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Türkiye’de Bölgelerarası Altyapı Rekabeti

Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 115 - 161, 27.12.2019


Ulaştırma ve haberleşme alanı başta olmak üzere, 2000’li yıllarda Türkiye’de altyapı geliştirilmesinde büyük bir artış yaşanmıştır. Bu durum bölgesel iktisadi bir perspektiften bakıldığında ekonomik teorilerin test edilebilmesi için çok değerli bir zemin yaratmıştır. Kalkınma ile ilgili birçok başka faktörün yanısıra, altyapı gelişiminin ticaret ve ekonomik büyümeye olan pozitif etkisi ampirik olarak literatürde kuvvetli şekilde temellendirilmiştir. Bu çalışmamızın amacı, ekonometrik yöntemler aracılığıyla bölgesel ekonomilerin sosyoekonomik özelliklerinin ulaştırma ve haberleşme kamu yatırımlarının tahsisindeki yeri konusunda aydınlatıcı bulgular edinmektir. Çalışmamızda başka faktörler ile birlikte bölgesel rekabetin önemli bir etki unsuru olduğunu gözlemlemekteyiz.


  • ALTUNÇ, Ömer Faruk-Bilge Sentürk, “The Role of Public and Private Investment to Ensure Sustainable Macroeconomic Stability in Turkey”, 2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Development, June 8-9 Sarajevo2010. ANSELIN, Luc, Spatial Econometrics: Methods and Models, 4, Springer 1988. ANSELIN, Luc-Sergio Rey, “Properties of Tests for Spatial Dependence in Linear Regression Models”, Geographical Analysis, 23(2), 1991, p. 112-131. ARBIA, Giuseppe, Spatial Econometrics: Statistical Foundations and Applications to Regional Convergence, Springer 2006. ARELLANO, Manuel-Olympia Bover, “Another Look at the Instrumental Variable Estimation of Error Components Models”, Journal of Econometrics, 68(1), 1995, p. 29-51. ARELLANO, Manuel-Stephen Bond, “Some Tests of Specification for Panel Data: Monte-Carlo Evidence and an Application to Employment Equations” The Review of Economic Studies, 58(2), 1991, p. 277-297. Armstrong, H.-Taylor, J., Regional Economics and Policy, Blackwell Publishing, 2000, p. 203. ATEMS, Bebonchu, “The Spatial Dynamics of Growth And Inequality: Evidence Using US County-Level Data”, Economics Letters, 118(1), 2013, p. 19-22. BALTAGI, Badi H.-Georges Bresson, “Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Lagrange Multiplier Tests for Panel Seemingly Unrelated Regressions with Spatial Lag and Spatial Errors: An Application to Hedonic Housing Prices in Paris”, Journal of Urban Economics, 69(1), 2011, p. 24-42. BEHRMAN, Jere R.-Steven G. Craig, “The Distribution of Public Services: An Exploration of Local Governmental Preferences”, The American Economic Review, 77(1), 1987, p. 37-49. BELOTTI, Federico et al., “Spatial Panel-Data Models Using Stata”, The Stata Journal, 17(1), 2017, p. 139-180. BERECHMAN, Joseph et al., “Empirical Analysis of Transportation Investment and Economic Development at State, County and Municipality Levels”, Transportation, 33(6), 2006, p. 537-551. BHATTA, Saurav Dev-Matthew P. Drennan, “The Economic Benefits of Public Investment in Transportation: A Review of Recent Literature”, Journal of Planning Education and Research, 22(3), 2003, p. 288-296. BLUNDELL, Richard-Stephen Bond, “Initial Conditions and Moment Restrictions in Dynamic Panel Data Models”, Journal of Econometrics, 87(1), 1998, p. 115-143. BOUGHEAS, Spiros et al., “Infrastructure, Transport Costs and Trade,” Journal of International Economics, 47(1), 1999, p. 169-189. BUSEMEYER, Marius R., “Determinants of Public Education Spending in 21 OECD Democracies, 1980-2001”, Journal of European Public Policy, 14(4), 2007, p. 582-610. CADOT, Olivier et al., “A Political Economy Model of Infrastructure Allocation: An Empirical Assessment”, Centre for Economic Policy Research Working Paper. (15), 1999, p. 4-33. CANTOS, Pedro, et al., “Transport Infrastructures, Spillover Effects and Regional Growth: Evidence of the Spanish Case”, Transport Reviews, 25(1), 2005, p. 25-50. CAREY, James W., Communication as culture, revised edition: Essays on media and society. Routledge, 2008. CASTELLS, Antoni-Albert Sole-Olle, “The Regional Allocation of Infrastructure Investment: The Role of Equity, Efficiency and Political Factors”, European Economic Review, 49(5), 2005, 1165-1205. CASTELLS, Manuel-Mireia et al., Mobile Communication and Society: a global perspective. The MIT Press, 2007. CELBİŞ, Mehmet Güney et al., “Infrastructure and Trade: A Meta-Analysis”, Region, 1(1), 2015, p. 25-64. COSTA-I-FONT, Joan et al., “Political Competition and Pork-Barrel Politics in the Allocation of Public Investment in Mexico”, Public Choice, 116(1-2), 2003, p. 185-204. DEBARSY, Nicolas-Cem Ertur, “Testing for Spatial Autocorrelation in a Fixed Effects Panel Data Model”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 40(6), 2010, p. 453-470. DING, Lei et al., “Telecommunications Infrastructure and Regional Income Convergence in China: Panel Data Approaches”, The Annals of Regional Science, 42(4), 2008, p. 843-861. DÖKMECI, Vedia-Lale Berköz, “International telecommunications in Turkey”, Telecommunications Policy, 20(2), 1996, p. 125-130. DRUKKER, David M., et al., “SPPACK: Stata Module for Cross-Section Spatial-Autoregressive Models (Version S457245)”, Boston College Department of Economics, 2011. ELHORST, J. Paul, “Specification And Estimation Of Spatial Panel Data Models”, International Regional Science Review, 26(3), 2003, p. 244-268. ELHORST, Paul J. et al., “The Impact of Interaction Effects among Neighbouring Countries on Financial Liberalization and Reform: A Dynamic Spatial Panel Data Approach”, Spatial Economic Analysis, 8(3), 2013, p. 293-313. ELHORST, Paul J., “Applied Spatial Econometrics: Raising the Bar”, Spatial Economic Analysis, 5(1), 2010, p. 9-28. ELHORST, Paul J., Spatial Panel Data Models, Springer Berlin Heidelberg-Berlin, Heidelberg 2014, p. 37-93. ELHORST, Paul J.-Sandy Freret, “Evidence of Political Yardstick Competition in France Using A Two-Regime Spatial Durbin Model with Fixed Effects”, Journal of Regional Science, 49(5), 2009, p. 931-951. ERTUR, Cem-Antonio Musolesi, “Spatial Autoregressive Spillovers vs Unobserved Common Factors Models: A Panel Data Analysis of International Technology Diffusion”, Centre d’Economie et Sociologie Appliquees A L’agriculture Et Aux Espaces Ruraux Working Paper, 2012/09, 2012, p. 1-38. FATIH, Gökyurt, Kamu Yatırımlarının Programlama ve İzleme Sürecine Yerelin Katılımı, (Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı Müsteşarlığı, Uzmanlık Tezi), Ankara 2010. FERNALD, John, “Roads to Prosperity? Assessing the Link Between Public Capital and Productivity”, The American Economic Review, 89(3), 1999, p. 619-638. FLORAX, Raymond J.-Arno van der Vlist, “Spatial Econometric Data Analysis: Moving Beyond Traditional Models”, International Regional Science Review, 26(3), 2003, p. 223-243. GLOMM, Gerhard-Balasubrahmanian Ravikumar, “Public Investment in Infrastructure in A Simple Growth Model”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 18(6), 1994, p. 1173 - 1187. HANSEN, Niles M., “The Structure and Determinants of Local Public Investment Expenditures”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 47(2), 1965, p. 150-162. HIRSCH, Werner Z., “Expenditure Implications of Metropolitan Growth and Consolidation”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 41(3), 1959, p. 232-241. HOLTZ EAKIN, Douglas-Mary E. Lovely, “Scale Economies, Returns to Variety, and the Productivity of Public Infrastructure”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 26(2), 1996, p. 105-123. Hoover, E. M.-Giarratani, F, An Introduction to Regional Economics, 1971. James LeSage-Kelley Pace, Introduction to Spatial Econometrics, Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2009. JOANIS, Marcelin “The Road to Power: Partisan Loyalty and the Centralized Provision of Local Infrastructure”, Public Choice, 146(1-2), 2011, p. 117-143. KALENKOSKI, Charlene- Donald Lacombe (2013). Minimum wages and teen employment: A spatial panel approach. Papers in Regional Science, 92(2), p. 407-417. KELEJIAN, Harry H.-Ingmar R. Prucha, “A Generalized Spatial Two-Stage Least Squares Procedure for Estimating A Spatial Autoregressive Model With Autoregressive Disturbances”, The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 17(1), 1998, p. 99-121. KEMMERLING, Achim-Thilo Bodenstein, “Partisan politics in regional redistribution: Do parties affect the distribution of EU structural funds across regions?”, European Union Politics, 7(3), 2006, p. 373-392. KEMMERLING, Achim-Andreas Stephan, “The Politico-Economic Determinants and Productivity Effects of Regional Transport Investment in Europe”, EIB Papers, 13(2), 2008, p. 36-60. LAGENDIJK, Arnoud et al., “The Role of Regional Development Agencies in Turkey: From Implementing EU Directives to Supporting Regional Business Communities?”, European Urban and Regional Studies, 16(4), 2009, p. 383-396. LAKSHMANAN, Tiruvarur et al, “Benefits and costs of transport”, Papers in Regional Science, 80(2), 2001, p. 139-164. LEE, Lung Fei-Jihai Yu, “Estimation of Spatial Autoregressive Panel Data Models with Fixed Effects”, Journal of Econometrics, 154(2), 2010a, p. 165-185. LEE, Lung Fei-Jihai Yu, “Some Recent Developments in Spatial Panel Data Models”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 40(5), 2010b, p. 255-271. LIMAO, Nuno-Anthony J. Venables, “Infrastructure, Geographical Disadvantage, Transport Costs, and Trade”, The World Bank Economic Review, 15(3), 2001, p. 451-479. LONGO, Roberto-Khalid Sekkat, “Economic Obstacles to Expanding Intra-African Trade”, World Development, 32(8), 2004, p. 1309-1321. LUCA, Davide-Andres Rodriguez Pose, “Distributive Politics and Regional Development: Assessing the Territorial Distribution of Turkey’s Public Investment”, The Journal of Development Studies, 51(11), 2015, p. 1518-1540. MARTINEZ, Zarzoso, et al, “Augmented Gravity Model: An Empirical Application to Mercosur-European Union Trade Flows”, Journal of Applied Economics, 6(2), 2003, p. 291-316. MIZUTANI, Fumitoshi-Tomoyasu Tanaka, “Productivity Effects and Determinants of Public Infrastructure Investment”, The Annals of Regional Science, 44(3), 2008, p. 493-521. MONASTIRIOTIS, Vassilis-Yannis Psycharis, “Between Equity, Efficiency and Redistribution: An Analysis of Revealed Allocation Criteria of Regional Public Investment in Greece”, European Urban and Regional Studies, 21(4), 2014, p. 445-462. MONTOLIO, Daniel-Albert Sole-Olle, “Road Investment and Regional Productivity Growth: The Effects of Vehicle Intensity and Congestion”, Papers in Regional Science, 88(1), 2009, p. 99-118. MORENO, Rosina-Enrique Lopez-Bazo, “Returns to Local and Transport Infrastructure Under Regional Spillovers”, International Regional Science Review, 30(1), 2007, p. 47-71. NICKELL, Stephen “Biases in Dynamic Models with Fixed Effects”, Econometrica, 49(6), 1981, p. 1417-1426. NIJKAMP, Peter, Infrastructure and Suprastructure in Regional Competition: A Deus Ex Machina? Springer, 2000. PAINTER, Gary- Kwi-Hee Bae, “The Changing Determinants of State Expenditure in the United States: 1965-1992”, Public Finance and Management, 9(4), 2001, p. 370-392. PFAFFERMAYR, Michael, “Spatial Convergence of Regions Revisited: A Spatial Maximum Likelihood Panel Approach”, Journal of Regional Science, 52(5), 2012, p. 857-873. RANDOLPH, Susan et al., Determinants of Public Expenditure on Infrastructure: Transportation and Communication. The World Bank, 1999. REY, Sergio, “Spatial Empirics for Economic Growth and Convergence”, Geographical Analysis, 33(3), 2001, p. 195-214. ROODMAN, David, “How to Do XTABOND2: An Introduction to Difference and System GMM In Stata”, Stata Journal, 9(1), 2009, p. 86-136. SCHAFFER, Mark, “XTIVREG2: Stata Module to Perform Extended IV/2SLS, GMM and AC/2HAC, LIML and K-Class Regression for Panel Data Models”, Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics, 2005. SOLE-OLLE, Albert, “Inter-Regional Redistribution Through Infrastructure Investment: Tactical or Programmatic?”, Public Choice 156(1-2), 2013, p. 229-252. STEPHAN, Andreas, “Regional Infrastructure Policy and its Impact on Productivity: A Comparison of Germany and France”, Discussion papers Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, (2), 2001, p. 3-41. Thakuriah, Piyushimita et al. “Costs and Benefits of Employment Transportation for Low-Wage Workers: An Assessment of Job Access Public Transportation Services”, Evaluation and program planning, 37, 2013, p. 31-42. USLU, Çağrı Levent, “Seat-Vote Elasticity and the Provincial Distribution of Government Spending in Turkey.” Eurasian Economic Review 7(1), 2017, p. 49-67. WU, Yanrui, “Export Performance in China’s Regional Economies”, Applied Economics, 39(10), 2007, p. 1283-1293. ZHENG, Xinye et al., “Central Government’s Infrastructure Investment Across Chinese Regions: A Dynamic Spatial Panel Data Approach”, China Economic Review, 27, 2013, p. 264-276. YAMANO, Norihiko-Toru Ohkawara, “The Regional Allocation of Public Investment: Efficiency or Equity?”, Journal of Regional Science, 40(2), 2000, p. 205-229. YU, Yihua et al., “On the Determinants of Public Infrastructure Spending in Chinese Cities: A Spatial Econometric Perspective”, The Social Science Journal, 48(3), 2011, p. 458-467.

Competition for Infrastructure Among Regions in Turkey

Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 115 - 161, 27.12.2019


There has been a surge in infrastructure enhancements in Turkey during the 2000s, particularly in the area of transportation and communication. This has provided valuable testing grounds of economic theories from a regional economics perspective. Empirically, the positive effect of infrastructure enhancements on trade and economic growth alongside numerous development-related outcomes is highly established in the literature. Our research aims to shed light, through econometric methods, on how the socioeconomic attributes of regional economies play a role in the allocation of the investments in transportation and communication. We observe that regional competition is an important effect among other factors.


  • ALTUNÇ, Ömer Faruk-Bilge Sentürk, “The Role of Public and Private Investment to Ensure Sustainable Macroeconomic Stability in Turkey”, 2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Development, June 8-9 Sarajevo2010. ANSELIN, Luc, Spatial Econometrics: Methods and Models, 4, Springer 1988. ANSELIN, Luc-Sergio Rey, “Properties of Tests for Spatial Dependence in Linear Regression Models”, Geographical Analysis, 23(2), 1991, p. 112-131. ARBIA, Giuseppe, Spatial Econometrics: Statistical Foundations and Applications to Regional Convergence, Springer 2006. ARELLANO, Manuel-Olympia Bover, “Another Look at the Instrumental Variable Estimation of Error Components Models”, Journal of Econometrics, 68(1), 1995, p. 29-51. ARELLANO, Manuel-Stephen Bond, “Some Tests of Specification for Panel Data: Monte-Carlo Evidence and an Application to Employment Equations” The Review of Economic Studies, 58(2), 1991, p. 277-297. Armstrong, H.-Taylor, J., Regional Economics and Policy, Blackwell Publishing, 2000, p. 203. ATEMS, Bebonchu, “The Spatial Dynamics of Growth And Inequality: Evidence Using US County-Level Data”, Economics Letters, 118(1), 2013, p. 19-22. BALTAGI, Badi H.-Georges Bresson, “Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Lagrange Multiplier Tests for Panel Seemingly Unrelated Regressions with Spatial Lag and Spatial Errors: An Application to Hedonic Housing Prices in Paris”, Journal of Urban Economics, 69(1), 2011, p. 24-42. BEHRMAN, Jere R.-Steven G. Craig, “The Distribution of Public Services: An Exploration of Local Governmental Preferences”, The American Economic Review, 77(1), 1987, p. 37-49. BELOTTI, Federico et al., “Spatial Panel-Data Models Using Stata”, The Stata Journal, 17(1), 2017, p. 139-180. BERECHMAN, Joseph et al., “Empirical Analysis of Transportation Investment and Economic Development at State, County and Municipality Levels”, Transportation, 33(6), 2006, p. 537-551. BHATTA, Saurav Dev-Matthew P. Drennan, “The Economic Benefits of Public Investment in Transportation: A Review of Recent Literature”, Journal of Planning Education and Research, 22(3), 2003, p. 288-296. BLUNDELL, Richard-Stephen Bond, “Initial Conditions and Moment Restrictions in Dynamic Panel Data Models”, Journal of Econometrics, 87(1), 1998, p. 115-143. BOUGHEAS, Spiros et al., “Infrastructure, Transport Costs and Trade,” Journal of International Economics, 47(1), 1999, p. 169-189. BUSEMEYER, Marius R., “Determinants of Public Education Spending in 21 OECD Democracies, 1980-2001”, Journal of European Public Policy, 14(4), 2007, p. 582-610. CADOT, Olivier et al., “A Political Economy Model of Infrastructure Allocation: An Empirical Assessment”, Centre for Economic Policy Research Working Paper. (15), 1999, p. 4-33. CANTOS, Pedro, et al., “Transport Infrastructures, Spillover Effects and Regional Growth: Evidence of the Spanish Case”, Transport Reviews, 25(1), 2005, p. 25-50. CAREY, James W., Communication as culture, revised edition: Essays on media and society. Routledge, 2008. CASTELLS, Antoni-Albert Sole-Olle, “The Regional Allocation of Infrastructure Investment: The Role of Equity, Efficiency and Political Factors”, European Economic Review, 49(5), 2005, 1165-1205. CASTELLS, Manuel-Mireia et al., Mobile Communication and Society: a global perspective. The MIT Press, 2007. CELBİŞ, Mehmet Güney et al., “Infrastructure and Trade: A Meta-Analysis”, Region, 1(1), 2015, p. 25-64. COSTA-I-FONT, Joan et al., “Political Competition and Pork-Barrel Politics in the Allocation of Public Investment in Mexico”, Public Choice, 116(1-2), 2003, p. 185-204. DEBARSY, Nicolas-Cem Ertur, “Testing for Spatial Autocorrelation in a Fixed Effects Panel Data Model”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 40(6), 2010, p. 453-470. DING, Lei et al., “Telecommunications Infrastructure and Regional Income Convergence in China: Panel Data Approaches”, The Annals of Regional Science, 42(4), 2008, p. 843-861. DÖKMECI, Vedia-Lale Berköz, “International telecommunications in Turkey”, Telecommunications Policy, 20(2), 1996, p. 125-130. DRUKKER, David M., et al., “SPPACK: Stata Module for Cross-Section Spatial-Autoregressive Models (Version S457245)”, Boston College Department of Economics, 2011. ELHORST, J. Paul, “Specification And Estimation Of Spatial Panel Data Models”, International Regional Science Review, 26(3), 2003, p. 244-268. ELHORST, Paul J. et al., “The Impact of Interaction Effects among Neighbouring Countries on Financial Liberalization and Reform: A Dynamic Spatial Panel Data Approach”, Spatial Economic Analysis, 8(3), 2013, p. 293-313. ELHORST, Paul J., “Applied Spatial Econometrics: Raising the Bar”, Spatial Economic Analysis, 5(1), 2010, p. 9-28. ELHORST, Paul J., Spatial Panel Data Models, Springer Berlin Heidelberg-Berlin, Heidelberg 2014, p. 37-93. ELHORST, Paul J.-Sandy Freret, “Evidence of Political Yardstick Competition in France Using A Two-Regime Spatial Durbin Model with Fixed Effects”, Journal of Regional Science, 49(5), 2009, p. 931-951. ERTUR, Cem-Antonio Musolesi, “Spatial Autoregressive Spillovers vs Unobserved Common Factors Models: A Panel Data Analysis of International Technology Diffusion”, Centre d’Economie et Sociologie Appliquees A L’agriculture Et Aux Espaces Ruraux Working Paper, 2012/09, 2012, p. 1-38. FATIH, Gökyurt, Kamu Yatırımlarının Programlama ve İzleme Sürecine Yerelin Katılımı, (Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı Müsteşarlığı, Uzmanlık Tezi), Ankara 2010. FERNALD, John, “Roads to Prosperity? Assessing the Link Between Public Capital and Productivity”, The American Economic Review, 89(3), 1999, p. 619-638. FLORAX, Raymond J.-Arno van der Vlist, “Spatial Econometric Data Analysis: Moving Beyond Traditional Models”, International Regional Science Review, 26(3), 2003, p. 223-243. GLOMM, Gerhard-Balasubrahmanian Ravikumar, “Public Investment in Infrastructure in A Simple Growth Model”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 18(6), 1994, p. 1173 - 1187. HANSEN, Niles M., “The Structure and Determinants of Local Public Investment Expenditures”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 47(2), 1965, p. 150-162. HIRSCH, Werner Z., “Expenditure Implications of Metropolitan Growth and Consolidation”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 41(3), 1959, p. 232-241. HOLTZ EAKIN, Douglas-Mary E. Lovely, “Scale Economies, Returns to Variety, and the Productivity of Public Infrastructure”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 26(2), 1996, p. 105-123. Hoover, E. M.-Giarratani, F, An Introduction to Regional Economics, 1971. James LeSage-Kelley Pace, Introduction to Spatial Econometrics, Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2009. JOANIS, Marcelin “The Road to Power: Partisan Loyalty and the Centralized Provision of Local Infrastructure”, Public Choice, 146(1-2), 2011, p. 117-143. KALENKOSKI, Charlene- Donald Lacombe (2013). Minimum wages and teen employment: A spatial panel approach. Papers in Regional Science, 92(2), p. 407-417. KELEJIAN, Harry H.-Ingmar R. Prucha, “A Generalized Spatial Two-Stage Least Squares Procedure for Estimating A Spatial Autoregressive Model With Autoregressive Disturbances”, The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 17(1), 1998, p. 99-121. KEMMERLING, Achim-Thilo Bodenstein, “Partisan politics in regional redistribution: Do parties affect the distribution of EU structural funds across regions?”, European Union Politics, 7(3), 2006, p. 373-392. KEMMERLING, Achim-Andreas Stephan, “The Politico-Economic Determinants and Productivity Effects of Regional Transport Investment in Europe”, EIB Papers, 13(2), 2008, p. 36-60. LAGENDIJK, Arnoud et al., “The Role of Regional Development Agencies in Turkey: From Implementing EU Directives to Supporting Regional Business Communities?”, European Urban and Regional Studies, 16(4), 2009, p. 383-396. LAKSHMANAN, Tiruvarur et al, “Benefits and costs of transport”, Papers in Regional Science, 80(2), 2001, p. 139-164. LEE, Lung Fei-Jihai Yu, “Estimation of Spatial Autoregressive Panel Data Models with Fixed Effects”, Journal of Econometrics, 154(2), 2010a, p. 165-185. LEE, Lung Fei-Jihai Yu, “Some Recent Developments in Spatial Panel Data Models”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 40(5), 2010b, p. 255-271. LIMAO, Nuno-Anthony J. Venables, “Infrastructure, Geographical Disadvantage, Transport Costs, and Trade”, The World Bank Economic Review, 15(3), 2001, p. 451-479. LONGO, Roberto-Khalid Sekkat, “Economic Obstacles to Expanding Intra-African Trade”, World Development, 32(8), 2004, p. 1309-1321. LUCA, Davide-Andres Rodriguez Pose, “Distributive Politics and Regional Development: Assessing the Territorial Distribution of Turkey’s Public Investment”, The Journal of Development Studies, 51(11), 2015, p. 1518-1540. MARTINEZ, Zarzoso, et al, “Augmented Gravity Model: An Empirical Application to Mercosur-European Union Trade Flows”, Journal of Applied Economics, 6(2), 2003, p. 291-316. MIZUTANI, Fumitoshi-Tomoyasu Tanaka, “Productivity Effects and Determinants of Public Infrastructure Investment”, The Annals of Regional Science, 44(3), 2008, p. 493-521. MONASTIRIOTIS, Vassilis-Yannis Psycharis, “Between Equity, Efficiency and Redistribution: An Analysis of Revealed Allocation Criteria of Regional Public Investment in Greece”, European Urban and Regional Studies, 21(4), 2014, p. 445-462. MONTOLIO, Daniel-Albert Sole-Olle, “Road Investment and Regional Productivity Growth: The Effects of Vehicle Intensity and Congestion”, Papers in Regional Science, 88(1), 2009, p. 99-118. MORENO, Rosina-Enrique Lopez-Bazo, “Returns to Local and Transport Infrastructure Under Regional Spillovers”, International Regional Science Review, 30(1), 2007, p. 47-71. NICKELL, Stephen “Biases in Dynamic Models with Fixed Effects”, Econometrica, 49(6), 1981, p. 1417-1426. NIJKAMP, Peter, Infrastructure and Suprastructure in Regional Competition: A Deus Ex Machina? Springer, 2000. PAINTER, Gary- Kwi-Hee Bae, “The Changing Determinants of State Expenditure in the United States: 1965-1992”, Public Finance and Management, 9(4), 2001, p. 370-392. PFAFFERMAYR, Michael, “Spatial Convergence of Regions Revisited: A Spatial Maximum Likelihood Panel Approach”, Journal of Regional Science, 52(5), 2012, p. 857-873. RANDOLPH, Susan et al., Determinants of Public Expenditure on Infrastructure: Transportation and Communication. The World Bank, 1999. REY, Sergio, “Spatial Empirics for Economic Growth and Convergence”, Geographical Analysis, 33(3), 2001, p. 195-214. ROODMAN, David, “How to Do XTABOND2: An Introduction to Difference and System GMM In Stata”, Stata Journal, 9(1), 2009, p. 86-136. SCHAFFER, Mark, “XTIVREG2: Stata Module to Perform Extended IV/2SLS, GMM and AC/2HAC, LIML and K-Class Regression for Panel Data Models”, Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics, 2005. SOLE-OLLE, Albert, “Inter-Regional Redistribution Through Infrastructure Investment: Tactical or Programmatic?”, Public Choice 156(1-2), 2013, p. 229-252. STEPHAN, Andreas, “Regional Infrastructure Policy and its Impact on Productivity: A Comparison of Germany and France”, Discussion papers Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, (2), 2001, p. 3-41. Thakuriah, Piyushimita et al. “Costs and Benefits of Employment Transportation for Low-Wage Workers: An Assessment of Job Access Public Transportation Services”, Evaluation and program planning, 37, 2013, p. 31-42. USLU, Çağrı Levent, “Seat-Vote Elasticity and the Provincial Distribution of Government Spending in Turkey.” Eurasian Economic Review 7(1), 2017, p. 49-67. WU, Yanrui, “Export Performance in China’s Regional Economies”, Applied Economics, 39(10), 2007, p. 1283-1293. ZHENG, Xinye et al., “Central Government’s Infrastructure Investment Across Chinese Regions: A Dynamic Spatial Panel Data Approach”, China Economic Review, 27, 2013, p. 264-276. YAMANO, Norihiko-Toru Ohkawara, “The Regional Allocation of Public Investment: Efficiency or Equity?”, Journal of Regional Science, 40(2), 2000, p. 205-229. YU, Yihua et al., “On the Determinants of Public Infrastructure Spending in Chinese Cities: A Spatial Econometric Perspective”, The Social Science Journal, 48(3), 2011, p. 458-467.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Articles

Mehmet Güney Celbiş 0000-0002-2790-6035

Denis De Crombrugghe This is me

Joan Muysken This is me

Publication Date December 27, 2019
Submission Date March 5, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Celbiş, M. G., Crombrugghe, D. D., & Muysken, J. (2019). Competition for Infrastructure Among Regions in Turkey. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 3(2), 115-161.
AMA Celbiş MG, Crombrugghe DD, Muysken J. Competition for Infrastructure Among Regions in Turkey. BAD. December 2019;3(2):115-161.
Chicago Celbiş, Mehmet Güney, Denis De Crombrugghe, and Joan Muysken. “Competition for Infrastructure Among Regions in Turkey”. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi 3, no. 2 (December 2019): 115-61.
EndNote Celbiş MG, Crombrugghe DD, Muysken J (December 1, 2019) Competition for Infrastructure Among Regions in Turkey. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi 3 2 115–161.
IEEE M. G. Celbiş, D. D. Crombrugghe, and J. Muysken, “Competition for Infrastructure Among Regions in Turkey”, BAD, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 115–161, 2019.
ISNAD Celbiş, Mehmet Güney et al. “Competition for Infrastructure Among Regions in Turkey”. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi 3/2 (December 2019), 115-161.
JAMA Celbiş MG, Crombrugghe DD, Muysken J. Competition for Infrastructure Among Regions in Turkey. BAD. 2019;3:115–161.
MLA Celbiş, Mehmet Güney et al. “Competition for Infrastructure Among Regions in Turkey”. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi, vol. 3, no. 2, 2019, pp. 115-61.
Vancouver Celbiş MG, Crombrugghe DD, Muysken J. Competition for Infrastructure Among Regions in Turkey. BAD. 2019;3(2):115-61.