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İneklerde Kuru Dönem Mastitise Karşı Koruyucu Yaklaşımlar

Year 2009, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 215 - 222, 08.03.2010


Kuru dönem esnasında, meme bezlerinde biyokimyasal ve hücresel değişiklikler gözlenir.
Meme bezi dokusu, aktif involusyon ve kolostrogenezden dolayı kuru dönem başlangıcında ve
sonunda özellikle yeni meme içi enfeksiyonlara karşı oldukça duyarlıdır. Özellikle çevresel bakteriler
bu dönemde yeni meme içi enfeksiyonların asıl nedeni olarak gösterilmiş ve bu mikroorganizmalara
karşı farklı kontrol programları oluşturulmuştur. Son yıllarda bu döneme özgü koruyucu yaklaşımlar,
sadece ineklerde meme sağlığı için değil, gıda hijyeni ve halk sağlığı için de geliştirilmiştir.


  • Bansal BK., Dhaliwal PS., Bajwa NS., Randhawa SS., 2007. Role of selective dry cow therapy in prevention of mastitis in dairy herds with high disease prevalence. In ‘‘Mastitis in Dairy Production: Current Knowledge and Future Solutions’’, Ed., H Hogeveen, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
  • Baştan A., 2009. İneklerde Meme Hastalıkları. 3. Baskı. Hatipoğlu Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Berry EA., Johnston WT., Hillerton JE., 2003. Prophylactic effects of two selective dry cow strategies accounting for interdependence of quarter. J. Dairy Sci., 86, 3912-3919.
  • Bradley A., Newton H., Bechaoui H., Tilt N., Cracknell V., Rowan T., 2007. Orbeseal® and Orbenin® EDC in combination for the treatment of intramammary infections at drying off and prevention of new infections during the dry period and early lactation in dairy cows. In ‘‘Mastitis in Dairy Production: Current Knowledge and Future Solutions’’, Ed., H Hogeveen, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
  • Bradley AJ., Green MJ., 2001. An investigation of the impact of intramammary antibiotic dry cow therapy on clinical coliform mastitis. J. Dairy Sci., 84,1632-1639.
  • Bradley AJ., Green MJ., 2004. The importance of the nonlactating period in the epidemiology of intramammary infection and strategies for prevention. J. Dairy Sci., 20, 547-568.
  • Cook NB., Wilkinson A., Gajewski K., Weigel D., Sharp P., Pionek D., 2004. The prevention of new intramammary infections during the dry period when using an internal teat sealant in conjunction with a dry cow antibiotic. In Proceedings of National Mastitis Council, Charlotte, North Carolina.
  • Deluyker HA., Van Uffel K., Elfring GD., Van Oye SN., Dutton C., Nanhjiani I., 2007. Efficacy of a J-5 Escherichia coli bacterin in clinical coliform mastitis of dairy cattle. In ‘‘Mastitis in Dairy Production: Current Knowledge and Future Solutions’’, Ed., H Hogeveen, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
  • Dingwell RT., Duffield TF., Leslie KE., Keefe GP., DesCoteaux L., Kelton DF., Lissemore KD., Schukken YH., Dick P., Bagg, R., 2002. The efficacy of intramammary tilmicosin at drying-off, and other risk factors for the prevention of new intramammary infections during the dry period. J. Dairy Sci., 85, 3250-3259.
  • Dingwell RT., Leslie KE., Schukken YH., Sargeant JM., Timms LL., Duffield TF., Keefe GP., Kelton DF., Lissemore KD., Conklin J., 2004. Association of cow and quarter-level factors at drying-off with new intramammary infections during the dry period. Preventive Veterinary Medicine., 63, 75-89.
  • Finch JM., Winter A., Walton AW., Leigh JA., 1997. Further studies on the efficacy of a live vaccine against mastitis caused by Streptococcus uberis. Vaccine., 15, 1138-43.
  • Godden S., Rapnicki P., Stewart S., Fetrow J., Johnson A., Bey R., Farnsworth R., 2003. Effectiveness of an internal teat seal in the prevention of new intramammary infections during the dry and early-lactation periods in dairy cows when used with a dry cow intramammary antibiotic. J. Dairy Sci., 86, 3899-3911.
  • Godden S., Leslie KE., Dingwell R., Sanford CJ., 2006. Mastitis control and the dry period: What have we learned. In NMC Regional Meeting Proceedings, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
  • Grasso PJ., Scholz RW., Erskine RJ., Eberhart RJ., 1990. Phagocytosis, bactericidal activity and oxidative metabolism of milk neutrophils from dairy cows fed selenium-supplemented and selenium-deficient diets. Am J Vet Res., 51, 269-74.
  • Hogan JS., Smith KL., Toohunter DA., Schoenberger PS., 1990. Bacterial counts associated with recycled newspaper bedding. J. Dairy Sci., 73, 1756-1761.
  • Hogan JS., Weiss WP., Todhunter DA., Smith KL., Schoenberger PS., 1992. Bovine neutrophil responses to parenteral vitamin E. J. Dairy Sci., 75, 399.
  • Hogan JS., Weiss WP., Smith KL., 1993. Role of vitamin E and selenium in host defense against mastitis. J. Dairy Sci., 76, 2795-2803.
  • Hogan JS., Smith KL., 1997. Bacteria counts in sawdust bedding. J. Dairy Sci., 80, 1600-1605.
  • Huxley JN., Green MJ., Green LE., Bradley AJ., 2002. Evaluation of the efficacy of an internal teat sealer during the dry period. J. Dairy Sci., 85, 551-561. Keskin A., Seyrek-İntaş K., Tek HB., Tuna
  • B., Yılmazbaş G., Özakın C., Ertaş S., 2007. Efficiency of polyvalant mastitis vaccine in lactating dairy cows. J. Biol. Environ. Sci, 1, 87-92.
  • Küçük Ş., Alaçam E., 2003. Sütçü inek işletmelerinde mastitislere karşı sistemik immunizasyon uygulamalarında meme ve sağım hijyeninin etkisi. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg., 50, 33-37.
  • LeBlanc SJ., Duffield TF., Leslie KE., Bateman KG., TenHag J., Walton JS., Johnson WH., 2002. The effect of prepartum injection of vitamin E on health in transition dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci., 85, 1416-1426.
  • Leitner G., Yadlin N., Lubashevsy E., Ezra E., Glickman A., Chaffer M., Winkler M, Saran A., Trainin Z., 2003.
  • Development of a Staphylococcus aureus vaccine against mastitis in dairy cows. II. Field trial. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 93, 153-158.
  • Mellenberger RW., 1977. Vaccination against mastitis. J. Dairy Sci., 60, 1016-1021.
  • Moeini MM., Karami H., Mikaeili E., 2009. Effect of selenium and vitamin E supplementation during the late pregnancy on reproductive indices and milk production in heifers. J. Dairy Sci., 114, 109-114.
  • Moyo N., Nielen M., Kruitwagen C., Beynen AC., 2007. Vitamin E supplementation and udder health: A meta-analysis. In ‘‘Mastitis in Dairy Production: Current Knowledge and Future Solutions’’, Ed., H Hogeveen, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. National Research Council., 2001. Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. 11th ed., Natl. Acad. Press,Washington DC. Nordhaug ML., Nesse LL., Norcross NL.,
  • Gudding R., 1994. A field trial with an experimental vaccine against Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in cattle. 1. Clinical parameters. J. Dairy Sci., 77, 1267-1275.
  • Oliver SP., Sordillo LM., 1989. Approaches to the manipulation of mammary involution. J. Dairy Sci., 72, 1647- 1664.
  • Oliver SP., 1988. Frequency of isolation of environmental mastitis-causing pathogens and incidence of new intramammary infection during the nonlactating period. Am. J. Vet. Res., 49, 1789-93.
  • Pankey JW., Boddie NT., Watts JL., Nickerson SC., 1985. Evaluation of protein A and a commercial bacterin as vaccines against Staphylococcus aureus mastitis by experimental challenge. J. Dairy Sci., 68, 726-731.
  • Ruegg PL., 2009. Evaluating the effectiveness of mastitis vaccines. /mastitis-vaccine-efficacy.pdf. html [Erişim: 06.06.2009].
  • Ruegg PL., 2009. Management of mastitis on organic and conventional dairy farms. J Anim Sci., 87, 43-55.
  • Sanford CJ., Keefe GP., Dohoo IR., Leslie KE., Dingwell RT., DesCôteaux L., Barkema HW., 2006. Efficacy of using an internal teat sealer to prevent new intramammary infections in nonlactating dairy cattle. 228, 1565- 1573.
  • Smith KL., Harrison JH., Hancock DD., Todhunter DA., Conrad HR., 1984. Effect of vitamin E and selenium supplementation on incidence of clinical mastitis and duration of clinical symptoms. J. Dairy Sci., 67,1293- 1300.
  • Smith KL., Weiss WP., Hogan JS., 2009. Role of nutrition in mammary immunity and mastitis control. http://www. veterinaria. .doc. html [Erişim: 08.06.2009].
  • Tikofsky LL., Zadoks RN., 2007. An alternative treatment trial for Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in organically managed dairy cattle. In ‘‘Mastitis in Dairy Production: Current Knowledge and Future Solutions’’, Ed., H Hogeveen, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
  • Weiss WP., 2002. Relationship of mineral and vitamin supplementation with mastitis and milk quality. National Mastitis Council Annual Meeting Proceedings.
  • Weiss WP., Hogan JS., Todhunter DA., Smith KL., 1997. Effect of vitamin E supplementation in diets with a low concentration of selenium on mammary gland health of dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci., 80, 1728-1737.
  • Whist AC., 2007. Antibiotic resistance in Staphylococcus aureus isolated from bovine udders: Development related to introduction of dry cow therapy?. In ‘‘Mastitis in Dairy Production: Current Knowledge and Future Solutions’’, Ed., H Hogeveen, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
  • Williamson JH., Woolford MW., Day AM., 1995. The prophylactic effect of a drycow antibiotic against Streptococcus uberis. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 43, 228-234.
  • Wilson DJ., Gonzalez RN. 2003. Vaccination strategies for reducing clinical severity of coliform mastitis. Vet. Clin. Food Anim., 19, 187-197.
  • Zdanowicz M., Shelford JA., Tucker CB., Weary DM., Von Keyserlingk MAG., 2004. Bacterial populations on teat ends of dairy cows housed in free stalls and bedded with either sand or sawdust. J. Dairy Sci., 87, 1694-1701.
  • Zehner MM., Farnsworth RJ., Appleman RD., Larntz K., Springer JA., 1986. Growth of environmental mastitis pathogens in various bedding materials. J. Dairy Sci., 69, 1932- 1941.
Year 2009, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 215 - 222, 08.03.2010



  • Bansal BK., Dhaliwal PS., Bajwa NS., Randhawa SS., 2007. Role of selective dry cow therapy in prevention of mastitis in dairy herds with high disease prevalence. In ‘‘Mastitis in Dairy Production: Current Knowledge and Future Solutions’’, Ed., H Hogeveen, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
  • Baştan A., 2009. İneklerde Meme Hastalıkları. 3. Baskı. Hatipoğlu Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Berry EA., Johnston WT., Hillerton JE., 2003. Prophylactic effects of two selective dry cow strategies accounting for interdependence of quarter. J. Dairy Sci., 86, 3912-3919.
  • Bradley A., Newton H., Bechaoui H., Tilt N., Cracknell V., Rowan T., 2007. Orbeseal® and Orbenin® EDC in combination for the treatment of intramammary infections at drying off and prevention of new infections during the dry period and early lactation in dairy cows. In ‘‘Mastitis in Dairy Production: Current Knowledge and Future Solutions’’, Ed., H Hogeveen, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
  • Bradley AJ., Green MJ., 2001. An investigation of the impact of intramammary antibiotic dry cow therapy on clinical coliform mastitis. J. Dairy Sci., 84,1632-1639.
  • Bradley AJ., Green MJ., 2004. The importance of the nonlactating period in the epidemiology of intramammary infection and strategies for prevention. J. Dairy Sci., 20, 547-568.
  • Cook NB., Wilkinson A., Gajewski K., Weigel D., Sharp P., Pionek D., 2004. The prevention of new intramammary infections during the dry period when using an internal teat sealant in conjunction with a dry cow antibiotic. In Proceedings of National Mastitis Council, Charlotte, North Carolina.
  • Deluyker HA., Van Uffel K., Elfring GD., Van Oye SN., Dutton C., Nanhjiani I., 2007. Efficacy of a J-5 Escherichia coli bacterin in clinical coliform mastitis of dairy cattle. In ‘‘Mastitis in Dairy Production: Current Knowledge and Future Solutions’’, Ed., H Hogeveen, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
  • Dingwell RT., Duffield TF., Leslie KE., Keefe GP., DesCoteaux L., Kelton DF., Lissemore KD., Schukken YH., Dick P., Bagg, R., 2002. The efficacy of intramammary tilmicosin at drying-off, and other risk factors for the prevention of new intramammary infections during the dry period. J. Dairy Sci., 85, 3250-3259.
  • Dingwell RT., Leslie KE., Schukken YH., Sargeant JM., Timms LL., Duffield TF., Keefe GP., Kelton DF., Lissemore KD., Conklin J., 2004. Association of cow and quarter-level factors at drying-off with new intramammary infections during the dry period. Preventive Veterinary Medicine., 63, 75-89.
  • Finch JM., Winter A., Walton AW., Leigh JA., 1997. Further studies on the efficacy of a live vaccine against mastitis caused by Streptococcus uberis. Vaccine., 15, 1138-43.
  • Godden S., Rapnicki P., Stewart S., Fetrow J., Johnson A., Bey R., Farnsworth R., 2003. Effectiveness of an internal teat seal in the prevention of new intramammary infections during the dry and early-lactation periods in dairy cows when used with a dry cow intramammary antibiotic. J. Dairy Sci., 86, 3899-3911.
  • Godden S., Leslie KE., Dingwell R., Sanford CJ., 2006. Mastitis control and the dry period: What have we learned. In NMC Regional Meeting Proceedings, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
  • Grasso PJ., Scholz RW., Erskine RJ., Eberhart RJ., 1990. Phagocytosis, bactericidal activity and oxidative metabolism of milk neutrophils from dairy cows fed selenium-supplemented and selenium-deficient diets. Am J Vet Res., 51, 269-74.
  • Hogan JS., Smith KL., Toohunter DA., Schoenberger PS., 1990. Bacterial counts associated with recycled newspaper bedding. J. Dairy Sci., 73, 1756-1761.
  • Hogan JS., Weiss WP., Todhunter DA., Smith KL., Schoenberger PS., 1992. Bovine neutrophil responses to parenteral vitamin E. J. Dairy Sci., 75, 399.
  • Hogan JS., Weiss WP., Smith KL., 1993. Role of vitamin E and selenium in host defense against mastitis. J. Dairy Sci., 76, 2795-2803.
  • Hogan JS., Smith KL., 1997. Bacteria counts in sawdust bedding. J. Dairy Sci., 80, 1600-1605.
  • Huxley JN., Green MJ., Green LE., Bradley AJ., 2002. Evaluation of the efficacy of an internal teat sealer during the dry period. J. Dairy Sci., 85, 551-561. Keskin A., Seyrek-İntaş K., Tek HB., Tuna
  • B., Yılmazbaş G., Özakın C., Ertaş S., 2007. Efficiency of polyvalant mastitis vaccine in lactating dairy cows. J. Biol. Environ. Sci, 1, 87-92.
  • Küçük Ş., Alaçam E., 2003. Sütçü inek işletmelerinde mastitislere karşı sistemik immunizasyon uygulamalarında meme ve sağım hijyeninin etkisi. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg., 50, 33-37.
  • LeBlanc SJ., Duffield TF., Leslie KE., Bateman KG., TenHag J., Walton JS., Johnson WH., 2002. The effect of prepartum injection of vitamin E on health in transition dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci., 85, 1416-1426.
  • Leitner G., Yadlin N., Lubashevsy E., Ezra E., Glickman A., Chaffer M., Winkler M, Saran A., Trainin Z., 2003.
  • Development of a Staphylococcus aureus vaccine against mastitis in dairy cows. II. Field trial. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 93, 153-158.
  • Mellenberger RW., 1977. Vaccination against mastitis. J. Dairy Sci., 60, 1016-1021.
  • Moeini MM., Karami H., Mikaeili E., 2009. Effect of selenium and vitamin E supplementation during the late pregnancy on reproductive indices and milk production in heifers. J. Dairy Sci., 114, 109-114.
  • Moyo N., Nielen M., Kruitwagen C., Beynen AC., 2007. Vitamin E supplementation and udder health: A meta-analysis. In ‘‘Mastitis in Dairy Production: Current Knowledge and Future Solutions’’, Ed., H Hogeveen, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. National Research Council., 2001. Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. 11th ed., Natl. Acad. Press,Washington DC. Nordhaug ML., Nesse LL., Norcross NL.,
  • Gudding R., 1994. A field trial with an experimental vaccine against Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in cattle. 1. Clinical parameters. J. Dairy Sci., 77, 1267-1275.
  • Oliver SP., Sordillo LM., 1989. Approaches to the manipulation of mammary involution. J. Dairy Sci., 72, 1647- 1664.
  • Oliver SP., 1988. Frequency of isolation of environmental mastitis-causing pathogens and incidence of new intramammary infection during the nonlactating period. Am. J. Vet. Res., 49, 1789-93.
  • Pankey JW., Boddie NT., Watts JL., Nickerson SC., 1985. Evaluation of protein A and a commercial bacterin as vaccines against Staphylococcus aureus mastitis by experimental challenge. J. Dairy Sci., 68, 726-731.
  • Ruegg PL., 2009. Evaluating the effectiveness of mastitis vaccines. /mastitis-vaccine-efficacy.pdf. html [Erişim: 06.06.2009].
  • Ruegg PL., 2009. Management of mastitis on organic and conventional dairy farms. J Anim Sci., 87, 43-55.
  • Sanford CJ., Keefe GP., Dohoo IR., Leslie KE., Dingwell RT., DesCôteaux L., Barkema HW., 2006. Efficacy of using an internal teat sealer to prevent new intramammary infections in nonlactating dairy cattle. 228, 1565- 1573.
  • Smith KL., Harrison JH., Hancock DD., Todhunter DA., Conrad HR., 1984. Effect of vitamin E and selenium supplementation on incidence of clinical mastitis and duration of clinical symptoms. J. Dairy Sci., 67,1293- 1300.
  • Smith KL., Weiss WP., Hogan JS., 2009. Role of nutrition in mammary immunity and mastitis control. http://www. veterinaria. .doc. html [Erişim: 08.06.2009].
  • Tikofsky LL., Zadoks RN., 2007. An alternative treatment trial for Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in organically managed dairy cattle. In ‘‘Mastitis in Dairy Production: Current Knowledge and Future Solutions’’, Ed., H Hogeveen, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
  • Weiss WP., 2002. Relationship of mineral and vitamin supplementation with mastitis and milk quality. National Mastitis Council Annual Meeting Proceedings.
  • Weiss WP., Hogan JS., Todhunter DA., Smith KL., 1997. Effect of vitamin E supplementation in diets with a low concentration of selenium on mammary gland health of dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci., 80, 1728-1737.
  • Whist AC., 2007. Antibiotic resistance in Staphylococcus aureus isolated from bovine udders: Development related to introduction of dry cow therapy?. In ‘‘Mastitis in Dairy Production: Current Knowledge and Future Solutions’’, Ed., H Hogeveen, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
  • Williamson JH., Woolford MW., Day AM., 1995. The prophylactic effect of a drycow antibiotic against Streptococcus uberis. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 43, 228-234.
  • Wilson DJ., Gonzalez RN. 2003. Vaccination strategies for reducing clinical severity of coliform mastitis. Vet. Clin. Food Anim., 19, 187-197.
  • Zdanowicz M., Shelford JA., Tucker CB., Weary DM., Von Keyserlingk MAG., 2004. Bacterial populations on teat ends of dairy cows housed in free stalls and bedded with either sand or sawdust. J. Dairy Sci., 87, 1694-1701.
  • Zehner MM., Farnsworth RJ., Appleman RD., Larntz K., Springer JA., 1986. Growth of environmental mastitis pathogens in various bedding materials. J. Dairy Sci., 69, 1932- 1941.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Derlemeler

Mehmet Cengız This is me

Publication Date March 8, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 4 Issue: 3


APA Cengız, M. (2010). İneklerde Kuru Dönem Mastitise Karşı Koruyucu Yaklaşımlar. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(3), 215-222.
AMA Cengız M. İneklerde Kuru Dönem Mastitise Karşı Koruyucu Yaklaşımlar. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. March 2010;4(3):215-222.
Chicago Cengız, Mehmet. “İneklerde Kuru Dönem Mastitise Karşı Koruyucu Yaklaşımlar”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 4, no. 3 (March 2010): 215-22.
EndNote Cengız M (March 1, 2010) İneklerde Kuru Dönem Mastitise Karşı Koruyucu Yaklaşımlar. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 4 3 215–222.
IEEE M. Cengız, “İneklerde Kuru Dönem Mastitise Karşı Koruyucu Yaklaşımlar”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 215–222, 2010.
ISNAD Cengız, Mehmet. “İneklerde Kuru Dönem Mastitise Karşı Koruyucu Yaklaşımlar”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 4/3 (March 2010), 215-222.
JAMA Cengız M. İneklerde Kuru Dönem Mastitise Karşı Koruyucu Yaklaşımlar. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2010;4:215–222.
MLA Cengız, Mehmet. “İneklerde Kuru Dönem Mastitise Karşı Koruyucu Yaklaşımlar”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 4, no. 3, 2010, pp. 215-22.
Vancouver Cengız M. İneklerde Kuru Dönem Mastitise Karşı Koruyucu Yaklaşımlar. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2010;4(3):215-22.