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Giresun Karayolu Tozuna Maruz Kalan Kara Lahana Bitkisinin Ağır Metal Kirliliği ve Sağlık Risk Değerlendirmesi

Year 2024, , 26 - 34, 22.05.2024


Karadeniz Bölgesi’nin coğrafik konumu sebebiyle şehirleri birbirine bağlayan otoyollar Karadeniz sahili boyunca devam etmekte olup, yerleşim yerleri denizden uzaklaşarak dağlara, tepelere, yükseltilere kuruludur ve Giresun bu şehirlerden biridir. Düz araziler çok azdır bu sebeple Giresun halkı en küçük düz araziyi değerlendirmekte ve çeşitli tarımsal faaliyetlerde kullanmaktadır. Karadeniz Bölgesi ve Giresun’ da hemen her sofrada yer alan, çeşitli tiplerde yemeği yapılan ve mineral kaynağı olan kara lahana (Brassica oleracea) bitkisi halk tarafından her tip toprağa ekilip, yetiştirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada; trafik yoğunluğu fazla olan karayolu kıyısında yetişen, yol tozunun ve taşıtların neden olduğu egzoz gazı gibi birçok kirliliğe maruz kalan kara lahana bitkisinin, trafikten 10 km uzak yerde yetişen örneklerine oranla Cr52, Mn55, Fe57, Co59, Ni60, Cu65, Zn66, As75, Se78, Cd11, Pb208 ağır metal birikimlerini kantitatif olarak ifade etmek amaçlandı. Ağır metallerin sağlık açısından risk analizleri (THQ, EDI, EWI) yapıldı, THQ değeri < 1 olduğu için insan sağlığı üzerindeki olumsuz etkinin ihmal edilebilir düzeyde olduğu ifade edildi.


  • [1] Sulhan OF, Sevik H, Işınkaralar K. Assessment of Cr and Zn deposition on Picea pungens Engelm in urban air of Ankara, Türkiye. Environ Dev Sustain. 2023;25(5):4365-4384.
  • [2] Yücedağ C, Kaya LG. Effects of air pollutants on plants. Techno-Science. 2016;7(1):67–74.
  • [3] Doğan S, Kiliçoğlu C, Akıncı H, et al.Determining the suitable settlement areas in Alanya with GIS-based site selection analyses. ESPR. 2023;30(11):29180-29189.
  • [4] Çetin M. The effect of urban planning on urban formations determining bioclimatic comfort area's effect using satellitia imagines on air quality: a case study of Bursa city. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 2019;12(10):1237–1249.
  • [5] Işinkaralar O, Işinkaralar K, Sevik H, et al. Spatial modeling the climate change risk of river basins via climate classification: a scenario-based prediction approach for Türkiye. Natural Hazards. 2024;120: 511-528.
  • [6] Kaya E, Ağca M, Adıgüzel F, et al. Spatial data analysis with programming for environment. HERA. 2019; 25(6):1521–1530.
  • [7] Adıgüzel F, Çetin M, Kaya E, et al. Defining suitable areas for bioclimatic comfort for landscapeplanning and landscape management in Hatay, Turkey. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 2020;139(3):1493–1503.
  • [8] Colbeck I, Nasir ZA, Ali Z. The state of ambient air quality in Pakistan. ESPR. 2010;17: 49–63.
  • [9] Mendell MJ, Heath G. Do indoor environments in schools influence student performance? Indoor Air. 2005;15(1):27–32.
  • [10] Işınkaralar K, Işınkaralar O, Koç İ, et al. Assessing the possibility of airborne bismuth accumulation and spatial distribution in an urban area by tree bark: A case study in Düzce, Türkiye. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. 2023:1-12.
  • [11] Ghoma WEO, Sevik H, Işınkaralar K. Comparison of the rate of certain trace metals accumulation in indoor plants for smoking and non-smoking areas. ESPR.2023; 30(30):75768-75776.
  • [12] Trujillo-Gonzalez JM, Torres-Mora MA, Keesstra S, et al. Heavy metal accumulation related to population density in road dust samples taken from urban sites under different land uses. Science Total Environ. 2016; 553:636-642.
  • [13] Hoskins JA. Health effects due to indoor air pollution. Indoor And Built Environment. 2016;12:427-433.
  • [14] Zhang J, Smith KR. Indoor air pollution: a global health concern. Br Med Bull. 2003;68:209-225.
  • [15] Topbaş M, Brohi AR, Karaman MR. Çevre Kirliliği. T.C. Çevre Bakanlığı Yayınları. 1998:83:13-37.
  • [16] Yıldız N. Toprak Kirletici Bazı Ağır Metallerin (Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, Co ve Ni) Belirlenmesinde Kullanılan Yöntemler. AÜZFD. 2001;32(2):207-213.
  • [17] Apaydın E. Sağlıkta Ağır Metaller Ve Eser Elementler. İksad Yayınevi, 2023;13:279:287.
  • [18] Chunhabundit R. Cadmium Exposure and Potential Health Risk from Foods in Contaminated Area, Thailand. Toxicol Res. 2016;32(1):65-72.
  • [19] Key K, Kulaç Ş, Koç İ, et al. Determining the 180-year change of Cd, Fe, and Al concentrations in the air by using annual rings of Corylus Colurna L. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2022;233(7):244-251.
  • [20] Kuzmina N, Menshchikov S, Mohnachev P, et al. Change of aluminum concentrations in specific plants by species, organ, washing, and traffic density. BioResources. 2023;18(1):792-803.
  • [21] Shahid M, Dumat C, Khalida S, et al. Foliar heavy metal uptake, toxicity and detoxification in plants: a comparison of foliar and root metal uptake. J. Hazard. Mater. 2017;325:36-58.
  • [22] WHO/IPCS. Enviromental Health Criteria Document 134. Cadmium, WHO. Genova. 1992.
  • [23] WHO/IPCS. Principles for Evaluating Chemical Effects on the Aged Population, Enviromental Health Criteria Document 144. IPCS, WHO, Genova.1993.
  • [24] Bakar C, Baba A. Metaller ve İnsan Sağlığı: Yirminci Yüzyıldan Bugüne ve Geleceğe Miras Kalan Çevre Sağlığı Sorunu, 1. Tıbbi Jeoloji Çalıştayı. 30 Ekim–1 Kasım 2009. Ürgüp Bld., Kültür Merkezi, Ürgüp/ Nevşehir.
  • [25] Sevik H, Çetin M, Özel HU, et al. Determination of Pb and Mg Accumulation in Some of the Landscape Plants in Shrub Forms. ESPR. 2020;27(2):2423-2431.
  • [26] Alaqouri HAA, Genç CO, Arıcak B, et al. The Possibility of Using Scots Pine Needles as Biomonitor in Determination of Heavy Metal Accumulation. ESPR. 2020;27(16):20273-20280.
  • [27] İstanbullu SN, Sevik H, Işınkaralar K, et al. Spatial distribution of heavy metal contamination in road dust samples from an urban environment in Samsun, Türkiye. Bul Environ Contam Toxicol. 2023;110:78.
  • [28] Kamunda C, Mathuthu M, Madhuku M. Health risk assessment of heavy metals in soils from Witwatersrand Gold Mining Basin, South Africa. Int J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2016;13(7):663.
  • [29] Zheng N, Wang Q, Zhang X, et al. Population health risk due to dietary intake of heavy metals in the industrial area of Huludao city, China. Sci. Total Environ. 2007;387(1-3):96-104.
  • [30] Mutlu T. Heavy metal concentrations in the edible tissues of some commercial fishes caught along the Eastern Black Sea coast of Turkey and the health risk assessment. Spectroscopy Letters. 2021;54:6:437-445.
  • [31] Mutlu T. Distribution of toxic and trace metals in fish from the Black Sea: Implications for human health risks. Emerging Contaminants. 2024;10(2):100295.
  • [32] Savaş DS, Sevik H, Işınkaralar K, et al. The potential of using Cedrus atlantica as a biomonitor in the concentrations of Cr and Mn. ESPR. 2021;28(39):55446-55453.
  • [33] Türkmen M, Akyurt İ, Duran K, et al. Giresun Yöresinden Bazı Yenilebilir Bitkilerde Metal Birikimlerinin Değerlendirilmesi. KFBD. 2016;6(14):99-105.
  • [34] Alam MGM, Tanaka A, Stagnitti F, et al. Observations on the effects of caged carp culture on water and sediment metal concentrations in Lake Kasumigaura, Japan. Ecotoxicol. and Environ. Safety. 2001;48(1):107-115.
  • [35] Wan D, Han Z, Liu D, et al. Risk Assesments of Heavy Metals in House Dust from a Typical Industrial Area in Central China. Human and Ecological Risk Assesment. 2016;22(2):489-501.
  • [36] Chien LC, Hung TC, Choang KY, et al. Daily intake of TBT, Cu, Zn, Cd and As for fishermen in Taiwan. Science total environ. 2002;285(1-3):177-185.
  • [37] Verep B, Mutlu T. Heavy Metal Concentrations and Health Risk Assessment in Sarda sarda (Bloch, 1793) Caught in the Turkish Black Sea Coasts. Acta Aquatica Turcica. 2022;18(2):208-216.
  • [38] Akkan T, Mutlu T. Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution of Çoruh River (Turkey). KFBD. 2022;12(1):355-367.
  • [39] US-EPA IRIS United States. Environmental protection agency, integrated risk information system. 2006.
  • [40] TUIK, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. 2018.
  • [41] Sezgin N, Özcan HK, Demir G, et al. Determination of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Street Dusts in Istanbul E-5 Highway. Environment International, 2003;29:979-985.
  • [42] Tanak AG. Samsun Çevresinde Yetişen Bazı Yeşil Bitkilerdeki Ağır Metallerin Tayini. Yüksek isans Tezi, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Samsun. 2006.
Year 2024, , 26 - 34, 22.05.2024



  • [1] Sulhan OF, Sevik H, Işınkaralar K. Assessment of Cr and Zn deposition on Picea pungens Engelm in urban air of Ankara, Türkiye. Environ Dev Sustain. 2023;25(5):4365-4384.
  • [2] Yücedağ C, Kaya LG. Effects of air pollutants on plants. Techno-Science. 2016;7(1):67–74.
  • [3] Doğan S, Kiliçoğlu C, Akıncı H, et al.Determining the suitable settlement areas in Alanya with GIS-based site selection analyses. ESPR. 2023;30(11):29180-29189.
  • [4] Çetin M. The effect of urban planning on urban formations determining bioclimatic comfort area's effect using satellitia imagines on air quality: a case study of Bursa city. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 2019;12(10):1237–1249.
  • [5] Işinkaralar O, Işinkaralar K, Sevik H, et al. Spatial modeling the climate change risk of river basins via climate classification: a scenario-based prediction approach for Türkiye. Natural Hazards. 2024;120: 511-528.
  • [6] Kaya E, Ağca M, Adıgüzel F, et al. Spatial data analysis with programming for environment. HERA. 2019; 25(6):1521–1530.
  • [7] Adıgüzel F, Çetin M, Kaya E, et al. Defining suitable areas for bioclimatic comfort for landscapeplanning and landscape management in Hatay, Turkey. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 2020;139(3):1493–1503.
  • [8] Colbeck I, Nasir ZA, Ali Z. The state of ambient air quality in Pakistan. ESPR. 2010;17: 49–63.
  • [9] Mendell MJ, Heath G. Do indoor environments in schools influence student performance? Indoor Air. 2005;15(1):27–32.
  • [10] Işınkaralar K, Işınkaralar O, Koç İ, et al. Assessing the possibility of airborne bismuth accumulation and spatial distribution in an urban area by tree bark: A case study in Düzce, Türkiye. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. 2023:1-12.
  • [11] Ghoma WEO, Sevik H, Işınkaralar K. Comparison of the rate of certain trace metals accumulation in indoor plants for smoking and non-smoking areas. ESPR.2023; 30(30):75768-75776.
  • [12] Trujillo-Gonzalez JM, Torres-Mora MA, Keesstra S, et al. Heavy metal accumulation related to population density in road dust samples taken from urban sites under different land uses. Science Total Environ. 2016; 553:636-642.
  • [13] Hoskins JA. Health effects due to indoor air pollution. Indoor And Built Environment. 2016;12:427-433.
  • [14] Zhang J, Smith KR. Indoor air pollution: a global health concern. Br Med Bull. 2003;68:209-225.
  • [15] Topbaş M, Brohi AR, Karaman MR. Çevre Kirliliği. T.C. Çevre Bakanlığı Yayınları. 1998:83:13-37.
  • [16] Yıldız N. Toprak Kirletici Bazı Ağır Metallerin (Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, Co ve Ni) Belirlenmesinde Kullanılan Yöntemler. AÜZFD. 2001;32(2):207-213.
  • [17] Apaydın E. Sağlıkta Ağır Metaller Ve Eser Elementler. İksad Yayınevi, 2023;13:279:287.
  • [18] Chunhabundit R. Cadmium Exposure and Potential Health Risk from Foods in Contaminated Area, Thailand. Toxicol Res. 2016;32(1):65-72.
  • [19] Key K, Kulaç Ş, Koç İ, et al. Determining the 180-year change of Cd, Fe, and Al concentrations in the air by using annual rings of Corylus Colurna L. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2022;233(7):244-251.
  • [20] Kuzmina N, Menshchikov S, Mohnachev P, et al. Change of aluminum concentrations in specific plants by species, organ, washing, and traffic density. BioResources. 2023;18(1):792-803.
  • [21] Shahid M, Dumat C, Khalida S, et al. Foliar heavy metal uptake, toxicity and detoxification in plants: a comparison of foliar and root metal uptake. J. Hazard. Mater. 2017;325:36-58.
  • [22] WHO/IPCS. Enviromental Health Criteria Document 134. Cadmium, WHO. Genova. 1992.
  • [23] WHO/IPCS. Principles for Evaluating Chemical Effects on the Aged Population, Enviromental Health Criteria Document 144. IPCS, WHO, Genova.1993.
  • [24] Bakar C, Baba A. Metaller ve İnsan Sağlığı: Yirminci Yüzyıldan Bugüne ve Geleceğe Miras Kalan Çevre Sağlığı Sorunu, 1. Tıbbi Jeoloji Çalıştayı. 30 Ekim–1 Kasım 2009. Ürgüp Bld., Kültür Merkezi, Ürgüp/ Nevşehir.
  • [25] Sevik H, Çetin M, Özel HU, et al. Determination of Pb and Mg Accumulation in Some of the Landscape Plants in Shrub Forms. ESPR. 2020;27(2):2423-2431.
  • [26] Alaqouri HAA, Genç CO, Arıcak B, et al. The Possibility of Using Scots Pine Needles as Biomonitor in Determination of Heavy Metal Accumulation. ESPR. 2020;27(16):20273-20280.
  • [27] İstanbullu SN, Sevik H, Işınkaralar K, et al. Spatial distribution of heavy metal contamination in road dust samples from an urban environment in Samsun, Türkiye. Bul Environ Contam Toxicol. 2023;110:78.
  • [28] Kamunda C, Mathuthu M, Madhuku M. Health risk assessment of heavy metals in soils from Witwatersrand Gold Mining Basin, South Africa. Int J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2016;13(7):663.
  • [29] Zheng N, Wang Q, Zhang X, et al. Population health risk due to dietary intake of heavy metals in the industrial area of Huludao city, China. Sci. Total Environ. 2007;387(1-3):96-104.
  • [30] Mutlu T. Heavy metal concentrations in the edible tissues of some commercial fishes caught along the Eastern Black Sea coast of Turkey and the health risk assessment. Spectroscopy Letters. 2021;54:6:437-445.
  • [31] Mutlu T. Distribution of toxic and trace metals in fish from the Black Sea: Implications for human health risks. Emerging Contaminants. 2024;10(2):100295.
  • [32] Savaş DS, Sevik H, Işınkaralar K, et al. The potential of using Cedrus atlantica as a biomonitor in the concentrations of Cr and Mn. ESPR. 2021;28(39):55446-55453.
  • [33] Türkmen M, Akyurt İ, Duran K, et al. Giresun Yöresinden Bazı Yenilebilir Bitkilerde Metal Birikimlerinin Değerlendirilmesi. KFBD. 2016;6(14):99-105.
  • [34] Alam MGM, Tanaka A, Stagnitti F, et al. Observations on the effects of caged carp culture on water and sediment metal concentrations in Lake Kasumigaura, Japan. Ecotoxicol. and Environ. Safety. 2001;48(1):107-115.
  • [35] Wan D, Han Z, Liu D, et al. Risk Assesments of Heavy Metals in House Dust from a Typical Industrial Area in Central China. Human and Ecological Risk Assesment. 2016;22(2):489-501.
  • [36] Chien LC, Hung TC, Choang KY, et al. Daily intake of TBT, Cu, Zn, Cd and As for fishermen in Taiwan. Science total environ. 2002;285(1-3):177-185.
  • [37] Verep B, Mutlu T. Heavy Metal Concentrations and Health Risk Assessment in Sarda sarda (Bloch, 1793) Caught in the Turkish Black Sea Coasts. Acta Aquatica Turcica. 2022;18(2):208-216.
  • [38] Akkan T, Mutlu T. Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution of Çoruh River (Turkey). KFBD. 2022;12(1):355-367.
  • [39] US-EPA IRIS United States. Environmental protection agency, integrated risk information system. 2006.
  • [40] TUIK, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. 2018.
  • [41] Sezgin N, Özcan HK, Demir G, et al. Determination of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Street Dusts in Istanbul E-5 Highway. Environment International, 2003;29:979-985.
  • [42] Tanak AG. Samsun Çevresinde Yetişen Bazı Yeşil Bitkilerdeki Ağır Metallerin Tayini. Yüksek isans Tezi, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Samsun. 2006.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Instrumental Methods
Journal Section Research Articles

Elif Apaydın 0000-0001-6102-7571

Publication Date May 22, 2024
Submission Date January 22, 2024
Acceptance Date April 3, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Apaydın, E. (2024). Giresun Karayolu Tozuna Maruz Kalan Kara Lahana Bitkisinin Ağır Metal Kirliliği ve Sağlık Risk Değerlendirmesi. Ata-Kimya Dergisi, 4(1), 26-34.
AMA Apaydın E. Giresun Karayolu Tozuna Maruz Kalan Kara Lahana Bitkisinin Ağır Metal Kirliliği ve Sağlık Risk Değerlendirmesi. J Ata-Chem. May 2024;4(1):26-34. doi:10.5281/zenodo.11219564
Chicago Apaydın, Elif. “Giresun Karayolu Tozuna Maruz Kalan Kara Lahana Bitkisinin Ağır Metal Kirliliği Ve Sağlık Risk Değerlendirmesi”. Ata-Kimya Dergisi 4, no. 1 (May 2024): 26-34.
EndNote Apaydın E (May 1, 2024) Giresun Karayolu Tozuna Maruz Kalan Kara Lahana Bitkisinin Ağır Metal Kirliliği ve Sağlık Risk Değerlendirmesi. Ata-Kimya Dergisi 4 1 26–34.
IEEE E. Apaydın, “Giresun Karayolu Tozuna Maruz Kalan Kara Lahana Bitkisinin Ağır Metal Kirliliği ve Sağlık Risk Değerlendirmesi”, J Ata-Chem, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 26–34, 2024, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.11219564.
ISNAD Apaydın, Elif. “Giresun Karayolu Tozuna Maruz Kalan Kara Lahana Bitkisinin Ağır Metal Kirliliği Ve Sağlık Risk Değerlendirmesi”. Ata-Kimya Dergisi 4/1 (May 2024), 26-34.
JAMA Apaydın E. Giresun Karayolu Tozuna Maruz Kalan Kara Lahana Bitkisinin Ağır Metal Kirliliği ve Sağlık Risk Değerlendirmesi. J Ata-Chem. 2024;4:26–34.
MLA Apaydın, Elif. “Giresun Karayolu Tozuna Maruz Kalan Kara Lahana Bitkisinin Ağır Metal Kirliliği Ve Sağlık Risk Değerlendirmesi”. Ata-Kimya Dergisi, vol. 4, no. 1, 2024, pp. 26-34, doi:10.5281/zenodo.11219564.
Vancouver Apaydın E. Giresun Karayolu Tozuna Maruz Kalan Kara Lahana Bitkisinin Ağır Metal Kirliliği ve Sağlık Risk Değerlendirmesi. J Ata-Chem. 2024;4(1):26-34.

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