Research Article
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Year 2019, Issue: 96, 87 - 99, 27.08.2019


Edebiyat, yaşam gerçeğinin bir görüntüsüdür ve edebiyat tarihi de halkın tarihi ile yakından ilişkilidir. Ülkenin manevi hayatının en parlak tezahürü ve sanatın en önemli dalı olarak ülkenin tarihi ile birlikte gelişmiştir. İnsan bilincinin binlerce yıl öncesine dayanan tarihi bir olgu olduğu düşünüldüğünde, edebiyat insanlık tarihinin en dikkat çekici başarılarından biri olarak değerlendirilmektedir.
Makalemiz, Kazak Edebiyatının referans kaynaklarını ortaya koyarak Kazak Edebiyatı biliminin gelişim safhalarını bölümlere ayırma arayışında katedilen yolu açıklamaktadır. Aynı zamanda edebiyatın gelişimini dönemlere ayırma ve bilimsel sisteme dahil etme çalışmalarını da bugünkü nesle aktarmaktadır.


  • 1. Alpysbaev, K. Kazakh adebieti tarihyn dawirlewde Beissenbay Kenzhebaev ustanymy [Beissenbay Kenzhebaev's Position in the Chronological Periodization of Kazakh Literature], June 19, 2014, from p. 0.
  • 2. Auezov, M. Adebiet tarihy [History of Literature]. Almaty: Ana tili, 1991.
  • 3. Klassikalyk zerttewler [Classical Studies]. Kone turki adebiyeti turaly zerttewler [The Studies of Ancient Turkic Culture]. Almaty: Adebiet alemi, V.6., 2012.
  • 4. Kazakh adebietinin tarihy [The history of ancient Kazakh Literature].Ezhelgi dawir zhane orta gasyrlardagy adebiet [Ancient and Mid-Century in Kazakh Literature]. Almaty: Adebiet alemi, V.2. 2006.
  • 5. Kyrawbaeva, A. Ezhelgi dawir adebieti [Ancient literature] (2nd ed.). Almaty: Ana tili, 1991.
  • 6. Kyrawbaeva, A. Gasyrlar murasy [Ancient Heritage]. V.1. Almaty: Oner, 2008.
  • 7. Kenzhebaev, B. Kazakh adebieti tarihynyn maseleleri [Historical Problems in Kazakh Literature]. Almaty: Ana tili, 1974.
  • 8. Kelimbetov, N. Kazakh adebietinin ezhelgi dawiri [Ancient in Kazakh literature]. Astana: Foliant, 2002.
  • 9. Kelimbetov, N. Ezhelgi adebi zhadigerlikter [Pearls of ancient literature]. Astana: Foliant, 2004.
  • 10. Nurahmetuly, I. Kazakh adebietinin torkini men tarihyn dawirlew [Historical Periodization of Kazakh Literary], (from 10th century BC to 18th century AD. Author’s abstract. P.20), 2005.
  • 11. Suwinshaliev, H. Kazakh adebietinin kalyptasuw kezenderi [The Periods of Formation of the Kazakh Literature]. Almaty, 1967.
  • 12. Yskakuly, D. Adebiet tarihyn zerdelewdin ozekti maseleleri [The Actual Problems of Literature History], January 04, 2012, from, 2012.


Year 2019, Issue: 96, 87 - 99, 27.08.2019


Әдебиет өмір шындығының көркем бейнесі десек, әдебиет тарихы да халық тарихымен тығыз байланысты. Еліміздің рухани өмірінің жарқын көрінісі, елеулі бір саласы ретінде көркем сөз өнері ел тарихымен бірге қалыптасып дамыды. Адам санасы, ой-өрісі мыңдаған жылдар бойы жетілетін тарихи құбылыс екендігін ескерсек, әдебиет адамзат тарихындағы көркем ой жетістіктерінің бірі екендігі даусыз ақиқат. Cондықтан қолға алып отырған мақаланы жазудағы алға қойған мақсатымыз - қазақ әдебиетінің бастау бұлақтарын анықтау, тарихын кезеңдерге бөлу жолындағы ізденістерде қазақ әдебиеттану ғылымының ұзақ жолдардан өткенін баян ету. Сонымен қатар әдебиет тарихының келелі мәселелерін, оның даму жолдарын зерттеп, дәуірлерге бөліп, ғылыми жүйеге түсіруге ұмтылған еңбектерді казіргі ұрпаққа насихаттау және үйрету жолдарын қарастыру болып табылады.


  • 1. Alpysbaev, K. Kazakh adebieti tarihyn dawirlewde Beissenbay Kenzhebaev ustanymy [Beissenbay Kenzhebaev's Position in the Chronological Periodization of Kazakh Literature], June 19, 2014, from p. 0.
  • 2. Auezov, M. Adebiet tarihy [History of Literature]. Almaty: Ana tili, 1991.
  • 3. Klassikalyk zerttewler [Classical Studies]. Kone turki adebiyeti turaly zerttewler [The Studies of Ancient Turkic Culture]. Almaty: Adebiet alemi, V.6., 2012.
  • 4. Kazakh adebietinin tarihy [The history of ancient Kazakh Literature].Ezhelgi dawir zhane orta gasyrlardagy adebiet [Ancient and Mid-Century in Kazakh Literature]. Almaty: Adebiet alemi, V.2. 2006.
  • 5. Kyrawbaeva, A. Ezhelgi dawir adebieti [Ancient literature] (2nd ed.). Almaty: Ana tili, 1991.
  • 6. Kyrawbaeva, A. Gasyrlar murasy [Ancient Heritage]. V.1. Almaty: Oner, 2008.
  • 7. Kenzhebaev, B. Kazakh adebieti tarihynyn maseleleri [Historical Problems in Kazakh Literature]. Almaty: Ana tili, 1974.
  • 8. Kelimbetov, N. Kazakh adebietinin ezhelgi dawiri [Ancient in Kazakh literature]. Astana: Foliant, 2002.
  • 9. Kelimbetov, N. Ezhelgi adebi zhadigerlikter [Pearls of ancient literature]. Astana: Foliant, 2004.
  • 10. Nurahmetuly, I. Kazakh adebietinin torkini men tarihyn dawirlew [Historical Periodization of Kazakh Literary], (from 10th century BC to 18th century AD. Author’s abstract. P.20), 2005.
  • 11. Suwinshaliev, H. Kazakh adebietinin kalyptasuw kezenderi [The Periods of Formation of the Kazakh Literature]. Almaty, 1967.
  • 12. Yskakuly, D. Adebiet tarihyn zerdelewdin ozekti maseleleri [The Actual Problems of Literature History], January 04, 2012, from, 2012.


Year 2019, Issue: 96, 87 - 99, 27.08.2019


Literature is a beautiful image of life, and is closely connected with the history of the people and the history of literature.The art of artistic expression is a view of the spiritual life of country and as its significant domain was formed and developed with the history of the country. If we consider the human mind, creative thinking as a historical phenomenon that develops in thousand years, then the literature is undeniable achievement of an idea of art in the history of mankind.The history of the national literature is one of the main issues of periodization. Because before the independence of Kazakhstan, the problem of periodization in two thousand years old Kazakh literature had not been investigated.
That’s why this article deals with the revealing of sources of Kazakh literature, dividing the distribution of the periods in the history of Kazakh literature went through a long history. In addition, to investigate its development ways, we divide into periods and promote scientific works to generation. And we will also consider the teaching ways of literature.


  • 1. Alpysbaev, K. Kazakh adebieti tarihyn dawirlewde Beissenbay Kenzhebaev ustanymy [Beissenbay Kenzhebaev's Position in the Chronological Periodization of Kazakh Literature], June 19, 2014, from p. 0.
  • 2. Auezov, M. Adebiet tarihy [History of Literature]. Almaty: Ana tili, 1991.
  • 3. Klassikalyk zerttewler [Classical Studies]. Kone turki adebiyeti turaly zerttewler [The Studies of Ancient Turkic Culture]. Almaty: Adebiet alemi, V.6., 2012.
  • 4. Kazakh adebietinin tarihy [The history of ancient Kazakh Literature].Ezhelgi dawir zhane orta gasyrlardagy adebiet [Ancient and Mid-Century in Kazakh Literature]. Almaty: Adebiet alemi, V.2. 2006.
  • 5. Kyrawbaeva, A. Ezhelgi dawir adebieti [Ancient literature] (2nd ed.). Almaty: Ana tili, 1991.
  • 6. Kyrawbaeva, A. Gasyrlar murasy [Ancient Heritage]. V.1. Almaty: Oner, 2008.
  • 7. Kenzhebaev, B. Kazakh adebieti tarihynyn maseleleri [Historical Problems in Kazakh Literature]. Almaty: Ana tili, 1974.
  • 8. Kelimbetov, N. Kazakh adebietinin ezhelgi dawiri [Ancient in Kazakh literature]. Astana: Foliant, 2002.
  • 9. Kelimbetov, N. Ezhelgi adebi zhadigerlikter [Pearls of ancient literature]. Astana: Foliant, 2004.
  • 10. Nurahmetuly, I. Kazakh adebietinin torkini men tarihyn dawirlew [Historical Periodization of Kazakh Literary], (from 10th century BC to 18th century AD. Author’s abstract. P.20), 2005.
  • 11. Suwinshaliev, H. Kazakh adebietinin kalyptasuw kezenderi [The Periods of Formation of the Kazakh Literature]. Almaty, 1967.
  • 12. Yskakuly, D. Adebiet tarihyn zerdelewdin ozekti maseleleri [The Actual Problems of Literature History], January 04, 2012, from, 2012.


Year 2019, Issue: 96, 87 - 99, 27.08.2019


Литература - это прекрасный образ жизни, а история литературы тесно связана с историей народа. Самое яркое проявление духовной жизни страны сложилось вместе с историей страны как важнейшей ветви искусства. Учитывая, что человеческое сознание является историческим явлением, датируемым тысячелетиями, то литература считается одним из самых замечательных достижений в истории человечества.
Данная статья посвящена описанию происхождения казахской литературы, и обьяснению того, что она прошла долгий путь в стремлении отделить историю казахской литературной науки. В то же время, в статье исследуются пути развития литературы, разделение ее на периоды и передача работ, включенных в науную систему, нынешнему поколению. А также рассматривает способы преподавания литературы.


  • 1. Alpysbaev, K. Kazakh adebieti tarihyn dawirlewde Beissenbay Kenzhebaev ustanymy [Beissenbay Kenzhebaev's Position in the Chronological Periodization of Kazakh Literature], June 19, 2014, from p. 0.
  • 2. Auezov, M. Adebiet tarihy [History of Literature]. Almaty: Ana tili, 1991.
  • 3. Klassikalyk zerttewler [Classical Studies]. Kone turki adebiyeti turaly zerttewler [The Studies of Ancient Turkic Culture]. Almaty: Adebiet alemi, V.6., 2012.
  • 4. Kazakh adebietinin tarihy [The history of ancient Kazakh Literature].Ezhelgi dawir zhane orta gasyrlardagy adebiet [Ancient and Mid-Century in Kazakh Literature]. Almaty: Adebiet alemi, V.2. 2006.
  • 5. Kyrawbaeva, A. Ezhelgi dawir adebieti [Ancient literature] (2nd ed.). Almaty: Ana tili, 1991.
  • 6. Kyrawbaeva, A. Gasyrlar murasy [Ancient Heritage]. V.1. Almaty: Oner, 2008.
  • 7. Kenzhebaev, B. Kazakh adebieti tarihynyn maseleleri [Historical Problems in Kazakh Literature]. Almaty: Ana tili, 1974.
  • 8. Kelimbetov, N. Kazakh adebietinin ezhelgi dawiri [Ancient in Kazakh literature]. Astana: Foliant, 2002.
  • 9. Kelimbetov, N. Ezhelgi adebi zhadigerlikter [Pearls of ancient literature]. Astana: Foliant, 2004.
  • 10. Nurahmetuly, I. Kazakh adebietinin torkini men tarihyn dawirlew [Historical Periodization of Kazakh Literary], (from 10th century BC to 18th century AD. Author’s abstract. P.20), 2005.
  • 11. Suwinshaliev, H. Kazakh adebietinin kalyptasuw kezenderi [The Periods of Formation of the Kazakh Literature]. Almaty, 1967.
  • 12. Yskakuly, D. Adebiet tarihyn zerdelewdin ozekti maseleleri [The Actual Problems of Literature History], January 04, 2012, from, 2012.
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Creative Arts and Writing
Journal Section Research Articles

Ye. Alashbayev This is me

Sh. Usenbayeva This is me

Ye. Dzhasymbekov This is me

Publication Date August 27, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Issue: 96


APA Alashbayev, Y., Usenbayeva, S., & Dzhasymbekov, Y. (2019). THE HISTORY OF ANCIENT KAZAKH LITERATURE AND ITS STUDY. Türkoloji(96), 87-99.
AMA Alashbayev Y, Usenbayeva S, Dzhasymbekov Y. THE HISTORY OF ANCIENT KAZAKH LITERATURE AND ITS STUDY. Türkoloji. August 2019;(96):87-99.
Chicago Alashbayev, Ye., Sh. Usenbayeva, and Ye. Dzhasymbekov. “THE HISTORY OF ANCIENT KAZAKH LITERATURE AND ITS STUDY”. Türkoloji, no. 96 (August 2019): 87-99.
EndNote Alashbayev Y, Usenbayeva S, Dzhasymbekov Y (August 1, 2019) THE HISTORY OF ANCIENT KAZAKH LITERATURE AND ITS STUDY. Türkoloji 96 87–99.
IEEE Y. Alashbayev, S. Usenbayeva, and Y. Dzhasymbekov, “THE HISTORY OF ANCIENT KAZAKH LITERATURE AND ITS STUDY”, Türkoloji, no. 96, pp. 87–99, August 2019.
ISNAD Alashbayev, Ye. et al. “THE HISTORY OF ANCIENT KAZAKH LITERATURE AND ITS STUDY”. Türkoloji 96 (August 2019), 87-99.
JAMA Alashbayev Y, Usenbayeva S, Dzhasymbekov Y. THE HISTORY OF ANCIENT KAZAKH LITERATURE AND ITS STUDY. Türkoloji. 2019;:87–99.
MLA Alashbayev, Ye. et al. “THE HISTORY OF ANCIENT KAZAKH LITERATURE AND ITS STUDY”. Türkoloji, no. 96, 2019, pp. 87-99.
Vancouver Alashbayev Y, Usenbayeva S, Dzhasymbekov Y. THE HISTORY OF ANCIENT KAZAKH LITERATURE AND ITS STUDY. Türkoloji. 2019(96):87-99.