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Habibi Doha’ya Gel: Katar’ın Modernleşme Sürecinin Çoklu Moderniteler Paradigması Perspektifinden Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 168 - 182, 26.12.2024


Bu araştırmanın amacı, araştırma sorusu "Katar'ın modernleşme sürecini bir teorinin bakış açısından değerlendirmek mümkün müdür?" şeklinde formüle edildiği için Katar'ın modernleşme sürecine ışık tutmaktır. Çalışmanın önemi, Katar'ın modernleşme sürecine ilişkin teorik bir perspektiften, özellikle de çoklu moderniteler paradigması (ÇMP) merceğinden yapılmış araştırma eksikliği nedeniyle literatürdeki önemli bir boşluğu doldurma potansiyelinde yatmaktadır. Çalışma, disiplinli konfigüratif yaklaşım benimseyen bir vaka çalışmasıdır. Makale boyunca hakim olan temel varsayım, dinin moderniteye doğru bir yol izlemenin önünde bir engel olarak görülmemesi gerektiği fikridir.


  • Al-Kubaisi, M.A.M. (1984). Industrial development in Qatar: A geographical assessment (Doctoral Thesis, Durham University). Durham E-Theses.
  • Amiri Diwan. (2024). The constitution.
  • Anderson, L. (1991). Absolutism and the resilience of monarchy in the middle east. Comparative Politics, 20(1), 1-15.
  • Berger, P.L. (1980). From secularity to world religion. The Christian Century, 97, 44-48.
  • Brewer, D. J., Augustine, C. H., Zellman, G. L., Ryan, G., Goldman, C. A., Stasz, C. and Constant, L. (2007). Education for a new era: Design and implementation of K-12 education reform in Qatar, RAND Corporation.
  • Calvert, P. and Calvert, S. (2007). Politics and society in the developing world (3rd ed.), Essex: Pearson.
  • Crystal, J. (1990). Oil and politics in the gulf: Rulers and merchants in Kuwait and Qatar, New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Eisenstadt, S. N. (1976-1977). Sociological characteristics and problems of small states: A research note. The Jerusalem Journal of International Relations, 2(2), 35-50.
  • Eisenstadt, S. N., Riedel, J. and Sachsenmaier, D. (2002). The context of the multiple modernities paradigm. In Reflections on multiple modernities (pp. 1-23). Brill.
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (2022). National health strategy 2018-2022 – Our health our future.
  • Fourie, E. (2012). A future for the theory of multiple modernities: Insights from the new modernisation theory. Social Science Information, 51(1), 52-69.
  • Fromherz, A.J. (2012). Qatar: A modern history, Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
  • Göksel, O. (2016). In search of a non-Eurocentric understanding of modernisation: Turkey as a case of ‘multiple modernities’. Mediterranean Politics, 21(2), 246-267.
  • Gray, M. (2013). Qatar: Politics and the challenges of development, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Graz, L. (1992). The turbulent gulf: People, politics and power, United Kingdom: I.B.Tauris.
  • Herb, M. (1999). All in the family: Absolutism, revolution, and democracy in the middle eastern monarchies, New York: State University of New York Press.
  • Herb, M. (2014). The wages of oil: Parliaments and economic development in Kuwait and the UAE, Cornell University Press.
  • International Labour Organization. (2021). Labour reforms in the State of Qatar: Coming together around a shared vision.
  • Invest Qatar. (2024). At a glance.
  • Isaac, J.C. (2015). From the editor: Modernisation and politics. American Political Science Association, 13(1), 1-5.
  • Kalberg, S. (1980). Max Weber’s types of rationality: Cornerstones for the analysis of rationalisation process in history. American Journal of Sociology, 85(5), 1145-1179.
  • Kamrava, M. (2013). Qatar: Small state, big politics, London: Cornell University Press.
  • Koch, N. (2018). The geopolitics of spectacle: Space, synecdoche, and the new capitals of Asia, New York: Cornell University Press.
  • Laniel, J.F. (2017). On the relevance of small nations. Religion and politics in S.N. Eisenstadt’s multiple modernities paradigm. Nations and nationalism, 1-21.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (2024). Qatar affirms women are 70% of STEM School Graduates.
  • Offutt, S. (2014). Multiple modernities: The role of world religions in an emerging paradigm. Journal of Contemporary Religion, 29(3), 393-409.
  • Oxford English Dictionary. (2024). Legality and legitimacy.
  • Popp, R. (2008). An application of modernisation theory during the cold war? The case of Pahlavi Iran. The International History Review, 30(1), 76-98.
  • Rathmell, A. and Schulze, K. (2000). Political reform in the gulf: The case of Qatar. Middle Eastern Studies, 36(4), 47-62.
  • Roberts, D. B. (2017). Qatar: Securing the global ambitions of a city-state, Hurst Publishers.
  • Sastry, G. R. N. (1993). Qatar's economy transition from oil based economy to gas based economy (No. INIS-MF--13562). Ministry of Energy and Industry.
  • Schmidt, V.H. (2006). Multiple modernities or varieties of modernity? Current Sociology, 54(1), 77-97.
  • Shaxson, N. (2007). Oil, corruption and the resource curse. International Affairs, 83(6), 1123-1140.
  • So, A.Y. (1986). The economic success of Hong Kong: Insights from a world-system perspective. Sociological Perspectives, 29(2), 241-258.
  • Spohn, W. (2001). Eisenstadt on civilisations and multiple modernity. European Journal of Social Theory, 4(4), 499-508.
  • The World Bank. (2022). Urban Population (% of total population) – Qatar.
  • Todaro, M. (1997). Economic development, United Kingdom: Longman.
  • Ulrichsen, K. C. (2014). Qatar and the Arab spring, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Wiedmann, F., Salama, A. and Thierstein, A. (2012). Urban evolution of the city of Doha: An investigation into the impact of economic transformations on urban structures. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 29(2), 35-61.
  • Zahlan, R.S. ([1989]2016). The making of the modern gulf states: Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman, New York: Routledge.
  • Zahlan, R.S. (1979). The creation of Qatar, London: Croom Helm.

Habibi Come to Doha: Evaluating the Modernisation Process of Qatar from the Perspective of Multiple Modernities Paradigm

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 168 - 182, 26.12.2024


The aim of this research is to shed light on the modernisation process of Qatar as the research question has been formulated as “is it possible to evaluate the modernising path of Qatar from the viewpoint of a theory?”. The importance of the study lies in its potential to address an important gap in the literature as there is a lack of research relating to Qatar’s modernisation process from a theoretical perspective, particularly from the lenses of multiple modernities paradigm (MMP). For conducting this case study, a disciplined configurative approach has been the underlying strategy as the aim was to differentiate it from a pure narrative. The basic assumption prevalent throughout the article has been the idea that religion should not be seen as a hindrance to following a path towards modernity.


  • Al-Kubaisi, M.A.M. (1984). Industrial development in Qatar: A geographical assessment (Doctoral Thesis, Durham University). Durham E-Theses.
  • Amiri Diwan. (2024). The constitution.
  • Anderson, L. (1991). Absolutism and the resilience of monarchy in the middle east. Comparative Politics, 20(1), 1-15.
  • Berger, P.L. (1980). From secularity to world religion. The Christian Century, 97, 44-48.
  • Brewer, D. J., Augustine, C. H., Zellman, G. L., Ryan, G., Goldman, C. A., Stasz, C. and Constant, L. (2007). Education for a new era: Design and implementation of K-12 education reform in Qatar, RAND Corporation.
  • Calvert, P. and Calvert, S. (2007). Politics and society in the developing world (3rd ed.), Essex: Pearson.
  • Crystal, J. (1990). Oil and politics in the gulf: Rulers and merchants in Kuwait and Qatar, New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Eisenstadt, S. N. (1976-1977). Sociological characteristics and problems of small states: A research note. The Jerusalem Journal of International Relations, 2(2), 35-50.
  • Eisenstadt, S. N., Riedel, J. and Sachsenmaier, D. (2002). The context of the multiple modernities paradigm. In Reflections on multiple modernities (pp. 1-23). Brill.
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (2022). National health strategy 2018-2022 – Our health our future.
  • Fourie, E. (2012). A future for the theory of multiple modernities: Insights from the new modernisation theory. Social Science Information, 51(1), 52-69.
  • Fromherz, A.J. (2012). Qatar: A modern history, Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
  • Göksel, O. (2016). In search of a non-Eurocentric understanding of modernisation: Turkey as a case of ‘multiple modernities’. Mediterranean Politics, 21(2), 246-267.
  • Gray, M. (2013). Qatar: Politics and the challenges of development, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Graz, L. (1992). The turbulent gulf: People, politics and power, United Kingdom: I.B.Tauris.
  • Herb, M. (1999). All in the family: Absolutism, revolution, and democracy in the middle eastern monarchies, New York: State University of New York Press.
  • Herb, M. (2014). The wages of oil: Parliaments and economic development in Kuwait and the UAE, Cornell University Press.
  • International Labour Organization. (2021). Labour reforms in the State of Qatar: Coming together around a shared vision.
  • Invest Qatar. (2024). At a glance.
  • Isaac, J.C. (2015). From the editor: Modernisation and politics. American Political Science Association, 13(1), 1-5.
  • Kalberg, S. (1980). Max Weber’s types of rationality: Cornerstones for the analysis of rationalisation process in history. American Journal of Sociology, 85(5), 1145-1179.
  • Kamrava, M. (2013). Qatar: Small state, big politics, London: Cornell University Press.
  • Koch, N. (2018). The geopolitics of spectacle: Space, synecdoche, and the new capitals of Asia, New York: Cornell University Press.
  • Laniel, J.F. (2017). On the relevance of small nations. Religion and politics in S.N. Eisenstadt’s multiple modernities paradigm. Nations and nationalism, 1-21.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (2024). Qatar affirms women are 70% of STEM School Graduates.
  • Offutt, S. (2014). Multiple modernities: The role of world religions in an emerging paradigm. Journal of Contemporary Religion, 29(3), 393-409.
  • Oxford English Dictionary. (2024). Legality and legitimacy.
  • Popp, R. (2008). An application of modernisation theory during the cold war? The case of Pahlavi Iran. The International History Review, 30(1), 76-98.
  • Rathmell, A. and Schulze, K. (2000). Political reform in the gulf: The case of Qatar. Middle Eastern Studies, 36(4), 47-62.
  • Roberts, D. B. (2017). Qatar: Securing the global ambitions of a city-state, Hurst Publishers.
  • Sastry, G. R. N. (1993). Qatar's economy transition from oil based economy to gas based economy (No. INIS-MF--13562). Ministry of Energy and Industry.
  • Schmidt, V.H. (2006). Multiple modernities or varieties of modernity? Current Sociology, 54(1), 77-97.
  • Shaxson, N. (2007). Oil, corruption and the resource curse. International Affairs, 83(6), 1123-1140.
  • So, A.Y. (1986). The economic success of Hong Kong: Insights from a world-system perspective. Sociological Perspectives, 29(2), 241-258.
  • Spohn, W. (2001). Eisenstadt on civilisations and multiple modernity. European Journal of Social Theory, 4(4), 499-508.
  • The World Bank. (2022). Urban Population (% of total population) – Qatar.
  • Todaro, M. (1997). Economic development, United Kingdom: Longman.
  • Ulrichsen, K. C. (2014). Qatar and the Arab spring, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Wiedmann, F., Salama, A. and Thierstein, A. (2012). Urban evolution of the city of Doha: An investigation into the impact of economic transformations on urban structures. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 29(2), 35-61.
  • Zahlan, R.S. ([1989]2016). The making of the modern gulf states: Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman, New York: Routledge.
  • Zahlan, R.S. (1979). The creation of Qatar, London: Croom Helm.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Middle East Studies
Journal Section Articles

Ayşe Nur Kanlı 0000-0002-6995-8976

Early Pub Date December 10, 2024
Publication Date December 26, 2024
Submission Date July 16, 2024
Acceptance Date November 14, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Kanlı, A. N. (2024). Habibi Come to Doha: Evaluating the Modernisation Process of Qatar from the Perspective of Multiple Modernities Paradigm. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(2), 168-182.
AMA Kanlı AN. Habibi Come to Doha: Evaluating the Modernisation Process of Qatar from the Perspective of Multiple Modernities Paradigm. BAD. December 2024;8(2):168-182.
Chicago Kanlı, Ayşe Nur. “Habibi Come to Doha: Evaluating the Modernisation Process of Qatar from the Perspective of Multiple Modernities Paradigm”. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi 8, no. 2 (December 2024): 168-82.
EndNote Kanlı AN (December 1, 2024) Habibi Come to Doha: Evaluating the Modernisation Process of Qatar from the Perspective of Multiple Modernities Paradigm. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi 8 2 168–182.
IEEE A. N. Kanlı, “Habibi Come to Doha: Evaluating the Modernisation Process of Qatar from the Perspective of Multiple Modernities Paradigm”, BAD, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 168–182, 2024.
ISNAD Kanlı, Ayşe Nur. “Habibi Come to Doha: Evaluating the Modernisation Process of Qatar from the Perspective of Multiple Modernities Paradigm”. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi 8/2 (December 2024), 168-182.
JAMA Kanlı AN. Habibi Come to Doha: Evaluating the Modernisation Process of Qatar from the Perspective of Multiple Modernities Paradigm. BAD. 2024;8:168–182.
MLA Kanlı, Ayşe Nur. “Habibi Come to Doha: Evaluating the Modernisation Process of Qatar from the Perspective of Multiple Modernities Paradigm”. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 2, 2024, pp. 168-82.
Vancouver Kanlı AN. Habibi Come to Doha: Evaluating the Modernisation Process of Qatar from the Perspective of Multiple Modernities Paradigm. BAD. 2024;8(2):168-82.