Research Article
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Urban Heat Island in Ankara with Travers

Year 2019, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 281 - 317, 31.10.2019


As Ankara is morphologically situated in a basin,
this causes air conditions of poor quality for the city-dwellers, and such
adverse conditions are further increased sometimes with the impact of urban
heat island (UHI). In this study, mobile measurements were made for 12 months
(1 at daytime and 1 at nocturnally) to determine the characteristics of UHI in
Ankara, and the results were assessed and analyzed using statistical methods. Based
on the assessments, the northern cliff of the city is formed at Yükseltepe intersection
and the southern cliff is formed at Turan Güneş Street. There are also two
different peaks in Ulus and Kızılay, and the
plateau of the urban is between the cliffs and peaks. The
plateau of the urban includes a temperature sinks and hills, which is caused by
the land use in the urban, heavy traffic and characteristics of urban
structure. UHI formed in the urban becomes more apparent in the summer season (in
the arid period) and is decreased by 0.2 °C during the day and 0.4 °C at night
as the temperatures go far away from the city center. The temperatures drop in
the sites where visibility of sky is increased. The elevation is effective in
the temperature distribution, this is especially effective in the high pressure


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  • Betts, R. A., Falloon, P. D., Goldewijk, K. K., Ramankutty, N. (2007). Biogeophysical Effects of Land Use on Climate: Model Simulations of Radiative Forcing and Large-Scale Temperature Change. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 142(2–4), 216–233.
  • Böhner, J., & Antonić, O. (2009). Land-surface Parameters Specific to Topo-climatology. Developments in Soil Science, 33(C), 195–226.
  • Bokwa, A., Hajto, M. J., Walawender, J. P., Szymanowski, M. (2015). Influence of Diversified Relief on the Urban Heat Island in the City of Kraków, Poland. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 122(1–2), 365–382.
  • Bounoua, L., Safia, A., Masek, J., Peters-Lidard, C., Imhoff, M. L. (2009). Impact of Urban Growth on Surface Climate: A Case Study in Oran, Algeria. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 48(2), 217–231.
  • Carraro, E., Bonetta, S., Palumbo, F., Gilli, G. (2004). Urban and Rural Dewfall, Surface Moisture and Associated Canopy-level Air Temperature and Humidity Measurements for Vancouver, Canada. Annali Dell’Istituto Superiore Di Sanita, 40(1), 117–140.
  • Chen, Y., & Wong, N. H. (2006). Thermal Benefits of City Parks. Energy and Buildings, 38(2), 105–120.
  • Cheng, M. T., Tsai, Y. I. (2000). Characterization of Visibility and Atmospheric Aerosols in Urban, Suburban, and Remote Areas. Science of the Total Environment, 263(1–3), 101–114.
  • Chieppa, J., Bush, A., Mitra, C. (2018). Using ‘“Local Climate Zones”’ to Detect Urban Heat Island on Two Small Cities in Alabama. Earth Interactions, 22(16).
  • Chow, W. T. L., Pope, R. L., Martin, C. A., Brazel, A. J. (2011). Observing and Modeling The Nocturnal Park Cool Island of an Arid City: Horizontal and Vertical Impacts. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 103(1), 197–211.
  • Çalışkan, O., Türkoğlu, N. (2014). Ankara’da Termal Konfor Koşulların Eğilimi ve Şehirleşmenin Termal Konfor Koşulları Üzerine Etkisi. Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi, 12(2), 119–132. Çiçek, İ. (2004). Ankara’da Şehirleşmenin Yağış Üzerine Etkisi. Fırat Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 14(1), 1–17.
  • Çiçek, İ. (2005). Ankara’da Şehir ve Kırsal Sıcaklık Farklarındaki Değişiklikler (1970-2002). Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 15(2), 1–16.
  • Çiçek, İ., & Doğan, U. (2005). Ankara’da Şehir Isı Adasının İncelenmesi. Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi, 3(1), 57–72.
  • Çiçek, İ., Yılmaz, E., Türkoğlu, N., Çalışkan, O. (2013). Ankara Şehrinde Yüzey Sıcaklıklarının Arazi Örtüsüne Göre Mevsimsel Değişimi. Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(1), 621–640.
  • Debbage, N. (2013). Sky-view Factor Estimation: A Case Study of Athens, Georgia. Geographical Bulletin - Gamma Theta Upsilon, 54(1), 49–57.
  • Doick, K. J., Peace, A., Hutchings, T. R. (2014). The Role of One Large Greenspace in Mitigating London’s Nocturnal Urban Heat Island. Science of the Total Environment, 493, 662–671.
  • Eastin, M. D., Baber, M., Boucher, A., Di Bari, S., Hubler, R., Stimac-Spalding, B., Winesett, T. (2018). Temporal Variability of the Charlotte (sub) Urban Heat Island. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 57(1), 81–102.
  • Elagib, N. A. (2011). Evolution of Urban Heat Island in Khartoum. International Journal of Climatology, 31(9), 1377–1388.
  • Erol, O. (1985). Genel Klimatoloji. Ankara: Gazi Büro Kitabevi.
  • Findell, K. L., Pitman, A. J., England, M. H., Pegion, P. J., Findell, K. L., Pitman, A. J., … Pegion, P. J. (2009). Regional and Global Impacts of Land Cover Change and Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies. Journal of Climate, 22(12), 3248–3269.
  • Gaillard, M. J., Sugita, S., Mazier, F., Trondman, A. K., Broström, A., Hickler, T., … Seppä, H. (2010). Holocene Land-cover Reconstructions for Studies on Land Cover-climate Feedbacks. Climate of the Past, 6(4), 483–499.
  • Häntzschel, J., Goldberg, V., Bernhofer, C. (2005). GIS-Based Regionalisation Of Radiation,Temperature And Coupling Measures In Complex Terrain For Low Mountain Ranges. Meteorological Applications, 12(1), 33–42.
  • Hart, M. A., Sailor, D. J. (2009). Quantifying the Influence of Land-use and Surface Characteristics on Spatial Variability in the Urban Heat Island. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 95(3–4), 397–406.
  • Ibrahim, A. A., Nduka, I. C., Iguisi, E. O., Ati, O. F. (2011). An Assessement of the Impact of Sky View Factor (SVF) on the Micro-climate of Urban Kano. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(7), 81–85.
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Mobil Ölçümlerle Ankara Şehir Isı Adası

Year 2019, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 281 - 317, 31.10.2019


Ankara’nın morfolojik olarak bir çanakta yer
alması, şehir sakinleri için kalitesiz hava koşulları yaratmakta, bu olumsuz
koşullar bazı dönemlerde şehir ısı adası (ŞIA) etkisiyle daha da artmaktadır. Bu
çalışmada, Ankara şehrinde ŞIA’nın özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla 12 ay
boyunca her ay için 1 gece 1 gündüz mobil ölçümler yapılmış, sonuçlar
değerlendirilmiş ve istatistiksel yöntemler kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Bu
değerlendirmelere göre, şehrin kuzey falezi Yükseltepe Kavşağı’nda, güney
falezi ise Turan Güneş Caddesi’nde oluşmaktadır. Ulus ve Kızılay’da iki ayrı
zirve meydana gelmekte, falez ve zirveler arasında ise şehir platosu yer
almaktadır. Şehir platosu içerisinde sıcaklık çukuru ve tepeleri görülmekte, bu
durum şehir içi arazi kullanımı ve trafik yoğunluğu ve şehir yapısı
özelliklerinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Şehirde oluşan ŞIA, yaz aylarında (kurak
dönemde) daha belirginleşmekte, sıcaklıklar şehir merkezinden uzaklaştıkça
gündüzleri 0,2 geceleri 0,4 °C azalmaktadır. Gök görüş oranı değerlerinin
arttığı sahalarda sıcaklıklar düşmektedir. Sıcaklık dağılışında yükselti de
etkili olmakta, bu durum özellikle yüksek basınç koşullarında daha görünür hale


  • Ahmadi Venhari, A., Tenpierik, M., Taleghani, M. (2019). The Role of Sky View Factor and Urban Street Greenery in Human Thermal Comfort and Heat Stress in a Desert Climate. Journal of Arid Environments, 166, 68–76.
  • Akalan, İ. (1984). Hava Kirlenmesi, Ankara Örneği. Ankara: TÜBİTAK.
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  • Betts, R. A., Falloon, P. D., Goldewijk, K. K., Ramankutty, N. (2007). Biogeophysical Effects of Land Use on Climate: Model Simulations of Radiative Forcing and Large-Scale Temperature Change. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 142(2–4), 216–233.
  • Böhner, J., & Antonić, O. (2009). Land-surface Parameters Specific to Topo-climatology. Developments in Soil Science, 33(C), 195–226.
  • Bokwa, A., Hajto, M. J., Walawender, J. P., Szymanowski, M. (2015). Influence of Diversified Relief on the Urban Heat Island in the City of Kraków, Poland. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 122(1–2), 365–382.
  • Bounoua, L., Safia, A., Masek, J., Peters-Lidard, C., Imhoff, M. L. (2009). Impact of Urban Growth on Surface Climate: A Case Study in Oran, Algeria. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 48(2), 217–231.
  • Carraro, E., Bonetta, S., Palumbo, F., Gilli, G. (2004). Urban and Rural Dewfall, Surface Moisture and Associated Canopy-level Air Temperature and Humidity Measurements for Vancouver, Canada. Annali Dell’Istituto Superiore Di Sanita, 40(1), 117–140.
  • Chen, Y., & Wong, N. H. (2006). Thermal Benefits of City Parks. Energy and Buildings, 38(2), 105–120.
  • Cheng, M. T., Tsai, Y. I. (2000). Characterization of Visibility and Atmospheric Aerosols in Urban, Suburban, and Remote Areas. Science of the Total Environment, 263(1–3), 101–114.
  • Chieppa, J., Bush, A., Mitra, C. (2018). Using ‘“Local Climate Zones”’ to Detect Urban Heat Island on Two Small Cities in Alabama. Earth Interactions, 22(16).
  • Chow, W. T. L., Pope, R. L., Martin, C. A., Brazel, A. J. (2011). Observing and Modeling The Nocturnal Park Cool Island of an Arid City: Horizontal and Vertical Impacts. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 103(1), 197–211.
  • Çalışkan, O., Türkoğlu, N. (2014). Ankara’da Termal Konfor Koşulların Eğilimi ve Şehirleşmenin Termal Konfor Koşulları Üzerine Etkisi. Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi, 12(2), 119–132. Çiçek, İ. (2004). Ankara’da Şehirleşmenin Yağış Üzerine Etkisi. Fırat Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 14(1), 1–17.
  • Çiçek, İ. (2005). Ankara’da Şehir ve Kırsal Sıcaklık Farklarındaki Değişiklikler (1970-2002). Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 15(2), 1–16.
  • Çiçek, İ., & Doğan, U. (2005). Ankara’da Şehir Isı Adasının İncelenmesi. Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi, 3(1), 57–72.
  • Çiçek, İ., Yılmaz, E., Türkoğlu, N., Çalışkan, O. (2013). Ankara Şehrinde Yüzey Sıcaklıklarının Arazi Örtüsüne Göre Mevsimsel Değişimi. Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(1), 621–640.
  • Debbage, N. (2013). Sky-view Factor Estimation: A Case Study of Athens, Georgia. Geographical Bulletin - Gamma Theta Upsilon, 54(1), 49–57.
  • Doick, K. J., Peace, A., Hutchings, T. R. (2014). The Role of One Large Greenspace in Mitigating London’s Nocturnal Urban Heat Island. Science of the Total Environment, 493, 662–671.
  • Eastin, M. D., Baber, M., Boucher, A., Di Bari, S., Hubler, R., Stimac-Spalding, B., Winesett, T. (2018). Temporal Variability of the Charlotte (sub) Urban Heat Island. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 57(1), 81–102.
  • Elagib, N. A. (2011). Evolution of Urban Heat Island in Khartoum. International Journal of Climatology, 31(9), 1377–1388.
  • Erol, O. (1985). Genel Klimatoloji. Ankara: Gazi Büro Kitabevi.
  • Findell, K. L., Pitman, A. J., England, M. H., Pegion, P. J., Findell, K. L., Pitman, A. J., … Pegion, P. J. (2009). Regional and Global Impacts of Land Cover Change and Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies. Journal of Climate, 22(12), 3248–3269.
  • Gaillard, M. J., Sugita, S., Mazier, F., Trondman, A. K., Broström, A., Hickler, T., … Seppä, H. (2010). Holocene Land-cover Reconstructions for Studies on Land Cover-climate Feedbacks. Climate of the Past, 6(4), 483–499.
  • Häntzschel, J., Goldberg, V., Bernhofer, C. (2005). GIS-Based Regionalisation Of Radiation,Temperature And Coupling Measures In Complex Terrain For Low Mountain Ranges. Meteorological Applications, 12(1), 33–42.
  • Hart, M. A., Sailor, D. J. (2009). Quantifying the Influence of Land-use and Surface Characteristics on Spatial Variability in the Urban Heat Island. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 95(3–4), 397–406.
  • Ibrahim, A. A., Nduka, I. C., Iguisi, E. O., Ati, O. F. (2011). An Assessement of the Impact of Sky View Factor (SVF) on the Micro-climate of Urban Kano. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(7), 81–85.
  • Jahangir, M. S., Moghim, S. (2019). Assessment of the Urban Heat Island In The City of Tehran Using Reliability Methods. Atmospheric Research, 225, 144–156.
  • Kalnay, E., Cai, M. (2003). Impact of Urbanization and Land-use Change on Climate. Nature, 423(6939), 528-531.
  • Karaca, M., Tayanc, M., Toros, H. (1995). Effects of Urbanization on Climate of Istanbul and Ankara. Atmospheric Environment, 29(23), 3411–3421.
  • Kastendeuch, P. P. (2013). A Method to Estimate Sky View Factors from Digital Elevation Models. International Journal of Climatology, 33(6), 1574–1578.
  • Koçman, A. (1993). Türkiye İklimi. İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Yayınları No:72.
  • Landsberg, H. E. (1981). The Urban Climate. London: Academic Press.
  • Lee, S. H., Song, C. K., Baik, J. J., Park, S. U. (2009). Estimation of Anthropogenic Heat Emission in The Gyeong-In Region of Korea. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 96(3–4), 291–303.
  • Lin, C. Y., Chen, F., Huang, J. C., Chen, W. C., Liou, Y. A., Chen, W. N., Liu, S. C. (2008). Urban Heat Island Effect and Its Impact on Boundary Layer Development and Land-sea Circulation Over Northern Taiwan. Atmospheric Environment, 42(22), 5635–5649.
  • Mathew, A., Khandelwal, S., Kaul, N. (2016). Spatial and Temporal Variations of Urban Heat Island Effect and The Effect of Percentage Impervious Surface Area and Elevation on Land Surface Temperature: Study of Chandigarh city, India. Sustainable Cities and Society, 26, 264–277.
  • Melhuish, E., Pedder, M. (1998). Observing an Urban Heat Island by Bicycle. Weather, 53(4), 121–128.
  • Memon, A. R., Leung, D. Y., Chunho, L. (2008). A Review on The Generation, Determination and Mitigation of Urban Heat Island. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 20, 120–128.
  • Nichol, J. E., Fung, W. Y., Lam, K., Wong, M. S. (2009). Urban Heat Island Diagnosis Using ASTER Satellite Images And “In Situ” Air Temperature. Atmospheric Research, 94(2), 276–284.
  • Oke, T. R. (1973). City Size and The Urban Heat Island. Atmospheric Environment (1967), 7(8), 769–779.
  • Oke, T. R. (1982). The Energetic Basis of The Urban Heat Island. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 108(455), 1–24.
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There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Human Geography
Journal Section Articles

Erkan Yılmaz 0000-0002-3821-3648

Publication Date October 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 17 Issue: 2


APA Yılmaz, E. (2019). Mobil Ölçümlerle Ankara Şehir Isı Adası. Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi, 17(2), 281-317.