Writing Rules

Required Documents for Submission
1. Cover Page
2. Title Page
3. Main Manuscript File (Please use the template provided below)
4. Conflict of Interest Form
5. Copyright Form
6. Ethics Committee Approval (except for studies not requiring ethics committee approval)

Important Notes:
1. In all studies that require ethics committee approval in accordance with TR Index rules, the name of the ethics committee (anonymized in the main text file, the open name should be written on the title page), date, and issue number/decision number must be written in the Methods section. In addition, ethics committee approval must be documented.
2. Studies whose peer review process has started cannot be withdrawn. In case of a withdrawal request, requests will not be accepted.
3. In master's and doctoral thesis studies, the student must be added as the first name. The supervisor cannot be the first name.
4. Studies that do not comply with the spelling rules will not be evaluated and will be returned to the author.

NOTE: Please use the template for main document.

Cover Page
The cover page should include:
• Article Title
• Authors of the Article
• Assurance that all authors agree on the content and authorship order of the article
• Assurance that the corresponding author will inform co-authors about editorial decisions, reviews, and changes/revisions (upon acceptance, all authors must approve authorship)
• Information on whether there is any closely related work submitted to another journal for simultaneous consideration
• Information on any conflicts of interest or activities that could affect the research
• Confirmation that the treatment of human participants or non-human animal subjects complies with established ethical standards
• A copy of permissions to reproduce copyrighted material or a notice that permissions are pending
• Contact information for the corresponding author, including phone number, email address, and postal address. Click here for Cover Page

Title Page
The title page should include:
• The main title of the study (Turkish and English)
• Full name of each author (First name LAST NAME)
Author Affiliations  (Turkish and English)
• Title, department name, institution, city and country for each author. ROR ID for institutions.
• Use superscript numbers for different authors.
Author Note
• ORCID link for each author
Conflict of Interest (Turkish and English)
• Any conflict of interest statement
Financing (Turkish and English)
• Information on any organization or program funding the research
Ethical Consideration (Turkish and English)
• In all studies that require ethics committee approval in accordance with TR Index rules, the name of the ethics committee (anonymized in the main text file, the open name should be written on the title page), date, and issue number/decision number must be written in the Methods section. In addition, ethics committee approval must be documented. 
Acknowledgments (Turkish and English)
• Acknowledgements to individuals or organizations that assisted
Corresponding Author
• Contact information for the corresponding author, including phone number, email address, and postal address. Click here for Title Page

Main Manuscript

The main manuscript file must include an informative abstract in both Turkish and English, consisting of a minimum of 200 and a maximum of 300 words. The abstract should be structured to include the Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion sections. The abstract should fully reflect the entire manuscript and be consistent in content and language. The review article abstract should briefly reflect the main points of the article. The Turkish title should be placed before the abstract, and the English title should be placed before the abstract. Each abstract should start on a new page. Abbreviations should not be used in the abstract. Abstract for Research and Review studies should be structured to include Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion sections. 

Keywords should be written in both Turkish and English at the bottom of the abstract page, consisting of at least 3 and at most 5 words, separated by commas. English keywords should be in accordance with "Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)" (www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html).

This section should provide current information on the topic of the article. Claims forming the subject of the study should be created considering previous studies, bringing a clear explanation to the targeted question.

This section should detail the type, place, and time of the research, the population and sample, data collection tools and methods, ethical aspects of the research, statistical analyses, and data evaluation.
The name of the ethics committee approval should be written in anonymization. The date and reference number of the ethical approval should be stated.
Data collection dates must be stated in the form of day/month/year (00/00/0000 – 00/00/0000).

This section should present the research findings. Data presented in a table or figure should not be repeated in another table, figure, or within the text. Tables, figures, graphs, and photos should be placed in appropriate places within the text. 

The narratives in the introduction and results sections should not be repeated in this section. The obtained results should be discussed with relevant current literature. If there are any limitations of the study, they should be indicated under the subheading "Limitations."

The results obtained from the study and relevant recommendations based on these results should be indicated.

References heading should be in 9 pt. size, bold and left justified. The references should be written in 7-point font size, indented 1.5 cm and in alphabetical order. For other rules, please refer to the ‘Citation of References’ section at the end of this page.
A maximum of 40 sources can be used for research articles.
A maximum of 60 sources can be used for review studies.  


Page Layout
• The page should have a 2.5 cm margin on the right, left, top, and bottom.
• Use Times New Roman, 9-point font, with 1.5 line spacing.
• Page numbers should be placed in the right bottom of each page.

Level 1 Heading
Left-aligned, bold font, and the first letters capitalized. Starts on a new paragraph.
Level 2 Heading
Left-aligned, bold font, and the first letters capitalized. Starts on a new paragraph.
Level 3 Heading
Left-aligned, bold font, only the first letter capitalized. Starts on a new paragraph.

Table, Figure, and Graphic Formatting

• Tables, figures, graphs, and images should be placed in appropriate places within the text.
• All tables and figures should be numbered sequentially in the order they appear in the text.
• There should be no more than 5 tables and 5 figures.
• Use a comma "," for decimal separation in numbers and a period "." for decimal points.

Table Formatting

• The table number should be in plain text and bold font, with the table title in normal font style.
• The table number should be above the table title.
• A period should be placed at the end of the table number.
• There should be no vertical lines in the table.
• Horizontal lines should be used sparingly.
• Information in the leftmost column of the table body should be left-aligned, but the title should be centered.
• Numbers in the table should be aligned by their decimal points.
• Notes for the table should be added only if necessary.

Figure Formatting
• The figure number should be in plain text and bold font, with the figure title in normal font style.
• The figure number should be below the figure.
• The figure title should be in plain text with the first letters capitalized.
• Colors, graphs, and other visual elements used in the figure should complement and explain the text.
• Additional explanations, if necessary, should be added as notes below the figure.

Citation Style

Our journal accepts citation in the APA 7th edition format. Below are examples and general rules for different types of sources according to APA 7.  Use ‘;’ sign between the references in in-text sentence-end multiple references and arrange the references in alphabetical order. For more information, visit the APA website

In-Text Citation
Single Author Work:
• Parenthetical Citation: (Smith, 2009)
• Narrative Citation: Smith (2009) found in his study that... Smith (2009) argues that...

Two Author Work:
• Parenthetical Citation: (Johnson and Lee, 2002)
• Narrative Citation: Johnson and Lee (2002) suggest that... According to Johnson and Lee's (2002) findings, ...

Three or More Author Work:
• Parenthetical Citation: (Brown et al., 2020)
• Narrative Citation: Brown et al. (2020) state that...

Group with Abbreviation:
• Parenthetical Citation:
o First Citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2020)
o Subsequent Citations: (WHO, 2020)
• Narrative Citation: According to the data from the World Health Organization (WHO, 2020), ... According to a study conducted by WHO (2020), ...

Group without Abbreviation:
• Parenthetical Citation: (Harvard University, 2020)
• Narrative Citation: According to a study conducted by Harvard University (2020), ...

References Style

Journal Article with Single Author:
Surname, N. (Year). Article Title. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page range. DOI or URL
Potts, G. F. (Year). Article Title. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page range. DOI or URL

Journal Article with Two Authors:
Surname1, A., and Surname2, B. (Year). Article Title. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page range.
Martin, L. E., and Potts, G. F. (Year). Article Title. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page range. DOI or URL

Journal Article with Three or More Authors:
Surname1, A., Surname2, B., and Surname3, C. (Year). Article Title. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page range.
Maner, J. K., Gailliot, M. T., Rouby, D. A., and Miller, S. L. (Year). Article Title. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page range. DOI or URL

Journal Article with 21 or More Authors:
Surname1, A., Surname2, B., Surname3, C., ..., Surname21, U. (Year). Article Title. Journal
Name, Volume(Issue), Page range. DOI or URL
Kalnay, E., Kanamitsu, M., Kistler, R., ..., Joseph, D. (Year). Article Title. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page range. DOI or URL

Newspaper or Magazine Article:
Surname, A. (Year, Month Date). Article Title. Newspaper/Magazine Name, Page range. URL
Mooney, C. (Year, Month Date). Article Title. Newspaper/Magazine Name, Page range. URL

Book with Single Author:
Surname, A. (Year). Book Title (Edition if not the first). Publisher.
Ward, A. (Year). Book Title. Publisher.

Book with Two Authors:
Surname1, A., and Surname2, B. (Year). Book Title (Edition if not the first). Publisher.
Stuss, D. T., and Benson, F. (Year). Book Title. Publisher.

Chapter in a Book:
Surname, A. (Year). Chapter Title. In Editor(s) (Ed.), Book Title (Edition if not the first, pp. Page range). Publisher.
Luck, S. J. (Year). A Broad Overview of the Event-Related Potential Technique. In Editor(s) (Ed.), Book Title (Edition if not the first, pp. Page range). Publisher.

Edited Book:
EditorSurname, A. (Ed.). (Year). Book Title (Edition if not the first). Publisher.
EditorSurname, A., and EditorSurname, B. (Eds.). (Year). Book Title. Publisher.

Chapter in an Edited Book:
Surname, A., and Surname, B. (Year). Chapter Title. In EditorSurname, A. (Ed.), Book Title (Edition if not the first, pp. Page range). Publisher.
Posner, M. I. (Year). Attention in cognitive neuroscience: An overview. In EditorSurname, A. (Ed.), Book Title (Edition if not the first, pp. Page range). Publisher.

Translated Book:
Surname, A. (Year). Book Title (Edition if not the first). (TranslatorName, Trans.). Publisher. (Original work published Year)
Freud, S. (Year). The interpretation of dreams: The complete and definitive text. (J. Strachey, Trans.). Publisher. (Original work published Year)

Chapter in a Translated Edited Book:
Surname, A. (Year). Chapter Title. In EditorSurname, A. (Ed.), Book Title (Edition if not the first, pp. Page range). (TranslatorName, Trans.). Publisher. (Original work published Year)
Ciccarelli, S.K., and White, J. N. (Year). Perception and Sensation. In EditorSurname, A. (Ed.), Book Title (Edition if not the first, pp. Page range). (TranslatorSurname, Trans.). Publisher. (Original work published Year)

Internet Source:
Organization Name. (Year, Month Day). Page Title. Website Name. URL
World Health Organization. (Year). Coronavirus. Website Name. URL

Last Update Time: 10/18/24, 1:22:25 PM