Research Article
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Siklooksijenaz-2 (coX-2) G-765c Gen Polimorfizminin Böbrek Hücreli Karsinom ile ilişkisi

Year 2018, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 22 - 30, 30.11.2018


Amaç: Böbrek hücreli karsinom (BHK) dünya genelinde kansere bağlı ölümlerin %3’ünü
oluşturan önemli bir hastalıktır. Genetik ve çevresel faktörlerin BHK oluşumu ve gelişimi üzerinde
etkili olduğu ileri sürülmekle birlikte risk faktörleri yeterince bilinmemektedir. Siklooksijenaz-2
(COX-2) prostoglandinlerin sentezinde rol alan bir enzimdir. Normal dokuda genellikle
bulunmazken, yapılan çalışmalarda COX-2 düzeylerinin çeşitli kanser türlerinde arttığı ileri
sürülmektedir. Çalışmamızda, Türk toplumunda COX-2 geninin promoter bölgesindeki -765
G/C polimorfizmi ile BHK’nin oluşumu ve gelişimi arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemeyi planladık.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamıza 2015-2017 yılları arasında klinik ve histopatolojik olarak
BHK tanısı konan 88 hasta ile kontrol grubu olarak sistemik hastalığı bulunmayan 157 sağlıklı
kişi dahil edildi. Hasta ve sağlıklı kişilerden elde edilen DNA örneklerinde polimeraz zincir
reaksiyonu- restriksiyon fragman uzunluk polimorfizmi tekniği (PZR-RFUP) ile COX-2
G-765C gen polimorfizmi incelendi. Elde edilen sonuçlar Mann-Whitney U, Pearson ki-kare
testleri ve lojistik regresyon analizi yapılarak istatistiksel olarak değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: Türk toplumunda, COX-2 G-765C gen polimorfizminde GG genotip dağılımı ve G
allel sıklığı daha yüksek bulundu. COX-2 G-765C gen polimorfizminde genotip dağılımı ve
allel sıklığı bakımından BHK’li hasta ve kontrol grubu arasında anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmadı.
Buna ek olarak, hastalığın derece ve evreleri açısından incelendiğinde COX-2 G-765C gen
polimorfizminde genotip dağılımı ve allel sıklığı açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki
Sonuç: Türk toplumunda COX2 G-765C gen polimorfizminin BHK oluşumu ve gelişimi için
bir risk faktörü olmadığı ileri sürülebilir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Böbrek hücreli karsinom, COX2, Türk toplumu, 


  • 1.Ridge CA, Pua BB, Madoff DC. Epidemiology and staging of renal cell carcinoma. Semin Intervent Radiol 2014; 31: 3-8. 2.Siegel RL, Miller KD, Jemal A. Cancer statistics, 2015.CA Cancer J Clin 2015; 65: 5-29. 3.Linehan WM, Srinivasan R, SchmidtLS. The genetic basis of kidney cancer: a metabolic disease. Nat Rev Urol 2010; 7: 277-285. 4Yao T, Wang Q, Zhang W, Bian A, Zhang J. Identification of gene sassociated with renal cell carcinoma using gene expression profiling analysis Oncol Lett. 2016; 12: 73-78. 5.Li D, Hao SH, Sun Y, Hu CM, Ma ZH, Wang ZM, Liu J, Liu HB, Ye M, Zhang YF, Yang DS, Shi G. Functional Polymorphisms in COX-2 Gene Are Correlated with the Risk of Oral Cancer. Biomed Res Int 2015; 2015: 580652. 6.Coskunpinar E, Eraltan IY, Turna A, Agachan B. Cyclooxygenase-2 gene and lung carcinoma risk. Med Oncol 2011; 28: 1436-1440. 7.Mandal RK, Mittal RD. Polymorphisms in COX- 2 gene influence prostate cancer susceptibility in a northern Indian cohort. Arch Med Res 2011; 2: 620-626. 8.Cossiolo DC, Costa HCM, Fernandes KBP, Laranjeira LLS, Fernandes MTP, Poli-Frederico RC. Polymorphism of the cox-2 gene and susceptibility to colon and rectal cancer. Arq Bras Cir Dig 2017; 30: 114-117. 9.Chang WS, Tsai CW, Ji HX, Wu HC, Chang YT, Lien CS, Liao WL, Shen WC, Tsai CH, BauDT. Associations of cyclooxygenase 2 polymorphic genotypes with bladder cancer risk in Taiwan. Anticancer Res 2013; 33: 5401-5405. 10.Agachan Cakmakoglu B, Attar R, Kahraman OT, Dalan AB, Iyibozkurt AC, Karateke A, Attar E. Cyclooxygenase-2 gene and epithelial ovarian carcinoma risk. Mol Biol Rep 2011; 38: 3481-3486. 11.Chang WS, Liao CH, Miao CE, Wu HC, Hou LL, Hsiao CL, Ji HX, Tsai CW, Bau DT. The role of functional polymorphisms of cyclooxygenase 2 in renal cell carcinoma. Anticancer Res 2014; 34: 5481-5486. 12.Siddiqi A, Saidullah B, Sultana S. Anticarcinogenic effect of hesperidin against renal cell carcinoma by targeting COX-2/PGE2 pathway in Wistar rats. Environ Toxicol 2018; 33: 1069-1077. 13.Zhu W, Wei BB, Shan X, Liu P. -765G>C and 8473T>C polymorphisms of COX-2 and cancer risk: a meta-analysis based on 33 case-control studies. Mol Biol Rep 2010; 37: 277-288. 14.Mittal M, Kapoor V, Mohanti BK, Das SN. Functional variants of COX-2 and risk of tobaccorelated oral squamous cell carcinoma in high-risk Asian Indians. Oral Oncol 2010; 46: 622-626. 15.Gharib AF, Karam RA, Abd El Rahman TM, Elsawy WH.COX-2 polymorphisms 765G→C and -1195A→G and hepatocellular carcinoma risk. Gene 2014; 543: 234-236. 16.Hou L, Grillo P, Zhu ZZ, Lissowska J, Yeager M, Zatonski W, Zhu G, Baccarelli A, Chanock SJ, Fraumeni JF Jr, Chow WH. COX1 and COX2 polymorphisms and gastric cancer risk in a Polish population. Anticancer Res 2007; 27: 4243-4247. 17.Van Nes JG, de Kruijf EM, Faratian D, van de Velde CJ, Putter H, Falconer C, Smit VT, Kay C, van de Vijver MJ, Kuppen PJ, Bartlett JM. COX2 expression in prognosis and in prediction to endocrine therapy in early breast cancer patients. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2011; 125: 671-685. 18.Vogel U, Christensen J, Wallin H, Friis S, Nexo BA, Tjonneland A. Polymorphisms in COX-2, NSAID use and risk of basal cell carcinoma in a prospective study of Danes. Mutat Res 2007; 617: 138-146. 19.Souza RF, Shewmake K, Beer DG, Cryer B, Spechler SJ. Selective inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 suppresses growth and induces apoptosis in human esophageal adenocarcinoma cells. Cancer Res 2000; 60: 5767-5772. 20.Kujubu DA, Reddy ST, Fletcher BS and Herschman HR. Expression of the protein product of the prostaglandin synthase- 2/TIS10 gene in mitogen-stimulated Swiss 3T3 cells. J Biol Chem 1993; 268: 5425-5430. 21.Kawata R, Reddy ST, Wolner B and Herschman HR. Prostaglandin synthase 1 and prostaglandin synthase 2 both participate in activation-induced prostaglandin D2 production in mast cells. J Immunol 1995; 155: 818-825. 22.Reddy ST and Herschman HR. Ligand-induced prostaglandin synthesis requires expression of the TIS10/PGS-2 prostaglandin synthase gene in murine fibroblasts and macrophages. J Biol Chem 1994; 269: 15473-15480. 23.Güçer H , Şahan E, Akyıldız İğdem A, Tetikkurt Ü.S., Erdoğan N. Cox-2 Expression and Microvessel Density in Clear Cell Type Renal Cell Carcinoma Turkish Journal of Pathology 2009; 25:13-19. 24.Yoshimura R, Matsuyama M, Kawahito Y, Tsuchida K, Kuratsukuri K, Takemoto Y, Mitsuhashi M, Sano H, Nakatani T. Study of cyclooxygenase-2 in renal cell carcinoma. Int J Mol Med 2004;13: 229-233. 25.Cho DS, Joo HJ, Oh DK, Kang JH, Kim YS, Lee KB, Kim SJ. Cyclooxygenase-2 and p53 expression as prognostic indicators in conventional renal cell carcinoma. Yonsei Med J. 2005; 46: 133-140. 26.Papafili A, Hill MR, Brull DJ, McAnulty RJ, Marshall RP, Humphries SE, LaurentGJ. Common promoter variant in cyclooxygenase-2 represses gene expression: evidence of role in acute-phase inflammatory response. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2002; 22: 1631-1636. 27.Appleby SB, Ristimäki A, Neilson K, Narko K, Hla T. Structure of the human cyclooxygenase-2 gene. Biochem J 1994; 302: 723-727. 28.Yang X, Hou F, Taylor L, Polgar P. Characterization of human cyclooxygenase 2 gene promoter localization of a TGF-beta response element. Biochim Biophys Acta 1997; 1350: 287- 292. 29.Gong Z, Bostick RM, Xie D, Hurley TG, Deng Z, Dixon DA, Zhang J, Hebert JR. Genetic polymorphisms in the cyclooxygenase-1 and cyclooxygenase-2 genes and risk of colorectal adenoma. Int J Colorectal Dis 2009; 24: 647-654. 30.Chang WS, Yang MD, Tsai CW, Cheng LH, Jeng LB, Lo WC, Lin CH, Huang CY, Bau DT. Association of cyclooxygenase 2 single-nucleotide polymorphisms and hepatocellularcarcinoma in Taiwan. Chin J Physiol 2012; 55: 1-7.
Year 2018, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 22 - 30, 30.11.2018



  • 1.Ridge CA, Pua BB, Madoff DC. Epidemiology and staging of renal cell carcinoma. Semin Intervent Radiol 2014; 31: 3-8. 2.Siegel RL, Miller KD, Jemal A. Cancer statistics, 2015.CA Cancer J Clin 2015; 65: 5-29. 3.Linehan WM, Srinivasan R, SchmidtLS. The genetic basis of kidney cancer: a metabolic disease. Nat Rev Urol 2010; 7: 277-285. 4Yao T, Wang Q, Zhang W, Bian A, Zhang J. Identification of gene sassociated with renal cell carcinoma using gene expression profiling analysis Oncol Lett. 2016; 12: 73-78. 5.Li D, Hao SH, Sun Y, Hu CM, Ma ZH, Wang ZM, Liu J, Liu HB, Ye M, Zhang YF, Yang DS, Shi G. Functional Polymorphisms in COX-2 Gene Are Correlated with the Risk of Oral Cancer. Biomed Res Int 2015; 2015: 580652. 6.Coskunpinar E, Eraltan IY, Turna A, Agachan B. Cyclooxygenase-2 gene and lung carcinoma risk. Med Oncol 2011; 28: 1436-1440. 7.Mandal RK, Mittal RD. Polymorphisms in COX- 2 gene influence prostate cancer susceptibility in a northern Indian cohort. Arch Med Res 2011; 2: 620-626. 8.Cossiolo DC, Costa HCM, Fernandes KBP, Laranjeira LLS, Fernandes MTP, Poli-Frederico RC. Polymorphism of the cox-2 gene and susceptibility to colon and rectal cancer. Arq Bras Cir Dig 2017; 30: 114-117. 9.Chang WS, Tsai CW, Ji HX, Wu HC, Chang YT, Lien CS, Liao WL, Shen WC, Tsai CH, BauDT. Associations of cyclooxygenase 2 polymorphic genotypes with bladder cancer risk in Taiwan. Anticancer Res 2013; 33: 5401-5405. 10.Agachan Cakmakoglu B, Attar R, Kahraman OT, Dalan AB, Iyibozkurt AC, Karateke A, Attar E. Cyclooxygenase-2 gene and epithelial ovarian carcinoma risk. Mol Biol Rep 2011; 38: 3481-3486. 11.Chang WS, Liao CH, Miao CE, Wu HC, Hou LL, Hsiao CL, Ji HX, Tsai CW, Bau DT. The role of functional polymorphisms of cyclooxygenase 2 in renal cell carcinoma. Anticancer Res 2014; 34: 5481-5486. 12.Siddiqi A, Saidullah B, Sultana S. Anticarcinogenic effect of hesperidin against renal cell carcinoma by targeting COX-2/PGE2 pathway in Wistar rats. Environ Toxicol 2018; 33: 1069-1077. 13.Zhu W, Wei BB, Shan X, Liu P. -765G>C and 8473T>C polymorphisms of COX-2 and cancer risk: a meta-analysis based on 33 case-control studies. Mol Biol Rep 2010; 37: 277-288. 14.Mittal M, Kapoor V, Mohanti BK, Das SN. Functional variants of COX-2 and risk of tobaccorelated oral squamous cell carcinoma in high-risk Asian Indians. Oral Oncol 2010; 46: 622-626. 15.Gharib AF, Karam RA, Abd El Rahman TM, Elsawy WH.COX-2 polymorphisms 765G→C and -1195A→G and hepatocellular carcinoma risk. Gene 2014; 543: 234-236. 16.Hou L, Grillo P, Zhu ZZ, Lissowska J, Yeager M, Zatonski W, Zhu G, Baccarelli A, Chanock SJ, Fraumeni JF Jr, Chow WH. COX1 and COX2 polymorphisms and gastric cancer risk in a Polish population. Anticancer Res 2007; 27: 4243-4247. 17.Van Nes JG, de Kruijf EM, Faratian D, van de Velde CJ, Putter H, Falconer C, Smit VT, Kay C, van de Vijver MJ, Kuppen PJ, Bartlett JM. COX2 expression in prognosis and in prediction to endocrine therapy in early breast cancer patients. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2011; 125: 671-685. 18.Vogel U, Christensen J, Wallin H, Friis S, Nexo BA, Tjonneland A. Polymorphisms in COX-2, NSAID use and risk of basal cell carcinoma in a prospective study of Danes. Mutat Res 2007; 617: 138-146. 19.Souza RF, Shewmake K, Beer DG, Cryer B, Spechler SJ. Selective inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 suppresses growth and induces apoptosis in human esophageal adenocarcinoma cells. Cancer Res 2000; 60: 5767-5772. 20.Kujubu DA, Reddy ST, Fletcher BS and Herschman HR. Expression of the protein product of the prostaglandin synthase- 2/TIS10 gene in mitogen-stimulated Swiss 3T3 cells. J Biol Chem 1993; 268: 5425-5430. 21.Kawata R, Reddy ST, Wolner B and Herschman HR. Prostaglandin synthase 1 and prostaglandin synthase 2 both participate in activation-induced prostaglandin D2 production in mast cells. J Immunol 1995; 155: 818-825. 22.Reddy ST and Herschman HR. Ligand-induced prostaglandin synthesis requires expression of the TIS10/PGS-2 prostaglandin synthase gene in murine fibroblasts and macrophages. J Biol Chem 1994; 269: 15473-15480. 23.Güçer H , Şahan E, Akyıldız İğdem A, Tetikkurt Ü.S., Erdoğan N. Cox-2 Expression and Microvessel Density in Clear Cell Type Renal Cell Carcinoma Turkish Journal of Pathology 2009; 25:13-19. 24.Yoshimura R, Matsuyama M, Kawahito Y, Tsuchida K, Kuratsukuri K, Takemoto Y, Mitsuhashi M, Sano H, Nakatani T. Study of cyclooxygenase-2 in renal cell carcinoma. Int J Mol Med 2004;13: 229-233. 25.Cho DS, Joo HJ, Oh DK, Kang JH, Kim YS, Lee KB, Kim SJ. Cyclooxygenase-2 and p53 expression as prognostic indicators in conventional renal cell carcinoma. Yonsei Med J. 2005; 46: 133-140. 26.Papafili A, Hill MR, Brull DJ, McAnulty RJ, Marshall RP, Humphries SE, LaurentGJ. Common promoter variant in cyclooxygenase-2 represses gene expression: evidence of role in acute-phase inflammatory response. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2002; 22: 1631-1636. 27.Appleby SB, Ristimäki A, Neilson K, Narko K, Hla T. Structure of the human cyclooxygenase-2 gene. Biochem J 1994; 302: 723-727. 28.Yang X, Hou F, Taylor L, Polgar P. Characterization of human cyclooxygenase 2 gene promoter localization of a TGF-beta response element. Biochim Biophys Acta 1997; 1350: 287- 292. 29.Gong Z, Bostick RM, Xie D, Hurley TG, Deng Z, Dixon DA, Zhang J, Hebert JR. Genetic polymorphisms in the cyclooxygenase-1 and cyclooxygenase-2 genes and risk of colorectal adenoma. Int J Colorectal Dis 2009; 24: 647-654. 30.Chang WS, Yang MD, Tsai CW, Cheng LH, Jeng LB, Lo WC, Lin CH, Huang CY, Bau DT. Association of cyclooxygenase 2 single-nucleotide polymorphisms and hepatocellularcarcinoma in Taiwan. Chin J Physiol 2012; 55: 1-7.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research article

Canan Küçükgergin

İlknur Bingül This is me

Selçuk Erdem This is me

Öner Şanlı This is me

Şule Seçkin This is me

Publication Date November 30, 2018
Acceptance Date August 21, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 1 Issue: 3


APA Küçükgergin, C., Bingül, İ., Erdem, S., Şanlı, Ö., et al. (2018). Siklooksijenaz-2 (coX-2) G-765c Gen Polimorfizminin Böbrek Hücreli Karsinom ile ilişkisi. Tıp Fakültesi Klinikleri Dergisi, 1(3), 22-30.

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