Year 2025,
Issue: 18 _ Çocuk ve İlkgençlik Edebiyatı Özel Sayısı_Jimara Taybet ya Edebîyata Zarok û Nûciwanan_Special Issue of Children’s and Youth Literature, 97 - 109, 30.01.2025
Di bingeha hewla ‘wêjeya zarokan’ de peytandina pênaseya wê cih digire. Ew ji cûreyek pirtûkan pêk tê ku hebûna wan bivênevê girêdayî têkiliyeke ferzkirî ya bi xwînerên taybet re ye: ‘zarokan’. Ji ber vê yekê pênaseya ‘wêjeya zarokan’ ji aliyê armanca wê ve tê piştgirîkirin. Ew dixwaze bibe tişteke taybet; lewra ev taybetî ye ku wê bi xwîneran re, ‘zarokan’, girê dide û ew bi awayekî aşkere û dilxwazane vê têkilîdariya xwe dipejirîne. Lê gelo pirtûkên zarokan ew in ku ji hêla zarokan ve hatine nivîsandin an ji bo zarokan hatine nivîsandin? A rastî; ‘ji bo’ zarokan pirtûkek nivîsandin tê çi wateyê?
Aiken, J. (1973). Purely for love, dnd. Haviland, V. (ed.) Children and literature: Views and reviews. Bodley Head.
Ariès, P. (1973) Centuries of childhood. Penguin.
Avery, G. (1976). A sense of audience—2, dnd. Fox, G. et al. (eds) Writers, critics, and children: Articles from
children’s literature in education. Heinemann Educational Books.
Babbitt, N. (1973). Happy endings? Of course, and also joy’, dnd.Haviland, V. (ed.) Children and literature: Views and reviews. Bodley Head.
Cohen, A. (1988). ‘The changing face of Israeli children’s literature: forty years of creativity’, Modern Hebrew Literature new series 1:25–31.
Cott, J. (1984). Pipers at the gates of dawn: The wisdom of children’s literature. Viking.
Darton, F.J.H. (1932/1982). Children’s books in England: Five Centuries of Social Life. 3rd ed., rev. B. Alderson, Cambridge University Press.
Dixon, B. (1977). Catching them young. Vol. 1: Sex, race and class in children’s fiction, Pluto Press.
Egoff, S. (1987)ç Inside and out: a Canadian’s view of trends in contemporary children’s literature’, dnd. Lees, S. (ed.) A track to unknown water: Proceedings of the second pacific rim conference on children’s literature. Scarecrow Press.
Glazer, J.I. and Williams G, III (1979). Introduction to children’s literature. McGraw-Hill.
Harding,D.W. (1967). Considered experience: the invitation of the novel, English in Education 2, 1: 3–14.
Haviland, V. (ed.) (1973). Children and literature: Views and reviews. Bodley Head.
Heimeriks, N. and Van Toorn, W. (eds) (1989). De hele bibelebontse berg. de geschiedenis van het kinderboek in nederland en vlaanderen van de middeleeuwen tot heden [the whole ‘bibelebonts’ mountain: The history of children’s books in the netherlands and flanders from the middle ages to the present]. Em. Querido.
Huck, C.S. (1976). Children’s literature in the elementary school, 3rd ed., Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Hunt, P. (ed.). (1992). Literature for children: Contemporary criticism. Routledge.
Inglis, F. (1981). The Promise of happiness: Value and meaning in children’s literature. Cambridge University Press
Inokuma, Y. (1987). The present situation of stories about minority groups in Japan, dnd. Lees, S. (ed.) A track to unknown water: Proceedings of the second pacific rim conference on children’s literature. Scarecrow Press.
Landsberg, M. (1987). Reading for the love of it: Best books for young readers. Prentice Hall.
Leeson, R. (1977) Children’s books and class society: Past and present, children’s rights workshop (ed.) Papers on Children’s Literature no. 3, London: Writers and Readers Publishing Cooperative.
Lonsdale, B.J. and Mackintosh, H.K. (1973). Children experience literature. Random House.
McDowell, M. (1973). Fiction for children and adults: some essential differences, Children’s Literature in Education, 10:551–563. 28
Mathis, S.B. (1977). The slave dancer is an insult to black children’, dnd. MacCann, D. Û Woodard, G. (eds) Cultural conformity in books for children: Further readings in racism, Scarecrow Press.
Matsui, Tadashi (1986–1987) ‘A personal encounter with Kodomo no kuni: a vanguard Tokyo periodical of the twenties and thirties’, Phaedrus: An International Annual of Children’s Literature Research 7, 2/3:14–18.
Mead, M. and Wolfenstein, M. (1955). Childhood in contemporary cultures. University of Chicago Press.
Melbourne, S. (1987). ‘The portrayal of the Maori in New Zealand children’s fiction’, dnd. Lees, S. (ed.) A Track to unknown water: Proceedings of the second pacific rim conference on children’s Literature. Scarecrow Press.
Norton, D.E. (1983). Through the eyes of a child: An introduction to children’s literature. Charles E. Merrill.
Paul, L. (1990). Enigma variations: what feminist theory knows about children’s literature, dnd. Hunt, P. (ed.).
Children’s literature: The development of criticism. Routledge.
Rose, J. (1984) The case of Peter Pan or: The impossibility of children’s fiction. Macmillan.
Sadker, M.P. û Sadker, D.M. (1977) Now Upon A Time: A Contemporary View of Children’s Literature, New York: Harper and Row.
Smith, J.A. û Park, D.M. (1977). Word music and word magic: Children’s literature methods. Allyn and Bacon.
Sunindyo, (1987). Publishing and translating in Indonesia, dnd. Lees, S. (ed.) A track to unknown water: Proceedings of the second pacific rim conference on children’s literature. Scarecrow Press.
Sutcliff, R. (1973). History is people, dnd. Haviland, V. (ed.) Children and literature: Views and reviews. Bodley Head.
Tate, B. (1977). Racism and distortions pervade The Slave Dancer, dnd. MacCann, D. û Woodard, G. (ed) Cultural Conformity in books for children: Further readings in racism. Scarecrow Press.
Thompson, J. û Woodard, G. (1972). Black perspective in books for children, dnd. MacCann, D. û Woodard, G. (eds) The black american in books for children: Readings in racism. Scarecrow Press.
Townsend, J.R. (1980). Standards of criticism for children’s literature dnd. Chambers, N. (ed.) The Signal Approach to Children’s Books. Kestrel Books.
Tucker, N. (1981) The child and the book: A psychological and literary exploration. Cambridge University Press.
Vives, J.L. (1913) On education: A translation of the ‘De Tradendis Disciplinis’ of Juan Luis Vives, intro. and trans. F.Watson. Cambridge University Press.
Wall, B. (1991) The arrator’s voice: The dilemma of children’s fiction. Macmillan.
Westin, B. (1991). Children’s literature in sweden, trans. S.Croall. The Swedish Institute.
White, E.B. (1973). On writing for children, dnd. Haviland, V. (ed.) Children and literature: Views and reviews. Bodley Head.
Pênasekirina Edebîyata Zarokan û Zarokatiyê
Year 2025,
Issue: 18 _ Çocuk ve İlkgençlik Edebiyatı Özel Sayısı_Jimara Taybet ya Edebîyata Zarok û Nûciwanan_Special Issue of Children’s and Youth Literature, 97 - 109, 30.01.2025
Di bingeha hewla ‘wêjeya zarokan’ de peytandina pênaseya wê cih digire. Ew ji cûreyek pirtûkan pêk tê ku hebûna wan bivênevê girêdayî têkiliyeke ferzkirî ya bi xwînerên taybet re ye: ‘zarokan’. Ji ber vê yekê pênaseya ‘wêjeya zarokan’ ji aliyê armanca wê ve tê piştgirîkirin. Ew dixwaze bibe tişteke taybet; lewra ev taybetî ye ku wê bi xwîneran re, ‘zarokan’, girê dide û ew bi awayekî aşkere û dilxwazane vê têkilîdariya xwe dipejirîne. Lê gelo pirtûkên zarokan ew in ku ji hêla zarokan ve hatine nivîsandin an ji bo zarokan hatine nivîsandin? A rastî; ‘ji bo’ zarokan pirtûkek nivîsandin tê çi wateyê?
Aiken, J. (1973). Purely for love, dnd. Haviland, V. (ed.) Children and literature: Views and reviews. Bodley Head.
Ariès, P. (1973) Centuries of childhood. Penguin.
Avery, G. (1976). A sense of audience—2, dnd. Fox, G. et al. (eds) Writers, critics, and children: Articles from
children’s literature in education. Heinemann Educational Books.
Babbitt, N. (1973). Happy endings? Of course, and also joy’, dnd.Haviland, V. (ed.) Children and literature: Views and reviews. Bodley Head.
Cohen, A. (1988). ‘The changing face of Israeli children’s literature: forty years of creativity’, Modern Hebrew Literature new series 1:25–31.
Cott, J. (1984). Pipers at the gates of dawn: The wisdom of children’s literature. Viking.
Darton, F.J.H. (1932/1982). Children’s books in England: Five Centuries of Social Life. 3rd ed., rev. B. Alderson, Cambridge University Press.
Dixon, B. (1977). Catching them young. Vol. 1: Sex, race and class in children’s fiction, Pluto Press.
Egoff, S. (1987)ç Inside and out: a Canadian’s view of trends in contemporary children’s literature’, dnd. Lees, S. (ed.) A track to unknown water: Proceedings of the second pacific rim conference on children’s literature. Scarecrow Press.
Glazer, J.I. and Williams G, III (1979). Introduction to children’s literature. McGraw-Hill.
Harding,D.W. (1967). Considered experience: the invitation of the novel, English in Education 2, 1: 3–14.
Haviland, V. (ed.) (1973). Children and literature: Views and reviews. Bodley Head.
Heimeriks, N. and Van Toorn, W. (eds) (1989). De hele bibelebontse berg. de geschiedenis van het kinderboek in nederland en vlaanderen van de middeleeuwen tot heden [the whole ‘bibelebonts’ mountain: The history of children’s books in the netherlands and flanders from the middle ages to the present]. Em. Querido.
Huck, C.S. (1976). Children’s literature in the elementary school, 3rd ed., Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Hunt, P. (ed.). (1992). Literature for children: Contemporary criticism. Routledge.
Inglis, F. (1981). The Promise of happiness: Value and meaning in children’s literature. Cambridge University Press
Inokuma, Y. (1987). The present situation of stories about minority groups in Japan, dnd. Lees, S. (ed.) A track to unknown water: Proceedings of the second pacific rim conference on children’s literature. Scarecrow Press.
Landsberg, M. (1987). Reading for the love of it: Best books for young readers. Prentice Hall.
Leeson, R. (1977) Children’s books and class society: Past and present, children’s rights workshop (ed.) Papers on Children’s Literature no. 3, London: Writers and Readers Publishing Cooperative.
Lonsdale, B.J. and Mackintosh, H.K. (1973). Children experience literature. Random House.
McDowell, M. (1973). Fiction for children and adults: some essential differences, Children’s Literature in Education, 10:551–563. 28
Mathis, S.B. (1977). The slave dancer is an insult to black children’, dnd. MacCann, D. Û Woodard, G. (eds) Cultural conformity in books for children: Further readings in racism, Scarecrow Press.
Matsui, Tadashi (1986–1987) ‘A personal encounter with Kodomo no kuni: a vanguard Tokyo periodical of the twenties and thirties’, Phaedrus: An International Annual of Children’s Literature Research 7, 2/3:14–18.
Mead, M. and Wolfenstein, M. (1955). Childhood in contemporary cultures. University of Chicago Press.
Melbourne, S. (1987). ‘The portrayal of the Maori in New Zealand children’s fiction’, dnd. Lees, S. (ed.) A Track to unknown water: Proceedings of the second pacific rim conference on children’s Literature. Scarecrow Press.
Norton, D.E. (1983). Through the eyes of a child: An introduction to children’s literature. Charles E. Merrill.
Paul, L. (1990). Enigma variations: what feminist theory knows about children’s literature, dnd. Hunt, P. (ed.).
Children’s literature: The development of criticism. Routledge.
Rose, J. (1984) The case of Peter Pan or: The impossibility of children’s fiction. Macmillan.
Sadker, M.P. û Sadker, D.M. (1977) Now Upon A Time: A Contemporary View of Children’s Literature, New York: Harper and Row.
Smith, J.A. û Park, D.M. (1977). Word music and word magic: Children’s literature methods. Allyn and Bacon.
Sunindyo, (1987). Publishing and translating in Indonesia, dnd. Lees, S. (ed.) A track to unknown water: Proceedings of the second pacific rim conference on children’s literature. Scarecrow Press.
Sutcliff, R. (1973). History is people, dnd. Haviland, V. (ed.) Children and literature: Views and reviews. Bodley Head.
Tate, B. (1977). Racism and distortions pervade The Slave Dancer, dnd. MacCann, D. û Woodard, G. (ed) Cultural Conformity in books for children: Further readings in racism. Scarecrow Press.
Thompson, J. û Woodard, G. (1972). Black perspective in books for children, dnd. MacCann, D. û Woodard, G. (eds) The black american in books for children: Readings in racism. Scarecrow Press.
Townsend, J.R. (1980). Standards of criticism for children’s literature dnd. Chambers, N. (ed.) The Signal Approach to Children’s Books. Kestrel Books.
Tucker, N. (1981) The child and the book: A psychological and literary exploration. Cambridge University Press.
Vives, J.L. (1913) On education: A translation of the ‘De Tradendis Disciplinis’ of Juan Luis Vives, intro. and trans. F.Watson. Cambridge University Press.
Wall, B. (1991) The arrator’s voice: The dilemma of children’s fiction. Macmillan.
Westin, B. (1991). Children’s literature in sweden, trans. S.Croall. The Swedish Institute.
White, E.B. (1973). On writing for children, dnd. Haviland, V. (ed.) Children and literature: Views and reviews. Bodley Head.
Defining Children’s Literature and Childhood
Year 2025,
Issue: 18 _ Çocuk ve İlkgençlik Edebiyatı Özel Sayısı_Jimara Taybet ya Edebîyata Zarok û Nûciwanan_Special Issue of Children’s and Youth Literature, 97 - 109, 30.01.2025
The definition of ‘children’s literature’ lies at the heart of its endeavour: it is a category
of books the existence of which absolutely depends on supposed relationships with a
particular reading audience: children. The definition of ‘children’s literature’ therefore is
underpinned by purpose: it wants to be something in particular, because this is
supposed to connect it with that reading audience—‘children’—with which it declares
itself to be overtly and purposefully concerned. But is a children’s book a book written
by children, or for children?
Aiken, J. (1973). Purely for love, dnd. Haviland, V. (ed.) Children and literature: Views and reviews. Bodley Head.
Ariès, P. (1973) Centuries of childhood. Penguin.
Avery, G. (1976). A sense of audience—2, dnd. Fox, G. et al. (eds) Writers, critics, and children: Articles from
children’s literature in education. Heinemann Educational Books.
Babbitt, N. (1973). Happy endings? Of course, and also joy’, dnd.Haviland, V. (ed.) Children and literature: Views and reviews. Bodley Head.
Cohen, A. (1988). ‘The changing face of Israeli children’s literature: forty years of creativity’, Modern Hebrew Literature new series 1:25–31.
Cott, J. (1984). Pipers at the gates of dawn: The wisdom of children’s literature. Viking.
Darton, F.J.H. (1932/1982). Children’s books in England: Five Centuries of Social Life. 3rd ed., rev. B. Alderson, Cambridge University Press.
Dixon, B. (1977). Catching them young. Vol. 1: Sex, race and class in children’s fiction, Pluto Press.
Egoff, S. (1987)ç Inside and out: a Canadian’s view of trends in contemporary children’s literature’, dnd. Lees, S. (ed.) A track to unknown water: Proceedings of the second pacific rim conference on children’s literature. Scarecrow Press.
Glazer, J.I. and Williams G, III (1979). Introduction to children’s literature. McGraw-Hill.
Harding,D.W. (1967). Considered experience: the invitation of the novel, English in Education 2, 1: 3–14.
Haviland, V. (ed.) (1973). Children and literature: Views and reviews. Bodley Head.
Heimeriks, N. and Van Toorn, W. (eds) (1989). De hele bibelebontse berg. de geschiedenis van het kinderboek in nederland en vlaanderen van de middeleeuwen tot heden [the whole ‘bibelebonts’ mountain: The history of children’s books in the netherlands and flanders from the middle ages to the present]. Em. Querido.
Huck, C.S. (1976). Children’s literature in the elementary school, 3rd ed., Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Hunt, P. (ed.). (1992). Literature for children: Contemporary criticism. Routledge.
Inglis, F. (1981). The Promise of happiness: Value and meaning in children’s literature. Cambridge University Press
Inokuma, Y. (1987). The present situation of stories about minority groups in Japan, dnd. Lees, S. (ed.) A track to unknown water: Proceedings of the second pacific rim conference on children’s literature. Scarecrow Press.
Landsberg, M. (1987). Reading for the love of it: Best books for young readers. Prentice Hall.
Leeson, R. (1977) Children’s books and class society: Past and present, children’s rights workshop (ed.) Papers on Children’s Literature no. 3, London: Writers and Readers Publishing Cooperative.
Lonsdale, B.J. and Mackintosh, H.K. (1973). Children experience literature. Random House.
McDowell, M. (1973). Fiction for children and adults: some essential differences, Children’s Literature in Education, 10:551–563. 28
Mathis, S.B. (1977). The slave dancer is an insult to black children’, dnd. MacCann, D. Û Woodard, G. (eds) Cultural conformity in books for children: Further readings in racism, Scarecrow Press.
Matsui, Tadashi (1986–1987) ‘A personal encounter with Kodomo no kuni: a vanguard Tokyo periodical of the twenties and thirties’, Phaedrus: An International Annual of Children’s Literature Research 7, 2/3:14–18.
Mead, M. and Wolfenstein, M. (1955). Childhood in contemporary cultures. University of Chicago Press.
Melbourne, S. (1987). ‘The portrayal of the Maori in New Zealand children’s fiction’, dnd. Lees, S. (ed.) A Track to unknown water: Proceedings of the second pacific rim conference on children’s Literature. Scarecrow Press.
Norton, D.E. (1983). Through the eyes of a child: An introduction to children’s literature. Charles E. Merrill.
Paul, L. (1990). Enigma variations: what feminist theory knows about children’s literature, dnd. Hunt, P. (ed.).
Children’s literature: The development of criticism. Routledge.
Rose, J. (1984) The case of Peter Pan or: The impossibility of children’s fiction. Macmillan.
Sadker, M.P. û Sadker, D.M. (1977) Now Upon A Time: A Contemporary View of Children’s Literature, New York: Harper and Row.
Smith, J.A. û Park, D.M. (1977). Word music and word magic: Children’s literature methods. Allyn and Bacon.
Sunindyo, (1987). Publishing and translating in Indonesia, dnd. Lees, S. (ed.) A track to unknown water: Proceedings of the second pacific rim conference on children’s literature. Scarecrow Press.
Sutcliff, R. (1973). History is people, dnd. Haviland, V. (ed.) Children and literature: Views and reviews. Bodley Head.
Tate, B. (1977). Racism and distortions pervade The Slave Dancer, dnd. MacCann, D. û Woodard, G. (ed) Cultural Conformity in books for children: Further readings in racism. Scarecrow Press.
Thompson, J. û Woodard, G. (1972). Black perspective in books for children, dnd. MacCann, D. û Woodard, G. (eds) The black american in books for children: Readings in racism. Scarecrow Press.
Townsend, J.R. (1980). Standards of criticism for children’s literature dnd. Chambers, N. (ed.) The Signal Approach to Children’s Books. Kestrel Books.
Tucker, N. (1981) The child and the book: A psychological and literary exploration. Cambridge University Press.
Vives, J.L. (1913) On education: A translation of the ‘De Tradendis Disciplinis’ of Juan Luis Vives, intro. and trans. F.Watson. Cambridge University Press.
Wall, B. (1991) The arrator’s voice: The dilemma of children’s fiction. Macmillan.
Westin, B. (1991). Children’s literature in sweden, trans. S.Croall. The Swedish Institute.
White, E.B. (1973). On writing for children, dnd. Haviland, V. (ed.) Children and literature: Views and reviews. Bodley Head.
Lesnik-oberstein, K. (2025). Pênasekirina Edebîyata Zarokan û Zarokatiyê (F. Yılmaz, Trans.). Artuklu Kurdology(18 _ Çocuk ve İlkgençlik Edebiyatı Özel Sayısı_Jimara Taybet ya Edebîyata Zarok û Nûciwanan_Special Issue of Children’s and Youth Literature), 97-109.