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Detection of Urban Heat Island in Ankara, Turkey.

Year 2005, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 57 - 72, 01.04.2005


The rapid increase in population and corresponding rise in urbanization cause the change in temperature in Turkey. The unplanned and rapid construction has also a very big role in this process. The increase in the number of slums and rapid destruction of green areas and concretion has also strengthened urban heat island (UHI). There were seven station established in Ankara, representing the texture of the city in order to measure the temperature variation and define the development of UHI and its spatial variation. Since the biggest UHI is observed in cold period at investigation period, we investigated the month of February in this study. According to Oke (1979) equation the maximum heat island in Ankara is 9.0 °C. UHI observed 9.4°C at 15:00 on 2 February 2002. During the period of interest, UHI, which was weak during day time, strengthened in evening hours and ∆T (u-r) increased up to 7.7 °C. There were UHI (∆T (u-r)≥ 1.0 °C) in 24 evenings in February. 61% of UHIs observed at 21:00 in February was above 4.0 °C. The wind speed was less than 0.5 m s-1 during the periods of UHI


  • Akman, Y. (1990) İklim ve Biyoiklim (Biyoiklim Metodları ve Türkiye İklimleri), Palme Yayınevi, 320 s.,Ankara.
  • Arnfiled, A.J. (2003) Two decades of urban climate research: A review of turbulence, exchanges of energy and water, and the urban heat island, International Journal of Climatology 23. 1-26
  • Asaeda T, Vu, T.C. (2000) Characteristics of Permeable Pavement During Hot Summer Weather and Impact on The Thermal Environment, Building and Environment 35, 363-375.
  • Chandler, T.J. (1965) The Climate of London, Hutchinson, 292 s. Londra.
  • Çiçek, İ. (1996) Thornthwaite metoduna göre Türkiye’de iklim tipleri, Ank.Üniv., DTC. Fak., Coğ. Araş. Der. 12:33-71.
  • Çiçek İ., (2000) Türkiye’de termik dönemlerin yayılışı ve süreleri, Ank. Üniv. DTC Fak., Fakülte Der. C: 40:1-2:189-212.
  • Çiçek, İ. 2003 The Statistical analysis of precipitation in Ankara, Turkey. Fırat Üniv. Sos. Bil. Enst Derg. 13:1, 1-20.
  • Erol, O. 1976 Ankara şehrinin gelişiminde doğal koşulların etkisi, Ankara Üniv. Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Yay.No:257, 45-55.
  • Grimmond, C.S.B., Potter, S.K., Zuttera, H.N., Souch, C. (2001) Rapid methods to estimate sky-view factors applied to urban areas, Int. J. Climatol. 21, 903-913.
  • Jauregui, E (1997) Heat island development in Mexico City, Atmospheric Environment 31, 22, 3821-3831.
  • Hien, W. N. (2002) Urban heat island effect: Sinking the heat, Innovation 3:2 16-18.
  • Karaca, M., Tayanç, M., Toros, M. (1995a) Effects of urbanization on climate of Istanbul and Ankara, Atmospheric Environment 29, 23, 3411-3421.
  • Karaca,. M., Anteplioğlu, Ü., Karsan, H. (1995b) Detection of urban heat island in Istanbul, Turkey, Il Nuovo Cimento 18, 1, 49-55.
  • Karaca, M., Tayanç, M. (1998) Urbanization effects on the regional climate in Turkey, Proceedings of Second European Climate Conference, 18-23 October 1998 Vienna.
  • Klysik, K., Fortuniak, K. (1999) Temporal and spatial characteristics of the urban heat island of Lodz, Poland, Atmospheric Environment 33, 3885-3895.
  • Landsberg, H.E. (1981) The Urban Climate, Academic Press, 275 s, New York.
  • Oke, T.R., Yap, D., Maxwell, G.B. (1972) Comparison of urban/rural cooling rates at night, Proceedings Int. Symp. On Environment and Second Conf. On Biometeor.,American Meteor Soc. Boston 17-21.
  • Oke, T.R. (1973) City size and the urban heat island, Atmospheric Environment 7, 769-779.
  • Oke, T.R. (1974) Review of Urban Climatology 1968-1973, WMO Tech Note No: 134, WMO No: 383 Cenova.
  • Oke, T.R.(1976) Inadvertent modification of the city atmosphere and the prospects for planned urban climates, Proceedings Of The WMO Symposium on Meteorology as Related to Urban and Regional Land-use Planning, Asheville, N.C., USA, 3-7 November 1975 WMO No:444 150-1175.
  • Oke, T.R. (1979) Review of Urban Climatology 1973-1976, WMO Tech Note No: 169, WMO No: 539 Cenova.
  • Oke. T.R. (198) Canyon geometry and the nocturnal urban heat island: Comparison of scale model and field observation, J. Climatology 1, 237-254
  • Oke, T. R. (1987) Boundary Layer Climates, Routledge 435 s, New York.
  • Oke, T.R., Johnson, G. T., Steyn, D. G., Watson, I. D. (1991) Simulation of surface urban heat islands under “Ideal” conditions at Night Part 2: Diagnosis of causation. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 56. 339-358
  • Saito, I., Ishihara., O, Katayama. T. (1989) Study of the effect of green areas on the thermal environment in an urban area, Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on “Urban Climate, Planning and Building” Kyoto 493-498.
  • Spronken-Smith, R.A, Oke, T.R.1999 Scale modeling of nocturnal cooling in urban parks, Boundary-Layer 93, 287-312.
  • Tayanç, M., Karaca, M., Yenigün, O. 1997 Annual and seasonal air temperature trend paterns of climate change and urbanization effects in relation with air pollutants in Turkey, Journal of Geophysical Research 102 D2, 1909-1919
  • Tayanç, M., Toros, H. 1997 Urbanization effects on regional climate change in the case of four large cities of Turkey, Climatic Change 35, 501-524.


Year 2005, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 57 - 72, 01.04.2005


Türkiye’de hızlı nüfus artışı ve buna bağlı olarak artan şehirleşme sıcaklıklarda değişimler meydana getirmektedir. Bunda özellikle plansız ve kaçak yapılaşmanın önemli bir payı vardır. Gecekondulaşma sonucunda yeşil alanların hızla yok olması ve hızlı betonlaşma şehir ısı adasını (ŞIA) kuvvetlenmiştir. Başkent olduğundan beri hızlı bir şehirleşmeye sahne olan Ankara’da da ŞIA gelişimini, bunun alansal dağılışını ve büyüklüğünü saptamak için farklı şehir dokusunu yansıtan bölgelere 7 adet istasyon kurulmuş ve sıcaklık ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Veriler değerlendirildiğinde en büyük ŞIA soğuk dönemde görüldüğü için bu çalışmada şubat ayı incelenmiştir. Oke (1979) eşitliğine göre Ankara’da maksimum ısı adası 9.0 °C’dir. 2 Şubat 2002 saat 15:00’te bu değer 9.4 °C olmuştur. İncelenen dönemde gündüz zayıf olan ŞIA akşam saatlerinde kuvvetlenerek şehir ve kırsal alanlar arasında sıcaklık farklılığı (∆T(ş-k)) 7.7 °C’ye ulaşmıştır. Şubat ayı süresince 24 akşamda ŞIA (∆T(ş-k)≥ 1.0 °C) görülmüştür. Şubat ayında saat 21:00’da yaşanan ŞIA’nın % 61’i 4.0 °C’nin üzerindedir. ŞIA görüldüğü dönemlerde rüzgar hızı genellikle 0.5 m sn-1’ten daha azdır


  • Akman, Y. (1990) İklim ve Biyoiklim (Biyoiklim Metodları ve Türkiye İklimleri), Palme Yayınevi, 320 s.,Ankara.
  • Arnfiled, A.J. (2003) Two decades of urban climate research: A review of turbulence, exchanges of energy and water, and the urban heat island, International Journal of Climatology 23. 1-26
  • Asaeda T, Vu, T.C. (2000) Characteristics of Permeable Pavement During Hot Summer Weather and Impact on The Thermal Environment, Building and Environment 35, 363-375.
  • Chandler, T.J. (1965) The Climate of London, Hutchinson, 292 s. Londra.
  • Çiçek, İ. (1996) Thornthwaite metoduna göre Türkiye’de iklim tipleri, Ank.Üniv., DTC. Fak., Coğ. Araş. Der. 12:33-71.
  • Çiçek İ., (2000) Türkiye’de termik dönemlerin yayılışı ve süreleri, Ank. Üniv. DTC Fak., Fakülte Der. C: 40:1-2:189-212.
  • Çiçek, İ. 2003 The Statistical analysis of precipitation in Ankara, Turkey. Fırat Üniv. Sos. Bil. Enst Derg. 13:1, 1-20.
  • Erol, O. 1976 Ankara şehrinin gelişiminde doğal koşulların etkisi, Ankara Üniv. Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Yay.No:257, 45-55.
  • Grimmond, C.S.B., Potter, S.K., Zuttera, H.N., Souch, C. (2001) Rapid methods to estimate sky-view factors applied to urban areas, Int. J. Climatol. 21, 903-913.
  • Jauregui, E (1997) Heat island development in Mexico City, Atmospheric Environment 31, 22, 3821-3831.
  • Hien, W. N. (2002) Urban heat island effect: Sinking the heat, Innovation 3:2 16-18.
  • Karaca, M., Tayanç, M., Toros, M. (1995a) Effects of urbanization on climate of Istanbul and Ankara, Atmospheric Environment 29, 23, 3411-3421.
  • Karaca,. M., Anteplioğlu, Ü., Karsan, H. (1995b) Detection of urban heat island in Istanbul, Turkey, Il Nuovo Cimento 18, 1, 49-55.
  • Karaca, M., Tayanç, M. (1998) Urbanization effects on the regional climate in Turkey, Proceedings of Second European Climate Conference, 18-23 October 1998 Vienna.
  • Klysik, K., Fortuniak, K. (1999) Temporal and spatial characteristics of the urban heat island of Lodz, Poland, Atmospheric Environment 33, 3885-3895.
  • Landsberg, H.E. (1981) The Urban Climate, Academic Press, 275 s, New York.
  • Oke, T.R., Yap, D., Maxwell, G.B. (1972) Comparison of urban/rural cooling rates at night, Proceedings Int. Symp. On Environment and Second Conf. On Biometeor.,American Meteor Soc. Boston 17-21.
  • Oke, T.R. (1973) City size and the urban heat island, Atmospheric Environment 7, 769-779.
  • Oke, T.R. (1974) Review of Urban Climatology 1968-1973, WMO Tech Note No: 134, WMO No: 383 Cenova.
  • Oke, T.R.(1976) Inadvertent modification of the city atmosphere and the prospects for planned urban climates, Proceedings Of The WMO Symposium on Meteorology as Related to Urban and Regional Land-use Planning, Asheville, N.C., USA, 3-7 November 1975 WMO No:444 150-1175.
  • Oke, T.R. (1979) Review of Urban Climatology 1973-1976, WMO Tech Note No: 169, WMO No: 539 Cenova.
  • Oke. T.R. (198) Canyon geometry and the nocturnal urban heat island: Comparison of scale model and field observation, J. Climatology 1, 237-254
  • Oke, T. R. (1987) Boundary Layer Climates, Routledge 435 s, New York.
  • Oke, T.R., Johnson, G. T., Steyn, D. G., Watson, I. D. (1991) Simulation of surface urban heat islands under “Ideal” conditions at Night Part 2: Diagnosis of causation. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 56. 339-358
  • Saito, I., Ishihara., O, Katayama. T. (1989) Study of the effect of green areas on the thermal environment in an urban area, Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on “Urban Climate, Planning and Building” Kyoto 493-498.
  • Spronken-Smith, R.A, Oke, T.R.1999 Scale modeling of nocturnal cooling in urban parks, Boundary-Layer 93, 287-312.
  • Tayanç, M., Karaca, M., Yenigün, O. 1997 Annual and seasonal air temperature trend paterns of climate change and urbanization effects in relation with air pollutants in Turkey, Journal of Geophysical Research 102 D2, 1909-1919
  • Tayanç, M., Toros, H. 1997 Urbanization effects on regional climate change in the case of four large cities of Turkey, Climatic Change 35, 501-524.
There are 28 citations in total.


Other ID JA48GC24NG
Journal Section Research Article

İhsan Çiçek

Uğur Doğan

Publication Date April 1, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Çiçek, İ., & Doğan, U. (2005). ANKARA’DA ŞEHİR ISI ADASININ İNCELENMESİ. Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi, 3(1), 57-72.