Research Article


113 - 117


Aim: Dental general anesthesia (DGA) is a very effective treatment modality
for children. However, DGA is a measure of the last resort because of the
risks. The aim of this study is to determine the reasons for DGA,
characteristics of patients and their treatments performed under pediatric DGA.

Material and
Testing of the 99 children (66 boys and 33 girls) in
the 2-14 age range whom their treatments performed under general anesthesia
from 2014 to 2015. The data were collected by means of clinical dental
examinations and a questionnaire of the parents. 8 question survey is designed
to collect research data. The questions answered by the parents of the patient
are as follows: parental education level, socioeconomic status, inbreeding,
physical and mental disabilities, treatment history about DGA. Then, the
records of the dental treatments were evaluated. 

Results: In this study of 99 patients evaluated; 72 were non-cooperated, 12 were
autistic, 12 had epilepsy, 3 of them had cerebral palsy were treated under
general anesthesia. In total, 1020 treatments were performed under DGA, 45.8%
of which were restorations, 34.4% tooth extractions, 19.8% endodontics
treatments and preventive measures.

Conclusion: Although general anesthesia is a difficult treatment, it allows
children with mental and physical disabilities and non-cooperative ones to be
treated in a quality manner. This study shows that dental general anesthesia is
a necessity in pediatric dentistry patients. Nevertheless, behavioral guidance
techniques should also be developed.

Keywords: General anesthesia, pediatric patient, dental treatment  



Amaç: Dental genel anestezi (DGA) çocuk hastalar için son
derece etkili bir tedavi yöntemidir. Buna rağmen, pek çok risk barındırması
sebebiyle son çare olarak değerlendirilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı genel anestezi
altında yapılan dental tedavilerin sebeplerini, hastaların karakteristik
özelliklerini ve yapılan tedavi seçeneklerini belirlemektir.

Gereç ve yöntem: 2-14 yaş aralığında değişen 99 hastanın,
2014-2016 yılları arasında genel anestezi altında dental tedavileri
yapılmıştır. Veriler klinik dental muayene ve hasta velilerinin doldurduğu bir
anket ara- cılığı ile toplanmıştır. Araştırma verilerinin toplanması için;
ebeveyn eğitim düzeyi, sosyoekonomik durum, akraba evliliği, fiziksel/mental
yetersizlik, genel anes- tezi altında yapılan tedavi geçmişi gibi konulardan
olu- şan 8 soruluk anket hazırlamıştır ve yapılan dental tedavi verileri

Bulgular: Bu çalışmada 99 hastanın verileri değer- lendirilmiştir.
72 hasta kooperasyon sorunu, 12 hasta otizm, 12 hasta epilepsi, 3 hasta
serebral palsi has- talığı sebepleriyle genel anestezi altında tedavi edil- miştir.
Toplamda 1020 tedavi yapılmış olup; bunların 45.8 % restoratif tedavi, 34.4%
diş çekimi, 19.8% endodontik tedavi ve koruyucu tedavilerdir.

Sonuç: Genel anestezi zor bir tedavi seçeneği olma-
sına rağmen; fiziksel/mental yetersizliği ve kooperas- yon sorunu olan hastaların
kaliteli bir şekilde tedavi edilmesini sağlar. Bu çalışma pediatrik diş
hekimliği hastalarında dental genel anestezinin bir ihtiyaç oldu- ğunu ancak
davranış yönlendirme tekniklerinin de geliştirilmesi gerektiğini

Anahtar kelimeler: Genel anestezi, çocuk hasta, dental tedavi


  • 1.Köroğlu A, Durkan R. Diş Hekimliği Uygulamalarında Karşılaşılan Dental Anksiyete Sendromunun Etiyolojisinin Ve Tedavi Yöntemlerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2010; 20: 205-12.
  • 2.The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Guideline on Behavior Guidance for the Pediatric Dental Patient. 2011.
  • 3.Savanheimo N, Vehkalahti MM, Pihakari A, Numminen M. Reasons for and Parental Satisfaction with Children’s Dental Care under General Anaesthesia. Int J Paediatr Dent 2005;15: 448-54.
  • 4.Acs G, Pretzer S, Foley M, Ng MW. Perceived Outcomes and Parental Satisfaction Following Dental Rehabilitation under General Anesthesia. Pediatr Dent 2001; 23:419-23.
  • 5.Stratmann G. Neurotoxicity of Anesthetic Drugs in the Developing Brain: Review article. Anesth Analg 2011; 113:1170-9.
  • 6.DiMaggio CH, Sun LS, Li G. Early Childhood Exposure to Anesthesia and Risk of Developmental and Behavioral Disorders in a Sibling Birth Cohort. Anesth Analg 2011;113: 1143-51.
  • 7.Grytten J, Holst D, Dyrberg L, Fæhn O. Some Characteristics of Patients Given Dental Treatment under General Anesthesia. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 1989; 47:1-5.
  • 8.Loyola-Rodriguez JP, Zavala-Alonso V, Gonzalez-Alvarez CL, Juarez-Lopez LA, Patiño-Marin N, Gonzalez CD. Dental Treatment under General Anesthesia in Healthy and Medically Compromised/Developmentally Disabled Children: A Comparative Study. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2009; 34:177-82.
  • 9.Savanheimo N, Sundberg SA, Virtanen JI, Vehkalahti MM. Dental Care and Treatments Provided under General Anaesthesia in the Helsinki Public Dental Service: Review Article. BMC Oral Health 2012; 12:45.
  • 10.Wong FS, Fearne JM, Brook AH. Planning Future General Anaesthetic Services in Pediatric Dentistry on the Basis of Evidence: An Analysis of Children Treated in the Day Stay Centre at the Royal Hospitals NHS Trust, London, between 1985-95. Int Dent J 1997; 47:285-92.
  • 11.Cantekin K, Doğan S, Aydınbelge M, Canpolat DG, Yıldırım MD, Avcı S. Analysis of Comprehensive Dental Rehabilitation under General Anesthesia at a Dental Hospital in Turkey. Journal of Pediatric Dentistry. 2014; 2: 2.
  • 12.Vermeulen M, Vinckier F, Vandenbroucke J. Dental General Anesthesia: Clinical Characteristics of 933 patients. ASDC J Dent Child 1991; 58:27-30.
  • 13.Tarjan I, Mikecz G, Denes J. General anaesthesia of out-patients in pedodontics. J Int Assoc Dent Child 1990; 20:59-61. 14.Jankauskienė B, Virtanen J, Kubilius R, Narbutaitė J. Treatment Under Dental General Anesthesia Among Children Younger than 6 Years in Lithuania. Medicina (Kaunas) 2013;49:403-8.
  • 15.Ibricevic H, Al-Jame Q, Honkala S. Pediatric Dental Procedures under General Anesthesia at the Amiri Hospital in Kuwait. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2001; 25: 337-42.
  • 16.Bello LL. A Retrospective Study of Pediatric Dental Patients Treated under General Anesthesia. Saudi Dental Journal 2000; 12:10-5.
  • 17.Lee PY, Chou MY, Chen YL, Chen LP, Wang CJ, Huang WH. Comprehensive Dental Treatment under General Anesthesia in Healthy and Disabled Children. Chang Gung Medical Journal 2009; 32:636-42.
  • 18.Kwok-Tung L, King NM. Retrospective Audit of Caries Management Techniques for Children under General Anesthesia over an 18-Year Period. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2006; 31:58- 62.
  • 19.Drummond BK, Davidson LE, Williams SM, Moffat SM, Ayers KM. Outcomes Two, Three and Four Years after Comprehensive Care under General Anaesthesia. The New Zealand Dental Journal 2004; 100:32-7.
  • 20.Jamieson LM, Roberts-Thomson KF. Dental General Anaesthetic Receipt among Australians Aged 15+ Years, 1998-1999 to 2004-2005. BMC Oral Health 2008; 8: 10.
  • 21.Moles DR, Ashley P. Hospital Admissions for Dental Care in Children: England 1997-2006. British Dental Journal 2009; 206: 14.

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  • 1.Köroğlu A, Durkan R. Diş Hekimliği Uygulamalarında Karşılaşılan Dental Anksiyete Sendromunun Etiyolojisinin Ve Tedavi Yöntemlerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2010; 20: 205-12.
  • 2.The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Guideline on Behavior Guidance for the Pediatric Dental Patient. 2011.
  • 3.Savanheimo N, Vehkalahti MM, Pihakari A, Numminen M. Reasons for and Parental Satisfaction with Children’s Dental Care under General Anaesthesia. Int J Paediatr Dent 2005;15: 448-54.
  • 4.Acs G, Pretzer S, Foley M, Ng MW. Perceived Outcomes and Parental Satisfaction Following Dental Rehabilitation under General Anesthesia. Pediatr Dent 2001; 23:419-23.
  • 5.Stratmann G. Neurotoxicity of Anesthetic Drugs in the Developing Brain: Review article. Anesth Analg 2011; 113:1170-9.
  • 6.DiMaggio CH, Sun LS, Li G. Early Childhood Exposure to Anesthesia and Risk of Developmental and Behavioral Disorders in a Sibling Birth Cohort. Anesth Analg 2011;113: 1143-51.
  • 7.Grytten J, Holst D, Dyrberg L, Fæhn O. Some Characteristics of Patients Given Dental Treatment under General Anesthesia. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 1989; 47:1-5.
  • 8.Loyola-Rodriguez JP, Zavala-Alonso V, Gonzalez-Alvarez CL, Juarez-Lopez LA, Patiño-Marin N, Gonzalez CD. Dental Treatment under General Anesthesia in Healthy and Medically Compromised/Developmentally Disabled Children: A Comparative Study. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2009; 34:177-82.
  • 9.Savanheimo N, Sundberg SA, Virtanen JI, Vehkalahti MM. Dental Care and Treatments Provided under General Anaesthesia in the Helsinki Public Dental Service: Review Article. BMC Oral Health 2012; 12:45.
  • 10.Wong FS, Fearne JM, Brook AH. Planning Future General Anaesthetic Services in Pediatric Dentistry on the Basis of Evidence: An Analysis of Children Treated in the Day Stay Centre at the Royal Hospitals NHS Trust, London, between 1985-95. Int Dent J 1997; 47:285-92.
  • 11.Cantekin K, Doğan S, Aydınbelge M, Canpolat DG, Yıldırım MD, Avcı S. Analysis of Comprehensive Dental Rehabilitation under General Anesthesia at a Dental Hospital in Turkey. Journal of Pediatric Dentistry. 2014; 2: 2.
  • 12.Vermeulen M, Vinckier F, Vandenbroucke J. Dental General Anesthesia: Clinical Characteristics of 933 patients. ASDC J Dent Child 1991; 58:27-30.
  • 13.Tarjan I, Mikecz G, Denes J. General anaesthesia of out-patients in pedodontics. J Int Assoc Dent Child 1990; 20:59-61. 14.Jankauskienė B, Virtanen J, Kubilius R, Narbutaitė J. Treatment Under Dental General Anesthesia Among Children Younger than 6 Years in Lithuania. Medicina (Kaunas) 2013;49:403-8.
  • 15.Ibricevic H, Al-Jame Q, Honkala S. Pediatric Dental Procedures under General Anesthesia at the Amiri Hospital in Kuwait. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2001; 25: 337-42.
  • 16.Bello LL. A Retrospective Study of Pediatric Dental Patients Treated under General Anesthesia. Saudi Dental Journal 2000; 12:10-5.
  • 17.Lee PY, Chou MY, Chen YL, Chen LP, Wang CJ, Huang WH. Comprehensive Dental Treatment under General Anesthesia in Healthy and Disabled Children. Chang Gung Medical Journal 2009; 32:636-42.
  • 18.Kwok-Tung L, King NM. Retrospective Audit of Caries Management Techniques for Children under General Anesthesia over an 18-Year Period. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2006; 31:58- 62.
  • 19.Drummond BK, Davidson LE, Williams SM, Moffat SM, Ayers KM. Outcomes Two, Three and Four Years after Comprehensive Care under General Anaesthesia. The New Zealand Dental Journal 2004; 100:32-7.
  • 20.Jamieson LM, Roberts-Thomson KF. Dental General Anaesthetic Receipt among Australians Aged 15+ Years, 1998-1999 to 2004-2005. BMC Oral Health 2008; 8: 10.
  • 21.Moles DR, Ashley P. Hospital Admissions for Dental Care in Children: England 1997-2006. British Dental Journal 2009; 206: 14.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Dentistry

Onur Gezgin

Emre Korkut This is me

Merve Abaklı

Yağmur Şener This is me

Publication Date


APA Gezgin, O., Korkut, E., Abaklı, M., Şener, Y. (n.d.). COMPREHENSIVE DENTAL TREATMENTS UNDER PEDIATRIC GENERAL ANESTHESIA. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi113-117.
AMA Gezgin O, Korkut E, Abaklı M, Şener Y. COMPREHENSIVE DENTAL TREATMENTS UNDER PEDIATRIC GENERAL ANESTHESIA. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg.:113-117. doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.381268
Chicago Gezgin, Onur, Emre Korkut, Merve Abaklı, and Yağmur Şener. “COMPREHENSIVE DENTAL TREATMENTS UNDER PEDIATRIC GENERAL ANESTHESIA”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisin.d., 113-17.
EndNote Gezgin O, Korkut E, Abaklı M, Şener Y COMPREHENSIVE DENTAL TREATMENTS UNDER PEDIATRIC GENERAL ANESTHESIA. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 113–117.
IEEE O. Gezgin, E. Korkut, M. Abaklı, and Y. Şener, “COMPREHENSIVE DENTAL TREATMENTS UNDER PEDIATRIC GENERAL ANESTHESIA”, Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg, pp. 113–117, doi: 10.17567/ataunidfd.381268.
ISNAD Gezgin, Onur et al. “COMPREHENSIVE DENTAL TREATMENTS UNDER PEDIATRIC GENERAL ANESTHESIA”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi. n.d. 113-117.
MLA Gezgin, Onur et al. “COMPREHENSIVE DENTAL TREATMENTS UNDER PEDIATRIC GENERAL ANESTHESIA”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, pp. 113-7, doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.381268.

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