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Hızlaşmak: Gelecekçiliğin Öznellik ve Hareketle Çatışmaları

Year 2024, , 113 - 121, 31.10.2024


Gelecekçi hız miti, hareket halindeki bir öznenin değişen duyumlarından ortaya çıkan yeni bir öznellik olasılığı etrafında inşa edildi. Bu hız miti, gelecekçilerin teknolojik ilerlemeye ve bunun insan üzerindeki etkilerine olan ilgisinden kaynaklanıyordu. Ancak gelecekçi mitlerin çoğu gibi, hareket halindeki bu özne ve onun en tipik deneyimleri bir dizi çelişkili ve belirsiz kavramdan oluşuyordu. Güya hermetik bir kimlikten yoksun olan bu yeni özne, içinden geçtiği yeni ortamların içinde bulanıklaşan birden fazla "varlıktan" oluşuyordu. Ancak aynı zamanda hız deneyimi ve bunun beraberinde getirdiği yoğunlaşmış algılar, güçlü bir benlik duygusunu yeniden oluşturarak aynı özneyi güçlendiriyordu. Bu yazı, Umberto Boccioni'nin bazı sanat eserlerini, özellikle hız, hareket ve temsil edilen hareketlilik türü aracılığıyla öznelliğin yapısökümü ve yeniden inşası temasına odaklanarak analiz etmektedir.


  • Antliff, M. (2000). The fourth dimension and futurism: A politicized space. The Art Bulletin, 82(4), 720-73.
  • Antliff, M. (2011). Shaping duration: Bergson and modern sculpture. The European Legacy, 16(7), 899-918.
  • Barber, X. T. (1989). Phantasmagorical wonders: The magic lantern ghost show in nineteenth-century America. Film History, 3(2), 73-86.
  • Beckman, K. (2010). Crash: Cinema and the politics of speed and stasis. Duke University Press. bitstream/handle/20.500.12657/43825/external_content.pdf;jsessionid=852091A9A496E613201FB75342463463?sequence=1
  • Benjamin, W. (1969). The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction. In H. Arendt (Ed.), H. Zohn (Trans.), Illuminations: Essays and reflections (p. 217-252). Schocken Books. ations-Essays-and-Reflections-Walter-Benjamin-edit-by-Hann ah-Arendt-Harry-Zohn.pdf
  • Bergson, H. (1944). Creative evolution (A. Mitchell, Trans.). Modern Library. Evolution.html?id=m8M8AAAAYAAJ&redir_esc=y (Original work published 1911)
  • Bergson, H. (1955). An introduction to metaphysics (T. E. Hulme, Trans.). The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc. https://www.bard. edu/library/pdfs/archives/Bergson_Introduction_to_Metaphysics.pdf
  • Bergson, H. (2001). Time and free will: An essay on the immediate data of consciousness (F. L. Pogson, Trans.). Dover Publications, Inc. =PR3&hl=tr&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=1#v=onepage&q&f=false (Original work published 1913)
  • Bergson, H. (2004). Matter and memory (N. M. Paul & W. S. Palmer, Trans.). Dover Publications, Inc. books?id=G9XAeb1mx6gC&pg=PR3&hl=tr&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=1#v=onepage&q&f=false (Original work published 1912)
  • Bergson, H. (2007). The creative mind: An introduction to metaphysics (M. L. Andison, Trans.). Dover Publications, Inc. (Original work published 1912)
  • Blum, C. S. (1996a). The futurist re-fashioning of the universe. South Central Review, 13(2/3), 82-104. /3190373
  • Blum, C. S. (1996b). The other modernism: F. T. Marinetti’s futurist fiction of power. University of California Press. https://books.
  • Boccioni, U. (1911). States of mind: The farewells, Those who go, Those who stay [Painting]. The Museum of Modern Art.
  • Boccioni, U. (1914). Dynamism of cyclist [Painting]. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. exhibition/masterpieces-of-futurism-at-the-peggy-guggenheim-collection
  • Boccioni, U. (1915). Dynamism of a speeding horse + houses [Sculpture]. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. https://www.
  • Boccioni, U. (1977). Pittura scultura futuriste: Dinamismo plastico. Vallechi.
  • Boccioni, U. (1988). What divides us from Cubism. In E. Coen (Ed.), Boccioni (p. 243-248). Met Publications. https://www.
  • Boccioni, U., Carra, C. D., Russolo, L., Balla, G., & Severini, G. (1973). Futurist painting: Technical manifesto (1910) (U. Apollonio, Ed., R. Brain, R. W. Flint, J. C. Higgitt, Trans.). Thames and Hudson. l_/20/02/6/wdl_20026/wdl_20026.pdf
  • Castle, T. (1995). The female thermometer: Eighteenth-century culture and the invention of the uncanny. Oxford University Press. Thermometer_Eighteenth_Centur.html?id=Cu5kvnn6kTsC&redir_esc=y
  • Coen, E. (1996). Dynamism of a speeding horse + houses: From theory to form. In P. Rylands (Ed.), Umberto Boccioni: Dinamismo di un cavallo in corsa + case (pp. 69-75). Peggy Guggenheim Collection.
  • Crary, J. (1990). Techniques of the observer: On vision and modernity in the nineteenth century. MIT Press.
  • Daly, S. (2016). Italian futurism and the first world war. University of Toronto Press.
  • Deleuze, G. (1993). The fold: Leibniz and the baroque (T. Conley, Trans.). The Athlone Press. 4252451/Deleuze_The_Fold_Leibniz_and_the_Baroque
  • Deleuze, G. (2004). Difference and repetition (P. Patton, Trans.). Continuum. gmEC&pg=PR3&hl=tr&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=1#v=onepage&q&f=false (Original work published 1968)
  • Deleuze, G., & Guattari, F. (1987). A thousand plateaus: Capitalism and schizophrenia (B. Massumi, Trans.). University of Minnesota Press. %20Plateaus.pdf
  • Deleuze, G., & Guattari, F. (1994). What is philosophy? (H. Tomlinson & G. Burchill, Trans.). Verso.
  • Foster, H. (1997). Prosthetic gods. Modernism/modernity, 4(2), 5-38.
  • Hewitt, A. (1993). Fascist modernism: Aesthetics, politics and the avant-garde. Stanford University Press.
  • Kozloff, M. (1973). Cubism/Futurism. Charterhouse. https://books.
  • Margozzi, M. (2002). The avant-garde and the war. In S. Pinto (Ed.), A history of Italian art in the 20th century (pp. 34-49). Rizzoli International Publications.
  • Marinetti, F. T. (1983). Teoria e invenzione futurista (L. de Maria, Ed.). Mondadori.
  • Marinetti, F. T. (1991a). The founding and manifesto of futurism. In R. W. Flint (Ed. & Trans.), Let’s murder the moonshine: Selected writings (pp. 47-52). Sun & Moon Classics. https://books.
  • Marinetti, F. T. (1991b). Technical manifesto of futurist literature. In R. W. Flint (Ed. & Trans.), Let’s murder the moonshine: Selected writings (pp. 92-97). Sun & Moon Classics.
  • Marinetti, F. T. (1991c). Geometric and mechanical splendor and the numerical sensibility. In R. W. Flint (Ed. & Trans.), Let’s murder the moonshine: Selected writings (pp. 105-111). Sun & Moon Classics. y&hl=tr&id=N_QOAQAAMAAJ&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=Geometric+and+Mechanical+Splendor+and+the+Numerical+Sensibility
  • Mather, D. (2020). Futurist conditions: Imagining time in Italian futurism. Bloomsbury Visual Arts.
  • Petrie, B. (1974). Boccioni and Bergson. Burlington Magazine, 116(852), 140-147.
  • Pizzi, K. (2019). Italian futurism and the machine. Manchester University Press.
  • Poggi, C. (2009). Inventing futurism: The art and politics of artificial optimism. Princeton University Press.
  • Schivelbusch, W. (1986). The railway journey: The industrialization of time and space in the nineteenth century. University of California Press. 8/18449447/1338242293590/Schivelbusch-RailwayJourney-in dust-time-space-19th-c.pdf?token=yQSxzQan5DBNlLFsuEu3EB aumR0%3D (Original work published 1977)
  • Schnapp, J. T. (1994). Propeller talk. Modernism/modernity, 1(3), 153-178.
  • Schnapp, J. T. (1999). Crash (Speed as engine of individuation). Modernism/modernity, 6(1), 1-49. mod.1999.0010
  • Spackman, B. (1994). Mafarka and son: Marinetti’s homophobic economics. Modernism/modernity, 1(3), 89-107. https://doi. org/10.1353/mod.1994.0064
  • Vere, B. (2011). Pedal-powered avant-gardes: Cycling paintings in 1912–13. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 28(8-9), 1156-1173. 567769
  • Virilio, P. (1991). Aesthetics of disappearance (P. Beitchman, Trans.). Semiotext(e). about/The_Aesthetics_of_Disappearance.html?id=3hUpAQAAMAAJ&redir_esc=y
  • Virilio, P. (1995). The art of the motor (J. Rose, Trans.). University of Minnesota Press. wp-content/uploads/2016/01/virilio-the-art-of-the-motor.pdf
  • Virilio, P. (2007). Speed and politics (M. Polizzotti, Trans.). Semiotext(e). 70626060354%21Virilio_Paul_Speed_and_Politics_2006.pdf (Original work published 1977)

Becoming-Speed: Futurism’s Conflicts with Subjectivity and Motion

Year 2024, , 113 - 121, 31.10.2024


The futurist myth of speed was constructed around the possibility of a new subjectivity emanating from the altered sensations of a subject in motion. This myth of speed along with that of machinery emanated from an obsession with technological progress and its effects on the human subject. Like the majority of futurist myths, however, this subject on-the-move and his/her most typical experiences were constituted through a set of conflicting and ambiguous notions. This new subject, supposedly devoid of a hermetic identity, comprised multiple “beings,” each blurring into the new assemblages through which s/he travels. Yet, the experience of speed and the intensified perception it entails empowered the very same subject by reconstituting a strong sense of self. This paper analyzes some of Umberto Boccioni’s artworks, focusing particularly on the theme of the deconstruction and reconstruction of subjectivity via speed, movement and the type of represented mobility.


  • Antliff, M. (2000). The fourth dimension and futurism: A politicized space. The Art Bulletin, 82(4), 720-73.
  • Antliff, M. (2011). Shaping duration: Bergson and modern sculpture. The European Legacy, 16(7), 899-918.
  • Barber, X. T. (1989). Phantasmagorical wonders: The magic lantern ghost show in nineteenth-century America. Film History, 3(2), 73-86.
  • Beckman, K. (2010). Crash: Cinema and the politics of speed and stasis. Duke University Press. bitstream/handle/20.500.12657/43825/external_content.pdf;jsessionid=852091A9A496E613201FB75342463463?sequence=1
  • Benjamin, W. (1969). The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction. In H. Arendt (Ed.), H. Zohn (Trans.), Illuminations: Essays and reflections (p. 217-252). Schocken Books. ations-Essays-and-Reflections-Walter-Benjamin-edit-by-Hann ah-Arendt-Harry-Zohn.pdf
  • Bergson, H. (1944). Creative evolution (A. Mitchell, Trans.). Modern Library. Evolution.html?id=m8M8AAAAYAAJ&redir_esc=y (Original work published 1911)
  • Bergson, H. (1955). An introduction to metaphysics (T. E. Hulme, Trans.). The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc. https://www.bard. edu/library/pdfs/archives/Bergson_Introduction_to_Metaphysics.pdf
  • Bergson, H. (2001). Time and free will: An essay on the immediate data of consciousness (F. L. Pogson, Trans.). Dover Publications, Inc. =PR3&hl=tr&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=1#v=onepage&q&f=false (Original work published 1913)
  • Bergson, H. (2004). Matter and memory (N. M. Paul & W. S. Palmer, Trans.). Dover Publications, Inc. books?id=G9XAeb1mx6gC&pg=PR3&hl=tr&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=1#v=onepage&q&f=false (Original work published 1912)
  • Bergson, H. (2007). The creative mind: An introduction to metaphysics (M. L. Andison, Trans.). Dover Publications, Inc. (Original work published 1912)
  • Blum, C. S. (1996a). The futurist re-fashioning of the universe. South Central Review, 13(2/3), 82-104. /3190373
  • Blum, C. S. (1996b). The other modernism: F. T. Marinetti’s futurist fiction of power. University of California Press. https://books.
  • Boccioni, U. (1911). States of mind: The farewells, Those who go, Those who stay [Painting]. The Museum of Modern Art.
  • Boccioni, U. (1914). Dynamism of cyclist [Painting]. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. exhibition/masterpieces-of-futurism-at-the-peggy-guggenheim-collection
  • Boccioni, U. (1915). Dynamism of a speeding horse + houses [Sculpture]. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. https://www.
  • Boccioni, U. (1977). Pittura scultura futuriste: Dinamismo plastico. Vallechi.
  • Boccioni, U. (1988). What divides us from Cubism. In E. Coen (Ed.), Boccioni (p. 243-248). Met Publications. https://www.
  • Boccioni, U., Carra, C. D., Russolo, L., Balla, G., & Severini, G. (1973). Futurist painting: Technical manifesto (1910) (U. Apollonio, Ed., R. Brain, R. W. Flint, J. C. Higgitt, Trans.). Thames and Hudson. l_/20/02/6/wdl_20026/wdl_20026.pdf
  • Castle, T. (1995). The female thermometer: Eighteenth-century culture and the invention of the uncanny. Oxford University Press. Thermometer_Eighteenth_Centur.html?id=Cu5kvnn6kTsC&redir_esc=y
  • Coen, E. (1996). Dynamism of a speeding horse + houses: From theory to form. In P. Rylands (Ed.), Umberto Boccioni: Dinamismo di un cavallo in corsa + case (pp. 69-75). Peggy Guggenheim Collection.
  • Crary, J. (1990). Techniques of the observer: On vision and modernity in the nineteenth century. MIT Press.
  • Daly, S. (2016). Italian futurism and the first world war. University of Toronto Press.
  • Deleuze, G. (1993). The fold: Leibniz and the baroque (T. Conley, Trans.). The Athlone Press. 4252451/Deleuze_The_Fold_Leibniz_and_the_Baroque
  • Deleuze, G. (2004). Difference and repetition (P. Patton, Trans.). Continuum. gmEC&pg=PR3&hl=tr&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=1#v=onepage&q&f=false (Original work published 1968)
  • Deleuze, G., & Guattari, F. (1987). A thousand plateaus: Capitalism and schizophrenia (B. Massumi, Trans.). University of Minnesota Press. %20Plateaus.pdf
  • Deleuze, G., & Guattari, F. (1994). What is philosophy? (H. Tomlinson & G. Burchill, Trans.). Verso.
  • Foster, H. (1997). Prosthetic gods. Modernism/modernity, 4(2), 5-38.
  • Hewitt, A. (1993). Fascist modernism: Aesthetics, politics and the avant-garde. Stanford University Press.
  • Kozloff, M. (1973). Cubism/Futurism. Charterhouse. https://books.
  • Margozzi, M. (2002). The avant-garde and the war. In S. Pinto (Ed.), A history of Italian art in the 20th century (pp. 34-49). Rizzoli International Publications.
  • Marinetti, F. T. (1983). Teoria e invenzione futurista (L. de Maria, Ed.). Mondadori.
  • Marinetti, F. T. (1991a). The founding and manifesto of futurism. In R. W. Flint (Ed. & Trans.), Let’s murder the moonshine: Selected writings (pp. 47-52). Sun & Moon Classics. https://books.
  • Marinetti, F. T. (1991b). Technical manifesto of futurist literature. In R. W. Flint (Ed. & Trans.), Let’s murder the moonshine: Selected writings (pp. 92-97). Sun & Moon Classics.
  • Marinetti, F. T. (1991c). Geometric and mechanical splendor and the numerical sensibility. In R. W. Flint (Ed. & Trans.), Let’s murder the moonshine: Selected writings (pp. 105-111). Sun & Moon Classics. y&hl=tr&id=N_QOAQAAMAAJ&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=Geometric+and+Mechanical+Splendor+and+the+Numerical+Sensibility
  • Mather, D. (2020). Futurist conditions: Imagining time in Italian futurism. Bloomsbury Visual Arts.
  • Petrie, B. (1974). Boccioni and Bergson. Burlington Magazine, 116(852), 140-147.
  • Pizzi, K. (2019). Italian futurism and the machine. Manchester University Press.
  • Poggi, C. (2009). Inventing futurism: The art and politics of artificial optimism. Princeton University Press.
  • Schivelbusch, W. (1986). The railway journey: The industrialization of time and space in the nineteenth century. University of California Press. 8/18449447/1338242293590/Schivelbusch-RailwayJourney-in dust-time-space-19th-c.pdf?token=yQSxzQan5DBNlLFsuEu3EB aumR0%3D (Original work published 1977)
  • Schnapp, J. T. (1994). Propeller talk. Modernism/modernity, 1(3), 153-178.
  • Schnapp, J. T. (1999). Crash (Speed as engine of individuation). Modernism/modernity, 6(1), 1-49. mod.1999.0010
  • Spackman, B. (1994). Mafarka and son: Marinetti’s homophobic economics. Modernism/modernity, 1(3), 89-107. https://doi. org/10.1353/mod.1994.0064
  • Vere, B. (2011). Pedal-powered avant-gardes: Cycling paintings in 1912–13. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 28(8-9), 1156-1173. 567769
  • Virilio, P. (1991). Aesthetics of disappearance (P. Beitchman, Trans.). Semiotext(e). about/The_Aesthetics_of_Disappearance.html?id=3hUpAQAAMAAJ&redir_esc=y
  • Virilio, P. (1995). The art of the motor (J. Rose, Trans.). University of Minnesota Press. wp-content/uploads/2016/01/virilio-the-art-of-the-motor.pdf
  • Virilio, P. (2007). Speed and politics (M. Polizzotti, Trans.). Semiotext(e). 70626060354%21Virilio_Paul_Speed_and_Politics_2006.pdf (Original work published 1977)
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sculpture, Painting
Journal Section Research Articles

Ekin Pınar 0000-0002-8367-1234

Publication Date October 31, 2024
Submission Date April 17, 2024
Acceptance Date September 11, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Pınar, E. (2024). Becoming-Speed: Futurism’s Conflicts with Subjectivity and Motion. Art Vision, 30(53), 113-121.

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