Iranian Turks in Nation-Building Process: First Pahlavi Era
Year 2023,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 75 - 97, 20.06.2023
Mojtaba Heidari
The study explores the emergence of Turkic identity as a result of identity politics committed in the aftermath of the nation-state building in Iran after 1925. It is believed that the primordial nationalism on the base of the Aryan race impacted the country's diverse population and ethnic categories and the imposition of highly restrictive measures and social policies in cementing Iranian nationalism built upon the Persian culture and myth, paved the way for the politicization of identity. To obtain a thorough analysis, a set of theories are applied. Pierre Bourdieu's class formation and symbolic concept of power and language in a semi-patrimonial society and the social identity theory and partly the identity process theory and having an eclectic grasp of the literature on assimilation and violence have contributed to the theoretical base of the study. First-hand materials, journals, and archives are used in order to enrich the research content. The establishment of the modern state in the 20th century and the biased ethnic-lingual policies precipitated centrifugal forces among ethnic realities, so the alchemy of stereotyping and discrimination, and social comparison giving birth to group identification contributed to the politicization of ethnic identity among Azerbaijani Turks and their ethnic awareness.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. S. Gülden Ayman, Dr. Ateş Uslu, and Prof. GAZİ OSMAN Özgüdenli for their outstanding contributions to my research. Their help has been invaluable, and I feel honored and privileged to have had the opportunity to work with such distinguished and accomplished scholars.
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- Morshedizadeh, A. (2005). Azeri Intellectuals and National and Ethnic Identity, Markaz Publication.
(Roshanfekran-e Azari va hov’yat-e melli va govmi, entesharat-e Markaz)
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- Webb, J., Schirato, T., & Danaher, G. (2002). Bourdieu and higher education. SAGE Publications Ltd,
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Ulus İnşa Sürecinde İran Türkleri: Birinci Pehlevi Dönemi
Year 2023,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 75 - 97, 20.06.2023
Mojtaba Heidari
Bu çalışma, İran'da 1925'ten sonra ulus-devlet oluşumunun ardından kimlik siyaseti sonucu Türk kimliğinin ortaya çıkışını araştırmaktadır. Temelinde İran'ın çeşitli nüfus ve etnik kategorileri üzerinde etkisi olan Aryen ırkına dayalı primordial milliyetçilik, oldukça kısıtlayıcı önlemlerin ve sosyal politikaların İran milliyetçiliğini Fars kültürü ve mitine dayalı olarak pekiştirmesi, kimlik siyasallaşmasının yolunu açmıştır. Kapsamlı bir analiz elde etmek için bir dizi teori uygulanmıştır. Pierre Bourdieu'nun yarı-patrioniel toplumda sınıf oluşumu ve sembolik iktidar ve dil kavramları ile sosyal kimlik teorisi ve kısmen kimlik süreci teorisi ve asimilasyon ve şiddet konusundaki literatürün eklektik bir kavrayışı, çalışmanın teorik temelinde katkıda bulunmuştur. Araştırma içeriğini zenginleştirmek için birinci el malzemeler, dergiler ve arşivler kullanılmıştır.20. yüzyılda modern devletin kurulması ve önyargılı etnik-dilsel politikalar, etnik gerçeklikler arasında merkezkaç kuvvetleri tetikledi ve önyargı ve ayrımcılık karışımı ile toplumsal karşılaştırma, grup kimliğinin doğuşuna katkıda bulunarak Azerbaycan Türkleri arasında etnik kimliğin siyasallaşmasına yol açtı.
- Ahmadoghlu, R. (2019). Azerbaijani National Identity in Iran, 1921–1946: Roots, Development, and Limits. Iranian Studies, 51(5), 253-278.
- Andrew John Miller (2003) Pierre Bourdieu and the Perils of Allodoxia: Nationalism, Globalism and the Geopolitics of Intellectual Exchange, Cultural Studies, 17:3-4, 553-571, DOI: 10.1080/0950238032000083944
- Armstrong, J. A. (2011). Nations Before Nationalism. UNC Press.
- Atabaki, T. (1993). Iran and the First World War: Battleground of the Great Powers. I.B. Tauris.
- Atabaki, T. (2007). The state and the subaltern: Modernization, society and the state in Turkey and Iran (Library of Modern Middle East Studies). I.B. Tauris.
- Ayande Newspaper. (1925). July__, no.1.
- Ayande Newspaper. (1927). October 31. no. 8.
- Azad Millet Newspaper (1946), July 16. no 64.
- Azerbaijan Newspaper (1945). October 07. no 22.
- Azerbaijan Newspaper (1945). September 30. no 16.
- Azerbaijan Newspaper. (1945). August 23. no 6.
- Azerbaijan Newspaper. (1945). December 22. no 84
- Azerbaijan Newspaper. (1945). December 24. no 86.
- Azerbaijan Newspaper. (1945). November 22. no 52.
- Azerbaijan Newspaper. (1945). October 02. no 47.
- Azerbaijan Newspaper. (1945). October 05. no 46.
- Azerbaijan Newspaper. (1945). October 11. no 25,
- Azerbaijan Newspaper. (1946). April 09, no. 168.
- Azerbaijan Newspaper. (1946). January 20. no 105.
- Badie Aznadahi, Marjan, Mirahmadi, Fatemeh Sadat, & Gholami, Bahadur. (2019). Comparison of the concept of "national sovereignty" in the constitutional laws and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Human Geography Research, 52(1), 347-365. doi: 10.22059/jhgr.2020.273683.1007847
- Bates, E., Thal, D., & MacWhinney, B. (1991). A Functionalist Approach to Language and Its Implications for Assessment and Intervention. Pragmatics of Language, 133–161.
- Berberian, H. (1996). [Review of Azerbaijan: Ethnicity and Autonomy in Twentieth Century Iran, by T. Atabaki]. Iranian Studies, 29(3/4), 367–371.
- Bigdelo, R. (2016). Analysis of Iranian national identity based on race. Quarterly History of Iran after Islam, 8(14), 57-90., 8(14). 75-76. (Tahlile barsaz’ hoviyyate melli var mabnaye nejad, Faslname Tarikhname Iran Baad-e-Eslam, 8(14)1396)
- Bourdieu, P., & Wacquant, L. J. D. (1992). An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology. Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press.
- Dei, G. J. S., & Asgharzadeh, A. (2001). The Power of Social Theory: The Anti-Colonial Discursive Framework. The Journal of Educational Thought (JET) / Revue de La Pensée Éducative, 35(3), 297–323.
- Dilts, A., Winter, Y., Biebricher, T., Johnson, E. V., Vazquez-Arroyo, A. Y., & Cocks, J. (2012). Revisiting Johan Galtung's Concept of Structural Violence. New Political Science, 34(2), 191-194.
- Elias, N. (2009). Essays III: on Sociology and the Humanities (Vol. 16). University College Dublin Press.
- Eriksen, T. H. (1993). Ethnicity and Nationalism: Anthropological Perspectives. London: Pluto Press.
- Fearon, J., & Laitin, D. (2000). Violence and the Social Construction of Ethnic Identity. International Organization, 54(4), 845-877.
- Foucault, M. (1970). The archaeology of knowledge. Social Science Information, 9(1), 175–185.
- Galtung, J. (1969). Violence, Peace, and Peace Research. Journal of Peace Research, 6(3), 167–191.
- Galtung, J. (1990). Cultural Violence. Journal of Peace Research, 27(3), 291–305.
- Geertz, C. (1973). The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Books.
- Ghaninejad, M. (1998). Tajaddod- e Talabi va Tose’e dar Iran-e Mo’aser [Reformism and Development in Contemporary Iran]. Nashr-e Markaz: Tehran, Iran.
- Gramsci, A. (1971). Selections from the Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci (ed. and trans. by Quintin Hoare and Geoffrey N. Smith). London: Lawrence and Wishart.
- Greenfeld, L., & Chirot, D. (1994). Nationalism and aggression. Theory and Society, 23(1), 79–130
- Hasanlı, C. (2005). Soğuk Savaşın İlk Çatışması İran Azerbaycanı, Bağlam Yayıncılık
- Herman, D., Jahn, M., & Ryan, M. L. (Eds.). (2010). Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory.
- Heyat, J. (2001). Sīrī dar tārīkh-i zabān va lahjahā-yi Turkī [A Journey through the History of Turkish Language and Dialects]. Tehran, Iran: Nashr-i Peykan.
- Hogg, M. A., & Abrams, D. (1988). Social Identifications: A Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations and Group Processes. London: Routledge.
- Hornsey, M. J., & Hogg, M. A. (2000). Assimilation and Diversity: An Integrative Model of Subgroup Relations. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 4(2), 143–156.
- Iranshahr Magazine. (1923). October 25. no. 2.
- Iranshahr Magazine. (1925). March 23. no. 5.
- Irvin-Erickson, D. (2019). Raphaël Lemkin: Culture and cultural genocide. In Cultural Genocide (1st ed., pp. 21-44). Routledge.
- Jacobson, J. (1997) Religion and ethnicity: Dual and alternative sources of identity among young British Pakistanis, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 20:2, 238-256, DOI: 10.1080/01419870.1997.9993960 in Jaspal, R., & Cinnirella, M. (2012). The construction of ethnic identity: Insights from identity process theory. Ethnicities, 12(5), 510.
- Jami, A. (1984). Gozashte-ye Cheragh-e Rah-e Ayandeh [The Past is the Light of the Future]. Nashr-e Markaz: Tehran, Iran.
- Jaspal, R., & Cinnirella, M. (2012). The construction of ethnic identity: Insights from identity process theory. Ethnicities, 12(5), 503–530.
- Jenkins, R. (2002). Pierre Bourdieu. London: Routledge
- Joseph, J. E. (2004). Language and Identity National, Ethnic, Religious. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Kasravi, A. (1925). Azeri ya Zaban-e Bastani-ye Azerbaijan. [Azari or the Ancient Language of the Azerbaijan People] Tehran: Taban.
- Kataria, S. (2018). Explaining Ethnicity: Primordialism vs. Instrumentalism. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 5(4).
- Katozian, M. A. (2018). Political Economy of Iran from Constitutionalism to the End of the Pahlavi Dynasty. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Malekzadeh, D. T. (2017). Azerbaijan dar jang-e jahani aval ya fajai' jilulugh [Azerbaijan in the First World War or the horrors of Julfa]. Akhtar Publications.
- Morshedizadeh, A. (2005). Azeri Intellectuals and National and Ethnic Identity, Markaz Publication.
(Roshanfekran-e Azari va hov’yat-e melli va govmi, entesharat-e Markaz)
- Motadel, D. (2014). Iran and the Aryan myth. In A. Ansari (Ed.), Perceptions of Iran: History, Myths, and Nationalism from Medieval Persia to the Islamic Republic (International Library of Iranian studies, Vol. 37). London, UK: I.B. Tauris.
- Nagengast, C., & Kearney, M. (1990). Mixtec Ethnicity: Social Identity, Political Consciousness, and Political Activism. Latin American Research Review, 25(2), 61–91.
- National Archive documents. (n.d.). SHP 0063, 018337-240.
- National Archive documents. (n.d.). SHP 018337-240, SHS 0084.
- National Archive documents. (n.d.). SHP 119, 0085 SHS, 240-018337.
- Novic, E. (2016). The concept of cultural genocide: An international law perspective. Oxford University Press.
- Resulzade, M. E. (1919). Azerbaycan Cumhuriyeti Keyfiyet-i Teşekkülü ve Şimdiki Vaziyeti [The Formation and Current State of the Azerbaijan Republic]. Tiflis: Caucasus Publishing House.
- Shiri Azar, H. (2008). Governors in Azerbaijan from 1925 to 1941 (Valiyan-e Azerbaijan az 1925 ta 1940). Khosro Pub: Tehran.
- Wallace, D. (2016). Reading ‘Race’ in Bourdieu? Examining Black Cultural Capital Among Black Caribbean Youth in South London. Sociology, 51(5), 907–923.
- Warin, J. (2016). The production of identity capital through school. In M. Murphy & C. Costa (Eds.), Theory as Method in Research on Bourdieu, Social Theory and Education (pp. 34-48). Routledge.
- Webb, J., Schirato, T., & Danaher, G. (2002). Bourdieu and higher education. SAGE Publications Ltd,
- Wicke, C. (2019). Constructivism in the history of nationalism since 1945. In S. Berger & E. Storm (Eds.), Writing the History of Nationalism. Bloomsbury Academic.
- Wilterdink, N. (2017). The Dynamics of Inequality and Habitus Formation. Elias, Bourdieu, and the Rise of Nationalist Populism. Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung, 42(4 (162)), 22–42.
- Zia-Ebrahimi, R. (2016). The emergence of Iranian nationalism: race and the politics of dislocation. Cambridge University Press.