Objective:It was planned to determine the activity preferences and performance levels of the individuals living in the Institutional Care Center. Material and Method: Forty eight individuals (male = 30 (62.5%); female = 18 (37.5%) were included in study. Activity preferences and participation with the Canadian Role Performance Measurement (COPM) and The Residential Environment Impact Survey-Mohost) ( Version 2.0, 2008), the houses where individuals live are evaluated. Results: It was determined that the least participation in individuals was in productivity activities. It was determined that they “Needs some Improvement” in terms of quality of the home environment, participation in work and daily activities, participation in free time/recreation activities, interactions with others living at home, family and friends, empowerment, communication outside the home, activated role and role development. Conclusion: It is thought that participation in free time and productivity activities in the institutional care center should be structured with a person-centered approach.
1.Agyar, E. Contribution of perceived freedom and leisure satisfaction to life satisfaction in a sample of Turkish women. Soc Indic Res 2014;116:1-15.
2.BÖİB (Prime Ministry Disability Administration)-TUİK (Turkish Statistical Institute) (2002).Turkey Disability Survey, State Statistical Institute Publications, Ankara,4-9. http://www.tuik.gov.tr/ Book.do?metod=KitapDetay&KT_ID=11&Kıtap_ID=14pdf. Date of access (15.09.2018), taken from on
3.Biçer, Y., Savucu, Y., Kutlu, M., Kaldırımcı, M., Pala, R. (2004). The Effect of Strength and Strength Exercises on Movement Skills and Abilities of Mentally Disabled Children, Journal of Eastern Anatolia Region Studies, 3 (1),173-179.
4.Brown, C., Stoffel, VC. (Eds.). (2011). Occupational Therapy in Mental Health; A Vision for Participation. Philadelphia: F.A Davis Company.
5.Byford, S., Sharac, J., Lloyd-Evans, B., Gilburt, H., Osborn, D. P.J., Leese, M., et.al. (2010). Alternatives to standard acute in-patient care in England: readmissions, service use and cost after discharge. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 197(53), 20-25
6.Carswell, A., McColl, M. A., Baptiste, S., Law, M., Polatajko, H., Pollock N. (2004). The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure: A research and clinical literature review. Can J Occup Ther, 71(4),210-222.
7.D'Cruz, R. (2011).The Impact of the Environment on Occupational Engagement and Agitation of People with Dementia.
8.Farias, L., Rudman, D.L., and Magalhaes, L. (2016). Illustrating the importance of critical epistemology to realize the promise of occupational justice. Occupational Therapy Journal of Research: Occupation, Participation and Health, 36(4), 234–243.
9.Fisher, G., ve Kayhan, E. (2012). Developing the Residential Environment Impact Survey instruments through faculty-practitioner collaboration.Occupational therapy in health care, 26(4), 224-239.
10.Genç, Y., and Barış, İ. (2015). Functionality of Decentralized Regulation in the Restructuring of Social Services.İnternational Journal of Sciences,32,95-117
11.Goldberg, B., Brintnell, S. (2002). The Relationship Between Engagement in Meaningful Activities and Quality of Life in Persons Disabled by Mental Illness. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 18(2),17-44
12.Güleryüz, Ş. G. (2009). Evaluation of the problems faced by students with disabilities who continue their inclusive education in their relations with their peers. Master Thesis, Selçuk Universitiy Social Sciences Institute, Konya
13.Gül, A. (2003). Examining the problems faced by wheelchair addicts regarding the use of bathroom in their residence. Unpublished Master Thesis,Hacettepe University Institute of Health Sciences, Ankara
14.Johnson, S., Lloyd-Evans, B., Morant, N., Gilburt, H., Shepherd, G., Slade, M., and et.al. (2010). Alternatives to standard acute in-patient care in England: roles and populations served. The British Journal of Psychiatry,197(53), 6-13.
15.Kara, B. (2017). Educatıon in Mental Disabilities in Turkey and in The world.The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science, 61,277-288
16.Kaya, A.,Yıkmış, A. (2014). Opinions and suggestions of the staff providing care services regarding the problems of the disabled. AİBÜ Journal of Social Sciences Institute,14(2), 365-403
17.Köksal, G. (2008). Nutrition for the disabled. Ankara: T.C. Ministry of Health Publications.
18.Kalınkara, V. (2010). Ergonomic design of the living environment for older individuals.Pamukkale Universitiy Elderly Issues Research Journal, (1),54-64
19.Pizarro, E., Estrella, S., Figueroa, F., Helmke, F., Pontigo, C., et al. (2018) Understanding occupational justice from the concept of territory: A proposal for occupational science. Journal of Occupational Science, 25(4), 463–473.
20.Kılıç, AK., Yılmaz, S.(2018). Institutional Care Services for Individuals with Mental Illness in Turkey and Social Work Practices in These Services,5, (1), 1-14
21.LaPlante, M. P., Kennedy, J., Kaye, S., & Wenger, B L.(1996). Disability and employment. Disability Statistics Abstract, 11, 1–4.
22.Law, M., Baptiste, S., McColl, M., Opzoomer, A., Polatajko, H., Pollock, N. (1990). The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure: An Outcome Measure for Occupational Therapy Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 57, 82-87.
23.Law, M., Steinwender, S.,Leclair, L. (1998). Occupation,health and well-being. Can J Occup Ther, 65(2), 81-91.
24.Lichtenberg, P. (2011). The residential care alternative for the acutely psychotic patient. Psychiatric quarterly, 82(4),329-341.
25.Mansell, J., Beadle‐Brown, J., Whelton, B., Beckett, C., and Hutchinson, A. (2008). Effect of service structure and organization on staff care practices in small community homes for people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 21(5), 398-413
26.Ministry of Family and Social Policies, General Directorate of Disabled and Elderly Services, regulations, http://www.aile.gov.tr/tr/2176/ Legislation.. 11/9/2014.
27.Ravanera, Z.R., Fernando, R. (2014).Integration at late life inclusion, participation, and belonging among the elderly. Disabil Rehabil 2014;36:737-43.
28.Rimmer, A. (2012).Social inclision of people with disabilitis.National and İnternational Perspectives. Cambridge University Press Amazon.co.uk, 179-181, University of Haifa,
29.Suarez-Balcazar, Y., and Hammel, J. (2015). Scholarship of practice:Scholars, practitioners and communities working together to promote participation and health.Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 29(4), 347–351.
30.SHÇEK. (2011).Regulation on Nursing Homes and Nursing Homes Elderly Care and Rehabilitation Centers, Official Gazette, 2432-(35)
31.Sucuoğlu, B. (2010). Mentally Handicapped and Education, 3. Printing, Root publishing, Ankara,59-63 90-118
32.Sümer, H.(2006).Teachers' views on the problems that hearing-impaired students face in physical education and sports classes. Master Thesis, Onsekiz Mart University Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale
33.Ulutaşdemir, N. (2007). The importance of communication and play in children with disabilities. Fırat Health Services Magazine, 5(2), 36-51.
34.Whiteford, G., Jones, K., Rahal, C., and Suleman, A. (2018) The participatory occupational justice framework as a tool for change: Three contrasting case narratives. Journal of Occupational Science 24(4): 497–508.
35.Zakarneh, M. (2015). Investigation of Individuals Staying in the Hope Houses of Ankara in Terms of Activity-Role Participation According to Ergotherapy Model.Master thesis, .Hacettepe University, Ankara
Year 2022,
Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 101 - 124, 05.06.2022
1.Agyar, E. Contribution of perceived freedom and leisure satisfaction to life satisfaction in a sample of Turkish women. Soc Indic Res 2014;116:1-15.
2.BÖİB (Prime Ministry Disability Administration)-TUİK (Turkish Statistical Institute) (2002).Turkey Disability Survey, State Statistical Institute Publications, Ankara,4-9. http://www.tuik.gov.tr/ Book.do?metod=KitapDetay&KT_ID=11&Kıtap_ID=14pdf. Date of access (15.09.2018), taken from on
3.Biçer, Y., Savucu, Y., Kutlu, M., Kaldırımcı, M., Pala, R. (2004). The Effect of Strength and Strength Exercises on Movement Skills and Abilities of Mentally Disabled Children, Journal of Eastern Anatolia Region Studies, 3 (1),173-179.
4.Brown, C., Stoffel, VC. (Eds.). (2011). Occupational Therapy in Mental Health; A Vision for Participation. Philadelphia: F.A Davis Company.
5.Byford, S., Sharac, J., Lloyd-Evans, B., Gilburt, H., Osborn, D. P.J., Leese, M., et.al. (2010). Alternatives to standard acute in-patient care in England: readmissions, service use and cost after discharge. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 197(53), 20-25
6.Carswell, A., McColl, M. A., Baptiste, S., Law, M., Polatajko, H., Pollock N. (2004). The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure: A research and clinical literature review. Can J Occup Ther, 71(4),210-222.
7.D'Cruz, R. (2011).The Impact of the Environment on Occupational Engagement and Agitation of People with Dementia.
8.Farias, L., Rudman, D.L., and Magalhaes, L. (2016). Illustrating the importance of critical epistemology to realize the promise of occupational justice. Occupational Therapy Journal of Research: Occupation, Participation and Health, 36(4), 234–243.
9.Fisher, G., ve Kayhan, E. (2012). Developing the Residential Environment Impact Survey instruments through faculty-practitioner collaboration.Occupational therapy in health care, 26(4), 224-239.
10.Genç, Y., and Barış, İ. (2015). Functionality of Decentralized Regulation in the Restructuring of Social Services.İnternational Journal of Sciences,32,95-117
11.Goldberg, B., Brintnell, S. (2002). The Relationship Between Engagement in Meaningful Activities and Quality of Life in Persons Disabled by Mental Illness. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 18(2),17-44
12.Güleryüz, Ş. G. (2009). Evaluation of the problems faced by students with disabilities who continue their inclusive education in their relations with their peers. Master Thesis, Selçuk Universitiy Social Sciences Institute, Konya
13.Gül, A. (2003). Examining the problems faced by wheelchair addicts regarding the use of bathroom in their residence. Unpublished Master Thesis,Hacettepe University Institute of Health Sciences, Ankara
14.Johnson, S., Lloyd-Evans, B., Morant, N., Gilburt, H., Shepherd, G., Slade, M., and et.al. (2010). Alternatives to standard acute in-patient care in England: roles and populations served. The British Journal of Psychiatry,197(53), 6-13.
15.Kara, B. (2017). Educatıon in Mental Disabilities in Turkey and in The world.The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science, 61,277-288
16.Kaya, A.,Yıkmış, A. (2014). Opinions and suggestions of the staff providing care services regarding the problems of the disabled. AİBÜ Journal of Social Sciences Institute,14(2), 365-403
17.Köksal, G. (2008). Nutrition for the disabled. Ankara: T.C. Ministry of Health Publications.
18.Kalınkara, V. (2010). Ergonomic design of the living environment for older individuals.Pamukkale Universitiy Elderly Issues Research Journal, (1),54-64
19.Pizarro, E., Estrella, S., Figueroa, F., Helmke, F., Pontigo, C., et al. (2018) Understanding occupational justice from the concept of territory: A proposal for occupational science. Journal of Occupational Science, 25(4), 463–473.
20.Kılıç, AK., Yılmaz, S.(2018). Institutional Care Services for Individuals with Mental Illness in Turkey and Social Work Practices in These Services,5, (1), 1-14
21.LaPlante, M. P., Kennedy, J., Kaye, S., & Wenger, B L.(1996). Disability and employment. Disability Statistics Abstract, 11, 1–4.
22.Law, M., Baptiste, S., McColl, M., Opzoomer, A., Polatajko, H., Pollock, N. (1990). The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure: An Outcome Measure for Occupational Therapy Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 57, 82-87.
23.Law, M., Steinwender, S.,Leclair, L. (1998). Occupation,health and well-being. Can J Occup Ther, 65(2), 81-91.
24.Lichtenberg, P. (2011). The residential care alternative for the acutely psychotic patient. Psychiatric quarterly, 82(4),329-341.
25.Mansell, J., Beadle‐Brown, J., Whelton, B., Beckett, C., and Hutchinson, A. (2008). Effect of service structure and organization on staff care practices in small community homes for people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 21(5), 398-413
26.Ministry of Family and Social Policies, General Directorate of Disabled and Elderly Services, regulations, http://www.aile.gov.tr/tr/2176/ Legislation.. 11/9/2014.
27.Ravanera, Z.R., Fernando, R. (2014).Integration at late life inclusion, participation, and belonging among the elderly. Disabil Rehabil 2014;36:737-43.
28.Rimmer, A. (2012).Social inclision of people with disabilitis.National and İnternational Perspectives. Cambridge University Press Amazon.co.uk, 179-181, University of Haifa,
29.Suarez-Balcazar, Y., and Hammel, J. (2015). Scholarship of practice:Scholars, practitioners and communities working together to promote participation and health.Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 29(4), 347–351.
30.SHÇEK. (2011).Regulation on Nursing Homes and Nursing Homes Elderly Care and Rehabilitation Centers, Official Gazette, 2432-(35)
31.Sucuoğlu, B. (2010). Mentally Handicapped and Education, 3. Printing, Root publishing, Ankara,59-63 90-118
32.Sümer, H.(2006).Teachers' views on the problems that hearing-impaired students face in physical education and sports classes. Master Thesis, Onsekiz Mart University Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale
33.Ulutaşdemir, N. (2007). The importance of communication and play in children with disabilities. Fırat Health Services Magazine, 5(2), 36-51.
34.Whiteford, G., Jones, K., Rahal, C., and Suleman, A. (2018) The participatory occupational justice framework as a tool for change: Three contrasting case narratives. Journal of Occupational Science 24(4): 497–508.
35.Zakarneh, M. (2015). Investigation of Individuals Staying in the Hope Houses of Ankara in Terms of Activity-Role Participation According to Ergotherapy Model.Master thesis, .Hacettepe University, Ankara
Göktaş, A. (2022). Investigating the Activity Preferences and Activity Performances of Individuals Who Live at a Residential Home. Aydın Sağlık Dergisi, 8(2), 101-124.