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A Serious Coma Starting Silently and Could Result in Death: Addison Crisis

Year 2021, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 16 - 19, 29.12.2021


Addisonian crisis, also known as adrenal crisis or acute adrenal insufficiency, occurs in patients who have hypotension
and shock, who have not been diagnosed before, or whose compliance with treatment is impaired despite being
diagnosed, or who have encountered stress. Adrenal crisis is a serious clinical condition that starts silently, progresses
rapidly and insidiously, however, can result in death by causing serious consequences, and requires urgent and
effective care management. Therefore, there is need to have knowledge and awareness regarding adrenal crisis in the
team working in the emergency department, especially in internal medicine, endocrine and emergency nurses. The
main purpose of this study, which is planned with these thoughts; to increase the knowledge and awareness of nurses
working in internal medicine clinics, especially nurses working in emergency department and endocrine clinics,
regarding the adrenal crisis, to create resources for effective nursing management planning while giving care to
adrenal crisis cases, and to contribute to the literature on the adrenal crisis.


  • Hahner S. Acute adrenal crisis and mortality in adrenal insufficiency: Still a concern in 2018! Ann Endocrinol (Paris). 2018;79(3):164–6.
  • Puar THK, Stikkelbroeck NMML, Smans LCCJ, Zelissen PMJ, Hermus ARMM. Adrenal Crisis: Still a Deadly Event in the 21st Century. Am J Med. 2016;129(3):339.e1-339.e9.
  • Repping-Wuts HJWJ, Stikkelbroeck NMML, Noordzij A, Kerstens M, Hermus ARMM. A glucocorticoid education group meeting: An effective strategy for improving self-management to prevent adrenal crisis. Eur J Endocrinol. 2013;169(1):17–22.
  • Uçkun S, Kuzucuoğlu T, Temizel F. Ameliyat esnasında gelişen Akut Adrenal Yetmezlik: Olgu Sunumu. Balıkesir Med J. 2019;3(1):5–11.
  • Doğu B, Öksüz H, Şenoğlu N, Yavuz C, Gişi G. Ameliyat sonrası ani hipotansiyonla ortaya çıkan rölatif adrenal yetersizlik. Turk Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Dern Derg. 2014;42(5):283–7.
  • Türkmen H, Karaca Sivrikaya S. The role of midwife and nurse in pregnancy care with addison’s disease. J Educ Res Nurs. 2018;15(3):177–80.
  • Simon DR, Palese MA. Clinical update on the management of adrenal hemorrhage. Curr Urol Rep. 2009;10(1):78–83.
  • Udobi KF, Childs EW. Adrenal crisis after traumatic bilateral adrenal hemorrhage. J Trauma. 2001;51(3):597–600.
  • Dineen R, Thompson CJ, Sherlock M. Adrenal crisis: prevention and management in adult patients. Ther Adv Endocrinol Metab. 2019;10:1–12.
  • Bancos I, Hahner S, Tomlinson J, Arlt W. Diagnosis and management of adrenal insufficiency. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2015;3(3):216–26.
  • Amrein K, Martucci G, Hahner S. Understanding adrenal crisis. Intensive Care Med. 2018;44(5):652–5.
  • Smans LCCJ, Van Der Valk ES, Hermus ARMM, Zelissen PMJ. Incidence of adrenal crisis in patients with adrenal insufficiency. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2016;84(1):17–22.
  • Miller BS, Spencer SP, Geffner ME, Gourgari E, Lahoti A, Kamboj MK, et al. Emergency management of adrenal insufficiency in children: Advocating for treatment options in outpatient and field settings. J Investig Med. 2020;68(1):16–25.
  • White K, Arlt W. Adrenal crisis in treated Addison’s disease: A predictable but under-managed event. Eur J Endocrinol. 2010;162(1):115–20.
  • Hahner S, Allolio B. Management of adrenal insufficiency in different clinical settings. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2005;6(14):2407–17.
  • Fleming L, Knafl K, Knafl G, Van Riper M. Parental management of adrenal crisis in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. J Spec Pediatr Nurs. 2017;22(4):1–10.
  • Shepherd LM, Tahrani AA, Inman C, Arlt W, Carrick-Sen DM. Exploration of knowledge and understanding in patients with primary adrenal insufficiency: A mixed methods study. BMC Endocr Disord. 2017;17(1):1–10.
  • Oksnes M, Björnsdottir S, Isaksson M, Methlie P, Carlsen S, Nilsen RM, et al. Continuous subcutaneous hydrocortisone infusion versus oral hydrocortisone replacement for treatment of addison’s disease: A randomized clinical trial. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014;99(5):1665–74.
  • Quinkler M, Hahner S. What is the best long-term management strategy for patients with primary adrenal insufficiency? Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2012;76(1):21–5.
  • Todd GRG, Acerini CL, Ross-Russell R, Zahra S, Warner JT, McCance D. Survey of adrenal crisis associated with inhaled corticosteroids in the United Kingdom. Arch Dis Child. 2002;87(6):457–61.
  • Pearce J. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: A Potential Diagnosis for the Neonate in Shock. Aust Crit Care. 1995;8(1):16–9.
  • Moloney S, Murphy N, Collin J. An overview of the nursing issues involved in caring for a child with adrenal insufficiency. Nurs Child Young People. 2015;27(7):28–36.
  • Heart C. Accepted Preprint first posted on 6 October 2014 as Manuscript EJE- 14-0824 Adrenal Crisis Bruno Allolio. 2014;(October):1–20.

Sessiz Başlayan - Ölümle Sonuçlanabilen Ciddi Bir Koma: Addison Krizi

Year 2021, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 16 - 19, 29.12.2021


Addison krizi başka bir tanınmış adı ile adrenal kriz ya da akut adrenal yetmezlik; hipotansiyon ve şok tablosu olup,
daha önceden tanı almamış veya tanısı olduğu halde tedaviye uyumu bozulan ya da stres ile karşılaşmış hastalarda
ortaya çıkar. Adrenal kriz sessiz başlayan, hızlı ve sinsi ilerleyen ancak ciddi sonuçlara neden olarak ölümle
sonuçlanabilen ağır bir klinik durumdur ayrıca acil ve etkin bakım yönetimi gerektirir. Bu bağlamda acil servis
ekibinde özellikle de dahiliye, endokrin ve acil servis hemşirelerinde adrenal kriz ile ilgili bilgi ve farkındalık
gerektirmektedir. Bu düşüncelerle planlanan bu makalenin temel amacı; özelikle acil ve endokrin kliniğinde çalışan
hemşireler olmak üzere dahiliye kliniklerinde görevli hemşirelerin adrenal kriz ile ilgili bilgi ve farkındalığını
arttırmak, adrenal kriz olgusuna bakım verirken etkin bir hemşirelik yönetimi planlamaları için kaynak oluşturmak
ve adrenal kriz ile ilgili literatüre katkı sağlamaktır.


  • Hahner S. Acute adrenal crisis and mortality in adrenal insufficiency: Still a concern in 2018! Ann Endocrinol (Paris). 2018;79(3):164–6.
  • Puar THK, Stikkelbroeck NMML, Smans LCCJ, Zelissen PMJ, Hermus ARMM. Adrenal Crisis: Still a Deadly Event in the 21st Century. Am J Med. 2016;129(3):339.e1-339.e9.
  • Repping-Wuts HJWJ, Stikkelbroeck NMML, Noordzij A, Kerstens M, Hermus ARMM. A glucocorticoid education group meeting: An effective strategy for improving self-management to prevent adrenal crisis. Eur J Endocrinol. 2013;169(1):17–22.
  • Uçkun S, Kuzucuoğlu T, Temizel F. Ameliyat esnasında gelişen Akut Adrenal Yetmezlik: Olgu Sunumu. Balıkesir Med J. 2019;3(1):5–11.
  • Doğu B, Öksüz H, Şenoğlu N, Yavuz C, Gişi G. Ameliyat sonrası ani hipotansiyonla ortaya çıkan rölatif adrenal yetersizlik. Turk Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Dern Derg. 2014;42(5):283–7.
  • Türkmen H, Karaca Sivrikaya S. The role of midwife and nurse in pregnancy care with addison’s disease. J Educ Res Nurs. 2018;15(3):177–80.
  • Simon DR, Palese MA. Clinical update on the management of adrenal hemorrhage. Curr Urol Rep. 2009;10(1):78–83.
  • Udobi KF, Childs EW. Adrenal crisis after traumatic bilateral adrenal hemorrhage. J Trauma. 2001;51(3):597–600.
  • Dineen R, Thompson CJ, Sherlock M. Adrenal crisis: prevention and management in adult patients. Ther Adv Endocrinol Metab. 2019;10:1–12.
  • Bancos I, Hahner S, Tomlinson J, Arlt W. Diagnosis and management of adrenal insufficiency. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2015;3(3):216–26.
  • Amrein K, Martucci G, Hahner S. Understanding adrenal crisis. Intensive Care Med. 2018;44(5):652–5.
  • Smans LCCJ, Van Der Valk ES, Hermus ARMM, Zelissen PMJ. Incidence of adrenal crisis in patients with adrenal insufficiency. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2016;84(1):17–22.
  • Miller BS, Spencer SP, Geffner ME, Gourgari E, Lahoti A, Kamboj MK, et al. Emergency management of adrenal insufficiency in children: Advocating for treatment options in outpatient and field settings. J Investig Med. 2020;68(1):16–25.
  • White K, Arlt W. Adrenal crisis in treated Addison’s disease: A predictable but under-managed event. Eur J Endocrinol. 2010;162(1):115–20.
  • Hahner S, Allolio B. Management of adrenal insufficiency in different clinical settings. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2005;6(14):2407–17.
  • Fleming L, Knafl K, Knafl G, Van Riper M. Parental management of adrenal crisis in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. J Spec Pediatr Nurs. 2017;22(4):1–10.
  • Shepherd LM, Tahrani AA, Inman C, Arlt W, Carrick-Sen DM. Exploration of knowledge and understanding in patients with primary adrenal insufficiency: A mixed methods study. BMC Endocr Disord. 2017;17(1):1–10.
  • Oksnes M, Björnsdottir S, Isaksson M, Methlie P, Carlsen S, Nilsen RM, et al. Continuous subcutaneous hydrocortisone infusion versus oral hydrocortisone replacement for treatment of addison’s disease: A randomized clinical trial. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014;99(5):1665–74.
  • Quinkler M, Hahner S. What is the best long-term management strategy for patients with primary adrenal insufficiency? Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2012;76(1):21–5.
  • Todd GRG, Acerini CL, Ross-Russell R, Zahra S, Warner JT, McCance D. Survey of adrenal crisis associated with inhaled corticosteroids in the United Kingdom. Arch Dis Child. 2002;87(6):457–61.
  • Pearce J. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: A Potential Diagnosis for the Neonate in Shock. Aust Crit Care. 1995;8(1):16–9.
  • Moloney S, Murphy N, Collin J. An overview of the nursing issues involved in caring for a child with adrenal insufficiency. Nurs Child Young People. 2015;27(7):28–36.
  • Heart C. Accepted Preprint first posted on 6 October 2014 as Manuscript EJE- 14-0824 Adrenal Crisis Bruno Allolio. 2014;(October):1–20.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects ​Internal Diseases
Journal Section Reviews

Hülya Keskin This is me 0000-0003-3897-0814

Aynur Türeyen This is me 0000-0002-2361-2099

Publication Date December 29, 2021
Submission Date July 8, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Keskin, H., & Türeyen, A. (2021). Sessiz Başlayan - Ölümle Sonuçlanabilen Ciddi Bir Koma: Addison Krizi. Artuklu International Journal of Health Sciences, 1(1), 16-19.
AMA Keskin H, Türeyen A. Sessiz Başlayan - Ölümle Sonuçlanabilen Ciddi Bir Koma: Addison Krizi. Artuklu International Journal of Health Sciences. December 2021;1(1):16-19. doi:10.29228/aijhs.4
Chicago Keskin, Hülya, and Aynur Türeyen. “Sessiz Başlayan - Ölümle Sonuçlanabilen Ciddi Bir Koma: Addison Krizi”. Artuklu International Journal of Health Sciences 1, no. 1 (December 2021): 16-19.
EndNote Keskin H, Türeyen A (December 1, 2021) Sessiz Başlayan - Ölümle Sonuçlanabilen Ciddi Bir Koma: Addison Krizi. Artuklu International Journal of Health Sciences 1 1 16–19.
IEEE H. Keskin and A. Türeyen, “Sessiz Başlayan - Ölümle Sonuçlanabilen Ciddi Bir Koma: Addison Krizi”, Artuklu International Journal of Health Sciences, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 16–19, 2021, doi: 10.29228/aijhs.4.
ISNAD Keskin, Hülya - Türeyen, Aynur. “Sessiz Başlayan - Ölümle Sonuçlanabilen Ciddi Bir Koma: Addison Krizi”. Artuklu International Journal of Health Sciences 1/1 (December 2021), 16-19.
JAMA Keskin H, Türeyen A. Sessiz Başlayan - Ölümle Sonuçlanabilen Ciddi Bir Koma: Addison Krizi. Artuklu International Journal of Health Sciences. 2021;1:16–19.
MLA Keskin, Hülya and Aynur Türeyen. “Sessiz Başlayan - Ölümle Sonuçlanabilen Ciddi Bir Koma: Addison Krizi”. Artuklu International Journal of Health Sciences, vol. 1, no. 1, 2021, pp. 16-19, doi:10.29228/aijhs.4.
Vancouver Keskin H, Türeyen A. Sessiz Başlayan - Ölümle Sonuçlanabilen Ciddi Bir Koma: Addison Krizi. Artuklu International Journal of Health Sciences. 2021;1(1):16-9.

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