Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 1 - 95, 20.06.2022


BM Deniz Hukuku Sözleşmesiyle (BMDHS) kodifiye edilen münhasır ekonomik bölgede (MEB) kıyı devletine başta bölgenin doğal kaynakları üzerinde olmak üzere çeşitli haklar ve yetkiler verilmiştir. Buna mukabil, diğer devletlerin de, MEB’de, açık denizlerde öteden beri tanınan serbestliklerden bir kısmına -Sözleşmenin ilgili hükümlerine tâbi olarak- sahip olduğu kabul edilmiştir. Sözleşme, kıyı devletine veya diğer devletlere verilmeyen hak ve yetkilerle ilgili ihtilafların ise, olayın koşulları ve ilgili tarafların menfaatleri gözetilerek hakkaniyet temelinde çözümünü öngörmektedir. Kapsamlı ve değişik ihtimalleri dikkate alan düzenlemelerin varlığına rağmen, MEB’deki faaliyetlerin kıyı devletinin mi yoksa diğer devletlerin mi yetki alanına girdiğinin tespiti her zaman kolay değildir. Bahsi geçen hükümler, yoruma açık ifadeler içerdiği gibi, genellikle Sözleşmenin diğer ilgili maddeleriyle birlikte değerlendirilmeyi de gerektirmektedir. BMDHS’de açıkça düzenlenmeyen MEB’de yakıt ikmal faaliyetleri açısından hangi devletin ne ölçüde yetkili olduğu hususu da, çeşitli uyuşmazlıklara yol açmakta ve gerek Sözleşme hükümlerinin gerek ilgili faaliyetin amaç ve özelliklerinin dikkatlice ele alınması ihtiyacını ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Bu çalışma, MEB’de yakıt ikmal faaliyetlerinin hukukî durumunu, ilgili hak ve yetkilerin dağılımı, yargı kararları ve akademik yaklaşımlar ışığında incelemeyi, değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır.

Supporting Institution


Project Number





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The Legal Status of the Offshore Bunkering Activities in the context of Uncertainties regarding the Allocation of Rights and Jurisdiction in the Exclusive Economic Zone

Year 2022, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 1 - 95, 20.06.2022


In the exclusive economic zone (EEZ), codified by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the coastal state has been granted various rights and jurisdiction, primarily over the natural resources there. On the other hand, it has been accepted that other states enjoy in the EEZ some of the freedoms that have long been recognized on the high seas, subject to the relevant provisions of the Convention. The Convention also provides that conflicts regarding rights and jurisdiction not attributed to the coastal state or to other states should be resolved on the basis of equity, taking into account the relevant circumstances, and interests of the parties concerned. Despite the existence of provisions that are comprehensive and consider different possibilities, it is not always easy to determine whether the activities in the EEZ fall under the jurisdiction of the coastal state or other states. The aforementioned provisions include open-ended terms and generally require reading together with other relevant articles of the Convention. The issue of which state and to what extent is authorized in terms of bunkering activities in the EEZ, which are not clearly regulated in UNCLOS, leads to various disputes, and reveals the need to carefully consider both the provisions of the Convention and the purposes and characteristics of the activity in question. This study aims to examine and evaluate the legal status of bunkering activities in the EEZ in the light of the allocation of relevant rights and jurisdiction, judicial decisions and academic approaches.

Project Number



  • Akehurst, Michael ve Alexander Orakhelashvili. Akehurst’s Modern Introduction to International Law. 8. Baskı, Routledge, 2019.
  • Aksar, Yusuf. Teoride ve Uygulamada Uluslararası Hukuk, C. 1. 6. Baskı, Seçkin, 2021.
  • Allen, Craig H. “Law of the Sea Tribunal Implies A Principle of Reasonableness in UNCLOS Article 73.” OpinioJuris, 17.04.2014. <>, e.t. 25.09.2021.
  • Anderson, David. “Coastal State Jurisdiction and High Seas Freedoms in the EEZ in the Light of the Saiga Case.” İç. Selected Contemporary Issues in the Law of the Sea, editör Clive R. Symmons, 105-115. Martinus Nijhoff, 2011.
  • Anderson, David. Modern Law of the Sea: Selected Essays. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2008.
  • Andreone, Gemma. “The Exclusive Economic Zone.” İç. The Oxford Handbook of the Law of the Sea, editör Donald R. Rothwell, Alex G. Oude Elferink, Karen N. Scott ve Tim Stephens, 159-180. Oxford University Press, 2015.
  • Aqorau, Transform. “Illegal Fishing and Fisheries Law Enforcement in Small Island Developing States: The Pacific Islands Experience.” The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 15 (2000): 37-63.
  • Arias Schreiber, Alfonso. “The Exclusive Economic Zone: Its Legal Nature and the Problem of Military Uses.” İç. The Exclusive Economic Zone: A Latin American Perspective, editör Francisco Orrego Vicuña, 123-139. Westview Press, 1984.
  • Attard Camilleri, Frank-Luke Matthew. The Application of the High Seas Regime in the Exclusive Economic Zone. Hamilton Books, 2018.
  • Bal, Ali. “Devletin Uluslararası Sorumluluğa Ağırlıklı Olarak Diplomatik Himaye Çerçevesinde Başvurması: İç Başvuru Yollarının Tüketilmesi Şartının Uygulanabilirliği.” İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası 79/2 (2021): 543-597.
  • Bal, Ali. Uluslararası Hava Hukuku - Hava Sahasının Hukukî Rejimi. Seçkin, 2019.
  • Bateman, Sam. “Hydrographic Surveying and Marine Scientific Research in Exclusive Economic Zones.” İç. Freedom of Seas, Passage Rights and the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, editör Myron H. Nordquist, Tommy T. B. Koh ve John Norton Moore, 105-131. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009.
  • Beckman, Robert ve Tara Davenport. “The EEZ Regime: Reflections after 30 Years.” İç. LOSI Conference Papers: Securing the Ocean for the Next Generation, editör Harry N. Scheiber ve Moon Sang Kwon. 2012.
  • Black’s Law Dictionary, editör Bryan A. Garner. 9. Baskı, West Publishing Co., 2009.
  • Burnett, Douglas R., Tara M. Davenport ve Robert C. Beckman. “Overview of the International Legal Regime Governing Submarine Cables.” İç. Submarine Cables: The Handbook of Law and Policy, editör Douglas R. Burnett, Robert C. Beckman ve Tara M. Davenport, 63-90. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2014.
  • Büyük, Mehmet Emin. Uluslararası Hukukta Hukukun Genel İlkeleri. On İki Levha, 2018.
  • Castañeda, Jorge. “Negotiations on the Exclusive Economic Zone at the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea.” İç. Essays in International Law in Honour of Judge Manfred Lachs, editör Jerzy Makarczyk, 605-623. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1984.
  • Churchill, Robin. “Revealing a Mosaic: International Jurisprudence concerning the Non-Fisheries Elements of the Exclusive Economic Zone Regime.” İç. The Development of the Law of the Sea Convention The Role of International Courts and Tribunals, editör Øystein Jensen, 48-72. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020.
  • Churchill, Robin ve Vaughan Lowe. The Law of the Sea. Manchester University Press, 1988.
  • Crawford, James. Brownlie’s Principles of Public International Law. 9. Baskı, Oxford University Press, 2019.
  • Çamyamaç, Anıl. Denize Kıyısı Olmayan ve Coğrafî Açıdan Elverişsiz Devletlerin Hukukî Durumu. Adalet Yayınevi, 2012.
  • Dupuy, René-Jean ve Daniel Vignes. A Handbook on the New Law of the Sea, Cilt 1. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1991.
  • Francioni, Francesco. “Equity in International Law.” MPEPIL (Haziran 2013).
  • Galdorisi, George V. ve Alan G. Kaufman, “Military Activities in the Exclusive Economic Zone: Preventing Uncertainly and Defusing Conflicts.” California Western International Law Journal 32 (2002): 253-301.
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There are 116 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Law in Context
Journal Section Research Articles

Ali Bal 0000-0002-0543-0136

Project Number yok
Publication Date June 20, 2022
Submission Date February 18, 2022
Acceptance Date March 31, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 4 Issue: 1



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