خلق لله – سبحانھ- الإنسان، ولم یَشَ أ أنْ یَد عھ حائرً ا یبحث عن الھدایة مستند اً إلى عقلھ، فاصطفى –
سبحانھ- رُسُلا ھدایة للناس، وقد شاء أنْ یكون أولئك الرُّسُل من بني البشر؛ لِتَسْھل الاستجابة لھم.
والانطلاق من بشریة الرُّسُل یستلزم أنْ یجري على الرُّسل ما یجري على الناس من الاحتیاج إلى
الطعام والشراب والزواج والموت والمرض...إلخ، فھل یُصاب الأنبیاء بالأمراض المنفرة كالبرص
والجُذام...؟ وما أثر ذلك على قبول الدعوة في حال حصولھ؟ وما صلة المرض بمفھوم العصمة ؟ وھل
ھناك اتفاق بین أھل السنة والمعتزلة في ھذه المسالة أم ھناك اختلاف؟
God has created Man and guided him through his Messengers so that
Man is not left to the hesitations and volatilities of his intellect. The Messengers
were human chosen from among the best so that people could accept them and
had no pretext not to follow their path. Being human, Messengers had the same
human needs like food, drink and marriage. They were also exposed to sickness
and death. However, the question is whether Messengers could suffer from
diseases such as leprosy and effect that such disease would have on their
mission as Messengers of God. Would infallibility include protection from such
contagious and repulsive diseases? Is there a difference between the Sunnis and
Mu'tazila's on this issue? The paper attempts to answer these questions.
Journal Section | Makaleler |
Authors | |
Publication Date | June 30, 2017 |
Published in Issue | Year 2017 Volume: 4 Issue: 1 |
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