Case Report
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İki Alman Holştayn Buzağıda Atresia Ani, Hypospadia ve Gelişmemiş Dış Genital Organlar Olgusu

Year 2017, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 195 - 202, 30.10.2017


Bu raporda, klinik, patolojik ve sitogenetik
muayenelerinin yapıldığı Atreziya ani, hypospadia ve gelişmemiş dış genital
organlar ile karakterize bir günlük erkek Alman Holştayn buzağı (HYP-AA) ile
Hypospadia ve rudumenter dış genital organlar ile karakterize altı aylık erkek
bir Alman Holştayn buzağı (HYP) sunulmuştur. İlk olguda (HYP-AA) anüs
oluşmamıştı. İdrar yolu perineuma açılmıştı; bunun sonucu olarak, kasık
bölgesinden idrar süzülüyordu. İkinci bulgu olarak, yaklaşık 10 cm'lik bir çapa
sahip olan anal bölgede bir vezikül oluşumu vardı. HYP-AA-nın anal bölgesinde
yapılan histopatolojik incelemede multifokal akut kanama ve yaygın ödemli
nekrotizan dermatit odaklar görüldü. Klinik olarak, interstisyel pnömoni ve
üretritis tespit edilmiştir. İkinci olguda ise (HYP), bir penil ve prepusyal
aplazi, ventral tarafı deri tarafından kaplanmamış bifid skrotum olgusu
görüldü. HYP-nin histopatolojik incelemesinde üretra epitelinde hiperplazi ve
lenf nodularında foliküler hiperplazi ve üretritis gözlemlendi. HYP-nin testisi
normal gelişmiş, ancak aktif spermatogenez görülmedi. HYP-AA için akrabalık
katsayısı % 0.684 ve HYP-için % 5.273 ve her iki buzağının babaları ortakdı.
Sonuç olarak iki olguda da meydana gelen konjenital anomaliler ortak boğa
tarafından iletilen mutasyonlara bağlı olabilir.


  • 1. Leipold HW., Huston K., Dennis SM., 1983. Bovine congenital defects. Adv Vet Sci Comp Med, 27, 197-271. 2. Aslan L., Karasu A., Genccelep M., Bakir B., Alkan I., 2009. Evaluation of cases with congenital anorectal anomalies in ruminants. YYU Vet Fak Derg, 20, 31-36. 3. Kilic N., Sarierler M., 2004. Congenital intestinal atresia in calves: 61 cases (1999-2003). Rev Med Vet-Toulouse, 155, 381-384. 4. Payan-Carreira R., Pires MA., Queresma M., Chaves R., Adega F., Pinto HG., Colaco B., Villar V., 2008. A complex intersex condition in a Holstein calf. Anim Reprod Sci, 103, 154-163. 5. Lejeune B., Miclard J., Stoffel H., Meylan M., 2011. Intestinal Atresia and Ectopia in a Bovine Fetus. Vet Pathol, 48/4, 830-833. 6. Kumi-Diaka J., Osori DIK., 1979. Perineal hypospadia in two related bull calves. Theriogenology, 11, 163-164. 7. Ghanem M., Yoshida C., Isobe N., Nakao T., Yamashiro H., Kubota H., Miyake YI., Nakada K., 2004. Atresia ani with diphallus and separate scrota in a calf: a case report. Theriogenology, 61, 1205-1213. 8. Ghanem ME., Yoshida C., Nishibori M., Nakao T., Yamashiro H., 2005. A case of freemartin with atresia recti and ani in Japanese Black calf. Anim Reprod Sci, 85, 193-199. 9. Loynachan AT., Jackson CB., Harrison LB., 2006. Complete diphallia, imperforate ani (type 2 atresia ani), and an accessory scrotum in a 5-day-old calf. J Vet Diagn Invest, 18, 408-412. 10. Lenghaus C., White WE., 1973. Intestinal atresia in calves. Aust Vet J, 49, 587-588. 11. Leipold HW., Saperstein G., Johnson DD., Dennis SM., 1976. Intestinal atresia in calves. Vet Med Sm Anim Clin, 74, 1037-1039. 12. Johnson R., Coy CH., Ames NK., 1983. Congenital intestinal atresia of calves. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 158, 2071-2072. 13. Binanti D., Prati I., Locatelli V., Pravettoni D., Sironi G., Riccaboni P., 2012. Perineal choristoma and atresia ani 2 female Holstein Friesian calves. Vet Pathol, 50, 156-158. 14. Herzog A., 2001. Pareys Lexikon der Syndrome. Parey Buchverlag, Berlin. 15. Alam MR., Shin SH., Lee HB., Choi IH., Kim NS., 2005. Hypospadia in three calves: a case report. Vet Med Czech, 50, 506-509. 16. Pierik FH., Burdorf A., Nijman JMR., de Munick Keizer-Schrama SMPF., Juttmann RE., Weber RFA., 2002. A high hypospadias rate in the Netherlands. Human Reproduction, 17, 1112-1115. 17. Abd-El-Hady AAA., El-Din MMM., 2014. Hypospadia and urethral diverticulum in a female pseudohermaphrodite calf. Sch J Agric Vet Sci, 1, 288-292. 18. Uda A., Kojima Y., Hayashi Y., Mizuno K., Asai N., Kohri K., 2004. Morphological features of external genitalia in hypospadiy rat model: 3- dimensional analysis. J Urol, 171, 1362-1366. 19. Wrede J., Schmidt T., 2003. Opti-Mate, Version 3.81. Ein Management-Programm zur Optimierung der Inzucht in gefährdeten Populationen. Institut für Tierzucht und Vererbungsforschung der Stiftung Tierärztlichen Hochschule Hannover. 20. Murakami T., 2008. Anatomical examination of hypospadia in cattle. J Jpn Vet Med Assoc, 61, 931-935. 21. Kalfa N., Philibert P., Baskin LS., Sultan C., 2011. Hypospadia interactions between environment and genetics. Mol Cell Endocrinol, 335, 89-95. 22. Rousseaux CG., Ribble CS., 1988. Developmental anomalies in Farm Animals 2. Defining etiology. Can Vet J, 28, 30-40. 23. King KK., Seidel GE., Elsden RP., 1985. Bovine embryo transfer pregnancies. I. Abortion rates and characteristics of calves. J Anim Sci, 61, 747-757. 24. Van Soom A., Mijten P., Van Vlaenderen I., Van den Branden J., Mahmoudzadeh AR., de Kruif A., 1994. Birth of double-muscled Belgian Blue calves after transfer of in vitro produced embryos into dairy cattle. Theriogenology, 41, 855-867. 25. Torres AAA., Lhamas CL., Macoris DG., Vasconcelos RO., 2013. Macroscopic and microscopic findings in a set of congenital anomalies in two calves produced through in vitro production. Braz J Vet Pathol, 6, 65-68. 26. Dreyfuss DJ., Tulleners EP., 1989. Intestinal atresia in calves: 22 cases (1978-1988). J Am Vet Med Assoc, 195, 508-513.

Atresia Ani, Hypospadia and Rudimentary External Genitalia in Two German Holstein Calves

Year 2017, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 195 - 202, 30.10.2017


In the present report, clinical, pathological, and cytogenetic
examinations of a one-day-old male German Holstein calf with atresia ani,
hypospadia and rudimentary external genitalia (HYP-AA) and a six-months-old
male German Holstein calf with hypospadia and rudimentary external genitalia
(HYP) are presented. In the first case (HYP-AA), an anal orifice was missing.
The urethra opened in the perineum. Consequently, the inguinal region was
infiltrated with urine. A secondary finding was a vesicle at the anal area with
a diameter of approximately 10 cm. Histopathological examination of the anal
area of the HYP-AA-calf showed a necrotizing dermatitis with multifocal acute
bleedings and diffuse oedema. In addition, an interstitial pneumonia and
urethritis were identified. In the clinical examination of the second case
(HYP), a penile and preputial aplasia, an incomplete ventral covering by skin
and a bifid scrotum were found. Histopathological examination of the HYP-calf
revealed a urethritis with epithelial hyperplasia in the urethra and a
follicular hyperplasia of the lymph nodes. The HYP-calf had normally developed
testicles. However, there was no active spermatogenesis. The inbreeding
coefficient for the HYP-AA-calf was 0.684% and for the HYP-calf 5.273% and both
affected calves had one ancestor in common, a Holstein bull used in artificial
insemination. In conclusion the congenital anomalies of the two cases might be
due to mutations transmitted by the common ancestor.


  • 1. Leipold HW., Huston K., Dennis SM., 1983. Bovine congenital defects. Adv Vet Sci Comp Med, 27, 197-271. 2. Aslan L., Karasu A., Genccelep M., Bakir B., Alkan I., 2009. Evaluation of cases with congenital anorectal anomalies in ruminants. YYU Vet Fak Derg, 20, 31-36. 3. Kilic N., Sarierler M., 2004. Congenital intestinal atresia in calves: 61 cases (1999-2003). Rev Med Vet-Toulouse, 155, 381-384. 4. Payan-Carreira R., Pires MA., Queresma M., Chaves R., Adega F., Pinto HG., Colaco B., Villar V., 2008. A complex intersex condition in a Holstein calf. Anim Reprod Sci, 103, 154-163. 5. Lejeune B., Miclard J., Stoffel H., Meylan M., 2011. Intestinal Atresia and Ectopia in a Bovine Fetus. Vet Pathol, 48/4, 830-833. 6. Kumi-Diaka J., Osori DIK., 1979. Perineal hypospadia in two related bull calves. Theriogenology, 11, 163-164. 7. Ghanem M., Yoshida C., Isobe N., Nakao T., Yamashiro H., Kubota H., Miyake YI., Nakada K., 2004. Atresia ani with diphallus and separate scrota in a calf: a case report. Theriogenology, 61, 1205-1213. 8. Ghanem ME., Yoshida C., Nishibori M., Nakao T., Yamashiro H., 2005. A case of freemartin with atresia recti and ani in Japanese Black calf. Anim Reprod Sci, 85, 193-199. 9. Loynachan AT., Jackson CB., Harrison LB., 2006. Complete diphallia, imperforate ani (type 2 atresia ani), and an accessory scrotum in a 5-day-old calf. J Vet Diagn Invest, 18, 408-412. 10. Lenghaus C., White WE., 1973. Intestinal atresia in calves. Aust Vet J, 49, 587-588. 11. Leipold HW., Saperstein G., Johnson DD., Dennis SM., 1976. Intestinal atresia in calves. Vet Med Sm Anim Clin, 74, 1037-1039. 12. Johnson R., Coy CH., Ames NK., 1983. Congenital intestinal atresia of calves. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 158, 2071-2072. 13. Binanti D., Prati I., Locatelli V., Pravettoni D., Sironi G., Riccaboni P., 2012. Perineal choristoma and atresia ani 2 female Holstein Friesian calves. Vet Pathol, 50, 156-158. 14. Herzog A., 2001. Pareys Lexikon der Syndrome. Parey Buchverlag, Berlin. 15. Alam MR., Shin SH., Lee HB., Choi IH., Kim NS., 2005. Hypospadia in three calves: a case report. Vet Med Czech, 50, 506-509. 16. Pierik FH., Burdorf A., Nijman JMR., de Munick Keizer-Schrama SMPF., Juttmann RE., Weber RFA., 2002. A high hypospadias rate in the Netherlands. Human Reproduction, 17, 1112-1115. 17. Abd-El-Hady AAA., El-Din MMM., 2014. Hypospadia and urethral diverticulum in a female pseudohermaphrodite calf. Sch J Agric Vet Sci, 1, 288-292. 18. Uda A., Kojima Y., Hayashi Y., Mizuno K., Asai N., Kohri K., 2004. Morphological features of external genitalia in hypospadiy rat model: 3- dimensional analysis. J Urol, 171, 1362-1366. 19. Wrede J., Schmidt T., 2003. Opti-Mate, Version 3.81. Ein Management-Programm zur Optimierung der Inzucht in gefährdeten Populationen. Institut für Tierzucht und Vererbungsforschung der Stiftung Tierärztlichen Hochschule Hannover. 20. Murakami T., 2008. Anatomical examination of hypospadia in cattle. J Jpn Vet Med Assoc, 61, 931-935. 21. Kalfa N., Philibert P., Baskin LS., Sultan C., 2011. Hypospadia interactions between environment and genetics. Mol Cell Endocrinol, 335, 89-95. 22. Rousseaux CG., Ribble CS., 1988. Developmental anomalies in Farm Animals 2. Defining etiology. Can Vet J, 28, 30-40. 23. King KK., Seidel GE., Elsden RP., 1985. Bovine embryo transfer pregnancies. I. Abortion rates and characteristics of calves. J Anim Sci, 61, 747-757. 24. Van Soom A., Mijten P., Van Vlaenderen I., Van den Branden J., Mahmoudzadeh AR., de Kruif A., 1994. Birth of double-muscled Belgian Blue calves after transfer of in vitro produced embryos into dairy cattle. Theriogenology, 41, 855-867. 25. Torres AAA., Lhamas CL., Macoris DG., Vasconcelos RO., 2013. Macroscopic and microscopic findings in a set of congenital anomalies in two calves produced through in vitro production. Braz J Vet Pathol, 6, 65-68. 26. Dreyfuss DJ., Tulleners EP., 1989. Intestinal atresia in calves: 22 cases (1978-1988). J Am Vet Med Assoc, 195, 508-513.
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Olgu Sunumu

Zafer Usta

Publication Date October 30, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 12 Issue: 2


APA Usta, Z. (2017). İki Alman Holştayn Buzağıda Atresia Ani, Hypospadia ve Gelişmemiş Dış Genital Organlar Olgusu. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(2), 195-202.
AMA Usta Z. İki Alman Holştayn Buzağıda Atresia Ani, Hypospadia ve Gelişmemiş Dış Genital Organlar Olgusu. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. October 2017;12(2):195-202. doi:10.17094/ataunivbd.347977
Chicago Usta, Zafer. “İki Alman Holştayn Buzağıda Atresia Ani, Hypospadia Ve Gelişmemiş Dış Genital Organlar Olgusu”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 12, no. 2 (October 2017): 195-202.
EndNote Usta Z (October 1, 2017) İki Alman Holştayn Buzağıda Atresia Ani, Hypospadia ve Gelişmemiş Dış Genital Organlar Olgusu. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 12 2 195–202.
IEEE Z. Usta, “İki Alman Holştayn Buzağıda Atresia Ani, Hypospadia ve Gelişmemiş Dış Genital Organlar Olgusu”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 195–202, 2017, doi: 10.17094/ataunivbd.347977.
ISNAD Usta, Zafer. “İki Alman Holştayn Buzağıda Atresia Ani, Hypospadia Ve Gelişmemiş Dış Genital Organlar Olgusu”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 12/2 (October 2017), 195-202.
JAMA Usta Z. İki Alman Holştayn Buzağıda Atresia Ani, Hypospadia ve Gelişmemiş Dış Genital Organlar Olgusu. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017;12:195–202.
MLA Usta, Zafer. “İki Alman Holştayn Buzağıda Atresia Ani, Hypospadia Ve Gelişmemiş Dış Genital Organlar Olgusu”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 2, 2017, pp. 195-02, doi:10.17094/ataunivbd.347977.
Vancouver Usta Z. İki Alman Holştayn Buzağıda Atresia Ani, Hypospadia ve Gelişmemiş Dış Genital Organlar Olgusu. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017;12(2):195-202.