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Peynirde Mikrobiyel Lipolizin Oluşumu ve Lezzet Gelişimine Katkısı

Year 2012, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 211 - 219, 03.01.2013


Peynirin olgunlaşmasında proteoliz ve lipoliz gibi çeşitli biyokimyasal değişiklikler meydana gelir. Lipoliz, özellikle Mavi
ve Sert İtalyan peyniri gibi yoğun lipolizin gerçekleştiği peynir türlerinde olgunlaşma süresince gözlemlenen önemli bir
biyokimyasal olaydır. Triaçilgliserolun yağ asiti ve gliserol arasındaki bağı parçalayan hidrolaz (lipaz ve esteraz) olarak ta
bilinen lipolitik enzimlerin varlığıyla bu peynirlerde lipoliz gerçekleşir. Bu lipolitik enzimler başlıca küflerden ve diğer
sekonder kültürlerden köken almaktadır. Peynirin olgunlaşması esnasında süt yağının triaçilgliserol yapısının lipolitik
parçalanması, daha sonraki aşamalarda metil keton, tiyoester ve lakton gibi yüksek aromatik bileşiklere parçalanan serbest
yağ asitlerinin (SYA) oluşumuyla sonuçlanır. Olgunlaşma esnasında salınan temel lezzet bileşenleri peynirin lezzetini
doğrudan etkileyen serbest yağ asitleridir ve serbest yağ asitlerinin parçalanma ürünleri de farklı peynir türlerinde lezzeti
doğrudan etkiler. Bu derlemede peynirde bulunan özellikle mikrobiyel kökenli lipoliz etkenleri; lipolize bağlı olarak oluşan
serbest yağ asitleri, metilketon, ester, sekonder alkol gibi serbest yağ asitlerinin katabolizma ürünleri ve bu bileşenlerin
lezzet üzerine etkisi irdelenmiştir.


  • Abeijon Mukdsi MC., Medina RB., Katz MB., Pivotto R., Gatti P., Gonza’lez SN., 2009. Contribution of lactic acid bacteria esterases to the release of fatty acids in miniature ewe's milk cheese models. J. Agric. Food Chem., 57, 1036-1044.
  • Avila M., Calzada J., Garde S., Nunez M., 2007. Lipolysis of semi-hard cheese made with a lacticin 481- producing Lactococcus lactis strain and a Lactobacillus helveticus strain. INRA, EDP Sciences, 87, 575-585.
  • Baillargeon MW., Bistline RG., Sonnet PE., 1989. Evaluation of strains of Geotrichum candidum for lipase production and fatty acid specificity. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 30, 92–96.
  • Chen L., Daniel RM., Coolbear T., 2003. Detection and impact of protease and lipase activities in milk and milk powders. Int. Dairy J., 13, 255–275.
  • Chich JF., Marchesseau K., Gripon JC., 1997. Intracellular esterase from Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis NCDO 763: Purification and characterization. Int. Dairy J., 7, 169–174.
  • Cho HY., Bancerz R., Gınaslka G., Leonowicz A., Cho NS., Ohga S., 2007. Culture conditions of psychrotrophic fungus, Penicillium chrysogenum and its lipase characteristics. J. Fac. Agr. Kyushu U., 52, 281-286.
  • Collins YF., McSweeney PLH., Wilkinson MG., 2003. Evidence of a relationship between autolysis of starter bacteria and lipolysis in Cheddar cheese during ripening. J. Dairy Res., 70, 105–113.
  • Crow V., Curry B., Hayes M., 2001. The ecology of non- starter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) and their use as adjuncts in New Zealand Cheddar. Int. Dairy J., 11, 275–283.
  • Dherbe´court J., Falentin H., Jardin J., Maillard MB., Baglinie`re F., Barloy-Hubler F., Thierry A., 2010. Identification of a secreted lipolytic esterase in Propionibacterium freudenreichii, a ripening process bacterium involved in Emmental cheese lipolysis. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 76, 1181–1188.
  • Dumont JP., Adda J., 1979. Flavour formation in dairy products. In “Progress in Flavour Research”, Eds., Land DG. and Nursten HE., Applied Science, Norwich.
  • Engels WJM., Dekker R., De Jong C., Neeter R., Visser S., 1997. A comparative study of volatile compounds in the water-soluble fraction of various types of ripened cheese. Int. Dairy J., 7, 255-263.
  • Fenster KM., Parkin KL., Steele JL., 2003a. Nucleotide sequencing, purification and biochemical properties of an arylesterase from Lactobacillus casei LILA. J. Dairy Res., 86, 2547–2557.
  • Fenster KM., Parkin KL., Steele JL., 2003b. Intracellular esterase from Lactobacillus casei LILA: Nucleotide sequencing, purification, and characterization. J. Dairy Res., 86, 1118–1129.
  • Foda EA., Hammond EG., Reinbold GW., Hotchkiss DK., 1974. Role of fat in flavour of Cheddar cheese. J. Dairy Sci., 57, 1137–1142.
  • Fox PF., Singh TK., McSweeney PLH. 1995. Biogenesis of flavour compounds in cheese. In “Chemistry of Structure/Function Relationships in Cheese”, Eds., Malin EL. and Tunick MH., Plenum Press, New York.
  • Fox PF., McSweeney PLH. 1998. Chemistry and biochemistry of cheese and fermented milks. In “Dairy Chemistry and Biochemistry”, Eds., Fox PF. and McSweeney PLH., Blackie Academic & Professional, London.
  • Freitas AC., Pintado AE., Pintado ME., Malcata FX., 1999. Role of dominant microflora of Picante cheese on proteolysis and lipolysis. Int. Dairy J., 9, 593–603.
  • Georgala A., Moschopoulou E., Aktypis A., Massouras T., Zoidou E., Kandarakis I., Anifantakis E., 2005. Evolution of lipolysis during the ripening of traditional Feta cheese. Food Chem., 93, 73-80.
  • Hickey DK., Kilcawley KN., Beresford TP., Sheehan EM., Wilkinson MG., 2006. The influence of a seasonal milk supply on the biochemical and sensory properties of Cheddar cheese. Int. Dairy J., 16, 679– 690.
  • Holland R., Coolbear T., 1996. Purification of tributyrin esterase from Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis E8. J. Dairy Res., 63, 131–140.
  • Holland R., Liu S-Q., Crow VL., Delabre ML., Lubbers M., Bennett M., Norris G., 2005. Esterases of lactic acid bacteria and cheese flavour: Milk fat hydrolysis, alcoholysis and esterification: a review. Int. Dairy J., 15, 711-718.
  • Jaeger KE., Ransac S., Dijkstra BW., Colson C., Heuvel M., Misset O., 1994. Bacterial lipases. FEMS Microbiol Rev., 15, 29-63.
  • Jensen RG., Sampugna J., 1964. Lipolysis of synthetic and milk triglycerides by pregastric esterase. J. Dairy Sci., 47, 664.
  • Jensen RG., Pitas RE., 1976. Milk lipoprotein lipases: a review. J. Dairy Sci., 59, 1203–1214.
  • Kelly AL., Voigt DD., Chevalier F., Qian MC., 2010. Effect of high-pressure proteolysis, lipolysis and levels of flavour compounds in mature blue-veined cheese. Innovat. Food Sci. Emerg. Tech., 11, 68-77. microbiology,
  • Kilcawley KN., Hickey DK., Beresford TP., Wilkinson MG., 2006. Starter bacteria are the prime agents of lipolysis in cheddar cheese. J. Agric. Food Chem., 54, 8229-8235.
  • Kornacki K., Stepaniak L., Adamiec J., Grabska J., Wrona K.,1979. preparations as compared to hog pancreas lipase. Milchwissenschaft, 34, 340–343. lipolytic mould
  • Kubickova J., Grosch W., 1998. Evaluation of flavour compounds of Camembert cheese. Int. Dairy J., 8, 11-16.
  • Lamberet G., Lenoir J.,-1976. Les caracteres du systeme lipolytique de l'espece Penicillium caseicolum. Lait, 56, 119.
  • Law BA., 1979. Review of the progress of dairy science: enzymes of psychrotrophic bacteria and their effects on milk and milk products. J. Dairy Sci., 46, 573–588.
  • Liu S-Q., Holland R., Crow VL., 2001. Purification and properties Streptococcus thermophilus. Int. Dairy J., 11, 27–35. esterases from
  • Lobyreva LB., Marchenko AI., 1980. Isolation and partial characterization of the lipases of Penicillium roqueforti. Int. Microbiol., 49, 924–930.
  • McSweeney PLH., Sousa MJ., 2000. Biochemical pathways for the production of flavour compounds in cheeses during ripening: A review. Lait, 80, 293-324.
  • Menoncin S., Domingues NM., Freire DMG., Toniazzo G., Cansian RL., Oliveira JV.,
  • Luccio MD., Oliveira D., Treichel H, 2010. Study of the extraction, concentration, and partial characteriza- tion of lipases obtained from Penicillium verrucosum using solid-state fermentation of soybean bran. Food Bioprocess Technol., 3, 537-544.
  • Molimard P., Spinnler HE., 1996. Compounds involved in the flavor of surface mould-ripened cheeses: origins and properties. J. Dairy Sci., 79, 169-184.
  • Picque D., Martin del Campo ST., Bonnaire N., Corrieu G., 2009. Initial studies into the characterisation of ripening stages of Emmental cheeses by mid- infrared spectroscopy. Dairy Sci. Technol., 89, 155- 167.
  • Pitas RE., Jensen RG., 1970. Action of pregastric esterase on synthetic triglycerides combining butyric acid. J Dairy Sci, 53, 1083.
  • Rasouli Pirouzian H., Hesari J., Farajnia S., Moghaddam M., Ghiassifar S., Manafi M., 2010. Inclusion of Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium to UF White Cheese. WASET, 66, 850-854.
  • Reiter B., Fryer TF., Pickering A., Chapman HR., Lawrence RC., Sharpe ME., 1967. The effect of the microbial flora on the flavour and free fatty acid composition of Cheddar cheese. J. Dairy Sci., 34, 257–271.
  • Santillo A., Di Matola M., Cifuni F., Pizzillo M., D’Urso S., Albenzio M., 2007. Assessment of proteolysis and lipolysis in cheeses made using artisanal lamb rennet paste. Ital. J. Anim. Sci., 6, 598-598.
  • Singh TK., Drake MA., Cadwallader KR., 2003. Flavor of Cheddar cheese: a perspective. Com. Rev. Food Sci. Food Safety, 2, 139-162.
  • Slattery L., O’Callaghan J., Fitzgerald GF., Beresford T., Ross RP., 2010. Invited review: Lactobacillus helveticus—a thermophilic dairy starter related to gut bacteria. J. Dairy Res., 93, 4435–4454.
  • Sorhaug T., Ordal ZJ., 1974. Cell-bound lipase and esterase of Brevibacterium linens. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 27, 607–608.
  • Verger R., 1997. Interfacial activation of lipases: facts and artifacts. Trends Biotechnol., 15, 32-38.
  • Wolff RL., Christie WW., Pedrono F., Marpeau AM., 1999. Arachidonic, eicosapentaenoic, and biosynthetically related fatty acids in the seed lipids from a primitive gymnosperm, Agathis robusta. Lipids, 34, 1083- 1097.
  • Wolf IV., Meinardi CA., Zalazar CA, 2009. Production of flavour compounds from fat during cheese ripening by action of lipases and esterases. Protein Pept. Lett., 16, 1235-1243.
  • Wolf IV., Perotti MC., Zalazar CA., 2011. Composition and volatile profiles of commercial Argentinean blue cheeses. J. Sci. Food Agr., 91, 385-393.
  • Yang RL., Li N., Ye M., Zong MH., 2010. Highly regioselective synthesis of novel aromatic esters of arbutin catalyzed by immobilized lipase from Penicillium expansum. J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic, 67, 41-44.
  • Zong MH., Li N., 2010. Lipases from the genus Penicillium: production, purification, characterization and applications. J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic, 66, 43-54.
Year 2012, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 211 - 219, 03.01.2013



  • Abeijon Mukdsi MC., Medina RB., Katz MB., Pivotto R., Gatti P., Gonza’lez SN., 2009. Contribution of lactic acid bacteria esterases to the release of fatty acids in miniature ewe's milk cheese models. J. Agric. Food Chem., 57, 1036-1044.
  • Avila M., Calzada J., Garde S., Nunez M., 2007. Lipolysis of semi-hard cheese made with a lacticin 481- producing Lactococcus lactis strain and a Lactobacillus helveticus strain. INRA, EDP Sciences, 87, 575-585.
  • Baillargeon MW., Bistline RG., Sonnet PE., 1989. Evaluation of strains of Geotrichum candidum for lipase production and fatty acid specificity. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 30, 92–96.
  • Chen L., Daniel RM., Coolbear T., 2003. Detection and impact of protease and lipase activities in milk and milk powders. Int. Dairy J., 13, 255–275.
  • Chich JF., Marchesseau K., Gripon JC., 1997. Intracellular esterase from Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis NCDO 763: Purification and characterization. Int. Dairy J., 7, 169–174.
  • Cho HY., Bancerz R., Gınaslka G., Leonowicz A., Cho NS., Ohga S., 2007. Culture conditions of psychrotrophic fungus, Penicillium chrysogenum and its lipase characteristics. J. Fac. Agr. Kyushu U., 52, 281-286.
  • Collins YF., McSweeney PLH., Wilkinson MG., 2003. Evidence of a relationship between autolysis of starter bacteria and lipolysis in Cheddar cheese during ripening. J. Dairy Res., 70, 105–113.
  • Crow V., Curry B., Hayes M., 2001. The ecology of non- starter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) and their use as adjuncts in New Zealand Cheddar. Int. Dairy J., 11, 275–283.
  • Dherbe´court J., Falentin H., Jardin J., Maillard MB., Baglinie`re F., Barloy-Hubler F., Thierry A., 2010. Identification of a secreted lipolytic esterase in Propionibacterium freudenreichii, a ripening process bacterium involved in Emmental cheese lipolysis. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 76, 1181–1188.
  • Dumont JP., Adda J., 1979. Flavour formation in dairy products. In “Progress in Flavour Research”, Eds., Land DG. and Nursten HE., Applied Science, Norwich.
  • Engels WJM., Dekker R., De Jong C., Neeter R., Visser S., 1997. A comparative study of volatile compounds in the water-soluble fraction of various types of ripened cheese. Int. Dairy J., 7, 255-263.
  • Fenster KM., Parkin KL., Steele JL., 2003a. Nucleotide sequencing, purification and biochemical properties of an arylesterase from Lactobacillus casei LILA. J. Dairy Res., 86, 2547–2557.
  • Fenster KM., Parkin KL., Steele JL., 2003b. Intracellular esterase from Lactobacillus casei LILA: Nucleotide sequencing, purification, and characterization. J. Dairy Res., 86, 1118–1129.
  • Foda EA., Hammond EG., Reinbold GW., Hotchkiss DK., 1974. Role of fat in flavour of Cheddar cheese. J. Dairy Sci., 57, 1137–1142.
  • Fox PF., Singh TK., McSweeney PLH. 1995. Biogenesis of flavour compounds in cheese. In “Chemistry of Structure/Function Relationships in Cheese”, Eds., Malin EL. and Tunick MH., Plenum Press, New York.
  • Fox PF., McSweeney PLH. 1998. Chemistry and biochemistry of cheese and fermented milks. In “Dairy Chemistry and Biochemistry”, Eds., Fox PF. and McSweeney PLH., Blackie Academic & Professional, London.
  • Freitas AC., Pintado AE., Pintado ME., Malcata FX., 1999. Role of dominant microflora of Picante cheese on proteolysis and lipolysis. Int. Dairy J., 9, 593–603.
  • Georgala A., Moschopoulou E., Aktypis A., Massouras T., Zoidou E., Kandarakis I., Anifantakis E., 2005. Evolution of lipolysis during the ripening of traditional Feta cheese. Food Chem., 93, 73-80.
  • Hickey DK., Kilcawley KN., Beresford TP., Sheehan EM., Wilkinson MG., 2006. The influence of a seasonal milk supply on the biochemical and sensory properties of Cheddar cheese. Int. Dairy J., 16, 679– 690.
  • Holland R., Coolbear T., 1996. Purification of tributyrin esterase from Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis E8. J. Dairy Res., 63, 131–140.
  • Holland R., Liu S-Q., Crow VL., Delabre ML., Lubbers M., Bennett M., Norris G., 2005. Esterases of lactic acid bacteria and cheese flavour: Milk fat hydrolysis, alcoholysis and esterification: a review. Int. Dairy J., 15, 711-718.
  • Jaeger KE., Ransac S., Dijkstra BW., Colson C., Heuvel M., Misset O., 1994. Bacterial lipases. FEMS Microbiol Rev., 15, 29-63.
  • Jensen RG., Sampugna J., 1964. Lipolysis of synthetic and milk triglycerides by pregastric esterase. J. Dairy Sci., 47, 664.
  • Jensen RG., Pitas RE., 1976. Milk lipoprotein lipases: a review. J. Dairy Sci., 59, 1203–1214.
  • Kelly AL., Voigt DD., Chevalier F., Qian MC., 2010. Effect of high-pressure proteolysis, lipolysis and levels of flavour compounds in mature blue-veined cheese. Innovat. Food Sci. Emerg. Tech., 11, 68-77. microbiology,
  • Kilcawley KN., Hickey DK., Beresford TP., Wilkinson MG., 2006. Starter bacteria are the prime agents of lipolysis in cheddar cheese. J. Agric. Food Chem., 54, 8229-8235.
  • Kornacki K., Stepaniak L., Adamiec J., Grabska J., Wrona K.,1979. preparations as compared to hog pancreas lipase. Milchwissenschaft, 34, 340–343. lipolytic mould
  • Kubickova J., Grosch W., 1998. Evaluation of flavour compounds of Camembert cheese. Int. Dairy J., 8, 11-16.
  • Lamberet G., Lenoir J.,-1976. Les caracteres du systeme lipolytique de l'espece Penicillium caseicolum. Lait, 56, 119.
  • Law BA., 1979. Review of the progress of dairy science: enzymes of psychrotrophic bacteria and their effects on milk and milk products. J. Dairy Sci., 46, 573–588.
  • Liu S-Q., Holland R., Crow VL., 2001. Purification and properties Streptococcus thermophilus. Int. Dairy J., 11, 27–35. esterases from
  • Lobyreva LB., Marchenko AI., 1980. Isolation and partial characterization of the lipases of Penicillium roqueforti. Int. Microbiol., 49, 924–930.
  • McSweeney PLH., Sousa MJ., 2000. Biochemical pathways for the production of flavour compounds in cheeses during ripening: A review. Lait, 80, 293-324.
  • Menoncin S., Domingues NM., Freire DMG., Toniazzo G., Cansian RL., Oliveira JV.,
  • Luccio MD., Oliveira D., Treichel H, 2010. Study of the extraction, concentration, and partial characteriza- tion of lipases obtained from Penicillium verrucosum using solid-state fermentation of soybean bran. Food Bioprocess Technol., 3, 537-544.
  • Molimard P., Spinnler HE., 1996. Compounds involved in the flavor of surface mould-ripened cheeses: origins and properties. J. Dairy Sci., 79, 169-184.
  • Picque D., Martin del Campo ST., Bonnaire N., Corrieu G., 2009. Initial studies into the characterisation of ripening stages of Emmental cheeses by mid- infrared spectroscopy. Dairy Sci. Technol., 89, 155- 167.
  • Pitas RE., Jensen RG., 1970. Action of pregastric esterase on synthetic triglycerides combining butyric acid. J Dairy Sci, 53, 1083.
  • Rasouli Pirouzian H., Hesari J., Farajnia S., Moghaddam M., Ghiassifar S., Manafi M., 2010. Inclusion of Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium to UF White Cheese. WASET, 66, 850-854.
  • Reiter B., Fryer TF., Pickering A., Chapman HR., Lawrence RC., Sharpe ME., 1967. The effect of the microbial flora on the flavour and free fatty acid composition of Cheddar cheese. J. Dairy Sci., 34, 257–271.
  • Santillo A., Di Matola M., Cifuni F., Pizzillo M., D’Urso S., Albenzio M., 2007. Assessment of proteolysis and lipolysis in cheeses made using artisanal lamb rennet paste. Ital. J. Anim. Sci., 6, 598-598.
  • Singh TK., Drake MA., Cadwallader KR., 2003. Flavor of Cheddar cheese: a perspective. Com. Rev. Food Sci. Food Safety, 2, 139-162.
  • Slattery L., O’Callaghan J., Fitzgerald GF., Beresford T., Ross RP., 2010. Invited review: Lactobacillus helveticus—a thermophilic dairy starter related to gut bacteria. J. Dairy Res., 93, 4435–4454.
  • Sorhaug T., Ordal ZJ., 1974. Cell-bound lipase and esterase of Brevibacterium linens. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 27, 607–608.
  • Verger R., 1997. Interfacial activation of lipases: facts and artifacts. Trends Biotechnol., 15, 32-38.
  • Wolff RL., Christie WW., Pedrono F., Marpeau AM., 1999. Arachidonic, eicosapentaenoic, and biosynthetically related fatty acids in the seed lipids from a primitive gymnosperm, Agathis robusta. Lipids, 34, 1083- 1097.
  • Wolf IV., Meinardi CA., Zalazar CA, 2009. Production of flavour compounds from fat during cheese ripening by action of lipases and esterases. Protein Pept. Lett., 16, 1235-1243.
  • Wolf IV., Perotti MC., Zalazar CA., 2011. Composition and volatile profiles of commercial Argentinean blue cheeses. J. Sci. Food Agr., 91, 385-393.
  • Yang RL., Li N., Ye M., Zong MH., 2010. Highly regioselective synthesis of novel aromatic esters of arbutin catalyzed by immobilized lipase from Penicillium expansum. J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic, 67, 41-44.
  • Zong MH., Li N., 2010. Lipases from the genus Penicillium: production, purification, characterization and applications. J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic, 66, 43-54.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Derlemeler

Ahmet Erdoğan

Alper Baran

Mustafa Atasever

Publication Date January 3, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 7 Issue: 3


APA Erdoğan, A., Baran, A., & Atasever, M. (2013). Peynirde Mikrobiyel Lipolizin Oluşumu ve Lezzet Gelişimine Katkısı. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(3), 211-219.
AMA Erdoğan A, Baran A, Atasever M. Peynirde Mikrobiyel Lipolizin Oluşumu ve Lezzet Gelişimine Katkısı. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. January 2013;7(3):211-219.
Chicago Erdoğan, Ahmet, Alper Baran, and Mustafa Atasever. “Peynirde Mikrobiyel Lipolizin Oluşumu Ve Lezzet Gelişimine Katkısı”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 7, no. 3 (January 2013): 211-19.
EndNote Erdoğan A, Baran A, Atasever M (January 1, 2013) Peynirde Mikrobiyel Lipolizin Oluşumu ve Lezzet Gelişimine Katkısı. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 7 3 211–219.
IEEE A. Erdoğan, A. Baran, and M. Atasever, “Peynirde Mikrobiyel Lipolizin Oluşumu ve Lezzet Gelişimine Katkısı”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 211–219, 2013.
ISNAD Erdoğan, Ahmet et al. “Peynirde Mikrobiyel Lipolizin Oluşumu Ve Lezzet Gelişimine Katkısı”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 7/3 (January 2013), 211-219.
JAMA Erdoğan A, Baran A, Atasever M. Peynirde Mikrobiyel Lipolizin Oluşumu ve Lezzet Gelişimine Katkısı. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2013;7:211–219.
MLA Erdoğan, Ahmet et al. “Peynirde Mikrobiyel Lipolizin Oluşumu Ve Lezzet Gelişimine Katkısı”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 3, 2013, pp. 211-9.
Vancouver Erdoğan A, Baran A, Atasever M. Peynirde Mikrobiyel Lipolizin Oluşumu ve Lezzet Gelişimine Katkısı. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2013;7(3):211-9.