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Prepubertal ve Postpubertal Sıçanların Genital Sistem Organlarında Ürotensin 2 Reseptörünün Karşılaştırılması

Year 2020, , 113 - 121, 27.10.2020


Çalışmada sıçanlarda genital organlarda (over, uterus ve testis) puberte öncesi ve sonrasında Ürotensin 2 Reseptör’ü (ÜTR 2) varlığını ve dağılımını karşılaştırmalı olarak araştırmayı amaçladık. Çalışma toplam 20 adet Wistar Albino cinsi sıçan ile yapıldı. Sıçanlar 2 grup (N:5) erkek (Grup 1: prepubertal erkek, Grup 2: postpubertal erkek) ve 2 grup (N:5) dişi (Grup 3: prepubertal dişi, Grup 4: postpubertal dişi) olmak üzere 4 gruba ayrıldı. Sıçanlardan uterus, over ve testis örnekleri alındı. Moleküler çalışmada ÜTR 2 mRNA ekspresyon seviyeleri gerçek zamanlı polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu) ile incelendi ve immünohistokimyasal olarak ÜTR 2 boyaması ile sonuçlar karşılaştırıp bu dokularda ÜTR 2 varlığı ve dağılımı araştırıldı. Dişi sıçanlarda prepubertal ve postpubertal over ve uterus dokularında ÜTR 2 mRNA ekspresyon seviyeleri değerlendirildiğinde postpubertede istatiksel olarak anlamlı oranda artmış olarak bulunurken, erkek sıçanların testis dokularındaki ÜTR 2 mRNA ekspresyon seviyelerinde prepuberte ve postpubertede arasında bir fark görülmedi. Postpubertal over ve uterusta artan ÜTR 2 seviyelerinin artan östrojen ya da progesteron seviyeleri ile ilişkili olabileceği düşünüldü. Over ve uterus hastalıklarında ÜTR 2’ ünün ayrıntılı olarak araştırılması ve ÜTR 2’ü agonist ve antagonistleri ile ilgili over ve uterus hastalıklarında ileri araştırmalar yapılması gerekliliği sonucuna varıldı.

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Project Number



  • 1. Vaudry H., Do Rego JC., Le Mevel JC., Chatenet D., Tostivint H., Fournier A., Tonon MC., Pelletier G., Conlon JM., Leprince J., 2010. Urotensin II, from fish to human. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1200, 53-66.
  • 2. Huang CY., Burns JC., Shimizu C., 2017. Urotensin 2 in Kawasaki disease pathogenesis. Pediatr Res, 82, 1048-1055.
  • 3. Jumaah S., Celekli A., Sucu M., 2018. The role of human urotensin-II in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. J Immunoassay Immunochem, 39, 150-162.
  • 4. McDonald J., Batuwangala M., Lambert DG., 2007. Role of urotensin II and its receptor in health and disease. J Anesth, 21, 378-389.
  • 5. Zhang X., Ye Y., Yang C., Gong H., Li Y., Zhang G., Yuan J., Zou Y., 2018. Clinical significance of increased urotensin II levels in acute myocardial infarction. Discov Med, 26, 7-20.
  • 6. Ong KL., Lam KS., Cheung BM., 2005. Urotensin II: its function in health and its role in disease. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther, 19, 65-75.
  • 7. Ames RS., Sarau HM., Chambers JK., Willette RN., Aiyar NV., Romanic AM., Louden CS., Foley JJ., Sauermelch CF., Coatney RW., Ao Z., Disa J., Holmes SD., Stadel JM., Martin JD., Liu WS., Glover GI., Wilson S., McNulty DE., Ellis CE., Elshourbagy NA., Shabon U., Trill JJ., Hay DW., Ohlstein EH., Bergsma DJ., Douglas SA., 1999. Human urotensin-II is a potent vasoconstrictor and agonist for the orphan receptor GPR14. Nature, 401, 282-286.
  • 8. Song W., Abdel-Razik AE., Lu W., Ao Z., Johns DG., Douglas SA., Balment RJ., Ashton N., 2006. Urotensin II and renal function in the rat. Kidney Int, 69, 1360-1368.
  • 9. Watson AM., Lambert GW., Smith KJ., May CN., 2003. Urotensin II acts centrally to increase epinephrine and ACTH release and cause potent inotropic and chronotropic actions. Hypertension, 42, 373-379.
  • 10. Papadopoulos P., Bousette N., Giaid A., 2008. Urotensin-II and cardiovascular remodeling. Peptides, 29, 764-769.
  • 11. Dai HY., Kang WQ., Wang X., Yu XJ., Li ZH., Tang MX., Xu DL., Li CW., Zhang Y., Ge ZM., 2007. The involvement of transforming growth factorbeta1 secretion in urotensin II-induced collagen synthesis in neonatal cardiac fibroblasts. Regul Pept, 140, 88-93.
  • 12. Shiraishi Y., Watanabe T., Suguro T., Nagashima M., Kato R., Hongo S., Itabe H., Miyazaki A., Hirano T., Adachi M., 2008. Chronic urotensin II infusion enhances macrophage foam cell formation and atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-knockout mice. J Hypertens, 26, 1955-1965.
  • 13. Guidolin D., Albertin G., Ribatti D., 2010. Urotensin-II as an angiogenic factor. Peptides, 31, 1219-1224.
  • 14. Ross B., McKendy K., Giaid A., 2010. Role of urotensin II in health and disease. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 298, 1156-1172.
  • 15. Olukman M., Can C., Coskunsever D., Uyanikgil Y., Cavusoglu T., Sozmen E., Duman S., Celenk FG., Ulker S., 2019. Urotensin receptor antagonist palosuran attenuates cyclosporine-ainduced nephrotoxicity in rats. Adv Clin Exp Med, 28, 1393-1401.
  • 16. Oral E., Halici Z., Cinar I., Ozcan E., Kutlu Z., 2019. Evaluation of endothelial dysfunction in bipolar affective disorders: Serum endocan and Urotensin-II Levels. Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci, 17, 211-221.
  • 17. Farzianpour F., Rahimi FA., Shahidi SN., Ansari NS., 2016. Relationship between' patient's rights charter' and patients' satisfaction in gynecological hospitals. BMC Health Serv Res, 16, 476.
  • 18. Hao WR., Sung LC., Chen CC., Hong HJ., Liu JC., Chen JJ., 2019. Cafestol activates nuclear factor erythroid-2 related factor 2 and inhibits Urotensin II-Induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. Am J Chin Med, 47, 337-350.
  • 19. Duan JS., Chen S., Sun XQ., Du J., Chen ZW., 2019. Urotensin-#receptor antagonist SB-706375 protected isolated rat heart from ischaemiareperfusion injury by attenuating myocardial necrosis via RhoA/ROCK/RIP3 signalling pathway. Inflammopharmacology, 27, 1309- 1318.
  • 20. Zhang R., Chen J., Liu D., Wang Y., 2019. Urotensin II receptor antagonist reduces hepatic resistance and portal pressure through enhanced eNOS-dependent HSC vasodilatation in CCl4-induced cirrhotic rats. Front Med, 13, 398-408.
  • 21. Eyre HJ., Speight T., Glazier JD., Smith DM., Ashton N., 2019. Urotensin II in the development and progression of chronic kidney disease following (5/6) nephrectomy in the rat. Exp Physiol, 104, 421-433.
  • 22. Matsumoto T., Watanabe S., Kobayashi S., Ando M., Taguchi K., Kobayashi T., 2017. Age-related reduction of contractile responses to Urotensin II is Seen in aortas from Wistar rats but not from type 2 diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rats. Rejuvenation Res, 20, 134-145.
  • 23. Jegou S., Cartier D., Dubessy C., Gonzalez BJ., Chatenet D., Tostivint H., Scalbert E., LePrince J., Vaudry H., Lihrmann I., 2006. Localization of the urotensin II receptor in the rat central nervous system. J Comp Neurol, 495, 21-36.
  • 24. Cadirci E., Ugan RA., Dincer B., Gundogdu B., Cinar I., Akpinar E., Halici Z., 2019. Urotensin receptors as a new target for CLP induced septic lung injury in mice. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol, 392, 135-145.
  • 25. Sugo T., Murakami Y., Shimomura Y., Harada M., Abe M., Ishibashi Y., Kitada C., Miyajima N., Suzuki N., Mori M., Fujino M., 2003. Identification of urotensin II-related peptide as the urotensin II-immunoreactive molecule in the rat brain. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 310, 860-868.
  • 26. Dubessy C., Cartier D., Lectez B., Bucharles C., Chartrel N., Montero-Hadjadje M., Bizet P., Chatenet D., Tostivint H., Scalbert E., Leprince J., Vaudry H., Jegou S., Lihrmann I., 2008. Characterization of urotensin II, distribution of urotensin II, urotensin II-related peptide and UT receptor mRNAs in mouse: evidence of urotensin II at the neuromuscular junction. J Neurochem, 107, 361-374.
  • 27. Mülazımoğlu SB., İde T., Aslan S., 2012. Ratlarda Üreme. J Clin Analytical Med, 39-44.
  • 28. Ojeda SR., Urbanski HF., Ahmed CE., 1986. The onset of female puberty: studies in the rat. Recent Prog Horm Res, 42, 385-442.
  • 29. Advis JP., Ojeda SR., 1979. Acute and delayed effects of anterior pituitary transplants in inducing precocious puberty in the female rat. Biol Reprod, 20, 879-887.
  • 30. Yaman Ö., 2015. Prepubertal sıçan testislerinde cisplatin maruziyetinin neden olduğu seminifer tübül hasarı ve erişkin sperm parametreleri üzerine l-karnitinin koruyucu etkisi Trakya Üniversitesi, Histoloji ve Embriyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Edirne.
  • 31. Yilmaz O., Calan O., Kume T., Calan M., 2013. The relationship of urotensin II with insulin resistance and hs-CRP in patients having PCOS. Gynecol Endocrinol, 29, 970-973.

A Comparison of Urotensin 2 Receptor in Genital System Organs of Prepubertal and Postpubertal Rats

Year 2020, , 113 - 121, 27.10.2020


In this study, we aimed to investigate the presence and distribution of urotensin 2 receptor (UTR 2) in the genital organs (ovary, uterus and testis) before and after puberty as prepubertal and postpubertal. A total of 20 Wistar Albino rats were used. The rats were divided into two groups (N: 5) male (Group 1: prepubertal male, Group 2: postpubertal male) and 2 groups (N: 5) female (Group 3: prepubertal female, Group 4: postpubertal female). Uterine, ovarian and testicular samples were collected from rats. In the molecular study, UTR 2 mRNA expression levels were examined by real-time polymerase chain reaction (Real Time-Polymerase Chain Reaction) and immunohistochemical results were compared with the results of UTR 2 staining. UTR 2 mRNA expression levels in the prepubertal and postpubertal ovary and uterine tissues of female rats were found to be significantly increased in postpubertal, but no difference was seen in UTR 2 mRNA expression levels in testicular tissues of male rats. It was thought that increased UTR 2 levels in the postpubertal ovary and uterus may be associated with increased estrogen or progesterone levels. It was concluded that UTR 2 should be investigated in detail in ovarian and uterine diseases and further investigations of ovarian and uterine diseases related to UTR 2 agonists and antagonists should be performed.

Project Number



  • 1. Vaudry H., Do Rego JC., Le Mevel JC., Chatenet D., Tostivint H., Fournier A., Tonon MC., Pelletier G., Conlon JM., Leprince J., 2010. Urotensin II, from fish to human. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1200, 53-66.
  • 2. Huang CY., Burns JC., Shimizu C., 2017. Urotensin 2 in Kawasaki disease pathogenesis. Pediatr Res, 82, 1048-1055.
  • 3. Jumaah S., Celekli A., Sucu M., 2018. The role of human urotensin-II in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. J Immunoassay Immunochem, 39, 150-162.
  • 4. McDonald J., Batuwangala M., Lambert DG., 2007. Role of urotensin II and its receptor in health and disease. J Anesth, 21, 378-389.
  • 5. Zhang X., Ye Y., Yang C., Gong H., Li Y., Zhang G., Yuan J., Zou Y., 2018. Clinical significance of increased urotensin II levels in acute myocardial infarction. Discov Med, 26, 7-20.
  • 6. Ong KL., Lam KS., Cheung BM., 2005. Urotensin II: its function in health and its role in disease. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther, 19, 65-75.
  • 7. Ames RS., Sarau HM., Chambers JK., Willette RN., Aiyar NV., Romanic AM., Louden CS., Foley JJ., Sauermelch CF., Coatney RW., Ao Z., Disa J., Holmes SD., Stadel JM., Martin JD., Liu WS., Glover GI., Wilson S., McNulty DE., Ellis CE., Elshourbagy NA., Shabon U., Trill JJ., Hay DW., Ohlstein EH., Bergsma DJ., Douglas SA., 1999. Human urotensin-II is a potent vasoconstrictor and agonist for the orphan receptor GPR14. Nature, 401, 282-286.
  • 8. Song W., Abdel-Razik AE., Lu W., Ao Z., Johns DG., Douglas SA., Balment RJ., Ashton N., 2006. Urotensin II and renal function in the rat. Kidney Int, 69, 1360-1368.
  • 9. Watson AM., Lambert GW., Smith KJ., May CN., 2003. Urotensin II acts centrally to increase epinephrine and ACTH release and cause potent inotropic and chronotropic actions. Hypertension, 42, 373-379.
  • 10. Papadopoulos P., Bousette N., Giaid A., 2008. Urotensin-II and cardiovascular remodeling. Peptides, 29, 764-769.
  • 11. Dai HY., Kang WQ., Wang X., Yu XJ., Li ZH., Tang MX., Xu DL., Li CW., Zhang Y., Ge ZM., 2007. The involvement of transforming growth factorbeta1 secretion in urotensin II-induced collagen synthesis in neonatal cardiac fibroblasts. Regul Pept, 140, 88-93.
  • 12. Shiraishi Y., Watanabe T., Suguro T., Nagashima M., Kato R., Hongo S., Itabe H., Miyazaki A., Hirano T., Adachi M., 2008. Chronic urotensin II infusion enhances macrophage foam cell formation and atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-knockout mice. J Hypertens, 26, 1955-1965.
  • 13. Guidolin D., Albertin G., Ribatti D., 2010. Urotensin-II as an angiogenic factor. Peptides, 31, 1219-1224.
  • 14. Ross B., McKendy K., Giaid A., 2010. Role of urotensin II in health and disease. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 298, 1156-1172.
  • 15. Olukman M., Can C., Coskunsever D., Uyanikgil Y., Cavusoglu T., Sozmen E., Duman S., Celenk FG., Ulker S., 2019. Urotensin receptor antagonist palosuran attenuates cyclosporine-ainduced nephrotoxicity in rats. Adv Clin Exp Med, 28, 1393-1401.
  • 16. Oral E., Halici Z., Cinar I., Ozcan E., Kutlu Z., 2019. Evaluation of endothelial dysfunction in bipolar affective disorders: Serum endocan and Urotensin-II Levels. Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci, 17, 211-221.
  • 17. Farzianpour F., Rahimi FA., Shahidi SN., Ansari NS., 2016. Relationship between' patient's rights charter' and patients' satisfaction in gynecological hospitals. BMC Health Serv Res, 16, 476.
  • 18. Hao WR., Sung LC., Chen CC., Hong HJ., Liu JC., Chen JJ., 2019. Cafestol activates nuclear factor erythroid-2 related factor 2 and inhibits Urotensin II-Induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. Am J Chin Med, 47, 337-350.
  • 19. Duan JS., Chen S., Sun XQ., Du J., Chen ZW., 2019. Urotensin-#receptor antagonist SB-706375 protected isolated rat heart from ischaemiareperfusion injury by attenuating myocardial necrosis via RhoA/ROCK/RIP3 signalling pathway. Inflammopharmacology, 27, 1309- 1318.
  • 20. Zhang R., Chen J., Liu D., Wang Y., 2019. Urotensin II receptor antagonist reduces hepatic resistance and portal pressure through enhanced eNOS-dependent HSC vasodilatation in CCl4-induced cirrhotic rats. Front Med, 13, 398-408.
  • 21. Eyre HJ., Speight T., Glazier JD., Smith DM., Ashton N., 2019. Urotensin II in the development and progression of chronic kidney disease following (5/6) nephrectomy in the rat. Exp Physiol, 104, 421-433.
  • 22. Matsumoto T., Watanabe S., Kobayashi S., Ando M., Taguchi K., Kobayashi T., 2017. Age-related reduction of contractile responses to Urotensin II is Seen in aortas from Wistar rats but not from type 2 diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rats. Rejuvenation Res, 20, 134-145.
  • 23. Jegou S., Cartier D., Dubessy C., Gonzalez BJ., Chatenet D., Tostivint H., Scalbert E., LePrince J., Vaudry H., Lihrmann I., 2006. Localization of the urotensin II receptor in the rat central nervous system. J Comp Neurol, 495, 21-36.
  • 24. Cadirci E., Ugan RA., Dincer B., Gundogdu B., Cinar I., Akpinar E., Halici Z., 2019. Urotensin receptors as a new target for CLP induced septic lung injury in mice. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol, 392, 135-145.
  • 25. Sugo T., Murakami Y., Shimomura Y., Harada M., Abe M., Ishibashi Y., Kitada C., Miyajima N., Suzuki N., Mori M., Fujino M., 2003. Identification of urotensin II-related peptide as the urotensin II-immunoreactive molecule in the rat brain. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 310, 860-868.
  • 26. Dubessy C., Cartier D., Lectez B., Bucharles C., Chartrel N., Montero-Hadjadje M., Bizet P., Chatenet D., Tostivint H., Scalbert E., Leprince J., Vaudry H., Jegou S., Lihrmann I., 2008. Characterization of urotensin II, distribution of urotensin II, urotensin II-related peptide and UT receptor mRNAs in mouse: evidence of urotensin II at the neuromuscular junction. J Neurochem, 107, 361-374.
  • 27. Mülazımoğlu SB., İde T., Aslan S., 2012. Ratlarda Üreme. J Clin Analytical Med, 39-44.
  • 28. Ojeda SR., Urbanski HF., Ahmed CE., 1986. The onset of female puberty: studies in the rat. Recent Prog Horm Res, 42, 385-442.
  • 29. Advis JP., Ojeda SR., 1979. Acute and delayed effects of anterior pituitary transplants in inducing precocious puberty in the female rat. Biol Reprod, 20, 879-887.
  • 30. Yaman Ö., 2015. Prepubertal sıçan testislerinde cisplatin maruziyetinin neden olduğu seminifer tübül hasarı ve erişkin sperm parametreleri üzerine l-karnitinin koruyucu etkisi Trakya Üniversitesi, Histoloji ve Embriyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Edirne.
  • 31. Yilmaz O., Calan O., Kume T., Calan M., 2013. The relationship of urotensin II with insulin resistance and hs-CRP in patients having PCOS. Gynecol Endocrinol, 29, 970-973.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Duygu Köse

Zekai Halıcı

Erdem Toktay

Project Number THD-2018-6859
Publication Date October 27, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Köse, D., Halıcı, Z., & Toktay, E. (2020). Prepubertal ve Postpubertal Sıçanların Genital Sistem Organlarında Ürotensin 2 Reseptörünün Karşılaştırılması. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(2), 113-121.
AMA Köse D, Halıcı Z, Toktay E. Prepubertal ve Postpubertal Sıçanların Genital Sistem Organlarında Ürotensin 2 Reseptörünün Karşılaştırılması. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. October 2020;15(2):113-121. doi:10.17094/ataunivbd.666100
Chicago Köse, Duygu, Zekai Halıcı, and Erdem Toktay. “Prepubertal Ve Postpubertal Sıçanların Genital Sistem Organlarında Ürotensin 2 Reseptörünün Karşılaştırılması”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 15, no. 2 (October 2020): 113-21.
EndNote Köse D, Halıcı Z, Toktay E (October 1, 2020) Prepubertal ve Postpubertal Sıçanların Genital Sistem Organlarında Ürotensin 2 Reseptörünün Karşılaştırılması. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 15 2 113–121.
IEEE D. Köse, Z. Halıcı, and E. Toktay, “Prepubertal ve Postpubertal Sıçanların Genital Sistem Organlarında Ürotensin 2 Reseptörünün Karşılaştırılması”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 113–121, 2020, doi: 10.17094/ataunivbd.666100.
ISNAD Köse, Duygu et al. “Prepubertal Ve Postpubertal Sıçanların Genital Sistem Organlarında Ürotensin 2 Reseptörünün Karşılaştırılması”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 15/2 (October 2020), 113-121.
JAMA Köse D, Halıcı Z, Toktay E. Prepubertal ve Postpubertal Sıçanların Genital Sistem Organlarında Ürotensin 2 Reseptörünün Karşılaştırılması. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2020;15:113–121.
MLA Köse, Duygu et al. “Prepubertal Ve Postpubertal Sıçanların Genital Sistem Organlarında Ürotensin 2 Reseptörünün Karşılaştırılması”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 15, no. 2, 2020, pp. 113-21, doi:10.17094/ataunivbd.666100.
Vancouver Köse D, Halıcı Z, Toktay E. Prepubertal ve Postpubertal Sıçanların Genital Sistem Organlarında Ürotensin 2 Reseptörünün Karşılaştırılması. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2020;15(2):113-21.