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Postmodern Eleştirilerin Coğrafi Düşünce ve Yeni Mekân Kavrayışları Üzerine Yansımaları

Year 2011, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 1 - 10, 01.04.2011


Bu çalışma ile son çeyrek yüzyılda özellikle postmodern eleştirilerle birlikte mekânsallığın ve bu yüzden de coğrafi düşüncenin sosyal teori içinde yükselen önemi vurgulanmaya çalışılmaktadır. Bu amaçla, ilk olarak sosyal teorideki paradigmatik değişim, coğrafi düşüncenin tarihsel evriminde izlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Ardından coğrafi düşüncenin odağı olan mekân kavramının geleneksel pozitivist paradigmadan farklı yönleri üzerinde durulmaktadır. Bu kapsamda yapısalcı kuram ile radikal kuramların etkisiyle beliren “yapı” ve “tasarım” olarak mekân kavramının yeni içeriği incelenmektedir. Yeni mekân anlayışının izleri en iyi biçimde beşeri coğrafyada izlendiğinden, çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde mekân kavramındaki bu değişim ile coğrafyadaki epistemolojik ve metodolojik değişimin ekonomik coğrafya ve kültürel coğrafyaya nasıl yansıdığı üzerinde durulmaktadır. Çalışmanın temel vurgusu, beliren yeni mekân anlayışı nedeniyle coğrafyanın sosyal teori içindeki yerinin ve ağırlığının arttığı yönündedir


  • Amin, A. and Thrift, N. (1992) “Neo-Marshallian nodes in global Networks”, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 16(4): 571-587.
  • Amin, A. and Thrift, N. (1994) Globalization, Institutions, and Regional Development in Europe, Oxford University Pres, Newyork.
  • Arı, Y., (2005) “20. Yüzyılda Amerikan Coğrafyası: Genel bir değerlendirme”, 20.Yüzyılda Amerikan Coğrafyasının Gelişimi içinde, Arı, Y. (Editör), sayfa 3-19, Çizgi Kitabevi, Konya.
  • Asheim, B.T., (1996) "Industrial districts as 'learning regions': A condition for prosperity", European Planning Studies, Volume 4(4), 379 – 400.
  • Bryman, A., (2008) Social research methods, Oxford University Press.
  • Bunge, W., (1962) Theoretical Geography, First Edition, Lund Studies in Geography Series C: General and Mathematical Geography, Lund, Sweden:Gleerup.
  • Claudia, M., (2008) "Postmodern Geographies(1989):Edward Soja", İn Key Texts in Human Geography, (Ed.) Phıl Hubbard, Rob Kitchin and Gill Valentine, Sage Publication, 135-143.
  • Crang, P., (1997) "Introduction:cultural turns and the (re)constitution of economic geography" In Geographies of Economies, (Ed.) J.Wills ve R. Lee, 3 -15, London:Arnold.
  • Cresswell T., (2008) "Space and Place(1977):Yi-Fu Tuan", In Key Texts in Human Geography, (Ed) Phıl Hubbard, Rob Kitchin and Gill Valentine, Sage Publication, 53-60.
  • Goodchild M.F., (2008) "Theoritecal Geography (1962) William Bunge", In Key Texts in Human Geography, (Ed.) Phıl Hubbard, Rob Kitchin ve Gill Valentine, Sage Publications, 5-18. 10
  • Graham, S., (1998) "The end of geography or the explosion of place? Conceptualizing space, place and information technology", Progress in Human Geography, Vol. 22 (2), 165-185.
  • Gregory D., (1994a) "Social Theory and Human Geography", In Human Geography:Society, Space and Social Science, Ed.: Derek Gregory, Ron Martin ve Graham Smith, Macmillan Press, London, 78-109.
  • Gregory, D., (1994b) Geographical Imaginations, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford.
  • Gregory D., Martin R. ve Smith G., (1994) Human Geography: Society, Space and Social Science, Macmillan Press, London
  • Harvey, D., (1969) Explanation in Geography, Hodder Arnold Publication.
  • Jupp, V., (2006) The SAGE Dictionary of social research methods, Sage Publications, London.
  • Kaya, İ., (2005), “Sosyal Teori ve Beşeri Coğrafya”, Ulusal Coğrafya Kongresi 2005 (Prof.Dr.İsmail Yalçınlar anısına) Bildiriler Kitabı içinde, Editörler: Avcı, S. ve Turoğlu, H., sayfa 257-266, İstanbul.
  • Khun, T., (1962) The Structure of Scientific Revolution, (Türkçesi: Bilimsel Devrimlerin Yapısı), Çeviren:Nilüfer Kuyaş, Alan Yayıncılık, 2003, İstanbul.
  • Lefebvre, H., (1991) The Production of Space, Translated by D.N. Smith, Blackwell Publishers, London.
  • Martin, R., (1994) "Economic Theory and Human Geography", In Human Geography: Society, Space and Social Science, (Ed.) Derek Gregory, Ron Martin ve Graham Smith, Macmillan Press, London, 21-53.
  • Özgüç, N. ve Tümertekin, E., (2000) Coğrafya: Geçmiş, Kavramlar, Coğrafyacılar, Çantay Kitabevi, İstanbul
  • Peet, R., (1998) Modern Geographical Thought, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford
  • Philo C. and Söderström O., (2004) "Social geography: looking for society in its spaces", In Human Geography: A history for the 21st Century, (Ed.)George Benko and Ulf Strohmayer, Oxford University Press, New York, 105-138.
  • Schaefer, F., (1953) “Exceptionalism in Geography: A methodological Examination”, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 43: 226-249.
  • Schoolman M. and Campbell D., (2008) "Introduction:Pluralism 'Old' and 'New'" In The New Pluralism: William Connolly and the Contempporary Global Condition, Duke University Press. London.
  • Scott, A.J., (2000) “Economic geography: the great half-century”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 24, 483-504.
  • Scott, A.J., (2006) "A perspective of economic geography", In Economic Geography: Past, present and future, (Ed.) S. Bagchi-Sen ve H.L. Smith, Routledge Studies in Economic Geography, 56-79.
  • Sibley, D. (1995) Geographies of Exclusion: Society and Difference in the West London Routledge.
  • Soja, E.W., (1989) Postmodern Geographies: The Reassertion of Space in Critical Social Theory, London: Verso Press.
  • Tekeli, İ., (1979) Mekân Organizasyonlarına Macro Yaklaşım İçin Bir Deneme, ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi, Ankara
  • Trochim, W.M., (2006) The Research Methods Knowledge Base, 2nd Edition., (URL:, 20.11.2008).
  • Tümertekin, E. ve Özgüç, N., (1998) Beşeri Coğrafya, Çantay Kitabevi, İstanbul.
  • Yavan, N., (2005) “Bilim Felsefesi Bakımından Coğrafyada Pozitivist Yaklaşım”, Ulusal Coğrafya Kongresi 2005 (Prof.Dr.İsmail Yalçınlar anısına) Bildiriler Kitabı içinde, Editörler: Avcı, S. ve Turoğlu, H., sayfa 405-414, İstanbul.

The reflections of postmodern critics on geographical thought and new spatial perception

Year 2011, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 1 - 10, 01.04.2011


In this article, the significance of spatiality and geographical thought in social theory is emphasized via postmodern critics in last three decades. For that purpose, firstly paradigmatic shift in social theory is pursued and evaluated through evolution of geographical thought in historical perspective. After that, different aspects of spatiality and place context, which diverse from traditional positivist paradigm and are focus of geographical thought, are stressed on. New context of spatiality or place notion which is brought to fore by socialist and other radical approaches as a “structure” and “imagination” has been mentioned in that sense. The traces of that contextual change of spatiality notion and epistemological and methodological shift in geography at last three decades can be pursued particularly in human geography. Therefore at the second part of this study, the effects of contextual and paradigmatic shift in geographical thought are debated in realm of economic and cultural geography. The main emphasis of article is that all indicators in different realms point to accruing significance of new geographical thought in social theory


  • Amin, A. and Thrift, N. (1992) “Neo-Marshallian nodes in global Networks”, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 16(4): 571-587.
  • Amin, A. and Thrift, N. (1994) Globalization, Institutions, and Regional Development in Europe, Oxford University Pres, Newyork.
  • Arı, Y., (2005) “20. Yüzyılda Amerikan Coğrafyası: Genel bir değerlendirme”, 20.Yüzyılda Amerikan Coğrafyasının Gelişimi içinde, Arı, Y. (Editör), sayfa 3-19, Çizgi Kitabevi, Konya.
  • Asheim, B.T., (1996) "Industrial districts as 'learning regions': A condition for prosperity", European Planning Studies, Volume 4(4), 379 – 400.
  • Bryman, A., (2008) Social research methods, Oxford University Press.
  • Bunge, W., (1962) Theoretical Geography, First Edition, Lund Studies in Geography Series C: General and Mathematical Geography, Lund, Sweden:Gleerup.
  • Claudia, M., (2008) "Postmodern Geographies(1989):Edward Soja", İn Key Texts in Human Geography, (Ed.) Phıl Hubbard, Rob Kitchin and Gill Valentine, Sage Publication, 135-143.
  • Crang, P., (1997) "Introduction:cultural turns and the (re)constitution of economic geography" In Geographies of Economies, (Ed.) J.Wills ve R. Lee, 3 -15, London:Arnold.
  • Cresswell T., (2008) "Space and Place(1977):Yi-Fu Tuan", In Key Texts in Human Geography, (Ed) Phıl Hubbard, Rob Kitchin and Gill Valentine, Sage Publication, 53-60.
  • Goodchild M.F., (2008) "Theoritecal Geography (1962) William Bunge", In Key Texts in Human Geography, (Ed.) Phıl Hubbard, Rob Kitchin ve Gill Valentine, Sage Publications, 5-18. 10
  • Graham, S., (1998) "The end of geography or the explosion of place? Conceptualizing space, place and information technology", Progress in Human Geography, Vol. 22 (2), 165-185.
  • Gregory D., (1994a) "Social Theory and Human Geography", In Human Geography:Society, Space and Social Science, Ed.: Derek Gregory, Ron Martin ve Graham Smith, Macmillan Press, London, 78-109.
  • Gregory, D., (1994b) Geographical Imaginations, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford.
  • Gregory D., Martin R. ve Smith G., (1994) Human Geography: Society, Space and Social Science, Macmillan Press, London
  • Harvey, D., (1969) Explanation in Geography, Hodder Arnold Publication.
  • Jupp, V., (2006) The SAGE Dictionary of social research methods, Sage Publications, London.
  • Kaya, İ., (2005), “Sosyal Teori ve Beşeri Coğrafya”, Ulusal Coğrafya Kongresi 2005 (Prof.Dr.İsmail Yalçınlar anısına) Bildiriler Kitabı içinde, Editörler: Avcı, S. ve Turoğlu, H., sayfa 257-266, İstanbul.
  • Khun, T., (1962) The Structure of Scientific Revolution, (Türkçesi: Bilimsel Devrimlerin Yapısı), Çeviren:Nilüfer Kuyaş, Alan Yayıncılık, 2003, İstanbul.
  • Lefebvre, H., (1991) The Production of Space, Translated by D.N. Smith, Blackwell Publishers, London.
  • Martin, R., (1994) "Economic Theory and Human Geography", In Human Geography: Society, Space and Social Science, (Ed.) Derek Gregory, Ron Martin ve Graham Smith, Macmillan Press, London, 21-53.
  • Özgüç, N. ve Tümertekin, E., (2000) Coğrafya: Geçmiş, Kavramlar, Coğrafyacılar, Çantay Kitabevi, İstanbul
  • Peet, R., (1998) Modern Geographical Thought, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford
  • Philo C. and Söderström O., (2004) "Social geography: looking for society in its spaces", In Human Geography: A history for the 21st Century, (Ed.)George Benko and Ulf Strohmayer, Oxford University Press, New York, 105-138.
  • Schaefer, F., (1953) “Exceptionalism in Geography: A methodological Examination”, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 43: 226-249.
  • Schoolman M. and Campbell D., (2008) "Introduction:Pluralism 'Old' and 'New'" In The New Pluralism: William Connolly and the Contempporary Global Condition, Duke University Press. London.
  • Scott, A.J., (2000) “Economic geography: the great half-century”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 24, 483-504.
  • Scott, A.J., (2006) "A perspective of economic geography", In Economic Geography: Past, present and future, (Ed.) S. Bagchi-Sen ve H.L. Smith, Routledge Studies in Economic Geography, 56-79.
  • Sibley, D. (1995) Geographies of Exclusion: Society and Difference in the West London Routledge.
  • Soja, E.W., (1989) Postmodern Geographies: The Reassertion of Space in Critical Social Theory, London: Verso Press.
  • Tekeli, İ., (1979) Mekân Organizasyonlarına Macro Yaklaşım İçin Bir Deneme, ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi, Ankara
  • Trochim, W.M., (2006) The Research Methods Knowledge Base, 2nd Edition., (URL:, 20.11.2008).
  • Tümertekin, E. ve Özgüç, N., (1998) Beşeri Coğrafya, Çantay Kitabevi, İstanbul.
  • Yavan, N., (2005) “Bilim Felsefesi Bakımından Coğrafyada Pozitivist Yaklaşım”, Ulusal Coğrafya Kongresi 2005 (Prof.Dr.İsmail Yalçınlar anısına) Bildiriler Kitabı içinde, Editörler: Avcı, S. ve Turoğlu, H., sayfa 405-414, İstanbul.
There are 33 citations in total.


Other ID JA69HB27KA
Journal Section Research Article

İrfan Kaygalak This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Kaygalak, İ. (2011). Postmodern Eleştirilerin Coğrafi Düşünce ve Yeni Mekân Kavrayışları Üzerine Yansımaları. Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi, 9(1), 1-10.

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lnternational Journal of Geography and Geography Education