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Year 2022, , 31 - 52, 25.02.2023


1877-78 Osmanlı-Rus Savaşı'ndan sonra Osmanlı-İngiliz ilişkilerinde yeni bir dönem başlamıştır. Savaşın sonunda Kırım Savaşı'ndan bu yana İngiliz perspektifindeki Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun toprak bütünlüğünü koruma fikrinin ve müttefikliğin tüm yönleriyle ortadan kalktığı görülmüştür. Özellikle İngiliz kamuoyunun baskısı ve siyasi partilerinin kolonyalist çıkarlarını ön plana almasıyla birlikte alınan kararlar Osmanlı topraklarını güvende tutmaya çalışmaktan uzaklaşmıştır. 1876'dan beri Osmanlı-İngiliz ilişkilerinin doğasını değiştiren Doğu Sorunu krizinin, özellikle William E. Gladstone ve Benjamin Disraeli rekabetinde gerçekleşen Liberallerin ve Muhafazakârların çekişmelerinin ve İngiliz toplumunun görüşlerinin bu süreçte ne kadar önemli olduğu tartışmaya açıktır.
İngiliz parlamentosunda ve Kraliçe Viktorya döneminde daha da önem kazanan dini, ahlaki, emperyalist değerler ve Doğu kültürüne artan ilgi ile birlikte kamuoyundaki tartışmalarda Osmanlı Hristiyan tebaanın Balkan topraklarındaki durumlarının önemli meseleler haline geldiği görülmüştür. Bu çalışma, Osmanlı-Rus Savaşı süresince İngiliz basınını değerlendirerek İngilizler’in Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’na yönelik siyasetinin oluşmasındaki etkisini ve yansımalarını analiz edecektir.


  • A Conservative Watchman, ’Constantinople and Who is to have it?, A Letter to the right Hon. The Earl of Beaconsfield’, William Ridgway, 169, Piccadilly, W., Londra, 1878, ss. 1-13.
  • BROWN, David, Palmerston and the politics of foreign policy, 1846-55, Manchester University press, Manchester, 2002.
  • CAMPBELL, Kate, ‘W. E. Gladstone, W. T. Stead, Matthew Arnold and a New Journalism: Cultural Politics in the 1880s’, Victorian Periodicals Review, Sayı 36, No. 1 (Bahar, 2003), ss. 20-40
  • CHOWDHURY, Racheed, Pan-Islamism and Modernisation During the Reign of Abdulhamid II 1876-1909, McGill University, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, 2011.
  • CUNNINGHAM, Hugh, ‘Jingoism in 1877-78’, Victorian Studies, Sayı. 14, No. 4 Haziran 1971, ss. 429-453.
  • DAVISON, Roderic H., Nineteenth Century Ottoman diplomacy and reforms, The Isis Press, Istanbul, 1999.
  • ELLIS, E. J. ‘The sequence of events in the Eastern Question, July 1875 to June 1878’, Bristol Selected Pamphlets, (1878)
  • GEORGEON, Francois, Ali Berktay, (çev.), Abdulhamid II, le sultan calife, (Sultan Abdulhamid), Homer Kitabevi, İstanbul, 2005.
  • GLADSTONE, William E., ‘A speech delivered at Blackheath on Saturday, September 9th, 1876: together with letters on the question of the East’, Bristol Selected Pamphlets, John Murray Publishing, Londra, 1876.
  • GLADSTONE, William E.,‘Bulgarian Horrors and The Question of the East’, John Murray Publishing, Londra, 1876.
  • Hansard Parliamentary Debates House of Commons
  • _____HC Deb 09 July 1877 vol 235 cc967-8, ‘English Occupation Of Constantinople’
  • _____HC Deb 07 August 1877 vol 236 cc535-6‘Turkey—Partition Of The Ottoman Empire.—Question’
  • HOPPEN, Theodore K., The Mid-Victorian Generation 1846-1886, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1998.
  • JONES, Aled, Powers of the Press: Newspapers, Power and the Public in Nineteenth Century England, Scolar Press, Aldershot, 1996.
  • KARACA, Taha N., İngiltere Başkanı Gladstone'un Osmanlı'yı Yıkma Planı: Büyük Oyun, Timaş Yayınları, İstanbul, 2011.
  • KARPAT, Kemal H., Studies on Ottoman Social and Political History, Library of Congress and Publishing Data, Londra, 2002.
  • KINGSLEY, Martin, The Triumph of Lord Palmerston, A study of Public Opinion in England before the Crimean War, Hutchinson Publishers, Londra 1963.
  • KOSS, Stephen, The rise and fall of the Political Press in Britain, volume I, Hamish Hamilton, Londra, 1981.
  • LARKIN, Brendan W., The Times and the Bulgarian Massacres, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Wesleyan University, April 2009.
  • MARX, Karl, ‘The Turkish Question in the Commons’, The Eastern Question, A reprint of letters written 1853-56 written dealing with the events dealing with the Crimean War,
  • Swan Sonnenschein Co. Lmtd, Paternoster Square, Londra, 1897.
  • MCCARTHY, Justin, Death and Exile: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ottoman Muslims 1821-1922, Darwin Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1995.
  • MCWILLIAM, Rohan, Popular politics in Nineteenth Century England, Routledge Publishers, Londra, 1998.
  • MELLER, Jonathan P., The Development of Modern Propaganda in Britain 1850-1902, Durham theses, Durham University, Durham E-Theses Online:
  • Erişim Tarihi: 20 Eylül 2021)
  • MILL, John S. Additional Letters, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1991.
  • MILLMAN, Richard, ‘The Bulgarian Massacres Reconsidered’, The Slavonic and East European Review, Sayı 58, no. 2 (Nisan 1980) ss. 218-231.
  • MILLSPAUGH, A. C., ‘Popular Processes and International Relations’, The Advocate of Peace (1894-1920), Sayı 79, No. 11 (Aralık, 1917), ss. 327-331
  • MORLEY, John, The Life of William Ewart Gladstone, Vol. II. (1859-1880), Macmillan and Co., Limited, Londra, 1911.
  • MUDDIMAN, Joseph G. & WILLIAMS J.B. (ed.), The Times Tercentenary Handlist of English & WelshNewspapers, Magazines and Reviews, 1620-1920, University of Michigan Library Press, Londra, 1920.
  • MULPETRE, Owen, W.T.Stead and the New Journalism, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi,, University of Teeside, 2010.
  • NEGRİNE, Ralph, Politics and the Mass Media in Britain, Taylor&Francis e-library, 2005.
  • PEARS, Edwin, Life of Abdulhamid, Constable & Company Ltd., Londra,1917.
  • READ, Donald, Cobden and Bright A Victorian Political Partnership, Edward Arnold Publishers, Londra, 1967.
  • RIDLEY, Jasper, Lord Palmerston, Granada Publishing Limited, Londra, 1972.
  • ROSSI, John P., ‘Catholic Opinion on the Eastern Question, 1876-1878’, Church History, Sayı 51, no. 1 Mart 1982.
  • SETON-WATSON, Robert W., Disraeli, Gladstone and the Eastern Question: A Study in Diplomacy and Pary Politics, Macmillan Press, Londra, 1935.
  • SHANNON, Richard, Gladstone and the Bulgarian Agitation, Robert Cunningham and Sons Ltd., Longbank Works, Great Britain, 1963.
  • STELEE, David E., Palmerston and Liberalism 1855-1865, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991.
  • SWARTZ, Marvin, The Politics of British Foreign Policy in the era of Disraeli and Gladstone, The Macmillan Press, Londra, 1985.
  • TEMPERLEY, Harold, ‘The Treaty of Paris of 1856 and its execution’, The Journal of Modern History, Sayı 4, No. 3 Eylül 1932, ss. 387-414.
Year 2022, , 31 - 52, 25.02.2023



  • A Conservative Watchman, ’Constantinople and Who is to have it?, A Letter to the right Hon. The Earl of Beaconsfield’, William Ridgway, 169, Piccadilly, W., Londra, 1878, ss. 1-13.
  • BROWN, David, Palmerston and the politics of foreign policy, 1846-55, Manchester University press, Manchester, 2002.
  • CAMPBELL, Kate, ‘W. E. Gladstone, W. T. Stead, Matthew Arnold and a New Journalism: Cultural Politics in the 1880s’, Victorian Periodicals Review, Sayı 36, No. 1 (Bahar, 2003), ss. 20-40
  • CHOWDHURY, Racheed, Pan-Islamism and Modernisation During the Reign of Abdulhamid II 1876-1909, McGill University, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, 2011.
  • CUNNINGHAM, Hugh, ‘Jingoism in 1877-78’, Victorian Studies, Sayı. 14, No. 4 Haziran 1971, ss. 429-453.
  • DAVISON, Roderic H., Nineteenth Century Ottoman diplomacy and reforms, The Isis Press, Istanbul, 1999.
  • ELLIS, E. J. ‘The sequence of events in the Eastern Question, July 1875 to June 1878’, Bristol Selected Pamphlets, (1878)
  • GEORGEON, Francois, Ali Berktay, (çev.), Abdulhamid II, le sultan calife, (Sultan Abdulhamid), Homer Kitabevi, İstanbul, 2005.
  • GLADSTONE, William E., ‘A speech delivered at Blackheath on Saturday, September 9th, 1876: together with letters on the question of the East’, Bristol Selected Pamphlets, John Murray Publishing, Londra, 1876.
  • GLADSTONE, William E.,‘Bulgarian Horrors and The Question of the East’, John Murray Publishing, Londra, 1876.
  • Hansard Parliamentary Debates House of Commons
  • _____HC Deb 09 July 1877 vol 235 cc967-8, ‘English Occupation Of Constantinople’
  • _____HC Deb 07 August 1877 vol 236 cc535-6‘Turkey—Partition Of The Ottoman Empire.—Question’
  • HOPPEN, Theodore K., The Mid-Victorian Generation 1846-1886, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1998.
  • JONES, Aled, Powers of the Press: Newspapers, Power and the Public in Nineteenth Century England, Scolar Press, Aldershot, 1996.
  • KARACA, Taha N., İngiltere Başkanı Gladstone'un Osmanlı'yı Yıkma Planı: Büyük Oyun, Timaş Yayınları, İstanbul, 2011.
  • KARPAT, Kemal H., Studies on Ottoman Social and Political History, Library of Congress and Publishing Data, Londra, 2002.
  • KINGSLEY, Martin, The Triumph of Lord Palmerston, A study of Public Opinion in England before the Crimean War, Hutchinson Publishers, Londra 1963.
  • KOSS, Stephen, The rise and fall of the Political Press in Britain, volume I, Hamish Hamilton, Londra, 1981.
  • LARKIN, Brendan W., The Times and the Bulgarian Massacres, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Wesleyan University, April 2009.
  • MARX, Karl, ‘The Turkish Question in the Commons’, The Eastern Question, A reprint of letters written 1853-56 written dealing with the events dealing with the Crimean War,
  • Swan Sonnenschein Co. Lmtd, Paternoster Square, Londra, 1897.
  • MCCARTHY, Justin, Death and Exile: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ottoman Muslims 1821-1922, Darwin Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1995.
  • MCWILLIAM, Rohan, Popular politics in Nineteenth Century England, Routledge Publishers, Londra, 1998.
  • MELLER, Jonathan P., The Development of Modern Propaganda in Britain 1850-1902, Durham theses, Durham University, Durham E-Theses Online:
  • Erişim Tarihi: 20 Eylül 2021)
  • MILL, John S. Additional Letters, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1991.
  • MILLMAN, Richard, ‘The Bulgarian Massacres Reconsidered’, The Slavonic and East European Review, Sayı 58, no. 2 (Nisan 1980) ss. 218-231.
  • MILLSPAUGH, A. C., ‘Popular Processes and International Relations’, The Advocate of Peace (1894-1920), Sayı 79, No. 11 (Aralık, 1917), ss. 327-331
  • MORLEY, John, The Life of William Ewart Gladstone, Vol. II. (1859-1880), Macmillan and Co., Limited, Londra, 1911.
  • MUDDIMAN, Joseph G. & WILLIAMS J.B. (ed.), The Times Tercentenary Handlist of English & WelshNewspapers, Magazines and Reviews, 1620-1920, University of Michigan Library Press, Londra, 1920.
  • MULPETRE, Owen, W.T.Stead and the New Journalism, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi,, University of Teeside, 2010.
  • NEGRİNE, Ralph, Politics and the Mass Media in Britain, Taylor&Francis e-library, 2005.
  • PEARS, Edwin, Life of Abdulhamid, Constable & Company Ltd., Londra,1917.
  • READ, Donald, Cobden and Bright A Victorian Political Partnership, Edward Arnold Publishers, Londra, 1967.
  • RIDLEY, Jasper, Lord Palmerston, Granada Publishing Limited, Londra, 1972.
  • ROSSI, John P., ‘Catholic Opinion on the Eastern Question, 1876-1878’, Church History, Sayı 51, no. 1 Mart 1982.
  • SETON-WATSON, Robert W., Disraeli, Gladstone and the Eastern Question: A Study in Diplomacy and Pary Politics, Macmillan Press, Londra, 1935.
  • SHANNON, Richard, Gladstone and the Bulgarian Agitation, Robert Cunningham and Sons Ltd., Longbank Works, Great Britain, 1963.
  • STELEE, David E., Palmerston and Liberalism 1855-1865, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991.
  • SWARTZ, Marvin, The Politics of British Foreign Policy in the era of Disraeli and Gladstone, The Macmillan Press, Londra, 1985.
  • TEMPERLEY, Harold, ‘The Treaty of Paris of 1856 and its execution’, The Journal of Modern History, Sayı 4, No. 3 Eylül 1932, ss. 387-414.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Fahriye Begum Yildizeli 0000-0001-6312-8405

Publication Date February 25, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Yildizeli, F. B. (2023). 1877-1878 OSMANLI-RUS SAVAŞI’NIN İNGİLİZ BASININA YANSIMALARI. Askeri Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, 20(34), 31-52.
AMA Yildizeli FB. 1877-1878 OSMANLI-RUS SAVAŞI’NIN İNGİLİZ BASININA YANSIMALARI. ATAD. February 2023;20(34):31-52. doi:10.46953/askeritarih.1006601
Chicago Yildizeli, Fahriye Begum. “1877-1878 OSMANLI-RUS SAVAŞI’NIN İNGİLİZ BASININA YANSIMALARI”. Askeri Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 20, no. 34 (February 2023): 31-52.
EndNote Yildizeli FB (February 1, 2023) 1877-1878 OSMANLI-RUS SAVAŞI’NIN İNGİLİZ BASININA YANSIMALARI. Askeri Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 20 34 31–52.
IEEE F. B. Yildizeli, “1877-1878 OSMANLI-RUS SAVAŞI’NIN İNGİLİZ BASININA YANSIMALARI”, ATAD, vol. 20, no. 34, pp. 31–52, 2023, doi: 10.46953/askeritarih.1006601.
ISNAD Yildizeli, Fahriye Begum. “1877-1878 OSMANLI-RUS SAVAŞI’NIN İNGİLİZ BASININA YANSIMALARI”. Askeri Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 20/34 (February 2023), 31-52.
MLA Yildizeli, Fahriye Begum. “1877-1878 OSMANLI-RUS SAVAŞI’NIN İNGİLİZ BASININA YANSIMALARI”. Askeri Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 20, no. 34, 2023, pp. 31-52, doi:10.46953/askeritarih.1006601.
Vancouver Yildizeli FB. 1877-1878 OSMANLI-RUS SAVAŞI’NIN İNGİLİZ BASININA YANSIMALARI. ATAD. 2023;20(34):31-52.