, N.M. and Dayı, A. (2018). Healthy lifestyle behaviors and related factors of faculty of medicine students: Observational study. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(2), 99-110.
  • Akobeng, A.K. and Thomas, A.G. (2008). Systematic review: Tolerable amount of gluten for people with coeliac disease. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 27(11), 1044-1052.
  • Al-Toma, A., Volta, U., Auricchio, R., Castillejo, G., Sanders, D.S., Cellier, C., Mulder, C.J. and Lundin, K.E.A. (2019). European Society for the Study of Coeliac Disease (ESsCD) guideline for coeliac disease and other gluten‐related disorders. United European Gastroenterology Journal, 7(5), 583-613.
  • Arslain, K., Gustafson, C.R., Baishya, P. and Rose, D.J. (2021). Determinants of gluten-free diet adoption among individuals without celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Appetite, 156, 104958.
  • Bektas, A., Ulusoy, M. and Bektaş, V. (2020). Gıda etiketlerinde yer alan bilgilerin sağlıklı algılanma (Health Halo) etkisi. Gıda, 45(3), 590-599. Beuthin, J., Veronesi, M., Grosberg, B. and Evans, R. W. (2020). Gluten‐free diet and migraine. headache. The Journal of Head and Face Pain, 60(10), 2526-2529.
  • Blackett, J.W., Shamsunder, M., Reilly, N.R., Green, P.H.R. and Lebwohl, B. (2018). Characteristics and comorbidities of inpatients without celiac disease on a gluten-free diet: European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 30(4), 477-483.
  • Caio, G., Volta, U., Sapone, A., Leffler, D.A., De Giorgio, R., Catassi, C. and Fasano, A. (2019). Celiac disease: A comprehensive current review. BMC Medicine, 17(1), 142.
  • Cheng, J., Brar, P.S., Lee, A.R. and Green, P.H.R. (2010). Body mass ındex in celiac disease: beneficial effect of a gluten-free diet. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 44(4), 267-271.
  • Cranney, A., Zarkadas, M., Graham, I.D., Butzner, J.D., Rashid, M., Warren, R., Molloy, M., Case, S., Burrows, V. and Switzer, C. (2007). The Canadian Celiac Health Survey. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 52(4), 1087-1095. 006 9258-2
  • Dembiński, Ł., Mazur, A., Dąbrowski, M., Jackowska, T. and Banaszkiewicz, A. (2021). Knowledge of medical students and medical professionals regarding nutritional deficiencies in patients with celiac disease. Nutrients, 13(6), 1771.
  • Demir, E. and Baydar Artantaş, A. (2018). Evaluation of healthy life behaviours in medical and nursing students: a cross sectional study. Ankara Medical Journal, 18(2), 186-197. FDA. (2013). Food labeling: Gluten-free labeling of foods. Final rule. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), HHS, Federal Register, 78(150), 47154-47179.
  • Gaesser, G.A. and Angadi, S.S. (2015). Navigating the gluten-free boom. Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants, 28(8), 1-7.
  • Ghalichi, F., Ghaemmaghami, J., Malek, A. and Ostadrahimi, A. (2016). Effect of gluten free diet on gastrointestinal and behavioral indices for children with autism spectrum disorders: A randomized clinical trial. World Journal of Pediatrics, 12(4), 436-442.
  • Gobbetti, M., Pontonio, E., Filannino, P., Rizzello, C.G., De Angelis, M. and Di Cagno, R. (2018). How to improve the gluten-free diet: The state of the art from a food science perspective. Food Research International, 110, 22-32.
  • Kaleli̇, S., Kiliç, N., Erdoğan, M. ve Erdoğan, N. (2017). Sakarya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin beslenme alışkanlıkları. Online Türk Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(2),12-18.
  • King, J.A., Jeong, J., Underwood, F.E., Quan, J., Panaccione, N., Windsor, J.W., Coward, S., deBruyn, J., Ronksley, P.E., Shaheen, A.A., Quan, H., Godley, J., Veldhuyzen van Zanten, S., Lebwohl, B., Ng, S.C., Ludvigsson, J.F. and Kaplan, G. G. (2020). Incidence of celiac disease ıs ıncreasing over time: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 115(4), 507-525.
  • Lee, A.R., Ng, D.L., Zivin, J. and Green, P.H.R. (2007). Economic burden of a gluten-free diet. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 20(5), 423-430.
  • Lindfors, K., Ciacci, C., Kurppa, K., Lundin, K.E.A., Makharia, G.K., Mearin, M.L., Murray, J.A., Verdu, E.F. and Kaukinen, K. (2019). Coeliac disease. Nature Reviews Disease Primers, 5(1), 3.
  • Makharia, G.K., Singh, P., Catassi, C., Sanders, D.S., Leffler, D., Ali, R.A.R. and Bai, J.C. (2022). The global burden of coeliac disease: Opportunities and challenges. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 19(5), 313-327.
  • Miranda, J., Lasa, A., Bustamante, M.A., Churruca, I. and Simon, E. (2014). Nutritional differences between a gluten-free diet and a diet containing equivalent products with gluten. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 69(2), 182-187.
  • Priven, M., Baum, J., Vieira, E., Fung, T. and Herbold, N. (2015). The Influence of a Factitious Free-From Food Product Label on Consumer Perceptions of Healthfulness. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 115(11), 1808-1814.
  • Sapone, A., Bai, J. C., Ciacci, C., Dolinsek, J., Green, P.H., Hadjivassiliou, M., Kaukinen, K., Rostami, K., Sanders, D.S., Schumann, M., Ullrich, R., Villalta, D., Volta, U., Catassi, C. and Fasano, A. (2012). Spectrum of gluten-related disorders: Consensus on new nomenclature and classification. BMC Medicine, 10(1), 13.
  • Staudacher, H.M. and Gibson, P.R. (2015). How healthy is a glüten-free diet? British Journal of Nutrition, 114(10), 1539-1541.
  • Theethira, T.G. and Dennis, M. (2015). Celiac disease and the gluten-free diet: Consequences and recommendations for ımprovement. Digestive Diseases, 33(2), 175-182. Volta, U. and De Giorgio, R. (2012). New understanding of gluten sensitivity. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 9(5), 295-299.
  • Wieser, H., Ruiz-Carnicer, Á., Segura, V., Comino, I. and Sousa, C. (2021). Challenges of monitoring the gluten-free diet adherence in the management and follow-up of patients with celiac disease. Nutrients, 13(7), 2274.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Public Health Nutrition, Preventative Health Care
Journal Section Case Reports

Duygu Çekici 0000-0003-3502-6924

Furkan Özel 0000-0003-2856-9525

Meryem Betül Aydın 0009-0006-8995-0353

Zeynep İrem Çelik Uzunçakmak 0009-0002-2590-3268

Yağız Özdağ 0000-0002-9602-9240

Zeynep Hazal Sezgin 0009-0006-4804-7504

İpek Aydın 0009-0008-3284-5450

Birce Lal Yalçın 0000-0002-2219-9263

Seyhan Hıdıroğlu 0000-0001-8656-4613

Melda Karavuş 0000-0003-2629-2374

Early Pub Date March 23, 2024
Publication Date April 19, 2024
Submission Date February 8, 2024
Acceptance Date March 19, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Çekici, D., Özel, F., Aydın, M. B., Çelik Uzunçakmak, Z. İ., et al. (2024). Bir Tıp Fakültesi 5. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Glütensiz Diyet Hakkında Bilgi, Tutum ve Davranışlarının Değerlendirilmesi. Arel Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(1), 23-33.

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