Ezurum is among the fırst cities to embrace lslam in Anatolia. Its
acqualntance with İslam dates back to the Caliph Omals reign. İspir, being an
importat settlement in Çoruh site, has undertaken a crucial mission in the process of
lslanisation and Turkifying Anatolia. ln the course of history, Çoruh valley has
become an important corridor in the extension of Oğuz Turks through influxes both
into the east an west, ispir has functioned as a strategic headquafters.
On the other hand the scholars of lspir have made remarkable contributions
to the establishment and development of Sunni-Maturidiyyah doctrine in Anatolia.
They have compiled systematical Works concerning al-Maturdiyya, As an example,
Kiadızade of lspir has indicated the basic differences between the doctrine of al-
Ash'ari and al-Maturidi which consist the two important doctrines of lslamic
theological system.
The object of this humble study is to make a modest contribution to the
aftempts in confirming the scholars brought up in lspir, and drawing the religioscientitic
map of the region. The Official Year Books (Salnanes) and other sources
and documents of Ottoman Empire (such as Shakaik aI Noumaneyyah, and its
supplements, Huzur Dersleri etc,) are taken as references. Besides, some my
methodological considerations are also included.