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Year 2013, Issue: 50, 261 - 290, 22.04.2014


Evrimsel teori, insanlığın nasıl geliştiğine dair temelde evrimsel bir teori olmasına rağmen, tarihçiler Standart Sosyal Bilim Model’inin lehine evrime neredeyse tamamen ilgisiz kalır. Bu çalışma tarihin baskın varsayımlarını özetler (onun önemli alt disiplinlerinden biri olan emek tarihi yoluyla) ve evrimsel psikolojinin iskeletindeki bu tarihin yeniden bir tetkikini planlar. Tarihçi olmayanlar, sendikalar gibi sosyal örgütlerin modern bağlamsal biçimlerinden ziyade çoğunlukla cinsiyet ve aile yapısına dayanmasına rağmen Darvinci bir tarihi geliştirmeye başlamaktadırlar. Bu E. O. Wilson’un, insanlık ve sosyal bilimler için hem heyecan verici hem de büyüleyici olduğunu kanıtlar bir süreç olarak iddia ettiği, insanlık bilgisinin uzlaşması olarak adlandırılan şeye mütevazı bir adımdı.


  • ADLER, J. S. (Spring, 2003). On the border of snakeland: Evolutionary psychology and Plebian violence in industrial Chicago, 1875-1920. Journal of Social History, 36, 541-560.
  • ADLER, J. S. (2007). First in violence, deepest in Dirt: Homicide in Chicago, 1875-1920. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • ALESİNA, A. & Glaeser, E. (2004). Fighting poverty in the US and Europe. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • ANDERSON, P. (1979). Considerations on Western Marxism. New York City: Verso.
  • ASCH, S. (1955). Opinions and social pressure. Scientific American, 193, 31-35.
  • BARKOW, J. (2005). Missing the revolution: Darwinism for social scientists. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • BELTZİG, L. (1986). Despotism and differential reproduction: A Darwinian view of history. New York: Aldine Publishers.
  • BERREBY, D. (2005). Us and them: Understanding your tribal mind. New York City: Little, Brown and Company.
  • BRONFENBRENNER, K. & JURAVİCH, T. (1994). The impact of employer opposition on union certification win rates: A private/public sector comparison. Washington, DC: Economic Policy Institute.
  • CHAGNON, N.A. (1983). Yanomamo: The fierce people (3rd ed.). New York: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston. CIO v NLRB, 456 F.2d 1214 (United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit March 15,1972).
  • CLARK, G. (2007). A farewell to alms: A brief economic history of the world. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • DARWİN, C. (1871). The descent of man and selection in relation to sex. New York: Appleton.
  • DARWİN, C. (1909). The origin of species. New York: P.F. Collier and Son Company.
  • DEGLER, C. (1992). In search of human nature: The decline and revival of Darwinism in American social thought. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • DİAMOND, J. (1999). Guns, germs and steel: The Fate of human societies. New York City: W.W. Norton.
  • DOBZHANSKY, T. (1973). Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. The American Biology Teacher, 35, 125-129.
  • ENGELS, F. (1978). Speech at the graveside of Karl Marx. In R. C. Tucker, (Ed.), The Marx-Engels reader, 2nd ed. pp. 681). New York: WW Norton.
  • GEORGAKAS, D. A. (1975). Detroit, I do mind dying: A study in urban revolution. New York City: St. Martin's.
  • GİNTİS, H. B. (2005). Moral sentiments and material interests: The foundations of cooperation in economic life. Boston: The MIT Press.
  • GİNTİS, H. (2006). Moral sense and material interests. Social Research, 73, 37740
  • GORN, E. J. (2001). Mother Jones: The most dangerous woman in America. . New York City: Hill and Wang.
  • GOULD, S. J. (1981). The mismeasure of man. New York City: Norton.
  • GOULD, S.J. (1999). A Darwinian gentleman at Marx's funeral. Natural History, 108, 32-40.
  • GREENBERG, J. (2007). Advocating the man: masculinity, organized labor, and the household in New York, 1800-1840. New York City: Columbia University Press. Evolutionary Labor History 279
  • GREENHOUSE, S. (2002, September 2). Workers are angry and fearful this Labor Day. New York Times.
  • HALDANE, J.S. (1955). Population genetics. New Biology, 18, 34-51
  • HAMİLTON, W.D. (1964). The genetical evolution of social behaviour I and II. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 7, 1-16.
  • HANEY, C. B. (1973). Interpersonal dynamics in a simulated prison. International Journal Of Criminology and Penology,1, 69–97.
  • HİNSHAW, J. H. (2002). Steel and steelworkers: Race and class struggle in twentieth century Pittsburgh. Albany: SUNY University Press.
  • HOEVELER, J. D. (2007). The evolutionists: American thinkers confront Charles Darwin, 1860-1920. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
  • HOFFMAN, P. T. (2006). Opening our eyes: History and the social sciences. Journal of the Historical Society, 6, 93-117.
  • HRDY, S. (2000). Mother Nature: Maternal Instincts and How They Shape the Human Species. New York City: Ballantine books.
  • JAYNES, J. & BRESSLER, M. (1971). Evolutionary universals, continuities, and alternatives.
  • In J.F. EİSENBERG and W.S. DİLLON (Eds.), Man and beast: Comparative social behavior. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. KROPOTKİN, P. (1902). Mutual aid: A factor in evolution. . London: Heinemann. MARX, K. (1969). Economic and philosophic manuscripts of 1844. New York: International Publishers.
  • METZGAR, J. (2000). Striking steel: Solidarity remembered. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
  • MİLKMAN, R. (1987). Gender at work: The dynamics of job segregation by sex during World War II. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
  • NLRB v OIL, CHEMICAL AND ATOMIC WORKERS INTERNATIONAL UNION, LOCAL 6-578, AFL-CIO, 619 F.2d 708 (United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit March 13, 1980).
  • NLRB v. Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company, 388 U.S. 175 (US Supreme Court June 12, 1967).
  • NLRB v. GRANITE STATE JOINT BOARD, TEXTILE WORKERS UNION OF AMERICA, 446 F.2d 369 (United States Court of Appeals, First Circuit June 29, 1971).
  • PERSONSON, R. W. (1996). Demonic males: Apes and the origins of human violence. New York City: Houghton Mifflin.
  • PİNKER, S. (2002). The blank slate: The modern denial of human nature. New York City: Viking.
  • PİNKER, S. (2007). ThesStuff of thought: Language as a window into human nature. New York City: Viking.
  • PORTER, E. (April 29, 2007). The divisions that tighten the purse strings. NewYorkTimes, ew.html.
  • PUTNAM, R. (1995) Bowling Alone: America’s declining social capital. Journal of Democracy, 6, 65-78.
  • ROEDİGER, D. (1999). Wages of Whiteness: Race and the making of the American working class. New York City: Verso.
  • ROSE, J. D. (2001). Duquesne and the rise of steel unionism. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
  • RUSSO J., & LİNKON, S.L.. (2005). New working class studies. Syracuse: ILR Press. Evolutionary Labor History 280
  • SAXTON, A. (1991). The rise and fall of the white republic. New York City: Verso.
  • SCHMİTT, J. & ZİPPER, B. (2007). Dropping the ax: Illegal firings during union election campaigns. Washington DC: Center for Economic and Policy Analysis.
  • SMAİL, D. L. (2007). On deep history and the brain. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • STACK, D. (2003). The first Darwinian left: Socialism and Darwinianism, 185919 Cheltonham, UK: New Clarion Press.
  • STANSELL, C. (1987). City of women: Sex and class in New York, 1789-1860. Urbana: University of Illinois University Press.
  • STONE, V.E., COSMİDES, L., TOOBY, J., KROLL, N. & KNİGHT, R.T. (2002). Selective impairment of reasoning about social exchange in a patient with bilateral limbic system damage, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99, 11531-11536.
  • THOMPSON, E. (1964). Making of the English working class. New York City: Pantheon.
  • THOMPSON, E. (1964). The making of the English working class. New York City: Pantheon Books.
  • TOOBY, J., & COSMİDES, L. (1992). The psychological foundations of culture. In J.H. Barrow, L. Cosmides, & J. Tooby (Eds.), The adapted mind: Evolutionary psychology and the generation of culture (ss. 19-136). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
  • U.S. Census Bureau (2008). Race and Hispanic origin of householder families by median and mean income: 1947-2007.
  • TURCHİN, P. (2007). War and peace and war: The rise and fall of empires. New York City: Plume.
Year 2013, Issue: 50, 261 - 290, 22.04.2014



  • ADLER, J. S. (Spring, 2003). On the border of snakeland: Evolutionary psychology and Plebian violence in industrial Chicago, 1875-1920. Journal of Social History, 36, 541-560.
  • ADLER, J. S. (2007). First in violence, deepest in Dirt: Homicide in Chicago, 1875-1920. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • ALESİNA, A. & Glaeser, E. (2004). Fighting poverty in the US and Europe. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • ANDERSON, P. (1979). Considerations on Western Marxism. New York City: Verso.
  • ASCH, S. (1955). Opinions and social pressure. Scientific American, 193, 31-35.
  • BARKOW, J. (2005). Missing the revolution: Darwinism for social scientists. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • BELTZİG, L. (1986). Despotism and differential reproduction: A Darwinian view of history. New York: Aldine Publishers.
  • BERREBY, D. (2005). Us and them: Understanding your tribal mind. New York City: Little, Brown and Company.
  • BRONFENBRENNER, K. & JURAVİCH, T. (1994). The impact of employer opposition on union certification win rates: A private/public sector comparison. Washington, DC: Economic Policy Institute.
  • CHAGNON, N.A. (1983). Yanomamo: The fierce people (3rd ed.). New York: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston. CIO v NLRB, 456 F.2d 1214 (United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit March 15,1972).
  • CLARK, G. (2007). A farewell to alms: A brief economic history of the world. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • DARWİN, C. (1871). The descent of man and selection in relation to sex. New York: Appleton.
  • DARWİN, C. (1909). The origin of species. New York: P.F. Collier and Son Company.
  • DEGLER, C. (1992). In search of human nature: The decline and revival of Darwinism in American social thought. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • DİAMOND, J. (1999). Guns, germs and steel: The Fate of human societies. New York City: W.W. Norton.
  • DOBZHANSKY, T. (1973). Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. The American Biology Teacher, 35, 125-129.
  • ENGELS, F. (1978). Speech at the graveside of Karl Marx. In R. C. Tucker, (Ed.), The Marx-Engels reader, 2nd ed. pp. 681). New York: WW Norton.
  • GEORGAKAS, D. A. (1975). Detroit, I do mind dying: A study in urban revolution. New York City: St. Martin's.
  • GİNTİS, H. B. (2005). Moral sentiments and material interests: The foundations of cooperation in economic life. Boston: The MIT Press.
  • GİNTİS, H. (2006). Moral sense and material interests. Social Research, 73, 37740
  • GORN, E. J. (2001). Mother Jones: The most dangerous woman in America. . New York City: Hill and Wang.
  • GOULD, S. J. (1981). The mismeasure of man. New York City: Norton.
  • GOULD, S.J. (1999). A Darwinian gentleman at Marx's funeral. Natural History, 108, 32-40.
  • GREENBERG, J. (2007). Advocating the man: masculinity, organized labor, and the household in New York, 1800-1840. New York City: Columbia University Press. Evolutionary Labor History 279
  • GREENHOUSE, S. (2002, September 2). Workers are angry and fearful this Labor Day. New York Times.
  • HALDANE, J.S. (1955). Population genetics. New Biology, 18, 34-51
  • HAMİLTON, W.D. (1964). The genetical evolution of social behaviour I and II. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 7, 1-16.
  • HANEY, C. B. (1973). Interpersonal dynamics in a simulated prison. International Journal Of Criminology and Penology,1, 69–97.
  • HİNSHAW, J. H. (2002). Steel and steelworkers: Race and class struggle in twentieth century Pittsburgh. Albany: SUNY University Press.
  • HOEVELER, J. D. (2007). The evolutionists: American thinkers confront Charles Darwin, 1860-1920. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
  • HOFFMAN, P. T. (2006). Opening our eyes: History and the social sciences. Journal of the Historical Society, 6, 93-117.
  • HRDY, S. (2000). Mother Nature: Maternal Instincts and How They Shape the Human Species. New York City: Ballantine books.
  • JAYNES, J. & BRESSLER, M. (1971). Evolutionary universals, continuities, and alternatives.
  • In J.F. EİSENBERG and W.S. DİLLON (Eds.), Man and beast: Comparative social behavior. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. KROPOTKİN, P. (1902). Mutual aid: A factor in evolution. . London: Heinemann. MARX, K. (1969). Economic and philosophic manuscripts of 1844. New York: International Publishers.
  • METZGAR, J. (2000). Striking steel: Solidarity remembered. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
  • MİLKMAN, R. (1987). Gender at work: The dynamics of job segregation by sex during World War II. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
  • NLRB v OIL, CHEMICAL AND ATOMIC WORKERS INTERNATIONAL UNION, LOCAL 6-578, AFL-CIO, 619 F.2d 708 (United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit March 13, 1980).
  • NLRB v. Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company, 388 U.S. 175 (US Supreme Court June 12, 1967).
  • NLRB v. GRANITE STATE JOINT BOARD, TEXTILE WORKERS UNION OF AMERICA, 446 F.2d 369 (United States Court of Appeals, First Circuit June 29, 1971).
  • PERSONSON, R. W. (1996). Demonic males: Apes and the origins of human violence. New York City: Houghton Mifflin.
  • PİNKER, S. (2002). The blank slate: The modern denial of human nature. New York City: Viking.
  • PİNKER, S. (2007). ThesStuff of thought: Language as a window into human nature. New York City: Viking.
  • PORTER, E. (April 29, 2007). The divisions that tighten the purse strings. NewYorkTimes, ew.html.
  • PUTNAM, R. (1995) Bowling Alone: America’s declining social capital. Journal of Democracy, 6, 65-78.
  • ROEDİGER, D. (1999). Wages of Whiteness: Race and the making of the American working class. New York City: Verso.
  • ROSE, J. D. (2001). Duquesne and the rise of steel unionism. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
  • RUSSO J., & LİNKON, S.L.. (2005). New working class studies. Syracuse: ILR Press. Evolutionary Labor History 280
  • SAXTON, A. (1991). The rise and fall of the white republic. New York City: Verso.
  • SCHMİTT, J. & ZİPPER, B. (2007). Dropping the ax: Illegal firings during union election campaigns. Washington DC: Center for Economic and Policy Analysis.
  • SMAİL, D. L. (2007). On deep history and the brain. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • STACK, D. (2003). The first Darwinian left: Socialism and Darwinianism, 185919 Cheltonham, UK: New Clarion Press.
  • STANSELL, C. (1987). City of women: Sex and class in New York, 1789-1860. Urbana: University of Illinois University Press.
  • STONE, V.E., COSMİDES, L., TOOBY, J., KROLL, N. & KNİGHT, R.T. (2002). Selective impairment of reasoning about social exchange in a patient with bilateral limbic system damage, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99, 11531-11536.
  • THOMPSON, E. (1964). Making of the English working class. New York City: Pantheon.
  • THOMPSON, E. (1964). The making of the English working class. New York City: Pantheon Books.
  • TOOBY, J., & COSMİDES, L. (1992). The psychological foundations of culture. In J.H. Barrow, L. Cosmides, & J. Tooby (Eds.), The adapted mind: Evolutionary psychology and the generation of culture (ss. 19-136). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
  • U.S. Census Bureau (2008). Race and Hispanic origin of householder families by median and mean income: 1947-2007.
  • TURCHİN, P. (2007). War and peace and war: The rise and fall of empires. New York City: Plume.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language tr; en
Journal Section Articles

John H. Hinshaw This is me

Gül Eren This is me

Emrah Özbay This is me

Publication Date April 22, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2013 Issue: 50


APA Hinshaw, J. H., Eren, G., & Özbay, E. (2014). KARL MARKS VE CHARLES DARWIN: EMEĞİN EVRİMSEL TARİHİNE DOĞRU. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(50), 261-290.
AMA Hinshaw JH, Eren G, Özbay E. KARL MARKS VE CHARLES DARWIN: EMEĞİN EVRİMSEL TARİHİNE DOĞRU. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. April 2014;(50):261-290.
Chicago Hinshaw, John H., Gül Eren, and Emrah Özbay. “KARL MARKS VE CHARLES DARWIN: EMEĞİN EVRİMSEL TARİHİNE DOĞRU”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 50 (April 2014): 261-90.
EndNote Hinshaw JH, Eren G, Özbay E (April 1, 2014) KARL MARKS VE CHARLES DARWIN: EMEĞİN EVRİMSEL TARİHİNE DOĞRU. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 50 261–290.
IEEE J. H. Hinshaw, G. Eren, and E. Özbay, “KARL MARKS VE CHARLES DARWIN: EMEĞİN EVRİMSEL TARİHİNE DOĞRU”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 50, pp. 261–290, April 2014.
ISNAD Hinshaw, John H. et al. “KARL MARKS VE CHARLES DARWIN: EMEĞİN EVRİMSEL TARİHİNE DOĞRU”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 50 (April 2014), 261-290.
JAMA Hinshaw JH, Eren G, Özbay E. KARL MARKS VE CHARLES DARWIN: EMEĞİN EVRİMSEL TARİHİNE DOĞRU. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2014;:261–290.
MLA Hinshaw, John H. et al. “KARL MARKS VE CHARLES DARWIN: EMEĞİN EVRİMSEL TARİHİNE DOĞRU”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 50, 2014, pp. 261-90.
Vancouver Hinshaw JH, Eren G, Özbay E. KARL MARKS VE CHARLES DARWIN: EMEĞİN EVRİMSEL TARİHİNE DOĞRU. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2014(50):261-90.