Writing Rules

Articles, pictures, figures and tables published in the Journal of Health Sciences Arel University cannot be printed or reproduced partially or completely by any means without the written permission of the publisher. Summary information can be given and citations can be made for scientific purposes (provided that the source is cited). The authors of the article are responsible for the article, figures, tables and pictures published in the journal.
Article Type Research ( ) Review ( ) Case ( ) Other ( )

Publication rights transfer form It should be filled and signed by the corresponding author and uploaded to the system as a separate file.
Article submission checklist It should be filled and signed by the corresponding author and uploaded to the system as a separate file.
Research and publication ethics statement - Permission should be obtained from the ethical committees regarding compliance with the “National and International Ethical Guidelines” for research conducted in humans or animals.
- The ethics committee statement should be given under a separate heading before the references with the name of the committee, date and number, and should also be stated in the method section of the article. It must also be installed on the system.
- Conditions that require copyright, such as works of art, figures, tables, must be respected.
Article size
- The number of words in the research article should be at most 5000 (excluding references).
- The maximum number of words in the review article should be 4000 (excluding references).
- The number of references in the research article should be maximum 35 and in the review article maximum 45.
Article title and author information page only
- The title of the article should be short and clear, justified and should reflect the main lines of the article.
- The title of the article should be no more than 20 words and no abbreviations should be used.
- The Turkish title should be written in Times New Roman 14 points and the English title should be written in italics Times New Roman 12 points with single line spacing.
- Authors' names, surnames, institutional addresses, e-mail addresses and ORCID numbers should be written.
- Author names 11 pt; Author information should be 10 points.
- The title, name, surname, contact address, e-mail and mobile phone number of the corresponding author should be written after the author information on a single page containing only the title and author information.
- A single page containing only the article title and author information should be prepared according to the Title Page TEMPLATE.
Article text properties and page structure
- In the preparation of the article text, the Article Template should be used in the first submission of the article.
- The article should be prepared in MS Word 2010 and higher versions.
- All text is in A4 (21x297mm) size, with margins (top 2.5 cm, left 2.5 cm, bottom 2.0 cm and right 2.0 cm) and 1-line spacing.
- The written language of the journal is Turkish and English.
- The text of the article should be written in Turkish with a 12-point Times New Roman font.
- All Article must be 6 pt after Dec (6 pt after Indent and After Dec-After Dec.).
- There should be an enter before the main and subheadings of the article specified in the table of contents, and 6n should not be given after the space when enter is made.
- In the written language, words that will cause gender discrimination (such as businessman instead of business woman) should not be used as much as possible.
- In the article (the language should not be in the past tense and the first person), "aorist" sentences, which are the language of science, should be established (eg, "This study was intended / intended" or "This study was intended ... the purpose of the study is ...").
- The title of the article should be written only as stated in the article title and author information section.
- The article containing the text should be prepared according to the First Submission Template without author information.
Summary page
- Minimum 150, maximum 250 words.
- The abstract should be in Times New Roman font, 10 points and justified.
- Use as few abbreviations as possible in the abstract.
- A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 keywords should be written.
- For articles in Turkish, "Abstract" in Turkish, "Key words" in Turkish, and then "Abstract" in English and "Key words" in English should be written.
- Key words should be written in Turkish alphabet. English "Key words" should be sorted according to Turkish.
Research paper text
(It will not be written as a list like here)
- Title.
- Turkish abstract and keywords.
- English abstract and keywords.
- Headings should be numbered in the following format. No more than three degrees (2.1.1.) should be numbered (such as 2.1, 2.1.1., 2.1.2).
- The first letter of the second-order title should be written in capital letters, and the first letter of the first word of the third-order title should be capitalized and the others should be written in lowercase.
2. Sample and Method / Material and Method
2.1. …..
2.2. … like
3.1 like ……
4.1. ….. like
- Authors' contributions to the study
- Ethics Committee Statement
- Conflict of Interest
- Acknowledgments (optional)
- Support (if any, must be written)
- Resources
- The subject of the research, the problem and the rationale of the research should be clearly stated. Along with the data that can be accessed about the research, brief information about the researched subject should be given and excessive literature/research results should be avoided.
Materials and Methods
- "Matials and Methods" should be used in the content for research conducted on humans, and "Materials and Methods" should be used for other researches.
- Purpose of the research: The purpose of the research should be clearly stated.
- Type of research: It should be explained.
- Research question/hypothesis: The research question or questions should be stated in line with the purpose of the research.
- The place, characteristics and time of the research: The characteristics of the region or institutions where the research was conducted should be explained. In addition, the time frame (start and end) of the research should be specified.
- The universe and sample of the research: The general and study universe of the research should be defined, how the sample was selected from the population, which method was used, and how the sample size was calculated should be explained. In addition, the criteria for inclusion or exclusion should be clearly stated in the selection of participants.
- Data collection tool(s): Each of the data collection tools used in the research should be introduced separately and their validity-reliability information should be clearly included. The introduction of each data collection tool should be in the form of giving the tool's introductory information in a certain order, after the title of the tool is written in italics at the beginning of the line.
- Data collection: It should be explained how the research data were collected and how this process took place.
- Analysis of the data: The statistical methods used in the analysis of the research data should be specified in such detail that the reader can evaluate the reported results. Resources on study design and statistical method should be cited when necessary. Statistical terms, abbreviations and symbols should be defined and the computer program used should be specified.
- Ethical aspect of the study: According to the type of the study, information on the 'Ethics Committee Permission Certificate' (without specifying the place where it was obtained from, the date and number of the institution) should be specified, and also an ethics committee approval document should be uploaded to the journal system as a separate file. Ethics committee permission document must be uploaded in researches. Information on the 'Institutional Permission and Informed Consent' obtained in the study should also be included in this section.
- Limitations of the study: The limitations of the study should be clearly stated and these limitations should be discussed in the discussion section and suggestions should be made regarding this.
- Findings should be written in a specific order and as detailed as possible in the text, supported by figures and tables, unnecessary repetition of figures and tables in the text should be avoided.
- Research findings should be explained without any comments.
- Statistics should be checked (for research articles).
- When writing Crobach's alf, correlation coefficients (r2) and p values, 0 (zero) should be written in front of the dot, p should be three-valued, factor loads, alpha and r2 values should be two-valued (such as r2=0.34, p0.05). In Turkish texts, care should be taken to include commas instead of periods between numbers.
- Findings and discussion sections can be written together (Results and Discussion).
- The data related to the research should be discussed, the results should be supported by national and international sources, and a link should be established between the research purpose and the research results.
- It should be avoided to repeat the statements/numerical values given in the “Results” section and to give long place to general information that is not directly related to the subject.
- At the end of the discussion section, the limitations of the research should be stated and the contributions of the research to the field of experimental research or clinical practice should be explained.
Conclusions and Recommendations
- The importance of the main findings obtained in the research should be emphasized and inferences should be made in relation to the purpose of the study.
- Suggestions, if any, regarding the results of the research should be written briefly.
- Care should be taken not to repeat the findings of the research in this section.
- The contribution of the results obtained from the study to the field of application should be explained, and suggestions should be developed based on the findings. The contribution of the research results to the field, the innovation to be brought in the application and academic field in line with the research findings should be mentioned, and inferences should be made for future studies. In the conclusion and recommendations section, citations should not be made from the scientific literature.
What to Write Before References at the End of the Text
Authors' contributions to the study
- The contribution of the authors to the study should be stated.
- Example. Ahmet Vural: Creating the method, doing the research, writing the article; Fatma Gül: Literature research, Research, Statistical studies, writing the article.

Ethics Committee Statement
- In studies requiring ethics committee permission, information about permission should be written in this section and method section with the name of the committee, date and number.
- In addition, details about the informed consent of the patients must be written.
- Ethics committee statement should be written in the required articles. See the relevant section description for the article.
- Sample writing: "Ethics Committee Approval" numbered 19/321 and dated 11/12/2019 was received by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of the University of ………..

Conflict of interest
- Authors should declare any conflicts of interest (if any) regarding their articles.
- If there is an indirect or direct commercial connection (such as employment, direct payments, stock ownership, company consultancy, patent license adjustments or service fee) or an institution that provides financial support for the study, the authors, such as commercial product, drug, company, etc. It has to declare under the heading "Conflict of Interest" that it has no commercial relationship with and, if any, what kind of relationship it has.
- If there is no conflict of interest, the statement "Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest" should be written.

Thanks (optional)
- Expressions of thanks to be made for reasons such as people who helped the study but did not meet the authorship criteria, and the institution that helped.
- It should be stated that approval was obtained from all individuals and institutions mentioned in the acknowledgment.

Support (if any, must be written)
- The names of the people, funds, projects, organizations or working groups that provided financial support for the research, if any, should be written in detail.
- Example:
- In studies that have received support from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) or Scientific Research Projects (BAP), the type of support must be specified.
- In studies that have received support from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) or Scientific Research Projects (BAP), the type of support must be specified. See the relevant section description for the article.

Review Article
- Research article template and writing rules should be applied in the preparation of review articles.
- Review articles should be considered as articles where experts who have experience in the field define, evaluate and discuss the information on the subject, make inferences about the future and guide them.
- Compilation articles to be prepared; It should consist of Title, Abstract, Keywords, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Text, Conclusion and Suggestions, References sections to be created under the subtitles determined by the author(s).
- Subheadings other than the introduction and conclusion section of the review article should be created by the author(s) in accordance with the content of the subject.
- Titles should be shown systematically as specified in the general rules section without using the numbered system. In the introduction, the purpose of the article and the scientific ideas on which it is based should be clearly stated; The problem raised should be associated with the relevant scientific literature on health and nursing management in the world and in Turkey. Subheadings in the text should be arranged in detail and content to meet the purpose and scope of the article. Resources should be relevant and up-to-date.
- While writing the titles related to the subject in the review articles, care should be taken to write them as shown below.
CASE REPORT - Research article writing rules should be applied in case reports.
- The case report should be handled in such a way as to report original cases/cases on the subjects covered by the journal.
- In case presentation articles; It should not exceed 3000 words, including the title, author names, author information, Abstract and Keywords (Turkish and English), Introduction, Case Report, Discussion and Conclusion, References.
- In the introduction part, the place and importance of the subject in the application of the method appropriate to the field should be mentioned. Here, all the necessary details of the case should be handled in a way that will reveal the problem and make the reader think, and the ethical aspect of the case report should be explained.
- Tables and explanatory information about the phenomenon can be included when necessary.
- In the discussion section, full answers to the questions given in the case should be sought, and in the conclusion and suggestions section, inferences should be made about the phenomenon that will contribute to the practice.
Figure, Graphic and Picture
- The article evaluation process will not start until all figures, graphics or pictures of the article are sent with the article.
- Figures, graphics and pictures should be in appropriate numbers.
- Figures, graphics or pictures should be numbered according to the order in the article (such as Figure 1, Figure 2, Graphic 1) and each should be given a separate title. The titles should be written under the figures, graphics or pictures.
- Figures, graphics and pictures title should be prepared with one line spacing.
- Figures, graphics or pictures should be placed in the text and cited in the paragraph on the previous page or on the same page.
- In microscopic pictures, the magnification ratio and the painting technique used should be specified.
- In addition to the versions suitable for printing, electronic versions such as JPEG, GIF, TIFF should be created in a way to create images in high resolution (at least 3 dpi resolution).
- X-ray, CT, MRI films and other diagnostic imaging should be placed in high quality print.
- Letters, numbers and symbols on figures, graphics and pictures must be of legible size when reduced to the extent necessary for publication.
- Figures, graphics and pictures should be as self-explanatory as possible.
- Photomicrographic pathology preparations should contain internal scales.
- If a human photograph is to be used, either these persons must not be recognized from the photograph or written permission must be obtained.
- If a previously published figure, graphic or image is to be used, permission must be obtained from the publisher or individual holding the publication rights. This confirmation should be indicated in parentheses in the image title. Except for documents in the community domain.
- Colored figures, graphics and pictures must be in CMYK color format and at least 3 dpi resolution, suitable for printing.
- Figures, graphics and pictures in gray scale must be at least 6 DPI, black and white drawings must be at least 12 dpi.
- Any sent image should not contain any information that would enable the patient to be identified.
- If the patient can be recognized in the picture sent, the patient's written consent should be obtained and this approval should be indicated in parentheses in the picture title.
- All abbreviations and symbols on figures, graphics and pictures should be defined (included in parentheses in the title).
- The article evaluation process does not start until all tables belonging to the article are sent with the article.
- The title and content of the table should be written in 11 points and the explanations should be written on the table in 9 points with single line spacing.
- Tables should be numbered with normal numbers (Table 1, Table 2) according to the order they appear in the text.
- Tables should be placed in the relevant area in the text and cited in the paragraph on the previous page or on the same page.
- Each table should have a table title along with the table number.
- Each of the results or information to be included in the table should be in a separate cell.
- In tables:
- The appearance of vertical lines between columns should be hidden.
- There should be horizontal lines only above and below the column headings and at the bottom of the table.
- The explanations of all abbreviations in the table should be written in alphabetical order under the table.
- The explanations under the tables should be explained by giving normal numbers and citing. Like 1….., 2…..
- If the table data is taken from another published source, necessary permissions must be obtained for this. The permission tag should be given after the title of the table in parentheses.
- For quantitative data in Turkish articles, a comma (,) sign should be used between numbers. Numbers should be given as three digits (For example; 16.5 ± 0.12).
- For quantitative data in English articles, a period (.) sign should be used between numbers. Numbers should be given in three digits (eg 16.5 ± 0.12).
- The digits must be the same throughout the article.
Reference spelling rules - APA 7 spelling style should be used when writing references (https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-uidelines/references/examples/).
- References should be written in Times New Roman font, 11 points, and 1 line spacing, aligned on both sides.
- All citations mentioned in the text should be written in the "References" list and vice versa.
- If more than one work is referenced at the end of the sentence, the citations should be listed according to the publication date (from oldest to newest), in the same year publications should be given in alphabetical order, and the citation of the same author in the same year should be written at the end of the year, such as 2021a, 2023b.
- If available, the Doi of the sources should be written.
Source from the manuscript
- In the articles, the title of the article should be written in lowercase letters, the initials of the journal name should start with a capital letter and italicized. The volume number of the journal should be plain and the issue number should be in parentheses.
Article with volume-number
- Oliva, A., Ozonoff, A., Caputo, M. and Grassi, S. (2023). A journal title with many meanings and one vision. Hospitals, 12, 1467.
In-text citation
- In Turkish articles, not et al but et al. should be written.
- At the end of the manuscript: (Oliva et al., 2019)
- In a manuscript: Oliva et al. (2019)
Online article resource
- Oliva, A., Ozonoff, A., Caputo, M. and Grassi, S. (2023). A journal title with many meanings and one vision. Hospitals, 4, e-642098.
In-text citation
- At the end of the manuscript: (Oliva et al., 2023).
- In the manuscript: Oliva et al. (2023)
Source from the book
- Erkmen, O. (2022). Microbiological Analysis of Foods and Food Processing Environments. Elsevier Inc., London. https://doi.org/10.1016/C2021-0-01219-0
- Erkmen, O. and Bozoglu, T.F. (2022). Parasites, marine toxins, and virus food poisonings. In: Erkmen, O. and Bozoglu, T.F. (Ed). Food Microbiology Principles into Practice, Vol.2: Microorganisms in Food Preservation and Processing. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., Chichester, pp.208-222. 10.1002/9781119237860
- Erkmen, O., Erten, H. and Saglam, H. (2021). Fermented Products Technology and Microbiology. 2nd Edition, Nobel Academic Publishing, Ankara.
- Akin, N. and Akin, A. (2021). Introduction to Food Microbiology, Important Microorganisms and Sources of Microorganisms. In: Erkmen, O., Food Microbiology. 6th Edition, Efil Publishing House, Ankara, pp.3-10.
- Holzapfel, W and Haberer, P. (2021). In: Haberer, P., Snel, J., Schillinger, U. (Ed.), Overview of Gut Flora and Probiotics. Food Microbiology. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., pp.208-222. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0168-1605000214-8
In-text citation
- At the end of the sentence: (Erkmen, 2022; Erkmen et al., 2022; Erkmen, Erten, & Saglam, 2016; Holzapfel and Haberer, 2021).
- In the sentence: Erkmen (2022), Erkmen et al. (2022), Erkmen, Erten and Saglam (2016), Holzapfel and Haberer (2021).
Source from a government agency report
- TGK (2014). Turkish Food Codex Food Additives. Turkish Food Codex (TGK) regulation. Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Official Gazette, 24 November 2014 Monday, No: 29185. https://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2014/11/20141124-1.htm
In-text citation
- At the end of the manuscript: (TGK, 2014).
- In a manuscript: TGK, (2019)
Source from the paper
- Erkmen, O. and Karaağaç, R.M. (2023). The role of gut microbiota in the development and treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. 9th International Zeugma Conference on Scientific Research, February 19-21, Gaziantep, Turkey, pp.210-211.
- Pınarlı, Ç., Erkmen, O. (2022). Fermentation in Food Technology and Health. 3rd International Conference on Gastronomy, Nutrition and Dietetics Proceedings Book, May 6-8, Istanbul Gedik University, Istanbul, Turkey, pp.344-348.
In-text citation
- At the end of the manuscript: (Pınarlı and Erkmen (2022; Erkmen and Karaağaç, 2023).
- In a manuscript: Pınarlı and Erkmen (2022), (Erkmen and Karaağaç (2023)
Source from the thesis
- Açıkgöz, I.A. (2019). Research on the Characteristics of Red Wines Produced from Gaziantep Red Grapes. MSc. Thesis, Food Engineering Department Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Gaziantep, Turkey.
- Erkmen, O. (1994). Research on Nosocomial Staphylococcal Infections and Their Control." PhD Thesis, Gaziantep University Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Medical Microbiology, Gaziantep, Turkey, 1994.
- Buczkowski, B.K. (2023). Sourdough Bread Enriched with Soluble Fibers: Development, Characterization and Nutritional Aspects of a Functional Food Product. PhD. Thesis, Department of Food and Tourism Management Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, USA.
In-text citation
- At the end of the manuscript: (Erkmen, 1994; Açıkgöz, 2019; Buczkowski, 2023).
- In a manuscript: Erkmen (1994), Açıkgöz (2019), Buczkowski (2023)
Source from translated book
- Engelkirk, P.G. and Duben-Engelkirk, J. (2014). Burton's Microbiology for the Health Sciences. Baylan, O. and Erdogan, O. Microbiology in Burton Health Sciences. Translation, 2017, Turkish 10th edition, Istanbul Medical Bookstores, Istanbul.
In-text citation
- At the end of the manuscript: (Baylan and Erdogan, 2017).
- In a manuscript: Baylan and Erdogan (2017)
Source from standards
- TGK (2022). Turkish Food Codex Communiqué on Fermented Dairy Products (No: 2022/44). Turkish Food Codex (TGK), Official Gazette Date: 16.02.2009 number: 27143.
In-text citation
- At the end of the manuscript: (TGK, 2022).
- In a manuscript: TGK (2017)
Source from web address
- TURKSTAT (2010). Livestock Statistics. Accessed on: 14.03.2010. http://www.tuik.gov.tr/ animalcilik.app/hayvancilik.zul;
In-text citation
- At the end of the manuscript: (TUIK, 2010).
- In a manuscript: TUIK (2010)
Measurement Units
- Units of length, weight and volume should be written in metric (m, mg, kg, µg, kg, L) and their decimal multiples.
- Temperatures must be in degrees Celsius (such as 12oC), blood pressure in millimeters of mercury (such as 125 mmHg).
- Both local and International System of Units (SI) should be used in measurement units (such as cm, mm, cm2, L, mL).
- Chemical or drug concentrations should be given in units of mass (eg, mg/L, kg/L, µg/L).
Template to be used in the application of the article
Article first Submission TEMPLATE
Template to be used after the article is Corrected (Revised) in accordance with the Journal or referee reports
- Revised Article TEMPLATE to be taken as an example in the preparation of the revised article.
- Corrections submitted to the author(s) should be made meticulously.
- The changes made in the revised article by the author(s) are indicated on a separate page in which line(s) of the revised article (continuous numbers on the left) were corrected.
- It should be stated why no correction was made in response to the referee's opinion that was not corrected.
For example:
- Referee request: page 5 line number 154-155: “the following sentence is not understood in the article, it should be rewritten”
- Correction made on page 5 line number 150-151: “Research results show that more work is needed.

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