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Keçilerde Kazein Genlerindeki Çeşitlilik ve Önemi

Year 2009, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 133 - 145, 09.03.2010


Bazı insanlarda sık görülen inek sütüne karşı alerji, keçi sütünün önemini artırmıştır.
Keçi sütü, kazein içeriği açısından büyük bir varyasyon göstermektedir. Keçi sütüne karşı
oluşan alerjinin daha düşük düzeyde olmasının bir nedeni, bazı keçilerin sütlerindeki kazein
içeriğinin düşük olmasıdır. Diğer taraftan, yüksek düzeyde kazein içeren sütler peynir
yapımında tercih edilebilir. Bu nedenlerle, keçilerde kazein genlerindeki çeşitlilik yoğun bir
şekilde araştırılmaktadır. Sunulan derlemenin amacı, kazein genlerindeki çeşitliliğin keçi
sütünün besleyiciliği ve teknolojik özellikleri üzerindeki etkileri konusunda bilgi sunmaktır.


  • Ambrosoli R., Di Stasio, L., Mazzocco, P., 1988. Content of alphas1-casein and coagulation properties in goat milk. J. Dairy Sci., 71, 24-28.
  • Bellioni-Businco B., Paganelli R., Lucenti P., Giampietro PG., Perborn H., Businco L., 1999. Allergenicity of goat’s milk in children with cow’s milk allergy. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 103, 1191- 1194.
  • Bevilacqua C., Martin P., Candalh C., Fauquant J., Piot M., Roucayrol AM., Pilla F., Heyman M., 2001. Goat's milk of decreases intestinal and systemic sensitization to β-lactoglobulin in guinea pigs. J. Dairy Sci. 68: 217-227.
  • Bevilacqua C., Ferranti P., Garro G., Veltri C., Lagonigro R., Leroux C., Pietrola E., Addeo F., Pilla F,Chianese L., M Martin P., 2002. Interallelic recombination is probably responsible for the occurrence of a new αs1-casein variant found in the oat species. Eur. J. Biochem., 269, 1293-1303.
  • Bouiniol C., Brignon G., Mahe MF., Printz C., 1994. Biochemical and genetic analysis of variant C of caprine αs2-casein (Capra hircus). Anim. Genet. 25, 173- 177.
  • Boulanger A., Grosclaude F., Mahe MF., 1984. Polymorphism of αs1 and αs2 caseins of the goat. Genet. Sel. Evol., 16, 157-176.
  • Bozkaya F., Mundan D., Karabulut O., Yerturk M., Gurler S., Aral F., 2008. An investigation on the distribution of O and D alleles of the CSN1S2 gene in goat populations raised in southeastern region of Turkey. Small Rumin. Res., 78, 193-196.
  • Caroli A., Jann O., Budelli E., Bolla P., Jager G., S., polymorphism of k-casein (CSN3) in different breeds and characterization at DNA level. Anim. Genet., 32, 226-230.
  • Caroli A., Chiatti F., Chessa C., Rignanese D., Bolla P., Pagnacco G., 2006. Focusing on the goat casein complex. J. Dairy Sci., 89, 3178-3187.
  • Chessa S., Budelli E.,Gutscher A., Caroli A., Erhardt communication: identification of five k-casein (CSN3) alleles in domestic goat by polymerase chain conformation polymorphism. J. Dairy. Sci., 86, 3726-3729. Short Simultaneous
  • reaction-single strand
  • Chessa S., Ceriotti G., Dario C., Erhardt G., Caroli polymorphism of alphaS1-, alphaS2- and k-casein in Maltese goat breed. Proceedings of the ASPA 15th Congress, Parma, Italy18-20 June. Genetic
  • Chessa S., Budelli e., Chiatti F., Cito AM., Bolla P., Caroli A., 2005. Predominance of β-Casein (CSN2) C allele in goat breeds reared in Italy. J. Dairy Sci., 88, 1878-1881.
  • Chianese L., Garro, G., Nicolai, MA., Mauriello, R., Ferrani, P., Pizzano, R., Cappucio, Laezza, P., Addeo, F., Ramunno, L., Rando, A., Rubino, R., 1993. heterogeneity in caprine milk. Lait, 73, 533-547. of β-casein
  • Chiatti F., Caroli A., Chessa S., Bolla P., Pagnacco G., 2005. Relationships between goat kappa-casein (CSN3) polymorphism and milk composition. FAO International Congress. The Role of Biotechnology. Villa Gualin, Turin, Italy, 2005. chiatti.pdf. (Erişim: 05.06.2009).
  • Clark S., Sherbon JW., 2000a. Alphas1-CN, milk composition and coagulation properties Ruminant Res., 38, 123-134. milk. Small
  • Clark S., Sherbon JW., 2000b. Genetic variants of alphas1-CN in goat milk: breed distribution and associations with milk composition and coagulation properties. Small Ruminant Res., 38, 135-143.
  • Coll A., Folch J.M., Sanchez A. 1993. Nucleotide sequence of the goat kappa- casein cDNA. J. Anim. Sci., 71, 2833.
  • Coll A., Folch J.M., Sanchez A., 1995. Structural features of the 5’ flanking region of the caprine κ-casein gene. J. Dairy Sci., 78, 973-977.
  • Cosenza,G., Illario R., Rando A., Digregorio P., Masina P., Ramunno L. 2003. Molecular characterization of the goat CSN1S101 allele. J. Dairy Res., 70, 237- 240.
  • Cosenza G., Paciullo, A., Colimono, L., Mancusi, Ramunno, L., 2007. An SNP in the goat CSN2 promotor region is associated with the absence of β-casein in milk. Anim. Genet., 38, 655-658. D.,
  • Cosenza G., Paciullo, A., Colimono, L., D’Avino A., Mancusi, A., Ramunno, L., 2008. Genotyping at the CSN1S1 locus by PCR-RFLP and AS-PCR in a Neapolitan goat population. Small Ruminant Res., 74, 84-90.
  • Cunsolo V., Galliano F., Muccilli V., Saletti R., Marletta D., Bordonaro S., Foti S., 2005. Detection and characterization by chromatography spectrometry of a goat β-casein associated with a CSN2 null allele. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 19, 2943-2949. liquid mass and
  • Erhardt G., Jager S., Budelli E., Caroli A., 2002. Genetic polymorphism of goat alpha evidence Milchwissenschaft, 57, 137-140. further allele. a
  • Feligini M., Cubrik-Curik V., Parma P., Curik I., Greppi G. F., Enne F., 2002. Polymorpism of k-casein in Ialian goat breeds: A new ACRS-PCR designed DNA Test for discrimination of A and B alleles. Food. Technol. Biotechnol., 40, 293-298.
  • Ferranti P., Addeo F., Malorni A., Chianese L., Leroux C., Martin P., 1997. Differential splicing of pre-messenger RNA produces multiple forms of mature caprine αs1-casein. Eur. J. Biochem., 249, 1-7.
  • Ferretti L., Leone P., Sgaramella V., 1990. Long range restriction analysis of the bovine casein genes. Nucleic Acids Res., 18, 6829-6833.
  • Galliano F., Saletti R., Cunsolo V., Foti S., Marletta D., Bordonaro S., D’Urso G., 2004. characterization of a new β-casein variant in goat milk by high- performance liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization spectrometry. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 18, 1972-1982. mass
  • Grosclaude F., Mahe, M.F., Brignon, G., DiStasio, L., Jeunet, R., 1987. A Mendelian polymorphism underlying quantitative variations of goat as1- casein. Genet. Sel. Evol., 19, 399-412
  • Host A., 2002. Frequency of cow's milk allergy in childhood. Ann. Allergy Asthma Immunol., 89, 33-37.
  • Jann OC., Prinzberg E.-M., Luikart G., Caroli A., polymorpism in the k-casein (CSN3) gene from wild and domestic caprine species revealed by DNA sequencing. J. Dairy. Res., 71, 188-195. High
  • Jansa-Perez M., Leroux C., Sanchez A., Martin P., 1994. Occurence of a LINE sequence in the 3’ UTR of the goat αs1- casein E- encoding allele associated with reduced protein synthesis level. Gene, 147, 179-187.
  • Kusza S., Veress G., Kukovis S., Javor A., Sanches A., Angiolillo A., Bosze Z., 2007. Genetic polymorphism of αs1- and αs2-caseins in Hungarian Milking Goats. Small Rumin. Res., 68, 329- 332.
  • Jordana J., Amilis M., Dia E., Angulo C. Serradilla, J.M., Sanchez A. 1996. Gene frequencies of caprine αs1-casein polymorphism in Spanish goat breeds. Small Ruminant Res. 20, 215-221.
  • Lagonigro R., Pietrola E., D’Andrea M., Veltri C., Pilla F., 2001. Molecular genetic characterization of the goat s2-casein E allele. Anim. Genet., 32, 390-393.
  • Leroux C., Mazure N., Martin P., 1992. Mutations away from splice site recognition sequences might cis- modulate alternative splicing of goat αs1-casein transcripts. J. Biol. Chem., 267, 6147-6157. Mahe MF., Grosclaude F., 1993. Polymorphism of β-casein in the Creole goat of Guadeloupe: evidence for a null allele. Genet. Sel. Evol., 25, 403-408.
  • Marletta D., Bordonaro A., Guastella A.M. G., ve polymorphism at CSN1S2 locus in two 2004. Genetic endangered sicilian goat breeds. J. Anim. Breed. Genet., 121, 52-56.
  • Marletta D., Bordonaro A., Guastella A.M., D'Urso G., 2005. Genetic polymorphism of calcium sensitive caseins in sicilian Girgentana and Argentata dell’Etna goat breeds. J. Anim. Breed. Genet., 121, 52-56.
  • Marletta D., Criscione A., Bordonaro S., Guastella AM., D’Urso G., 2007. Casein polymorphism in goat’s milk. Lait, 87, 491-504.
  • Martin P., Brignon G., Furet JP., Leroux C., 1996. The gene encoding αs1-casein is expressed epithelial cells during lactation. Lait, 76, 523-535. mammary
  • Mercier JC., Chobert J.M., Addeo, F., 1976. Comparative study of the amino acid sequences of the caseinomacropeptides from seven species. FEBS Letters, 72, 208-214.
  • Moatsou G., Samolada M., Panagiotou P., Anifantakis E. 2004. Casein fraction of bulk milks from different caprine breeds. Food Chem. 87: 75-81.
  • Morgan F., Micault S., Fauquant J., 2001. Combined effect of whey protein and αs1-casein genotype on the heat stability of goat milk. Int. J. Dairy Tech., 54, 64-68.
  • Neveu C., Molle, D., Moreno, J., Martin, P., Leonil J., 2002. Heterogeneity of caprine beta-casein elucidated by RP- HPLC/MS: phosphorylations. J. Protein Chem., 21, 557-567. variants and
  • Othman OE., Ahmed S., 2006. Analysis of genetic polymorphism in the Egyptian goat CSN1S2 using polymerase chain reaction. J. Biol. Sci., 6, 238-241.
  • Persuy MA., Printz C., Medrano, J.F., Mercier, J.C., 1999. A single nucleotide deletion resulting in a premature stop codon is associated with marked reduction of transcripts from a goat β- casein null allele. Anim. Genet., 30, 444-451.
  • Prinzberg EM., Gutscher K., Chessa s., Caroli A., Erhardt G., 2005. Caprine k- casein (CSN3) Polymorphism: New Developments in molecular knowledge. J. Dairy Sci., 88, 1490-1498.
  • Ramunno L., Mariani, P., Pappalardo, M., Rando, A., Capuano M., Di Gregorio P., Cosenza G., 1995. Un gene ad effetto maggiore sul contenuto di caseina β nel latte di capra. Proceeding XI Congress National Animal Production (ASPA), 185-186 (Cosenza ve ark. 2007 tarafından alıntılanmıştır). Association of
  • Ramunno L., Cosenza G., Pappalardo M., Pastore N., Gallo D., Digregorio P., Masina P. 2000. Identification of the foat CSN1S1F allele by means of PCR- RFLP method. Anim. Genet. 31, 342- 343
  • Ramunno L., Longobardi E., Pappalardo M., Rando A., Digregorio P., Cosenza G., Mariani P., Pastore N. Masina P., 2001a. An allele associated with a non- detectable amount of αs2 casein in goat milk. Anim. Genet., 32, 19-26.
  • Ramunno L., Cosenza G., Pappalardo M., Longobardi E., Gallo D., Pastore N., Digregorio P., Rando A., 2001b. Characterization of two new alleles at the goat CSN1S2 locus. Anim. Genet., 32, 264-268.
  • Ramunno, L., Cosenza G. Rando A., Illario R., Gallo D., Berardino D., Masina P. 2004. The goat αs1-casein gene: gene structure and promoter analysis. Gene 334:105-111.
  • Rando A., Pappalardo M, Capuano M., Di Gregorio L., Ramunno L., 1996. Two mutations might be responsible for the absence of beta-casein in goat milk. Anim. Genet., 27, 31-31.
  • Reinert P., Fabre A., 1996. Use of goat milk for infant feeding. Experimental work at creteil (France). Proceedings of the CollequeInterets dietetique du lait de chevre, Niort, France,7 November 1996 Paris: Instıtut National de la Rechrche Agronomique (INRA), 1997 p. 119-121. et
  • Restani P., Gaiaschi A., Plebani A., Beretta B., Cavagni G., Fiocchi A., Poiesi C., Velona T., Ugazio AG., Galli CL., 1999. Cross-reactivity between milk proteins from different animal species. Clin. Exp. Allergy, 29, 997-1004.
  • Rijnkels M., 2002. Multispecies comparison of the casein gene loci and evolution of casein gene family. J Mammary Gland Biol. Neoplasia, 7, 327-345.
  • Roberts B., DiTullio, P., Vitale J., Hehir,. K., 1992. Cloning of the goat β-casein- encoding gene and expression in transgenic mice. Gene 121, 255-262.
  • Goat beta-casein gene Gene Bank Accession No.AH001195.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih .gov/entrez/viewer.fcgi?db=nuccore&id =164114, (Erişim: 13.05.2008).
  • Sabbah A., Hassoun S., Drouet M., 1997. Cow milk allergy and use of goat milk as a substitute. Proceedings of the CollequeInterets dietetique Niort,France,7 November 1996 Paris: Instıtut National de la Rechrche Agronomique (INRA), 1997, 119-121.
  • Sacchi P., Chessa S., Budelli E., Bolla P., Ceriotti G., Soglia D., Rasero R., Cauvin E., Caroli A., 2005. Casein haplotype structure in five italian goat breeds. J. Dairy Sci., 88, 1561-1568.
  • Serradilla JM., 2002. The goat αs1-casein gene: A paradigm of the use of a major gene to improve milk quality?. Options Mediterraneennes, Serie A, Seminaires Mediterraneens, 55, 99-106.
  • Threadgill DW., Womack JE., 1990. Genomic analysis of the major bovine milk protein genes. Nucleic Acids Res., 18, 6935-6942.
  • Trujillo AJ., Casals I., Guamis B., 2000. Analysis of major caprine milk proteins by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry. J. Dairy Sci., 83, 11-19.
  • Tziboula A., Horne DS., 1999. The role of αs1-casein in the structure of caprine casein micelles. Int. Dairy J. 9:173- 178.
  • Vacca GM., Chianses L., Ghibellini A., Carcangiu V., Mauriello R., Bini PP., 2003. AlphaS1-casein genetic variants in Sarda goat breed. Proceedings of the ASPA 15th Congress, Parma, Italy, 18- 20 June.
  • Yahyaoui M.H., Coll A., Sanchez A., Folch J.M., 2001. Genetic polymorphism of the caprine kappa casein gene. J. Dairy Res., 68, 209-216.
  • Yahyaoui MH., Angiolillo A., Sanchez A., Folch JM. 2003. Characterization and genotyping of the caprine k-casein variants. J. Dairy Sci., 86, 2715-2720.
  • Wang Q., Huang Z., Chen M.J., Huang S.Z. and Zeng YT. 2001. Capra hircus beta- casein precursor (csn2) gene, complete cds. AF409096. /entrez/viewer.fcgi?db=nuccore&id=15 425979 (Erişim: 05.05.2008). No.
Year 2009, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 133 - 145, 09.03.2010



  • Ambrosoli R., Di Stasio, L., Mazzocco, P., 1988. Content of alphas1-casein and coagulation properties in goat milk. J. Dairy Sci., 71, 24-28.
  • Bellioni-Businco B., Paganelli R., Lucenti P., Giampietro PG., Perborn H., Businco L., 1999. Allergenicity of goat’s milk in children with cow’s milk allergy. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 103, 1191- 1194.
  • Bevilacqua C., Martin P., Candalh C., Fauquant J., Piot M., Roucayrol AM., Pilla F., Heyman M., 2001. Goat's milk of decreases intestinal and systemic sensitization to β-lactoglobulin in guinea pigs. J. Dairy Sci. 68: 217-227.
  • Bevilacqua C., Ferranti P., Garro G., Veltri C., Lagonigro R., Leroux C., Pietrola E., Addeo F., Pilla F,Chianese L., M Martin P., 2002. Interallelic recombination is probably responsible for the occurrence of a new αs1-casein variant found in the oat species. Eur. J. Biochem., 269, 1293-1303.
  • Bouiniol C., Brignon G., Mahe MF., Printz C., 1994. Biochemical and genetic analysis of variant C of caprine αs2-casein (Capra hircus). Anim. Genet. 25, 173- 177.
  • Boulanger A., Grosclaude F., Mahe MF., 1984. Polymorphism of αs1 and αs2 caseins of the goat. Genet. Sel. Evol., 16, 157-176.
  • Bozkaya F., Mundan D., Karabulut O., Yerturk M., Gurler S., Aral F., 2008. An investigation on the distribution of O and D alleles of the CSN1S2 gene in goat populations raised in southeastern region of Turkey. Small Rumin. Res., 78, 193-196.
  • Caroli A., Jann O., Budelli E., Bolla P., Jager G., S., polymorphism of k-casein (CSN3) in different breeds and characterization at DNA level. Anim. Genet., 32, 226-230.
  • Caroli A., Chiatti F., Chessa C., Rignanese D., Bolla P., Pagnacco G., 2006. Focusing on the goat casein complex. J. Dairy Sci., 89, 3178-3187.
  • Chessa S., Budelli E.,Gutscher A., Caroli A., Erhardt communication: identification of five k-casein (CSN3) alleles in domestic goat by polymerase chain conformation polymorphism. J. Dairy. Sci., 86, 3726-3729. Short Simultaneous
  • reaction-single strand
  • Chessa S., Ceriotti G., Dario C., Erhardt G., Caroli polymorphism of alphaS1-, alphaS2- and k-casein in Maltese goat breed. Proceedings of the ASPA 15th Congress, Parma, Italy18-20 June. Genetic
  • Chessa S., Budelli e., Chiatti F., Cito AM., Bolla P., Caroli A., 2005. Predominance of β-Casein (CSN2) C allele in goat breeds reared in Italy. J. Dairy Sci., 88, 1878-1881.
  • Chianese L., Garro, G., Nicolai, MA., Mauriello, R., Ferrani, P., Pizzano, R., Cappucio, Laezza, P., Addeo, F., Ramunno, L., Rando, A., Rubino, R., 1993. heterogeneity in caprine milk. Lait, 73, 533-547. of β-casein
  • Chiatti F., Caroli A., Chessa S., Bolla P., Pagnacco G., 2005. Relationships between goat kappa-casein (CSN3) polymorphism and milk composition. FAO International Congress. The Role of Biotechnology. Villa Gualin, Turin, Italy, 2005. chiatti.pdf. (Erişim: 05.06.2009).
  • Clark S., Sherbon JW., 2000a. Alphas1-CN, milk composition and coagulation properties Ruminant Res., 38, 123-134. milk. Small
  • Clark S., Sherbon JW., 2000b. Genetic variants of alphas1-CN in goat milk: breed distribution and associations with milk composition and coagulation properties. Small Ruminant Res., 38, 135-143.
  • Coll A., Folch J.M., Sanchez A. 1993. Nucleotide sequence of the goat kappa- casein cDNA. J. Anim. Sci., 71, 2833.
  • Coll A., Folch J.M., Sanchez A., 1995. Structural features of the 5’ flanking region of the caprine κ-casein gene. J. Dairy Sci., 78, 973-977.
  • Cosenza,G., Illario R., Rando A., Digregorio P., Masina P., Ramunno L. 2003. Molecular characterization of the goat CSN1S101 allele. J. Dairy Res., 70, 237- 240.
  • Cosenza G., Paciullo, A., Colimono, L., Mancusi, Ramunno, L., 2007. An SNP in the goat CSN2 promotor region is associated with the absence of β-casein in milk. Anim. Genet., 38, 655-658. D.,
  • Cosenza G., Paciullo, A., Colimono, L., D’Avino A., Mancusi, A., Ramunno, L., 2008. Genotyping at the CSN1S1 locus by PCR-RFLP and AS-PCR in a Neapolitan goat population. Small Ruminant Res., 74, 84-90.
  • Cunsolo V., Galliano F., Muccilli V., Saletti R., Marletta D., Bordonaro S., Foti S., 2005. Detection and characterization by chromatography spectrometry of a goat β-casein associated with a CSN2 null allele. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 19, 2943-2949. liquid mass and
  • Erhardt G., Jager S., Budelli E., Caroli A., 2002. Genetic polymorphism of goat alpha evidence Milchwissenschaft, 57, 137-140. further allele. a
  • Feligini M., Cubrik-Curik V., Parma P., Curik I., Greppi G. F., Enne F., 2002. Polymorpism of k-casein in Ialian goat breeds: A new ACRS-PCR designed DNA Test for discrimination of A and B alleles. Food. Technol. Biotechnol., 40, 293-298.
  • Ferranti P., Addeo F., Malorni A., Chianese L., Leroux C., Martin P., 1997. Differential splicing of pre-messenger RNA produces multiple forms of mature caprine αs1-casein. Eur. J. Biochem., 249, 1-7.
  • Ferretti L., Leone P., Sgaramella V., 1990. Long range restriction analysis of the bovine casein genes. Nucleic Acids Res., 18, 6829-6833.
  • Galliano F., Saletti R., Cunsolo V., Foti S., Marletta D., Bordonaro S., D’Urso G., 2004. characterization of a new β-casein variant in goat milk by high- performance liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization spectrometry. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 18, 1972-1982. mass
  • Grosclaude F., Mahe, M.F., Brignon, G., DiStasio, L., Jeunet, R., 1987. A Mendelian polymorphism underlying quantitative variations of goat as1- casein. Genet. Sel. Evol., 19, 399-412
  • Host A., 2002. Frequency of cow's milk allergy in childhood. Ann. Allergy Asthma Immunol., 89, 33-37.
  • Jann OC., Prinzberg E.-M., Luikart G., Caroli A., polymorpism in the k-casein (CSN3) gene from wild and domestic caprine species revealed by DNA sequencing. J. Dairy. Res., 71, 188-195. High
  • Jansa-Perez M., Leroux C., Sanchez A., Martin P., 1994. Occurence of a LINE sequence in the 3’ UTR of the goat αs1- casein E- encoding allele associated with reduced protein synthesis level. Gene, 147, 179-187.
  • Kusza S., Veress G., Kukovis S., Javor A., Sanches A., Angiolillo A., Bosze Z., 2007. Genetic polymorphism of αs1- and αs2-caseins in Hungarian Milking Goats. Small Rumin. Res., 68, 329- 332.
  • Jordana J., Amilis M., Dia E., Angulo C. Serradilla, J.M., Sanchez A. 1996. Gene frequencies of caprine αs1-casein polymorphism in Spanish goat breeds. Small Ruminant Res. 20, 215-221.
  • Lagonigro R., Pietrola E., D’Andrea M., Veltri C., Pilla F., 2001. Molecular genetic characterization of the goat s2-casein E allele. Anim. Genet., 32, 390-393.
  • Leroux C., Mazure N., Martin P., 1992. Mutations away from splice site recognition sequences might cis- modulate alternative splicing of goat αs1-casein transcripts. J. Biol. Chem., 267, 6147-6157. Mahe MF., Grosclaude F., 1993. Polymorphism of β-casein in the Creole goat of Guadeloupe: evidence for a null allele. Genet. Sel. Evol., 25, 403-408.
  • Marletta D., Bordonaro A., Guastella A.M. G., ve polymorphism at CSN1S2 locus in two 2004. Genetic endangered sicilian goat breeds. J. Anim. Breed. Genet., 121, 52-56.
  • Marletta D., Bordonaro A., Guastella A.M., D'Urso G., 2005. Genetic polymorphism of calcium sensitive caseins in sicilian Girgentana and Argentata dell’Etna goat breeds. J. Anim. Breed. Genet., 121, 52-56.
  • Marletta D., Criscione A., Bordonaro S., Guastella AM., D’Urso G., 2007. Casein polymorphism in goat’s milk. Lait, 87, 491-504.
  • Martin P., Brignon G., Furet JP., Leroux C., 1996. The gene encoding αs1-casein is expressed epithelial cells during lactation. Lait, 76, 523-535. mammary
  • Mercier JC., Chobert J.M., Addeo, F., 1976. Comparative study of the amino acid sequences of the caseinomacropeptides from seven species. FEBS Letters, 72, 208-214.
  • Moatsou G., Samolada M., Panagiotou P., Anifantakis E. 2004. Casein fraction of bulk milks from different caprine breeds. Food Chem. 87: 75-81.
  • Morgan F., Micault S., Fauquant J., 2001. Combined effect of whey protein and αs1-casein genotype on the heat stability of goat milk. Int. J. Dairy Tech., 54, 64-68.
  • Neveu C., Molle, D., Moreno, J., Martin, P., Leonil J., 2002. Heterogeneity of caprine beta-casein elucidated by RP- HPLC/MS: phosphorylations. J. Protein Chem., 21, 557-567. variants and
  • Othman OE., Ahmed S., 2006. Analysis of genetic polymorphism in the Egyptian goat CSN1S2 using polymerase chain reaction. J. Biol. Sci., 6, 238-241.
  • Persuy MA., Printz C., Medrano, J.F., Mercier, J.C., 1999. A single nucleotide deletion resulting in a premature stop codon is associated with marked reduction of transcripts from a goat β- casein null allele. Anim. Genet., 30, 444-451.
  • Prinzberg EM., Gutscher K., Chessa s., Caroli A., Erhardt G., 2005. Caprine k- casein (CSN3) Polymorphism: New Developments in molecular knowledge. J. Dairy Sci., 88, 1490-1498.
  • Ramunno L., Mariani, P., Pappalardo, M., Rando, A., Capuano M., Di Gregorio P., Cosenza G., 1995. Un gene ad effetto maggiore sul contenuto di caseina β nel latte di capra. Proceeding XI Congress National Animal Production (ASPA), 185-186 (Cosenza ve ark. 2007 tarafından alıntılanmıştır). Association of
  • Ramunno L., Cosenza G., Pappalardo M., Pastore N., Gallo D., Digregorio P., Masina P. 2000. Identification of the foat CSN1S1F allele by means of PCR- RFLP method. Anim. Genet. 31, 342- 343
  • Ramunno L., Longobardi E., Pappalardo M., Rando A., Digregorio P., Cosenza G., Mariani P., Pastore N. Masina P., 2001a. An allele associated with a non- detectable amount of αs2 casein in goat milk. Anim. Genet., 32, 19-26.
  • Ramunno L., Cosenza G., Pappalardo M., Longobardi E., Gallo D., Pastore N., Digregorio P., Rando A., 2001b. Characterization of two new alleles at the goat CSN1S2 locus. Anim. Genet., 32, 264-268.
  • Ramunno, L., Cosenza G. Rando A., Illario R., Gallo D., Berardino D., Masina P. 2004. The goat αs1-casein gene: gene structure and promoter analysis. Gene 334:105-111.
  • Rando A., Pappalardo M, Capuano M., Di Gregorio L., Ramunno L., 1996. Two mutations might be responsible for the absence of beta-casein in goat milk. Anim. Genet., 27, 31-31.
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There are 68 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Derlemeler

Faruk Bozkaya This is me

Publication Date March 9, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Bozkaya, F. (2010). Keçilerde Kazein Genlerindeki Çeşitlilik ve Önemi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(2), 133-145.
AMA Bozkaya F. Keçilerde Kazein Genlerindeki Çeşitlilik ve Önemi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. March 2010;4(2):133-145.
Chicago Bozkaya, Faruk. “Keçilerde Kazein Genlerindeki Çeşitlilik Ve Önemi”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 4, no. 2 (March 2010): 133-45.
EndNote Bozkaya F (March 1, 2010) Keçilerde Kazein Genlerindeki Çeşitlilik ve Önemi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 4 2 133–145.
IEEE F. Bozkaya, “Keçilerde Kazein Genlerindeki Çeşitlilik ve Önemi”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 133–145, 2010.
ISNAD Bozkaya, Faruk. “Keçilerde Kazein Genlerindeki Çeşitlilik Ve Önemi”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 4/2 (March 2010), 133-145.
JAMA Bozkaya F. Keçilerde Kazein Genlerindeki Çeşitlilik ve Önemi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2010;4:133–145.
MLA Bozkaya, Faruk. “Keçilerde Kazein Genlerindeki Çeşitlilik Ve Önemi”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 4, no. 2, 2010, pp. 133-45.
Vancouver Bozkaya F. Keçilerde Kazein Genlerindeki Çeşitlilik ve Önemi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2010;4(2):133-45.