A 3-4 year-old Rottweiler breed dog was brought to Temporary Animal Care House with complaints of bloody vaginal discharge, abdominal swelling and loss of appetite. Due to being a stray dog, no information could be obtained about when the clinical symptoms started. After the examinations, it was considered to be a pyometra case and was taken into operation. During the ovariohysterectomy (OVH) operation, hard mass formations on the cornu uteri and corpus uteri and a fluctuant mass attached to the caudate of the spleen were found. The extracted tissues were sent to Izmir Bornova Veterinary Control Institute, Pathology Department for examination. As a result of the examinations, it was determined that the mass in the caudal part of the spleen, 28x25x6 cm in size and 3.7 kg in weight, was hemangiosarcoma consisting of anaplastic cells, and the masses on the cornu uteri were leiomyosarcoma. Besides, as a result of the examinations taken from the uterus, it was found that the picture of myometritis was present. The presented case is a rare veterinary case in which more than one tumor (hemangiosarcoma and leiomyosarcoma) is detected and accompanied by metritis.