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İneklerde Mikoplazmalara Bağlı Mastitisler: Risk Faktörleri, Kontrol ve Korunma Stratejileri

Year 2018, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 251 - 256, 25.10.2018


İneklerde mikoplazmalar dahil 140’ın üzerinde farklı mikroorganizma mastitise neden olmaktadır. Yapılan çalışmalarda

10’ dan fazla mikoplazma türü mikroorganizmanın ineklerde mastitise sebep olduğu belirtilmiştir. Mastitise neden olan başlıca

mikoplazma türleri; M bovis, M alkalescens, M bovigenitalium, M arginini, M canadense, M californicum ve M dispar’dır. Son

yıllarda ülkemizin değişik bölgelerinde sürü büyüklüklerinin artmasıyla birlikte mikoplazmalara bağlı mastitis insidensinde artış

olmuştur. Süt ineği işletmelerinde mikoplazma mastitis salgınlarının kaynağı genellikle sürüye yeni katılan enfekte veya

asemptomatik taşıyıcı hayvanlardır. Mikoplazma türleri mastitis dışında pneumoni, infertilite, abortus, artritis ve otitis gibi

çeşitli sorunlara da yol açar. Bu problemlere bağlı olarak önemli ekonomik kayıplar şekillenir. Mikoplazma mastitis salgını

başladıktan sonra, yayılma son derece hızlıdır ve her yaştaki hayvan etkilenmektedir. Klinik olarak, enfekte hayvanlarda ani

süt verimi düşüşleri görülür fakat genel durum bozukluğu yoktur. Mikoplazmalara karşı bilinen etkili bir tedavi seçeneğinin

olmayışı, korunma ve kontrol programlarının önemini arttırmaktadır. Salgının sürü içi yayılımında çeşitli risk faktörleri rol

oynamaktadır. Bu faktörleri kontrol ederek, salgınlarından korunmak ve salgını kontrol etmek mümkündür. Sonuç olarak;

günümüzde mikoplazmalara bağlı mastitisler süt ineği işletmelerinde sıkça rastlanan önemli bir sorundur. Mikoplazma

kaynaklı mastitislerin etkili bir tedavisi olmadığı için korunma öncelikli seçenektir. Bu derlemede, süt ineği işletmeleri

açısından önemli olduğu düşünülen mikoplazma türü mikroorganizmalara bağlı mastitislerin özellikleri, risk faktörleri, salgının

kontrolü ve korunma ile ilgili güncel bilgiler derlenmiştir.


  • Miranda-Morales RE., Rojas-Trejo V., Segura-Candelas R., Carrillo-Casas EM., Sanches-Gonzales MG., Castor RS., Trigo-Tavera FJ., 2008. Prevalence of pathogens associated with bovine mastitis in bulk tank milk in Mexico. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1149, 300-302. 2. Fox LK., 2012. Mycoplasma mastitis causes, transmission, and control. Vet Clin Food Anim, 28, 225-237. 3. Butler J., Sickles S., Johann C., Rosenbusch R., 2000. Pasteurization of discard mycoplasma mastitic milk used to feed calves: thermal effects on various Mycoplasma. J Dairy Sci, 83, 2285-2288. 4. Baştan A., 2013. Mikoplazmalara bağlı mastitisler. In “İneklerde Meme Sağlığı ve Sorunları”, Genişletilmiş 2. Baskı, 252-255, Kardelen Ofset Matbaacılık, Ankara. 5. Heuvelink A., Reugebrink C., Mars J., 2016. Antimicrobial susceptibility of Mycoplasma bovis isolates from veal calves and dairy cattle in the Netherlands. Vet Microbiol, 189, 1-7. 6. Bürki S., Frey J., Pilo P., 2015. Virulence, persistence and dissemination of Mycoplasma bovis. Vet Microbiol, 179, 15-22. 7. Barberio A., Flaminio B., De Vliegher S., Supre K., Kromker V., Garbarino C., Arrigoni N., Zanardi G., Bertocchi L., Gobbo F., Catania S., Moroni P., 2016. Short communication: In vitro antimicrobial susceptibility of Mycoplasma bovis isolates identified in milk from dairy cattle in Belgium, Germany, and Italy. J. Dairy Sci, 99, 6578-6584. 8. Nielsen PK., Petersen MB., Nielsen LR., Halasa T., Toft N., 2015. Latent class analysis of bulk tank milk PCR and ELISA testing for herd level diagnosis of Mycoplasma bovis. Prev Vet Med, 121, 338-342. 9. Radaelli E., Castiglioni V., Losa M., Beneddetti V., Piccinini R., Nicholas RAJ., 2011. Outbreak of bovine clinical mastitis caused by Mycoplasma bovis in a North Italian herd. Res Vet Sci, 91, 251-253. 10. Gioia G., Werner B., Nydam DV., Moroni P., 2016. Validation of a mycoplasma molecular diagnostic test and distribution of mycoplasma species in bovine milk among New York State dairy farms. J Dairy Sci, 99, 4668-4677. 11. Houlihan MG., Veenstra B., Christian MK., Nicholas R., Ayling R., 2007. Mastitis and arthritis in two dairy herds caused by Mycoplasma bovis. Vet Rec, 160, 126-127. 12. Nicholas RAJ., Fox LK., Lysnyansky I., 2016. Mycoplasma mastitis in cattle: To cull or not to cull. Vet J, 216, 142-147. 13. Fox LK., Hancock DD., Mickelson A., Britten A., 2003. Bulk tank milk analysis: Factors associated with appearance of Mycoplasma sp. in milk. J Vet Med B Infect Dis Vet Public Health, 50, 235-240. 14. McCluskey BJ., Lombard JE., Hirst H., 2003. Mycoplasma in bulk tank milk on US dairy operations. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Vine Del Mar, Chile, 430. 15. Punyapornwithaya V., Fox LK., Hancock DD., Gay JM., Alldredge JR., 2010. Association between and outbreak strain causing mycoplasma bovis mastitis and its asymptomatic carriage in the herd: A case study from Idaho, USA. Prev Vet Med, 93, 66-70. 16. Punyapornwithaya V., Fox LK., Hancock DD., Gay J., Alldredge JR., 2012. Time to clearance of mycoplasma mastitis: The effect of management factors including milking time hygiene and preferential culling. Can Vet J, 53, 1119-1122. 17. Otter A., Wright T., Leonard D., Richardson M., Ayling R., 2015. Mycoplasma bovis mastitis in dairy cows. Vet Rec, 177, 601-602. 18. Foster AP., Naylor RD., Howie NM., Nicholas RAJ., Ayling RD., 2008. Mycoplasma bovis and otitis in dairy calves in the UK. Vet J, 179, 455-457. 19. Gonzalez R., Wilson DJ., 2003. Mycoplasmal mastitis in dairy herds. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract, 19, 199-221. 20. Anonim, 2002. Report on National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) Dairy Survey, USDA APHIS, Veterinary Services. 21. Jensen L., Petersen MB., Svendsen MB., Krogh K., Nielsen LR., 2015. A study of factors associated with Mycoplasma bovis outbreaks in Danish dairy cattle herds 2010-2014. In: progress in Human and Animal Mycoplasmology, Proceedings of the European Mycoplasma Meeting 2015, Istanbul, 42. 22. Lysnyansky I., Freed M., Rosales RS., Mikula I., Khateb N., Gerchman I., Van Straten M., Levisohn S., 2016. An overview of Mycoplasma bovis mastitis in Israel (2004-2014). Vet J, 207, 180-183. 23. Maunsel FP., Woolums AR., Francoz D., 2011. Mycoplasma bovis infections in cattle. J Vet Intern Med, 25, 772-783. 24. Pfützner H., Sachse K., 1996. Mycoplasma bovis as an agent of mastitis, pneumonia, arthritis and genital disorders in cattle. Rev Sci Tech Off Int Epiz, 15, 1477-1494. 25. Fox LK., Kirk JH., Britten A., 2005. Mycoplasma mastitis: A review of transmission and control. J Vet Med B Infect Dis Vet Public Health, 52, 153-160. 26. Passchyn P., Piepers S., De Meulemeester L., Boyen F., Haesebrouck F., De Vliegher S., 2012. Between-herd prevalence of Mycoplasma bovis in bulk milk in Flanders, Belgium. Res Vet Sci, 92, 219-220. 27. Mackie DP., Finlay D., Brice N., Bal HJ., 2000. Mixed mycoplasma mastitis outbreak in a dairy herd. Vet Rec, 147, 335-336.

Bovine Mycoplasma Mastitis: Risk Factors, Control and Prevention Strategies

Year 2018, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 251 - 256, 25.10.2018


There are more than 140 different microorganisms including mycoplasma species that can cause mastitis in cows.

In previous studies, it has been revealed that more than 10 mycoplasma species can cause mastitis in cows. Most common

mycoplasma species which can cause mastitis are; M bovis, M alkalescens, M bovigenitalium, M arginini, M canadense, M

californicum and M dispar. In recent years in our country, along with the increase in the herd levels, incidence of the

mycoplasma related mastitis increased as well. In dairy farms, usually origin of the mycoplasma mastitis outbreaks are newly

added infected animals or asymptomatic carriers to herd. Besides being mastitis pathogen, mycoplasma species have been

causing different health problems such as pneumonia, infertility, abort, arthritis and otitis. Thus there have been economic

loss in dairy cow farms. When mycoplasma mastitis outbreak occurs in a dairy cow farm, transmission is rapid and the animals

of different ages could be affected. Clinically, infected animals will show dramatic loss in milk yield but no signs of systematic

ilness semptoms. There is no effective treatment for mycoplasma mastitis, thus control and prevention strategies become

more and more important. There are several factors which have role in transmission of the disease in herd. By controlling

these factors, it is possible to control and prevent mycoplasma mastitis outbreaks. As a result, nowadays, mastitis due to

mycoplasma species is a common and important problem in dairy cow. Since there is no known effective treatment for

mycoplasma mastitis, prevention should be the primary goal. In this review, risk factors for mastitis associated with

mycoplasma microorganisms and information about control of the outbreak and prevention strategies of mycoplasma

mastitis outbreaks have been given.


  • Miranda-Morales RE., Rojas-Trejo V., Segura-Candelas R., Carrillo-Casas EM., Sanches-Gonzales MG., Castor RS., Trigo-Tavera FJ., 2008. Prevalence of pathogens associated with bovine mastitis in bulk tank milk in Mexico. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1149, 300-302. 2. Fox LK., 2012. Mycoplasma mastitis causes, transmission, and control. Vet Clin Food Anim, 28, 225-237. 3. Butler J., Sickles S., Johann C., Rosenbusch R., 2000. Pasteurization of discard mycoplasma mastitic milk used to feed calves: thermal effects on various Mycoplasma. J Dairy Sci, 83, 2285-2288. 4. Baştan A., 2013. Mikoplazmalara bağlı mastitisler. In “İneklerde Meme Sağlığı ve Sorunları”, Genişletilmiş 2. Baskı, 252-255, Kardelen Ofset Matbaacılık, Ankara. 5. Heuvelink A., Reugebrink C., Mars J., 2016. Antimicrobial susceptibility of Mycoplasma bovis isolates from veal calves and dairy cattle in the Netherlands. Vet Microbiol, 189, 1-7. 6. Bürki S., Frey J., Pilo P., 2015. Virulence, persistence and dissemination of Mycoplasma bovis. Vet Microbiol, 179, 15-22. 7. Barberio A., Flaminio B., De Vliegher S., Supre K., Kromker V., Garbarino C., Arrigoni N., Zanardi G., Bertocchi L., Gobbo F., Catania S., Moroni P., 2016. Short communication: In vitro antimicrobial susceptibility of Mycoplasma bovis isolates identified in milk from dairy cattle in Belgium, Germany, and Italy. J. Dairy Sci, 99, 6578-6584. 8. Nielsen PK., Petersen MB., Nielsen LR., Halasa T., Toft N., 2015. Latent class analysis of bulk tank milk PCR and ELISA testing for herd level diagnosis of Mycoplasma bovis. Prev Vet Med, 121, 338-342. 9. Radaelli E., Castiglioni V., Losa M., Beneddetti V., Piccinini R., Nicholas RAJ., 2011. Outbreak of bovine clinical mastitis caused by Mycoplasma bovis in a North Italian herd. Res Vet Sci, 91, 251-253. 10. Gioia G., Werner B., Nydam DV., Moroni P., 2016. Validation of a mycoplasma molecular diagnostic test and distribution of mycoplasma species in bovine milk among New York State dairy farms. J Dairy Sci, 99, 4668-4677. 11. Houlihan MG., Veenstra B., Christian MK., Nicholas R., Ayling R., 2007. Mastitis and arthritis in two dairy herds caused by Mycoplasma bovis. Vet Rec, 160, 126-127. 12. Nicholas RAJ., Fox LK., Lysnyansky I., 2016. Mycoplasma mastitis in cattle: To cull or not to cull. Vet J, 216, 142-147. 13. Fox LK., Hancock DD., Mickelson A., Britten A., 2003. Bulk tank milk analysis: Factors associated with appearance of Mycoplasma sp. in milk. J Vet Med B Infect Dis Vet Public Health, 50, 235-240. 14. McCluskey BJ., Lombard JE., Hirst H., 2003. Mycoplasma in bulk tank milk on US dairy operations. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Vine Del Mar, Chile, 430. 15. Punyapornwithaya V., Fox LK., Hancock DD., Gay JM., Alldredge JR., 2010. Association between and outbreak strain causing mycoplasma bovis mastitis and its asymptomatic carriage in the herd: A case study from Idaho, USA. Prev Vet Med, 93, 66-70. 16. Punyapornwithaya V., Fox LK., Hancock DD., Gay J., Alldredge JR., 2012. Time to clearance of mycoplasma mastitis: The effect of management factors including milking time hygiene and preferential culling. Can Vet J, 53, 1119-1122. 17. Otter A., Wright T., Leonard D., Richardson M., Ayling R., 2015. Mycoplasma bovis mastitis in dairy cows. Vet Rec, 177, 601-602. 18. Foster AP., Naylor RD., Howie NM., Nicholas RAJ., Ayling RD., 2008. Mycoplasma bovis and otitis in dairy calves in the UK. Vet J, 179, 455-457. 19. Gonzalez R., Wilson DJ., 2003. Mycoplasmal mastitis in dairy herds. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract, 19, 199-221. 20. Anonim, 2002. Report on National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) Dairy Survey, USDA APHIS, Veterinary Services. 21. Jensen L., Petersen MB., Svendsen MB., Krogh K., Nielsen LR., 2015. A study of factors associated with Mycoplasma bovis outbreaks in Danish dairy cattle herds 2010-2014. In: progress in Human and Animal Mycoplasmology, Proceedings of the European Mycoplasma Meeting 2015, Istanbul, 42. 22. Lysnyansky I., Freed M., Rosales RS., Mikula I., Khateb N., Gerchman I., Van Straten M., Levisohn S., 2016. An overview of Mycoplasma bovis mastitis in Israel (2004-2014). Vet J, 207, 180-183. 23. Maunsel FP., Woolums AR., Francoz D., 2011. Mycoplasma bovis infections in cattle. J Vet Intern Med, 25, 772-783. 24. Pfützner H., Sachse K., 1996. Mycoplasma bovis as an agent of mastitis, pneumonia, arthritis and genital disorders in cattle. Rev Sci Tech Off Int Epiz, 15, 1477-1494. 25. Fox LK., Kirk JH., Britten A., 2005. Mycoplasma mastitis: A review of transmission and control. J Vet Med B Infect Dis Vet Public Health, 52, 153-160. 26. Passchyn P., Piepers S., De Meulemeester L., Boyen F., Haesebrouck F., De Vliegher S., 2012. Between-herd prevalence of Mycoplasma bovis in bulk milk in Flanders, Belgium. Res Vet Sci, 92, 219-220. 27. Mackie DP., Finlay D., Brice N., Bal HJ., 2000. Mixed mycoplasma mastitis outbreak in a dairy herd. Vet Rec, 147, 335-336.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Derlemeler

Taha Burak Elifoğlu This is me

Ayhan Baştan This is me

Publication Date October 25, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 13 Issue: 2


APA Elifoğlu, T. B., & Baştan, A. (2018). İneklerde Mikoplazmalara Bağlı Mastitisler: Risk Faktörleri, Kontrol ve Korunma Stratejileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(2), 251-256.
AMA Elifoğlu TB, Baştan A. İneklerde Mikoplazmalara Bağlı Mastitisler: Risk Faktörleri, Kontrol ve Korunma Stratejileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. October 2018;13(2):251-256. doi:10.17094/ataunivbd.474949
Chicago Elifoğlu, Taha Burak, and Ayhan Baştan. “İneklerde Mikoplazmalara Bağlı Mastitisler: Risk Faktörleri, Kontrol Ve Korunma Stratejileri”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 13, no. 2 (October 2018): 251-56.
EndNote Elifoğlu TB, Baştan A (October 1, 2018) İneklerde Mikoplazmalara Bağlı Mastitisler: Risk Faktörleri, Kontrol ve Korunma Stratejileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 13 2 251–256.
IEEE T. B. Elifoğlu and A. Baştan, “İneklerde Mikoplazmalara Bağlı Mastitisler: Risk Faktörleri, Kontrol ve Korunma Stratejileri”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 251–256, 2018, doi: 10.17094/ataunivbd.474949.
ISNAD Elifoğlu, Taha Burak - Baştan, Ayhan. “İneklerde Mikoplazmalara Bağlı Mastitisler: Risk Faktörleri, Kontrol Ve Korunma Stratejileri”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 13/2 (October 2018), 251-256.
JAMA Elifoğlu TB, Baştan A. İneklerde Mikoplazmalara Bağlı Mastitisler: Risk Faktörleri, Kontrol ve Korunma Stratejileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2018;13:251–256.
MLA Elifoğlu, Taha Burak and Ayhan Baştan. “İneklerde Mikoplazmalara Bağlı Mastitisler: Risk Faktörleri, Kontrol Ve Korunma Stratejileri”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 13, no. 2, 2018, pp. 251-6, doi:10.17094/ataunivbd.474949.
Vancouver Elifoğlu TB, Baştan A. İneklerde Mikoplazmalara Bağlı Mastitisler: Risk Faktörleri, Kontrol ve Korunma Stratejileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2018;13(2):251-6.