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Anayasayı Değiştirerek Cumhuriyetin Kurulması: Anayasal An Teorisini Yeniden Ele Almak

Year 2024, Volume: 13 Issue: 26, 251 - 284, 25.12.2024


Cumhuriyetin 1923'te kurulması, modern Türkiye tarihinde bir dönüm noktasıdır. Ancak yüz yıllık cumhuriyeti kuran anayasa değişikliğinin mahiyeti akademik alanda pek ilgi görmemiştir. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin kurulması, 1921 Anayasasındaki tek değişikliğin hukuksal sonucudur. Bu makale, Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi'nin 29 Ekim
1923'te kabul ettiği hukuksal metnin hem bir ‘anayasa değişikliği’ ve hem de bir ‘anayasal an’ olduğunu savunmaktadır. Başka bir deyişle, 1923 değişikliği, biçimsel değişikliğin arkasında bir kurucu bir rol içermektedir. Bu makale 1923 değişikliğini yeniden ele almakta ve şu soruyu yanıtlamaktadır: Anayasa değişikliği bir anayasal an da sağlayabilir mi? Makale, öncelikle cumhuriyetin ilanına giden yolu tarihsel bir perspektiften açıklamaktadır. Kurtuluş Savaşı'nın kazanılmasından sonraki olaylara odaklanmak, 1923 değişikliğinin arkasındaki mantığın anlaşılmasını kolaylaştıracaktır. Makale, 1923 değişikliğinin yürürlüğe girme sürecini inceleyerek hukuksal niteliğini ele almaktadır. Bunun için, değişikliğin nedenlerini ve sonuçlarını ortaya koyan tarihi kayıtlar ve parlamento tutanakları incelenmektedir. Daha sonra makale, Türkiye'nin 'anayasal zamanını' eleştirel bir bakış açısıyla açıklayarak cumhuriyetin kaderini sorgularken değişikliği 'anayasal an' teorisini yeniden gözden geçirme bağlamında ele almaktadır. Makale, Ekim 1923'te yeni bir anayasal düzenin doğuşuna yol açan kritik dönemin, anayasa teorisi için özgün tartışma noktaları açtığı sonucuna varmaktadır.


  • Ackerman, Bruce. We the People 1: Foundations (Harvard University Press 1991).
  • Albert, Richard and Guruswamy, Menaka. ‘Introduction: Mapping the Founding’ in ed. R Albert, M Guruswamy and N Basnyat, Founding Moments in Constitutionalism (Hart Publishing 2019).
  • Alpkaya, Faruk. Türkiye Cumhuriyetinin Kuruluşu (İstanbul: İletişim, 1998).
  • Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal. Nutuk [The Great Speech] (Ankara: Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi, 2023). Balkin, Jack. The Cycles of Constitutional Time (Oxford University Press 2020).
  • Benvindo, J. ‘The Seeds of Change: Popular Protests as Constitutional Moments (2015) 99 Marquette Law Review
  • Bussjaeger, Peter & Johler, Mirella. ‘Monarchical Constitutions’, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press 2017).
  • Çelik, D. Burak. ‘16 Nisan Anayasa Değişikliği: Osmanlı-Türkiye Anayasacılığının İkinci Büyük Kopuşu’, Anayasa Hukuku Dergisi 6 (2017) 715-720.
  • Çelik, D. Burak. Kurucu İktidar, Hükümet Sistemi, Vatandaşlık Ve İdarî Yapılanma Tartışması Çerçevesinde 1924 Anayasası’nın Yapım Süreci (Yetkin 2016).
  • Choudhry, Sujit. ‘Ackerman’s higher lawmaking in comparative constitutional perspective: Constitutional moments as constitutional failures?’ 6(2) International Journal of Constitutional Law (2008) 228-229. Erdoğan, Mustafa. ‘Anayasacılık ve Demokrasi Açısından 1921 Teşkilat-ı Esasiye Kanunu’ (2021) 325 Toplumsal Tarih 57-62.
  • Frank, Jason. ‘Introduction: Constituent Moments’, in Constituent Moments: Enacting the People in Postrevolutionary America (New York: Duke University Press, 2010). Goloğlu, Mahmut. Cumhuriyete Doğru (Ankara: Başnur Matbaası, 1971). Hakimiyeti Milliye, 27 Eylül 1923, Numara 926, Üçüncü Sene in Mehmet Kalpaklı et. al. (Haz.) Hakimiyet-i Milliye: Milli Mücadelenin Sesi (Ankara: Ankara Büyükşehir Belediyesi, 2021).
  • Halmai, Gábor. ‘Is There a ‘Constitutional Moment’ in Israel and Hungary?’ (2023) 56 (3) Israel Law Review 426.
  • J Balkin, J and Levinson, S. ‘Understanding the Constitutional Revolution’ (2001) 87 Virginia Law Review 1079.
  • Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin. ‘A hundred years of flux: Turkish political regimes from 1921 to 2023’ 24 (3-34) Turkish Studies (2023) 412–434.
  • Keskin, Oğuzhan Bekir. ‘The Meaning and Significance of the Grand National Assembly According to the Turkish Constitution of 1921’ IACL-AIDC Blog (18 March 2021). constitution-of-1921
  • Kili, Suna. Türk Devrim Tarihi (İstanbul: İş Bankası, 2006).
  • Kili, Suna. Turkish Constitutional Developments and Assembly Debates on the Constitutions of 1924 and 1961 (İstanbul: Robert College Research Center, 1971).
  • Lindseth, Peter L. ‘Law, History, and Memory: "Republican Moments" and the Legitimacy of Constitutional Review in France’ (Fall/Winter 1996/1997) 3 (1) Columbia Journal of European Law, 49-84.
  • Mailey, Richard. ‘An American Jurist in London: Bruce Ackerman's Proposals for Constitutional Reform in the UK Versus Bruce Ackerman's Constitutional Theory’ Liverpool Law Review 41 (2020): 227-250. Morack, Ellinor. ‘Ottoman parliamentary procedure in the Chamber of Deputies (Meclis-i Mebusan) and the Great National Assembly of Turkey (Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi) 1876–1923’ in Planting Parliaments in Eurasia, 1850–1950 Concepts, Practices, and Mythologies (Routledge 2021).
  • Özbudun, Ergun, ‘Constitutions and Political System’ in The Routledge Handbook of Modern Turkey (Routledge 2012)., Accessed on: 08 Nov 2023.
  • Özbudun, Ergun. ‘Constitutions and political systems’ in The Routledge Handbook on Contemporary Turkey, ed. Jongerden, J. (Routledge 2021) 144-152.
  • Özbudun, Ergun. ‘Ottoman Constitution of 1876’, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press 2016).
  • Özbudun, Ergun. The Constitutional System of Turkey (Palgrave Macmillan 2011).
  • Özden, Neşe et al (ed.), Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi II: Yeni Türkiye: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, (Ankara: Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi 2023).
  • Özsoy Boyunsuz, Şule. ‘The Revolutionary Constitution of 1921’, IACL-AIDC Blog (4 March 2021) of-the-turkish-constitution/2021/3/4/the-revolutionary-constitution-of-1921
  • Özsoy Boyunsuz, Şule. ‘Regime Cycles, Constitution Making, and the Political System Question in Ottoman and Turkish Constitutional Developments’ in Failure of Popular Constitution Making in Turkey: Regressing Towards Constitutional Autocracy, ed. Felix Petersen and Zeynep Yanaşmayan (Cambridge University Press 2020), 84–85.
  • Paul Kubicek, ‘Introduction: reflections on the centenary of the Republic of Turkey’ (2023) 24 (3-4) Turkish Studies 407.
  • Roznai, Yaniv. ‘Rigid (Entrenched) / Flexible Constitutions’, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press 2018).
  • Smith, Edward C. ‘Debates on the Turkish Constitution of 1924’ (1958) 13 (3) AÜSBF Dergisi 13 82–105.
  • Tanör, Bülent. ‘Cumhuriyet Anayasacılığımızda Üç Model’, Cumhuriyet’in 75. Yıl Armağanı (İÜHF Yayını, 1999) 213-218.
  • Tanör, Bülent. ‘Lozana Giden Yıllarda Türk Anayasa Tezinin Doğuşu’ in Lozan’ın 50. Yılına Armağan, Milletlerarası Hukuk ve Milletlerarası Münasebetler Enstitüsü (İÜHF Yayını, 1978) 203 – 219.
  • TBMM Zabıt Ceridesi, Devre: II, İçtima Senesi: 1, 135. İçtima, 13 Teşrinievvel 1339 (1923). TBMM Zabıt Ceridesi, Vol 7, 137. İçtima, 24.1.1337 (1921). Türkiye Cumhuriyeti İlk Anayasa Taslağı (İstanbul: Boyut Yayın Grubu, 1998).
  • Verdugo, Sergio. ‘Is it time to abandon the theory of constituent power?’ International Journal of Constitutional Law 21 (2023) 14–79.
  • Yazıcı, Serap. A Guide to Turkish Public Law and Legal Research (Update), September/October 2017,
  • Yazıcı, Serap. Constitutional Amendments of 2017: Transition to Presidentialism in Turkey, October 2017,
  • Yumlu. Ogan. ‘Spring 1923: Turkey’s failed constitutional moment’, Middle Eastern Studies (May 2024) 1–19., DOI: 10.1080/00263206.2024.2351527

Establishment of the Republic by Amending the Constitution: Revisiting the Theory of Constitutional Moment

Year 2024, Volume: 13 Issue: 26, 251 - 284, 25.12.2024


The foundation of the republic in 1923 is a landmark in the history of modern Turkey. Yet, the nature of the constitutional amendment which created the hundred-year-old republic received less academic attention. Establishing the Turkish Republic is the legal outcome of the only amendment to the 1921 Constitution. This article argues that the legal text adopted by the Turkish National Assembly on 29 October 1923 is a constitutional amendment and a constitutional moment. The 1923 amendment, in other words, includes a founding role behind the formal change. This article re-examines the 1923 amendment and answers the following question: Can a constitutional amendment provide a constitutional moment, too? The article first explains the path toward the declaration of the republic from a historical perspective. Focusing on the events after winning the War of Independence will make the rationale behind the 1923 amendment easier to understand. The article covers the legal nature of the 1923 amendment by exploring its enactment process. For this, the historical records and parliamentary minutes are examined to reveal the causes and consequences of the amendment. Then, the article discusses the amendment in the context of revisiting the theory of the ‘constitutional moment’ and questions the republic's fate by explaining Turkey's ‘constitutional time’ from a critical perspective. The article concludes that the crucial episode in October 1923 that gave birth to a new constitutional order opens up novel points of discussion for constitutional theory.


  • Ackerman, Bruce. We the People 1: Foundations (Harvard University Press 1991).
  • Albert, Richard and Guruswamy, Menaka. ‘Introduction: Mapping the Founding’ in ed. R Albert, M Guruswamy and N Basnyat, Founding Moments in Constitutionalism (Hart Publishing 2019).
  • Alpkaya, Faruk. Türkiye Cumhuriyetinin Kuruluşu (İstanbul: İletişim, 1998).
  • Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal. Nutuk [The Great Speech] (Ankara: Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi, 2023). Balkin, Jack. The Cycles of Constitutional Time (Oxford University Press 2020).
  • Benvindo, J. ‘The Seeds of Change: Popular Protests as Constitutional Moments (2015) 99 Marquette Law Review
  • Bussjaeger, Peter & Johler, Mirella. ‘Monarchical Constitutions’, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press 2017).
  • Çelik, D. Burak. ‘16 Nisan Anayasa Değişikliği: Osmanlı-Türkiye Anayasacılığının İkinci Büyük Kopuşu’, Anayasa Hukuku Dergisi 6 (2017) 715-720.
  • Çelik, D. Burak. Kurucu İktidar, Hükümet Sistemi, Vatandaşlık Ve İdarî Yapılanma Tartışması Çerçevesinde 1924 Anayasası’nın Yapım Süreci (Yetkin 2016).
  • Choudhry, Sujit. ‘Ackerman’s higher lawmaking in comparative constitutional perspective: Constitutional moments as constitutional failures?’ 6(2) International Journal of Constitutional Law (2008) 228-229. Erdoğan, Mustafa. ‘Anayasacılık ve Demokrasi Açısından 1921 Teşkilat-ı Esasiye Kanunu’ (2021) 325 Toplumsal Tarih 57-62.
  • Frank, Jason. ‘Introduction: Constituent Moments’, in Constituent Moments: Enacting the People in Postrevolutionary America (New York: Duke University Press, 2010). Goloğlu, Mahmut. Cumhuriyete Doğru (Ankara: Başnur Matbaası, 1971). Hakimiyeti Milliye, 27 Eylül 1923, Numara 926, Üçüncü Sene in Mehmet Kalpaklı et. al. (Haz.) Hakimiyet-i Milliye: Milli Mücadelenin Sesi (Ankara: Ankara Büyükşehir Belediyesi, 2021).
  • Halmai, Gábor. ‘Is There a ‘Constitutional Moment’ in Israel and Hungary?’ (2023) 56 (3) Israel Law Review 426.
  • J Balkin, J and Levinson, S. ‘Understanding the Constitutional Revolution’ (2001) 87 Virginia Law Review 1079.
  • Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin. ‘A hundred years of flux: Turkish political regimes from 1921 to 2023’ 24 (3-34) Turkish Studies (2023) 412–434.
  • Keskin, Oğuzhan Bekir. ‘The Meaning and Significance of the Grand National Assembly According to the Turkish Constitution of 1921’ IACL-AIDC Blog (18 March 2021). constitution-of-1921
  • Kili, Suna. Türk Devrim Tarihi (İstanbul: İş Bankası, 2006).
  • Kili, Suna. Turkish Constitutional Developments and Assembly Debates on the Constitutions of 1924 and 1961 (İstanbul: Robert College Research Center, 1971).
  • Lindseth, Peter L. ‘Law, History, and Memory: "Republican Moments" and the Legitimacy of Constitutional Review in France’ (Fall/Winter 1996/1997) 3 (1) Columbia Journal of European Law, 49-84.
  • Mailey, Richard. ‘An American Jurist in London: Bruce Ackerman's Proposals for Constitutional Reform in the UK Versus Bruce Ackerman's Constitutional Theory’ Liverpool Law Review 41 (2020): 227-250. Morack, Ellinor. ‘Ottoman parliamentary procedure in the Chamber of Deputies (Meclis-i Mebusan) and the Great National Assembly of Turkey (Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi) 1876–1923’ in Planting Parliaments in Eurasia, 1850–1950 Concepts, Practices, and Mythologies (Routledge 2021).
  • Özbudun, Ergun, ‘Constitutions and Political System’ in The Routledge Handbook of Modern Turkey (Routledge 2012)., Accessed on: 08 Nov 2023.
  • Özbudun, Ergun. ‘Constitutions and political systems’ in The Routledge Handbook on Contemporary Turkey, ed. Jongerden, J. (Routledge 2021) 144-152.
  • Özbudun, Ergun. ‘Ottoman Constitution of 1876’, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press 2016).
  • Özbudun, Ergun. The Constitutional System of Turkey (Palgrave Macmillan 2011).
  • Özden, Neşe et al (ed.), Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi II: Yeni Türkiye: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, (Ankara: Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi 2023).
  • Özsoy Boyunsuz, Şule. ‘The Revolutionary Constitution of 1921’, IACL-AIDC Blog (4 March 2021) of-the-turkish-constitution/2021/3/4/the-revolutionary-constitution-of-1921
  • Özsoy Boyunsuz, Şule. ‘Regime Cycles, Constitution Making, and the Political System Question in Ottoman and Turkish Constitutional Developments’ in Failure of Popular Constitution Making in Turkey: Regressing Towards Constitutional Autocracy, ed. Felix Petersen and Zeynep Yanaşmayan (Cambridge University Press 2020), 84–85.
  • Paul Kubicek, ‘Introduction: reflections on the centenary of the Republic of Turkey’ (2023) 24 (3-4) Turkish Studies 407.
  • Roznai, Yaniv. ‘Rigid (Entrenched) / Flexible Constitutions’, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press 2018).
  • Smith, Edward C. ‘Debates on the Turkish Constitution of 1924’ (1958) 13 (3) AÜSBF Dergisi 13 82–105.
  • Tanör, Bülent. ‘Cumhuriyet Anayasacılığımızda Üç Model’, Cumhuriyet’in 75. Yıl Armağanı (İÜHF Yayını, 1999) 213-218.
  • Tanör, Bülent. ‘Lozana Giden Yıllarda Türk Anayasa Tezinin Doğuşu’ in Lozan’ın 50. Yılına Armağan, Milletlerarası Hukuk ve Milletlerarası Münasebetler Enstitüsü (İÜHF Yayını, 1978) 203 – 219.
  • TBMM Zabıt Ceridesi, Devre: II, İçtima Senesi: 1, 135. İçtima, 13 Teşrinievvel 1339 (1923). TBMM Zabıt Ceridesi, Vol 7, 137. İçtima, 24.1.1337 (1921). Türkiye Cumhuriyeti İlk Anayasa Taslağı (İstanbul: Boyut Yayın Grubu, 1998).
  • Verdugo, Sergio. ‘Is it time to abandon the theory of constituent power?’ International Journal of Constitutional Law 21 (2023) 14–79.
  • Yazıcı, Serap. A Guide to Turkish Public Law and Legal Research (Update), September/October 2017,
  • Yazıcı, Serap. Constitutional Amendments of 2017: Transition to Presidentialism in Turkey, October 2017,
  • Yumlu. Ogan. ‘Spring 1923: Turkey’s failed constitutional moment’, Middle Eastern Studies (May 2024) 1–19., DOI: 10.1080/00263206.2024.2351527
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Constitutional Law
Journal Section Research Article

Serkan Yolcu 0000-0002-2951-4406

Publication Date December 25, 2024
Submission Date November 22, 2024
Acceptance Date December 8, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 13 Issue: 26


Chicago Yolcu, Serkan. “Establishment of the Republic by Amending the Constitution: Revisiting the Theory of Constitutional Moment”. Anayasa Hukuku Dergisi 13, no. 26 (December 2024): 251-84.