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Winnicott’ın Gerçek Benlik ve Sahte Benlik Kavramlarının Bir Vaka ve Terapi İlişkisi Bağlamında İncelenmesi

Year 2016, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 1 - 15, 01.03.2016


Winnicott kişilik bozukluklarının ortaya çıkışını gelişimin erken basamaklarında kişilik bütünleşmesinde yaşanan problemlerle ilişkilendirmektedir. Winnicott’a göre bebek dünyaya geldiğinde anneden bağımsız bir mevcudiyeti yoktur. Bununla birlikte bebek “yeterince iyi anne” nin desteği ile aşamalı olarak dış gerçekliğe dair bir kavrayış geliştirir. Fakat anne “yeterince iyi” değilse bebek tüm güçlülük duygularını deneyimleyemez ve dış gerçeklik ile henüz hazır olmadan karşılaşmak durumunda kalır. Bu durum bebeğin gerçek benliğini saklayıp anneye uymasına ve bunun sonucu olarak sahte bir benlik oluşturmasına zemin hazırlayabilir. Kişilik alanında ve kişilerarası işlevsellikte bozulmalar, duygusal değişkenlik, kaygı, depresiflik, dürtüsellik, risk içeren davranışlar, ayrılık kaygısı ve düşmanlık gibi patolojik kişilik özelliklerinin varlığı sınırda kişilik bozukluğunun belirtilerinden bazılarıdır. Bu makalede sınırda kişilik bozukluğu özelliklerini taşıyan Bay B. vakası ve terapi ilişkisi Winnicott’ın gerçek benlik ve sahte benlik kavramları ışığında incelenmiştir. Bay B.’nin temel şikayetlerinin benlik ile ilgili olmasından dolayı terapinin amacı gerçek benliğin ortaya çıkarılması ve geliştirilmesi, bu amaca ulaşmaktaki engellerin anlaşılması ve aşılmaya çalışılması olmuştur


  • Ackerman, S. J. ve Hilsenroth, S. J. (2003). A review of therapist characteristics and techniques positively impacting the therapeutic alliance. Clinical Psychology Review, 23, 1-33.
  • American Psychological Association (2013). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (5. Basım). Washington, DC: APA.
  • Bornstein, M. (2013). Winnicott’s contribution to my psychoanalytic development. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 58, 33-50.
  • Davis, M. ve Wallbridge, D. (1991). Boundary and space: An introduction to the work of D. W. Winnicott (Birinci Basım). London: Karnac Books.
  • Dellman, T. ve Lushington, K. (2012) Characteristics of experienced natural therapists. Journal of Australian Traditional- Medicine Society, 18 (2), 95-100.
  • Eckler-Hart, A. (1987). True and false self in the development of the psychotherapist. Psychotherapy, 24 (4), 683-692.
  • Gunderson, J. G. (2009). Borderline personality disorder: ontogeny of a diagnosis. American Journal of Psychiatry, 166 (5), 530-539.
  • Kernberg, O. (1967). Borderline personality organization. Journal of American Psychoanalytic Association, 15, 641-685.
  • Masterson, J. F. (1976). Psychotherapy of the borderline adult: A developmental approach. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Monte, C. F. ve Sollod, R. N. (2003). Beneath the mask: An introduction to theories of personality (7. Basım). USA: Wiley.
  • Morstyn, R. (2002). The therapist’s dilemma: be sincere or fake it? Australasian Psychiatry, 10 (4), 325-329.
  • Paris, J. (2010). Estimating the prevalence of personality disorders in the community. Journal of Personality Disorders, 24 (4), 405-411.
  • Slochower, J. (2013). Relational holding: using Winnicott today. Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis, 6 (2), 15-40.
  • Winnicott, D. W. (1945). Primitive emotional development. Through Paediatrics to Psycho-Analysis: Collected Paper içinde (s. 145-156). New York, NY: Basic Books INC. Publishers.
  • Winnicott, D. W. (1956). Through Paediatrics to Psycho-Analysis: Collected Papers içinde, Primary maternal preocuupation (ss. 300-305). New York, NY: Basic Books INC. Publishers.
  • Winnicott, D. W. (1960a). The maturational processes and the facilitating environment: studies in the theory of emotional development M. M. R. Khan (Ed.) içinde, The theory of the parent- infant relationship (ss. 37-55). London: Hogarth Press and The Institute of Psychoanalysis.
  • Winnicott, D. W. (1960b). The maturational processes and the facilitating environment: studies in the theory of emotional development M. M. R. Khan (Ed.) içinde, Ego distortion in terms of true and false self (ss. 140-152). London: Hogarth Press and The Institute of Psychoanalysis.
  • Winnicott, D. W. (1962). The maturational processes and the facilitating environment: studies in the theory of emotional development M. M. R. Khan (Ed.) içinde, Ego integration in child development (ss. 56- 63). London: Hogarth Press and The Institute of Psychoanalysis.
  • Winnicott, D. W. (1963a). The maturational processes and the facilitating environment: studies in the theory of emotional development M. M. R. Khan (Ed.) içinde, Training for Child Psychiatry (ss. 193-202). London: Hogarth Press and The Institute of Psychoanalysis.
  • Winnicott, D. W. (1963b). The maturational processes and the facilitating environment: studies in the theory of emotional development M. M. R. Khan (Ed.) içinde, Psychiatric disorders in terms of infantile maturational process (ss. 230- 241). London: Hogarth Press and The Institute of Psychoanalysis.
  • Winnicott, D. W. (1963c). The maturational processes and the facilitating environment: studies in the theory of emotional development M. M. R. Khan (Ed.) içinde, Dependence in infant-care, in child care, and in the psychoanalytic setting (ss. 249-260). London: Hogarth Press and The Institute of Psychoanalysis.
  • Winnicott, D. W. (2005). Playing and Reality (2. Basım). Routledge Classics.
  • Winnicott, D. W. (2006). The Family and Individual Development (Birinci Baskı). New York: Routledge Classics.
  • Zimmerman, M., Chelminski, I., ve Young, D. (2008). The frequency of personality disorders in psychiatric patients. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 31 (3), 405–420.
  • Zimmerman, M., Rothschild, L., ve Chelminski, I.(2005). The prevalence of DSM-IV personality disorders in psychiatric outpatients. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 162 (10), 1911–1918.

A Review of Winnicott’s Concepts of True Self and False Self on the Basis of a Case Study and Therapeutic Relationship

Year 2016, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 1 - 15, 01.03.2016


Winnicott related the occurrence of personality disorders to unsuccessful personality integration in the early
phases of personality development. Winnicott stated that baby is not a separate entity from the mother at
first. However with the help of a “good enough mother”, the infant can gradually get an understanding of
outer reality. Still if the mother is not “good enough”, the baby will not be able to experience the feelings
of omnipotence. Consequently, the baby will confront with outer reality before he or she is ready. This
might lead the infant to hide his or her true self and to adjust himself or herself to the mother who in turn
contributes to the development of false self. Impairments in personality and interpersonal functioning,
and the presence of pathological personality traits (e.g., emotional liability, anxiousness, being depressive,
impulsivity, risk taking, separation insecurity, hostility) are some of the features of borderlinepersonality
disorder. In this article therapeutic process of a case with borderline personality traits were discussed in the
light of Winnicott’s concepts of true self and false self. Since presenting problems of the current case was
mainly related to self, the aim of the therapy was to reveal and nurture the true self and to get an insight into
the obstacles through this aim.


  • Ackerman, S. J. ve Hilsenroth, S. J. (2003). A review of therapist characteristics and techniques positively impacting the therapeutic alliance. Clinical Psychology Review, 23, 1-33.
  • American Psychological Association (2013). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (5. Basım). Washington, DC: APA.
  • Bornstein, M. (2013). Winnicott’s contribution to my psychoanalytic development. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 58, 33-50.
  • Davis, M. ve Wallbridge, D. (1991). Boundary and space: An introduction to the work of D. W. Winnicott (Birinci Basım). London: Karnac Books.
  • Dellman, T. ve Lushington, K. (2012) Characteristics of experienced natural therapists. Journal of Australian Traditional- Medicine Society, 18 (2), 95-100.
  • Eckler-Hart, A. (1987). True and false self in the development of the psychotherapist. Psychotherapy, 24 (4), 683-692.
  • Gunderson, J. G. (2009). Borderline personality disorder: ontogeny of a diagnosis. American Journal of Psychiatry, 166 (5), 530-539.
  • Kernberg, O. (1967). Borderline personality organization. Journal of American Psychoanalytic Association, 15, 641-685.
  • Masterson, J. F. (1976). Psychotherapy of the borderline adult: A developmental approach. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Monte, C. F. ve Sollod, R. N. (2003). Beneath the mask: An introduction to theories of personality (7. Basım). USA: Wiley.
  • Morstyn, R. (2002). The therapist’s dilemma: be sincere or fake it? Australasian Psychiatry, 10 (4), 325-329.
  • Paris, J. (2010). Estimating the prevalence of personality disorders in the community. Journal of Personality Disorders, 24 (4), 405-411.
  • Slochower, J. (2013). Relational holding: using Winnicott today. Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis, 6 (2), 15-40.
  • Winnicott, D. W. (1945). Primitive emotional development. Through Paediatrics to Psycho-Analysis: Collected Paper içinde (s. 145-156). New York, NY: Basic Books INC. Publishers.
  • Winnicott, D. W. (1956). Through Paediatrics to Psycho-Analysis: Collected Papers içinde, Primary maternal preocuupation (ss. 300-305). New York, NY: Basic Books INC. Publishers.
  • Winnicott, D. W. (1960a). The maturational processes and the facilitating environment: studies in the theory of emotional development M. M. R. Khan (Ed.) içinde, The theory of the parent- infant relationship (ss. 37-55). London: Hogarth Press and The Institute of Psychoanalysis.
  • Winnicott, D. W. (1960b). The maturational processes and the facilitating environment: studies in the theory of emotional development M. M. R. Khan (Ed.) içinde, Ego distortion in terms of true and false self (ss. 140-152). London: Hogarth Press and The Institute of Psychoanalysis.
  • Winnicott, D. W. (1962). The maturational processes and the facilitating environment: studies in the theory of emotional development M. M. R. Khan (Ed.) içinde, Ego integration in child development (ss. 56- 63). London: Hogarth Press and The Institute of Psychoanalysis.
  • Winnicott, D. W. (1963a). The maturational processes and the facilitating environment: studies in the theory of emotional development M. M. R. Khan (Ed.) içinde, Training for Child Psychiatry (ss. 193-202). London: Hogarth Press and The Institute of Psychoanalysis.
  • Winnicott, D. W. (1963b). The maturational processes and the facilitating environment: studies in the theory of emotional development M. M. R. Khan (Ed.) içinde, Psychiatric disorders in terms of infantile maturational process (ss. 230- 241). London: Hogarth Press and The Institute of Psychoanalysis.
  • Winnicott, D. W. (1963c). The maturational processes and the facilitating environment: studies in the theory of emotional development M. M. R. Khan (Ed.) içinde, Dependence in infant-care, in child care, and in the psychoanalytic setting (ss. 249-260). London: Hogarth Press and The Institute of Psychoanalysis.
  • Winnicott, D. W. (2005). Playing and Reality (2. Basım). Routledge Classics.
  • Winnicott, D. W. (2006). The Family and Individual Development (Birinci Baskı). New York: Routledge Classics.
  • Zimmerman, M., Chelminski, I., ve Young, D. (2008). The frequency of personality disorders in psychiatric patients. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 31 (3), 405–420.
  • Zimmerman, M., Rothschild, L., ve Chelminski, I.(2005). The prevalence of DSM-IV personality disorders in psychiatric outpatients. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 162 (10), 1911–1918.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Psychology
Other ID JA23UR43TB
Journal Section Research Article

Gizem Sarısoy

Publication Date March 1, 2016
Submission Date March 1, 2016
Acceptance Date February 9, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Sarısoy, G. (2016). Winnicott’ın Gerçek Benlik ve Sahte Benlik Kavramlarının Bir Vaka ve Terapi İlişkisi Bağlamında İncelenmesi. AYNA Klinik Psikoloji Dergisi, 3(1), 1-15.