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Experimental Inflammation Models Created in Laboratory Animals

Year 2021, Volume: 16 Issue: 3, 336 - 343, 30.12.2021


Inflammation is the organism's vascular, humoral, and cellular response against various endogenous and exogenous harmful effects. Inflammation is a physiopathological process that both removes the causes of cell injury and starts tissue restructuring and healing by eliminating necrotic cells and tissues resulting from cellular injury. Inflammation has two phases which are acute and chronic. In the short acute phase, it is seen that leukocytes accumulate in the area of inflammation and mediate the secretion of chemical mediators in addition to vascular changes such as increased permeability and exudation of protein-rich fluid to extravascular tissues. In the longer chronic phase, vascular changes, edema, and massive neutrophil infiltration occur. Many steroid and non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs are widely used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases in the world, and many of them have significant adverse effects. They cause serious adverse effects, especially in long-term users. Therefore, safer alternative drugs are needed. Experimental animal models are used in anti-inflammatory effects studies. The most commonly used model among them is paw edema in rats with carrageenan, which measures the effects of drugs on acute inflammation. In this study, information was given related to the experimental animal models used to investigate the effects of drugs on acute and chronic inflammation.

Supporting Institution


Project Number





  • 1. Kumar V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Temel Patoloji (Çev. Ed: Tuzlalı S, Güllüoğlu M, Çevikbaş U), Nobel Tip Kitabevleri, İstanbul, 2013. s. 29-73. 2-Zarrin A A., Bao K., Lupardus P., Vucic D. 2021. Kinase inhibition in autoimmunity and inflammation. Nat Rev Drug Discov, 20, 39-63.
  • 3-Varela M L., Mogildea M., Moreno I., Lopes A. 2018. Acute inflammation and metabolism. Inflammation, 41, 1115-1127.
  • 4- Kunnumakkara A B., Sailo B. L., Banik K., Harsha C., Prasad S., Gupta S. C., Aggarwal B B. 2018. Chronic diseases, inflammation, and spices: how are they linked? J Transl Med, 16, 1-25.
  • 5- Germolec DR., Shipkowski KA., Frawley RP., Evans E. 2018. Methods Mol Biol , 57-79.
  • 6-Castanheira F. V., Kubes P. 2019. Neutrophils and NETs in modulating acute and chronic inflammation. Blood, 133, 2178-2185.
  • 7- Erol HS., 2020. İnflamasyon ve serbest radikaller. içinde “Sağlık Bilimleri Alanında Güncel Araştırmalar” Ed., Goncagül G, Günaydın E 71, Duvar Yayınları, İzmir.
  • 8- Oishi Y., Manabe I., 2018. Macrophages in inflammation, repair and regeneration. Int Immunol, 30, 511-528.
  • 9-Zhao R., Liang H., Clarke E., Jackson C., Xue M., 2016. Inflammation in chronic wounds. Int J Mol Sci, 17, 2085.
  • 10. Kayaalp SO., 2012. Kortikosterodler. Akılcı Tedavi Yönünden Tıbbi Farmakoloji. 2. Cilt, 13. Basım., 1119-1146, Pelikan Yayıncılık Ltd Şti. Ankara.
  • 11- Ingawale DK., Mandlik SK., 2020. New insights into the novel anti-inflammatory mode of action of glucocorticoids. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol , 42, 59-73.
  • 12- Vandewalle J., Luypaert A., De Bosscher K., Libert C., 2018. Therapeutic mechanisms of glucocorticoids. Trends Endocrinol Metab , 29, 42-54.
  • 13-Micallef J., Soeiro T., Jonville-Béra A P., of Pharmacology, FS., 2020. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, pharmacology, and COVID-19 infection. Therapies, 75, 355-362.
  • 14-Moore N., Duong M., Gulmez SE., Blin P., Droz C., 2019. Pharmacoepidemiology of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Therapies, 74, 271-277.
  • 15-Monteiro B., Steagall, PV., 2019. Antiinflammatory drugs. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract, 49, 993-1011.
  • 16-Bindu S., Mazumder S., Bandyopadhyay U., 2020. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and organ damage: A current perspective. Biochem Pharmacol, 114-147.
  • 17-Pacheco-Quito EM., Ruiz-Caro R., Veiga MD., 2020. Carrageenan: Drug Delivery Systems and Other Biomedical Applications. Mar Drugs, 18, 583.
  • 18-Patil KR., Mahajan UB., Unger BS., Goyal SN., Belemkar S., Surana S. J., Patil CR. 2019. Animal models of inflammation for screening of anti-inflammatory drugs: Implications for the discovery and development of phytopharmaceuticals. Int J Mol Sci, 20, 4367.
  • 19-Dalkılıç Ç., Dengiz GÖ., Cengız, M İ., Kurçer Z., Banoğlu Z N. 2018. Amitriptilinin Deneysel Akut ve Kronik İnflamasyon Modelleri Üzerine Etkisi. Batı Karadeniz Tıp Dergisi, 2, 160-172.
  • 20-Schirmer B., Neumann D. 2021. The function of the histamine H4 receptor in ınflammatory and ınflammation-associated diseases of the gut. Int J Mol Sci, 22, 6116.
  • 21-Dengiz GO., Akpinar, E. 2007. Anti-inflammatory effects of L-type calcium channel blockers. Turkıye Klınıklerı Tıp Bılımlerı Dergısı, 27, 328-334.
  • 22-Vilar MSDA., De Souza GL., Vilar DDA., Leite JA., Raffin FN., Barbosa-Filho JM., Moura, TFADL. 2016. Assessment of phenolic compounds and anti-inflammatory activity of ethyl acetate phase of Anacardium occidentale L. bark. Molecules, 21, 1087.
  • 23- Calil IL., Zarpelon AC., Guerrero AT., Alves-Filho JC., Ferreira SH., Cunha FQ., Verri Jr W A. 2014. Lipopolysaccharide induces inflammatory hyperalgesia triggering a TLR4/MyD88-dependent cytokine cascade in the mice paw. PloS one, 9, e90013.
  • 24-Bezerra Rodrigues Dantas L., Silva ALM., da Silva Júnior CP., Alcântara IS., Correia de Oliveira M R., Oliveira Brito Pereira Bezerra Martins A., Vitalini S. 2020. Nootkatone inhibits acute and chronic inflammatory responses in mice. Molecules, 25, 2181.
  • 25-Gupta M., Mazumder U K., Kumar RS., Gomathi P., Rajeshwar Y., Kakoti BB., Selven VT. 2005. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects of methanol extract from Bauhinia racemosa stem bark in animal models. J Ethnopharmacol, 98, 267-273.
  • 26- Özbek H., Öztürk A. 2003. Antienflamatuvar Etkinliğin Ölçülmesinde Kullanılan Yöntemler. Van Tıp Dergisi, 10, 23-28.
  • 27-Li Z., Zhang L., Zhao Z. 2021. Malyngamide F Possesses Anti-Inflammatory and Antinociceptive Activity in Rat Models of Inflammation. Pain Res Manag, 2021.
  • 28- Bas E., Recio M C., Máñez S., Giner RM., Escandell J M., López-Ginés C., Ríos J L. 2007. New insight into the inhibition of the inflammatory response to experimental delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions in mice by scropolioside. Eur J Pharmacol, 555, 199-210.
  • 29-Sadeghi H., Parishani M., Akbartabar Touri M., Ghavamzadeh M., Jafari Barmak M., Zarezade V., Sadeghi H. 2017. Pramipexole reduces inflammation in the experimental animal models of inflammation. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol, 39, 80-86.
  • 30-Whittle BA. 1964). The use of changes in capillary permeability in mice to distinguish between narcotic and nonnarcotic analgesics. Br J Pharmacol Chemother, 22, 246-253.
  • 31- Grecu M., Năstasă V., Ilie C., Miron L., Mareş M. 2014. Comparative assessment of effectiveness of ketoprofen and ketoprofen/beta-cyclodextrin complex in two experimental models of inflammation in rats. Lab Anim, 48, 20-26.
  • 32-Lopes-Martins RAB., Pegoraro D H., Woisky R., Penna SC.,Sertié J AA. 2002. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of a crude extract of Petiveria alliacea L. (Phytolaccaceae). Phytomedicine, 9, 245-248.
  • 33-Patel M., Murugananthan G., Gowda KPS. 2012. In vivo animal models in preclinical evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity—A review. Int. J. Pharm. Res. Allied Sci, 1, 01-05.
  • 34-Aziz TA., Kareem AA., Othman HH., Ahmed ZA. 2020. The Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Different Doses of Aliskiren in Rat Models of Inflammation. Drug Des Devel Ther, 14, 2841. –2851

Laboratuvar Hayvalarında Oluşturulan Deneysel İnflamasyon Modelleri

Year 2021, Volume: 16 Issue: 3, 336 - 343, 30.12.2021


İnflamasyon endojen ve eksojen çeşitli zararlı etkilere karşı organizmanın gösterdiği vasküler, hümoral ve hücresel yanıttır. İnflamasyon hem hücre zedelenmesinin nedenlerini ortadan kaldıran hem de hücresel zedelenme sonucu oluşan nekrotik hücreleri ve dokuları ortamdan uzaklaştırarak dokunun yeniden yapılanmasını ve iyileşmesini başlatan fizyopatolojik bir süreçtir. İnflamasyonun akut ve kronik iki fazı vardır. Kısa süren akut fazda; permeabilite artışı ve ekstravasküler dokulara proteinden zengin sıvı eksüdasyonu gibi vasküler değişikliklerin görülmesinin yanında, lökositlerin inflamasyon alanında birikip kimyasal mediyatörlerin salgılanmasına aracılık ettikleri de görülür. Daha uzun süren kronik fazda; vasküler değişiklikler, ödem ve büyük miktarda nötrofil infiltrasyonu gerçekleşir. Dünyada inflamatuvar hastalıkların tedavisinde oldukça yaygın kullanılan steroid ve nonsteroid yapıda çok sayıda antiinflamatuvar ilaç mevcuttur ve bunların birçoğunun da önemli yan tesirleri vardır. Özellikle uzun süre kullananlarda ciddi yan tesir oluştururlar. Dolayısıyla daha güvenli alternatif ilaçlara ihtiyaç vardır. Antiinflamatuvar etki araştırmalarında deneysel hayvan modelleri kullanılır. Bu modellerden en sık kullanılanı ilaçların akut inflamasyondaki etkilerini ölçen karagenin ile sıçanlarda oluşturulan pençe ödemidir. Bu çalışmada ilaçların akut ve kronik inflamasyondaki etkilerini araştırmak için kullanılan deneysel hayvan modelleri hakkında bilgi verilmiştir.

Project Number



  • 1. Kumar V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Temel Patoloji (Çev. Ed: Tuzlalı S, Güllüoğlu M, Çevikbaş U), Nobel Tip Kitabevleri, İstanbul, 2013. s. 29-73. 2-Zarrin A A., Bao K., Lupardus P., Vucic D. 2021. Kinase inhibition in autoimmunity and inflammation. Nat Rev Drug Discov, 20, 39-63.
  • 3-Varela M L., Mogildea M., Moreno I., Lopes A. 2018. Acute inflammation and metabolism. Inflammation, 41, 1115-1127.
  • 4- Kunnumakkara A B., Sailo B. L., Banik K., Harsha C., Prasad S., Gupta S. C., Aggarwal B B. 2018. Chronic diseases, inflammation, and spices: how are they linked? J Transl Med, 16, 1-25.
  • 5- Germolec DR., Shipkowski KA., Frawley RP., Evans E. 2018. Methods Mol Biol , 57-79.
  • 6-Castanheira F. V., Kubes P. 2019. Neutrophils and NETs in modulating acute and chronic inflammation. Blood, 133, 2178-2185.
  • 7- Erol HS., 2020. İnflamasyon ve serbest radikaller. içinde “Sağlık Bilimleri Alanında Güncel Araştırmalar” Ed., Goncagül G, Günaydın E 71, Duvar Yayınları, İzmir.
  • 8- Oishi Y., Manabe I., 2018. Macrophages in inflammation, repair and regeneration. Int Immunol, 30, 511-528.
  • 9-Zhao R., Liang H., Clarke E., Jackson C., Xue M., 2016. Inflammation in chronic wounds. Int J Mol Sci, 17, 2085.
  • 10. Kayaalp SO., 2012. Kortikosterodler. Akılcı Tedavi Yönünden Tıbbi Farmakoloji. 2. Cilt, 13. Basım., 1119-1146, Pelikan Yayıncılık Ltd Şti. Ankara.
  • 11- Ingawale DK., Mandlik SK., 2020. New insights into the novel anti-inflammatory mode of action of glucocorticoids. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol , 42, 59-73.
  • 12- Vandewalle J., Luypaert A., De Bosscher K., Libert C., 2018. Therapeutic mechanisms of glucocorticoids. Trends Endocrinol Metab , 29, 42-54.
  • 13-Micallef J., Soeiro T., Jonville-Béra A P., of Pharmacology, FS., 2020. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, pharmacology, and COVID-19 infection. Therapies, 75, 355-362.
  • 14-Moore N., Duong M., Gulmez SE., Blin P., Droz C., 2019. Pharmacoepidemiology of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Therapies, 74, 271-277.
  • 15-Monteiro B., Steagall, PV., 2019. Antiinflammatory drugs. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract, 49, 993-1011.
  • 16-Bindu S., Mazumder S., Bandyopadhyay U., 2020. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and organ damage: A current perspective. Biochem Pharmacol, 114-147.
  • 17-Pacheco-Quito EM., Ruiz-Caro R., Veiga MD., 2020. Carrageenan: Drug Delivery Systems and Other Biomedical Applications. Mar Drugs, 18, 583.
  • 18-Patil KR., Mahajan UB., Unger BS., Goyal SN., Belemkar S., Surana S. J., Patil CR. 2019. Animal models of inflammation for screening of anti-inflammatory drugs: Implications for the discovery and development of phytopharmaceuticals. Int J Mol Sci, 20, 4367.
  • 19-Dalkılıç Ç., Dengiz GÖ., Cengız, M İ., Kurçer Z., Banoğlu Z N. 2018. Amitriptilinin Deneysel Akut ve Kronik İnflamasyon Modelleri Üzerine Etkisi. Batı Karadeniz Tıp Dergisi, 2, 160-172.
  • 20-Schirmer B., Neumann D. 2021. The function of the histamine H4 receptor in ınflammatory and ınflammation-associated diseases of the gut. Int J Mol Sci, 22, 6116.
  • 21-Dengiz GO., Akpinar, E. 2007. Anti-inflammatory effects of L-type calcium channel blockers. Turkıye Klınıklerı Tıp Bılımlerı Dergısı, 27, 328-334.
  • 22-Vilar MSDA., De Souza GL., Vilar DDA., Leite JA., Raffin FN., Barbosa-Filho JM., Moura, TFADL. 2016. Assessment of phenolic compounds and anti-inflammatory activity of ethyl acetate phase of Anacardium occidentale L. bark. Molecules, 21, 1087.
  • 23- Calil IL., Zarpelon AC., Guerrero AT., Alves-Filho JC., Ferreira SH., Cunha FQ., Verri Jr W A. 2014. Lipopolysaccharide induces inflammatory hyperalgesia triggering a TLR4/MyD88-dependent cytokine cascade in the mice paw. PloS one, 9, e90013.
  • 24-Bezerra Rodrigues Dantas L., Silva ALM., da Silva Júnior CP., Alcântara IS., Correia de Oliveira M R., Oliveira Brito Pereira Bezerra Martins A., Vitalini S. 2020. Nootkatone inhibits acute and chronic inflammatory responses in mice. Molecules, 25, 2181.
  • 25-Gupta M., Mazumder U K., Kumar RS., Gomathi P., Rajeshwar Y., Kakoti BB., Selven VT. 2005. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects of methanol extract from Bauhinia racemosa stem bark in animal models. J Ethnopharmacol, 98, 267-273.
  • 26- Özbek H., Öztürk A. 2003. Antienflamatuvar Etkinliğin Ölçülmesinde Kullanılan Yöntemler. Van Tıp Dergisi, 10, 23-28.
  • 27-Li Z., Zhang L., Zhao Z. 2021. Malyngamide F Possesses Anti-Inflammatory and Antinociceptive Activity in Rat Models of Inflammation. Pain Res Manag, 2021.
  • 28- Bas E., Recio M C., Máñez S., Giner RM., Escandell J M., López-Ginés C., Ríos J L. 2007. New insight into the inhibition of the inflammatory response to experimental delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions in mice by scropolioside. Eur J Pharmacol, 555, 199-210.
  • 29-Sadeghi H., Parishani M., Akbartabar Touri M., Ghavamzadeh M., Jafari Barmak M., Zarezade V., Sadeghi H. 2017. Pramipexole reduces inflammation in the experimental animal models of inflammation. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol, 39, 80-86.
  • 30-Whittle BA. 1964). The use of changes in capillary permeability in mice to distinguish between narcotic and nonnarcotic analgesics. Br J Pharmacol Chemother, 22, 246-253.
  • 31- Grecu M., Năstasă V., Ilie C., Miron L., Mareş M. 2014. Comparative assessment of effectiveness of ketoprofen and ketoprofen/beta-cyclodextrin complex in two experimental models of inflammation in rats. Lab Anim, 48, 20-26.
  • 32-Lopes-Martins RAB., Pegoraro D H., Woisky R., Penna SC.,Sertié J AA. 2002. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of a crude extract of Petiveria alliacea L. (Phytolaccaceae). Phytomedicine, 9, 245-248.
  • 33-Patel M., Murugananthan G., Gowda KPS. 2012. In vivo animal models in preclinical evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity—A review. Int. J. Pharm. Res. Allied Sci, 1, 01-05.
  • 34-Aziz TA., Kareem AA., Othman HH., Ahmed ZA. 2020. The Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Different Doses of Aliskiren in Rat Models of Inflammation. Drug Des Devel Ther, 14, 2841. –2851
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Derlemeler

Erol Akpınar

Project Number -
Publication Date December 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 16 Issue: 3


APA Akpınar, E. (2021). Experimental Inflammation Models Created in Laboratory Animals. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, 16(3), 336-343.
AMA Akpınar E. Experimental Inflammation Models Created in Laboratory Animals. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. December 2021;16(3):336-343.
Chicago Akpınar, Erol. “Experimental Inflammation Models Created in Laboratory Animals”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 16, no. 3 (December 2021): 336-43.
EndNote Akpınar E (December 1, 2021) Experimental Inflammation Models Created in Laboratory Animals. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 16 3 336–343.
IEEE E. Akpınar, “Experimental Inflammation Models Created in Laboratory Animals”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 336–343, 2021.
ISNAD Akpınar, Erol. “Experimental Inflammation Models Created in Laboratory Animals”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 16/3 (December 2021), 336-343.
JAMA Akpınar E. Experimental Inflammation Models Created in Laboratory Animals. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2021;16:336–343.
MLA Akpınar, Erol. “Experimental Inflammation Models Created in Laboratory Animals”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 16, no. 3, 2021, pp. 336-43.
Vancouver Akpınar E. Experimental Inflammation Models Created in Laboratory Animals. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2021;16(3):336-43.