Buhârî and Ebû Davûd’s Master Müsedded b. Müserhed and his Place in The Science of HadithMusedded b. Muserhed (228/843) was one of the hadith scholars who taught renowned Muhaddis el-Buhârî (256/869) and Ebû Dâvud es-Sicistanî (275/889) and was quoted significantly by many other hadith scholars. It is known that he was the first scholar among muhaddises from Basra who wrote the treatise named Musnad. One of the first annotations encountered in the history of hadith is Ebû Hasen Muhammed b. Eslem Tusi’s (ö.h.242-Tus) annotation named which is made on the Müsedded’s Musnad. However, there is no any evidence about neither this “Şerhu Müsned ” nor a work on Müsedded has reached out up to present date. Furthermore, lacking of any individual study related to the Müsedded’s life and its * Yrd. Doç. Dr., Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi İslami İlimler Fak. Hadis Anabilim Dalı Öğretim Üyesiplace in the science of Hadith has enabled us to work on this article.In this study, Müsedded b. Müserhed’s life and his place in the science of hadith are handled as the subject.
Ünlü Muhaddis el-Buhârî (256/869), fakih muhaddislerden Ebû Dâvud es-
Sicistanî (275/889) ile birçok hadis âlimine hocalık yapmış ve onlara önemli ölçüde
kaynaklık etmiş hadisçilerden biri de Müsedded b. Müserhed’tir (228/843).
Onun Basra’lı muhaddisler arasında ilk Müsned adlı eseri yazdığı bilinmektedir.
Hadis tarihinde rastlanılan ilk şerhlerden biri, Ebû Hasen Muhammed b. Eslem
Tusi’nin (ö.h.242-Tus) “Şerhu Müsned i’l-Müsedded” isimli Müsedded’in Müsned
i üzerine yapılan şerhidir. Ancak ne bu şerh ne de Müsedded’e ait bir eserin
günümüze ulaştığına dair herhangi bir bilgi yoktur. Ayrıca Müsedded’in hayatı
ve hadis ilmindeki yeri ile ilgili müstakil bir çalışmamın da bulunmayışı, Müsedded
ile ilgili çalışmamızı sağlamıştır. Bu makalede konu olarak, musannif olan
Müsedded b. Müserhed’in hayatı ve onun hadis ilmindeki yeri ele alınmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Hadis, Müsedded b. Müserhed, Müsned , Buhârî, Ebû Dâvud.
Buhârî and Ebû Davûd’s Master Müsedded b. Müserhed and his Place in The Science of Hadith
Musedded b. Muserhed (228/843) was one of the hadith scholars who taught
renowned Muhaddis el-Buhârî (256/869) and Ebû Dâvud es-Sicistanî (275/889)
and was quoted significantly by many other hadith scholars. It is known that he
was the first scholar among muhaddises from Basra who wrote the treatise named
Musnad. One of the first annotations encountered in the history of hadith is Ebû
Hasen Muhammed b. Eslem Tusi’s (ö.h.242-Tus) annotation named which is
made on the Müsedded’s Musnad. However, there is no any evidence about neither
this “Şerhu Müsned ” nor a work on Müsedded has reached out up to present date.
Furthermore, lacking of any individual study related to the Müsedded’s life and its
place in the science of Hadith has enabled us to work on this article. In this study,
Müsedded b. Müserhed’s life and his place in the science of hadith are handled as
the subject.
Keywords: Hadith, Müsedded b.Müserhed, Müsned , Buhârî, Ebû Dâvud.
Primary Language | tr;en |
Journal Section | Makaleler |
Authors | |
Publication Date | July 1, 2014 |
Published in Issue | Year 2014 Issue: 41 |