
   Every study that is submitted to Turkish Journal of Geographical Sciences is scanned with iThenticate software for any plagiarism. A maximum similarity rate of 15% can be accepted by our journal, provided that not all of them are taken from only one or two sources. The studies which have a similarity rate between 15-25% will be sent back to the author(s) for editing. However, the studies which have a similarity rate over 25% will not be accepted for publication. During this process, the matches detected by the software go through careful examination and the matches in the text with correct references are filtered. At the end of this filtering process, the remaining matches are examined and the mistakes are detected and reported. The Editors make their final decisions with the help of the plagiarism report for each study and then share this report with the author(s) if necessary. The Editorial Board may request author(s) to correct their mistakes or return the studies to them.

Last Update Time: 2/7/20, 2:50:15 PM