Research Article
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Houthis in Yemen and The Gulf of Aden Regional Security and Threat Analysis

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 183 - 209, 26.12.2024


This study aims to analyze the peripherical conflict between Yemen and Saudi Arabia in the Gulf sub-complex region, which has resulted in numerous local wars along ideological lines over time. Presently, the regional threats emanating from the Houthis in Yemen have spurred regional and international competition involving Iran, Gulf Arab states, and other actors. It is crucial to assess the threats in strategically situated Yemen and its surroundings from various perspectives. The study conducted a regional threat analysis using qualitative analysis methods to examine the issues in the region, including current and potential conflict areas. To enhance the analysis, the study explored the topic within the theoretical framework of the regional security complex. The primary finding of the study indicates that the Yemen crisis poses regional security threats due to the competition between Saudi Arabia and Iran, as well as other actors in the Gulf of Aden. Furthermore, the study found that the international coalition's intervention in Yemen has led to the strengthening of the Houthis, exacerbating regional threats and serving as a tool for Iran's sectarian-based foreign policy.


  • Al Deen, S. M. (2019, February). Federalism in Yemen: A Catalyst For War, The Present Reality, and The Inevitable Future. The Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies
  • Al Dosari, A., George, M. (2020). Yemen War: An Overview of The Armed Conflict and Role of Belligerents. Journal of Politics and Law. 13(1) 53-65.
  • Al Jazeera, (2017, December 10). Yemen: Ex-President Ali Abdullah Saleh Killed.
  • Al Jazeera, (2019, January 19). Yemen Clashes Throw Capital into Chaos.
  • Arimatsu, L., Choudhury. M. (2014). The Legal Classification of The Armed Conflict in Syria, Yemen and Libya. Chatham House.
  • Badawi, H. (2024). Chinese Geoeconomics and Geostrategic Motives in a Changing International Order: Understanding the Significance of a Chinese Military Base in Djibouti. International Journal of Politics and Security (IJPS), 6(1), 67-99.
  • Bayoumy, Y. & Ghobari, M. (2024, December 15). Iran’s Support Seen Crucial For Yemen’s Houthis.
  • BBC, (2011, June 23). Yemen: President Sales Was Injured By Palace Bomb.
  • BBC, (2015, March 25). Yemen’s President Hadi Asks UN To Back Intervention.
  • BBC, (2017, July 19). Qatar crisis: What You Need to Know?
  • BBC, (2024, September 27). How Yemen’s Capital Sanaa Was Seized By Houthi Rebels.
  • Braw, E. (2021, October 11). What the Ever Given Taught The World. Foreign Policy.
  • Broder, J. (2017, December 29). Hit and Missile. Newsweek,
  • Buzan B., Waever, O. (2003). Regions and Power: The Structure of International Security. Cambridge University Press.
  • Buzan, B. (1983). People, States and Fear: An Agenda For International Security Studies In The Post-Cold War Era. Wheatsheaf Books.
  • Cannon, J. B., Donelli, F. (2020). Asymmetric Alliances and High Polarity: Evaluating Regional Security Complexes In The Middle East and Horn of Africa. Third World Quarterly, 41(3), 505-524.
  • Carapico, S. (2014). More Than Half of Society: Southern Yemeni Youth, Unemployment and the Quest for a State Job. Leackner, H. (Ed.) Why Yemen Matters: A Society in Transition. Saqi Books.
  • Clark, J. (2024). U.S. Partners' Forces Strike Houthi Military Targets in Yemen. US Department of Defence.
  • Clark, V. (2010). Yemen: Dancing on the Head of Snakes, Yale University Press.
  • Clausen, M. L. (2019). Justifying Military Intervention: Yemen as a Failed State. Third World Quartely. 40(3), 488-502.
  • Colton, A. N. (2010). Yemen: A Collapsed Economy. Middle East Journal. 64(3) 410-426.
  • Conkar, K. (2020). İran'ın desteklediği Yemen'deki Husiler, Saudi Aramco Şirketini Füzelerle Vurdu. Euronews.
  • Cordesman, H. A. (2017, May 9). The War in Yemen: Hard Choices in a Hard War. CSIS.
  • Counter Extremism Project. AQAP. Counterpoint: Briefs and Blog.
  • Day., S. (2010). The Political Challenge of Yemen’s Southern Mouvement. Carnegie Endowment No.108,
  • Delivorias, A. (2024). Recent threats in the Red Sea: Economic impact on the region and on the EU. European Parliament Think Thank.
  • Dingli, S. (2013). Is The Failed State Thesis Analytically Useful? The Case of Yemen. Political Studies Association. 33(2), 91-100.
  • Eavis, P. (2024, May 6). Maersk Says Expanded Houthi Attacks Are Forcing More Delays. The New York Times.
  • Farouk, Y. (2015). Egypt and Yemen 53 Years Later. Atlantic Council. FBI, (Nd.). USS Cole Bombing. Famous Cases and Criminals.
  • Freeman, J. (2009). The al Houthi Insurgency in the North of Yemen: An Analysis of the Shabab al Moumineen. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. No. 32 1008–1019.
  • Gebru, M. K., Zeru, G., Tekalign, Y. (2023). The Impact of The Middle East and Gulf States’ Involvement on The Horn of Africa’s Peace and Security: Applying Regional Security Complex Theory. Digest of Middle East Studies Wiley, 32, 223-245.
  • Hartig, L., Hathaway, A. O. (2022, March 27). Still at War: The United States in Yemen. Just Security.
  • Hill, G., Nonneman, G. (2011, 12 May). Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States: Elite Politics, Street Protests and Regional Diplomacy. Chatham House Briefing Paper.
  • International Crisis Group. (2015). Yemen At War. Crisis Group Midde East Briefing No.45.
  • Juneau. T. (2024). How War in Yemen Transformed the Iran-Houthi Partnership. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 47(3) 278-300.
  • Kamrava, M. (2017). Iran-Qatar Relations. Ehteshami, A., Quilliam, N., Bahgat, G. (Ed.) Security and Bilateral Issues Between Iran and Its Neighbours. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
  • Karakır, A. İ. (2018). Ongoing Conflict in Yemen: A Proxy War? Turkish Journal of TESAM Academy, 5(2), 121-149.
  • Kasinof, L. (2012, February 25). Yemen Swears In New President to the Sound of Applause, and Violence. New York Times.
  • Kechichian, A. J. (1999). Trends in Saudi National Security. Middle East Journal, 53(2), 243-247,
  • Kimutai, K. Nd. Who are The Houthis Of Yemen? Worldatlas.
  • Knights, M. (2016, May 23). The U.A.E. Approach To Counter Insurgency in Yemen. War on The Rocks.
  • Laçiner, S., Açıkalın, S., Coşkun, G. (2010). Yemen Dosyası: Fakirlik ve Terör Kıskacında Bir Ülke, Usak Yayınları.
  • Landry, C. (2015, 1 May). Iran Arming Yemen’s Houthi Rebels Since 2009: UN Report. AFP.
  • Lons, C., Petrini, C. (2023). The Crowded Red Sea. Survival. 65(1), 57-67.
  • Manjang, A. (2017). Beyond the Middle East: Saudi-Iranian Rivalry in the Horn of Africa. International Relations and Diplomacy 5(1), 46–60. .
  • Mann, J. (2014). Yemeni Threat to Saudi Arabia’s Internal Security 1962–70. Journal of Arabian Studies. 4(1) 52-69.
  • Melvin, N. (2019). The Foreign Military Presence in The Horn of Africa Region. SIPRI, Background Paper.
  • Mohamed, G. (2024). Egypt backs Yemen peace efforts. Arab News.
  • Nagi, A. (2023, October 10). Catching Up on the Back-channel Peace Talks in Yemen. International Crisis Group.
  • NuBberger, Benjamin. (2017). Military Strikes in Yemen in 2015: Intervention by Invitation and Self Defence in The Course of Yemen’s “Model Transitional Process. Journal On The Use of Force and International Law, 41(1), 110-160.
  • Offıce Of The Specıal Envoy Of The Secretary-General For Yemen (OSESGY). National Dialogue Conference.
  • Perkins., B. M. (2017). Yemen: Between Revolution and Regression. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. 40(4) 300-317.
  • Rabin. U. (2015). Yemen: Revolution, Civil War and Unification, I. B. Tauris.
  • Ragab, E. (2017). Beyond Money and Diplomacy: Regional Policies of Saudi Arabia and UAE after the Arab Spring. The International Spectator. 52(2), 37-53.
  • Rubin, L. (2014). Islam in the Balance: Ideational Threats in Arab Politics. Stanford University Press.
  • Rugh, W. A. (2015). Problems in Yemen, Domestic and Foreign. Middle East Policy, 22(4), 140-152.
  • Ryan, R. C. (2019). Shifting Alliances and Shifting Theories in The Middle East. POMEPS Study: Shifting Global Politics and the Middle East, 34, 7-14.
  • Salisbury, P. (2015). Yemen And The Saudi-Iranian ‘Cold War’. Middle East and North Africa Programme, Chatham House.
  • Salisbury, P. (2015). Yemen and the Saudi–Iranian “Cold War”, Chatham House,
  • Samice, A., Mohammadi M., Jaseb N. A. (2017). Geopolitic Identity and Its Impact on Security Strategies of Iran-Saudi Arabia in the Yemen Crisis. Quarterly Journal of Political Research in Islamic World, 5(2),
  • Santini, H. R., & Wulzer, P. (2024). The Evolution Of The Gulf: History and Theories Of A Complex Subregional System. Middle East Policy, 31, 33-49.
  • Schmitt, E., & Worth, R. (2012, 15 May). With Arms for Yemen Rebels, Iran Seeks Wider Mideast Role. New York Times.
  • Shafqat, S. (2017, February 13). UAE to Open Second Military Base in East Africa. Middle East Eye.
  • Singh, K. (2024, 21 January). Saudi Says Escalating Tensions Amid Houthi Attacks And US Strikes Are Dangerous. Reuters.
  • Şevket, Ş. (2021). Yemen’in Başarısız Devlete Dönüş Süreci. Stratejik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi. 5(3), 455-473.
  • Telci, N. İ., Horoz, Ö. T. (2018). Military Bases in the Foreign Policy of the United Arab Emirates. Insight Turkey. 20(2), 143-165.
  • The White House, (2024, January 3). A Joint Statement from the Governments of the United States, Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Singapore, and the United Kingdom.
  • Tzemprin, A., Jozic, J., Lambare, H. (2015). The Middle East Cold War: Iran-Saudi Arabia and The Way Ahead. Croatian Political Science Review, 52(4-5), 187-202.
  • U.S. Central Command, (2024). U.S. Forces, Allies Conduct Joint Strikes in Yemen
  • U.S. Central Command, (2024, May 7). May 7 CENTCOM Update.
  • Unicef. (2024). Yemen Crisis.
  • United Nations Peacemaker. (1934). Document Retrieval: Treaty of Islamic Friendship and Arab Brotherhood [Belge No. 2389, II-1297].
  • United Nations Peacemaker. (2000). Document Retrieval: The International Boundary Treaty. [Belge No. Volume 2389, I-43167].
  • United Nations Peacemaker. (2014, December 24). Peace and National Partnership Agreement.
  • Walt, M. S. (1987). The Origin of Alliances. Cornell University Press.
  • Wiseman, P. & Anderson, M. (2024, January 28). Attacks on ships in the Red Sea are disrupting global trade: Here’s how it could affect what you buy. Associated Press.
  • World Bank Group, (2024). Global Economic Prospects. World Bank Flagship Report.
  • World Bank. (2015). Yemen, Republic of - Unlocking The Potential For EconomicGrowth,
  • Zeidan, A.“Houthi Movement”, Britannica,

Yemen’de Husiler ve Aden Körfezi Bölgesel Güvenlik ve Tehdit Analizi

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 183 - 209, 26.12.2024


Bu çalışmanın amacı Yemen ve Suudi Arabistan arasındaki çok sayıda yerel savaşa yol açan ve zamanla radikal çizgilerde gerçekleşen çevresel ihtilafın Körfez alt-kompleks bölgesinde yarattığı tehditleri analiz etmektir. Günümüzde Yemen’de Husilerin oluşturduğu bölgesel tehditler, İran, Körfez Arap devletleri ve diğer aktörlerin devreye girerek bölgesel ve uluslararası rekabete evrilmesine neden olmuştur. Stratejik konumda olan Yemen ve çevresinde var olan tehditlerin analiz edilmesi pek çok açıdan önem arz etmektedir. Çalışmada bölgedeki sorunların, mevcut ve gelecek çatışma alanlarının analiz edilmesi amacıyla nitel analiz yöntemi ile belirlenen parametreler üzerinden bölgesel tehdit analizi yapılmıştır. Analizin derinleştirilmesi amacıyla bölgesel güvenlik kompleksi teorik çerçevesi ile konu incelenmiştir. Yemen krizinin, Suudi Arabistan ve İran arasındaki bölgesel rekabette ve Aden Körfezindeki diğer aktörler açısından bölgesel güvenlik tehditleri oluşturduğu çalışmanın temel bulgusudur. Uluslararası koalisyon tarafından Yemen’e gerçekleştirilen müdahalenin Husilerin bölgesel tehditleri derinleştirecek şekilde giderek güçlenmesine yol açtığı ve İran’ın mezhep temelli dış politikasının bir aracı haline geldiği ise çalışmanın diğer bulguları arasındadır.


  • Al Deen, S. M. (2019, February). Federalism in Yemen: A Catalyst For War, The Present Reality, and The Inevitable Future. The Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies
  • Al Dosari, A., George, M. (2020). Yemen War: An Overview of The Armed Conflict and Role of Belligerents. Journal of Politics and Law. 13(1) 53-65.
  • Al Jazeera, (2017, December 10). Yemen: Ex-President Ali Abdullah Saleh Killed.
  • Al Jazeera, (2019, January 19). Yemen Clashes Throw Capital into Chaos.
  • Arimatsu, L., Choudhury. M. (2014). The Legal Classification of The Armed Conflict in Syria, Yemen and Libya. Chatham House.
  • Badawi, H. (2024). Chinese Geoeconomics and Geostrategic Motives in a Changing International Order: Understanding the Significance of a Chinese Military Base in Djibouti. International Journal of Politics and Security (IJPS), 6(1), 67-99.
  • Bayoumy, Y. & Ghobari, M. (2024, December 15). Iran’s Support Seen Crucial For Yemen’s Houthis.
  • BBC, (2011, June 23). Yemen: President Sales Was Injured By Palace Bomb.
  • BBC, (2015, March 25). Yemen’s President Hadi Asks UN To Back Intervention.
  • BBC, (2017, July 19). Qatar crisis: What You Need to Know?
  • BBC, (2024, September 27). How Yemen’s Capital Sanaa Was Seized By Houthi Rebels.
  • Braw, E. (2021, October 11). What the Ever Given Taught The World. Foreign Policy.
  • Broder, J. (2017, December 29). Hit and Missile. Newsweek,
  • Buzan B., Waever, O. (2003). Regions and Power: The Structure of International Security. Cambridge University Press.
  • Buzan, B. (1983). People, States and Fear: An Agenda For International Security Studies In The Post-Cold War Era. Wheatsheaf Books.
  • Cannon, J. B., Donelli, F. (2020). Asymmetric Alliances and High Polarity: Evaluating Regional Security Complexes In The Middle East and Horn of Africa. Third World Quarterly, 41(3), 505-524.
  • Carapico, S. (2014). More Than Half of Society: Southern Yemeni Youth, Unemployment and the Quest for a State Job. Leackner, H. (Ed.) Why Yemen Matters: A Society in Transition. Saqi Books.
  • Clark, J. (2024). U.S. Partners' Forces Strike Houthi Military Targets in Yemen. US Department of Defence.
  • Clark, V. (2010). Yemen: Dancing on the Head of Snakes, Yale University Press.
  • Clausen, M. L. (2019). Justifying Military Intervention: Yemen as a Failed State. Third World Quartely. 40(3), 488-502.
  • Colton, A. N. (2010). Yemen: A Collapsed Economy. Middle East Journal. 64(3) 410-426.
  • Conkar, K. (2020). İran'ın desteklediği Yemen'deki Husiler, Saudi Aramco Şirketini Füzelerle Vurdu. Euronews.
  • Cordesman, H. A. (2017, May 9). The War in Yemen: Hard Choices in a Hard War. CSIS.
  • Counter Extremism Project. AQAP. Counterpoint: Briefs and Blog.
  • Day., S. (2010). The Political Challenge of Yemen’s Southern Mouvement. Carnegie Endowment No.108,
  • Delivorias, A. (2024). Recent threats in the Red Sea: Economic impact on the region and on the EU. European Parliament Think Thank.
  • Dingli, S. (2013). Is The Failed State Thesis Analytically Useful? The Case of Yemen. Political Studies Association. 33(2), 91-100.
  • Eavis, P. (2024, May 6). Maersk Says Expanded Houthi Attacks Are Forcing More Delays. The New York Times.
  • Farouk, Y. (2015). Egypt and Yemen 53 Years Later. Atlantic Council. FBI, (Nd.). USS Cole Bombing. Famous Cases and Criminals.
  • Freeman, J. (2009). The al Houthi Insurgency in the North of Yemen: An Analysis of the Shabab al Moumineen. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. No. 32 1008–1019.
  • Gebru, M. K., Zeru, G., Tekalign, Y. (2023). The Impact of The Middle East and Gulf States’ Involvement on The Horn of Africa’s Peace and Security: Applying Regional Security Complex Theory. Digest of Middle East Studies Wiley, 32, 223-245.
  • Hartig, L., Hathaway, A. O. (2022, March 27). Still at War: The United States in Yemen. Just Security.
  • Hill, G., Nonneman, G. (2011, 12 May). Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States: Elite Politics, Street Protests and Regional Diplomacy. Chatham House Briefing Paper.
  • International Crisis Group. (2015). Yemen At War. Crisis Group Midde East Briefing No.45.
  • Juneau. T. (2024). How War in Yemen Transformed the Iran-Houthi Partnership. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 47(3) 278-300.
  • Kamrava, M. (2017). Iran-Qatar Relations. Ehteshami, A., Quilliam, N., Bahgat, G. (Ed.) Security and Bilateral Issues Between Iran and Its Neighbours. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
  • Karakır, A. İ. (2018). Ongoing Conflict in Yemen: A Proxy War? Turkish Journal of TESAM Academy, 5(2), 121-149.
  • Kasinof, L. (2012, February 25). Yemen Swears In New President to the Sound of Applause, and Violence. New York Times.
  • Kechichian, A. J. (1999). Trends in Saudi National Security. Middle East Journal, 53(2), 243-247,
  • Kimutai, K. Nd. Who are The Houthis Of Yemen? Worldatlas.
  • Knights, M. (2016, May 23). The U.A.E. Approach To Counter Insurgency in Yemen. War on The Rocks.
  • Laçiner, S., Açıkalın, S., Coşkun, G. (2010). Yemen Dosyası: Fakirlik ve Terör Kıskacında Bir Ülke, Usak Yayınları.
  • Landry, C. (2015, 1 May). Iran Arming Yemen’s Houthi Rebels Since 2009: UN Report. AFP.
  • Lons, C., Petrini, C. (2023). The Crowded Red Sea. Survival. 65(1), 57-67.
  • Manjang, A. (2017). Beyond the Middle East: Saudi-Iranian Rivalry in the Horn of Africa. International Relations and Diplomacy 5(1), 46–60. .
  • Mann, J. (2014). Yemeni Threat to Saudi Arabia’s Internal Security 1962–70. Journal of Arabian Studies. 4(1) 52-69.
  • Melvin, N. (2019). The Foreign Military Presence in The Horn of Africa Region. SIPRI, Background Paper.
  • Mohamed, G. (2024). Egypt backs Yemen peace efforts. Arab News.
  • Nagi, A. (2023, October 10). Catching Up on the Back-channel Peace Talks in Yemen. International Crisis Group.
  • NuBberger, Benjamin. (2017). Military Strikes in Yemen in 2015: Intervention by Invitation and Self Defence in The Course of Yemen’s “Model Transitional Process. Journal On The Use of Force and International Law, 41(1), 110-160.
  • Offıce Of The Specıal Envoy Of The Secretary-General For Yemen (OSESGY). National Dialogue Conference.
  • Perkins., B. M. (2017). Yemen: Between Revolution and Regression. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. 40(4) 300-317.
  • Rabin. U. (2015). Yemen: Revolution, Civil War and Unification, I. B. Tauris.
  • Ragab, E. (2017). Beyond Money and Diplomacy: Regional Policies of Saudi Arabia and UAE after the Arab Spring. The International Spectator. 52(2), 37-53.
  • Rubin, L. (2014). Islam in the Balance: Ideational Threats in Arab Politics. Stanford University Press.
  • Rugh, W. A. (2015). Problems in Yemen, Domestic and Foreign. Middle East Policy, 22(4), 140-152.
  • Ryan, R. C. (2019). Shifting Alliances and Shifting Theories in The Middle East. POMEPS Study: Shifting Global Politics and the Middle East, 34, 7-14.
  • Salisbury, P. (2015). Yemen And The Saudi-Iranian ‘Cold War’. Middle East and North Africa Programme, Chatham House.
  • Salisbury, P. (2015). Yemen and the Saudi–Iranian “Cold War”, Chatham House,
  • Samice, A., Mohammadi M., Jaseb N. A. (2017). Geopolitic Identity and Its Impact on Security Strategies of Iran-Saudi Arabia in the Yemen Crisis. Quarterly Journal of Political Research in Islamic World, 5(2),
  • Santini, H. R., & Wulzer, P. (2024). The Evolution Of The Gulf: History and Theories Of A Complex Subregional System. Middle East Policy, 31, 33-49.
  • Schmitt, E., & Worth, R. (2012, 15 May). With Arms for Yemen Rebels, Iran Seeks Wider Mideast Role. New York Times.
  • Shafqat, S. (2017, February 13). UAE to Open Second Military Base in East Africa. Middle East Eye.
  • Singh, K. (2024, 21 January). Saudi Says Escalating Tensions Amid Houthi Attacks And US Strikes Are Dangerous. Reuters.
  • Şevket, Ş. (2021). Yemen’in Başarısız Devlete Dönüş Süreci. Stratejik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi. 5(3), 455-473.
  • Telci, N. İ., Horoz, Ö. T. (2018). Military Bases in the Foreign Policy of the United Arab Emirates. Insight Turkey. 20(2), 143-165.
  • The White House, (2024, January 3). A Joint Statement from the Governments of the United States, Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Singapore, and the United Kingdom.
  • Tzemprin, A., Jozic, J., Lambare, H. (2015). The Middle East Cold War: Iran-Saudi Arabia and The Way Ahead. Croatian Political Science Review, 52(4-5), 187-202.
  • U.S. Central Command, (2024). U.S. Forces, Allies Conduct Joint Strikes in Yemen
  • U.S. Central Command, (2024, May 7). May 7 CENTCOM Update.
  • Unicef. (2024). Yemen Crisis.
  • United Nations Peacemaker. (1934). Document Retrieval: Treaty of Islamic Friendship and Arab Brotherhood [Belge No. 2389, II-1297].
  • United Nations Peacemaker. (2000). Document Retrieval: The International Boundary Treaty. [Belge No. Volume 2389, I-43167].
  • United Nations Peacemaker. (2014, December 24). Peace and National Partnership Agreement.
  • Walt, M. S. (1987). The Origin of Alliances. Cornell University Press.
  • Wiseman, P. & Anderson, M. (2024, January 28). Attacks on ships in the Red Sea are disrupting global trade: Here’s how it could affect what you buy. Associated Press.
  • World Bank Group, (2024). Global Economic Prospects. World Bank Flagship Report.
  • World Bank. (2015). Yemen, Republic of - Unlocking The Potential For EconomicGrowth,
  • Zeidan, A.“Houthi Movement”, Britannica,
There are 79 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Regional Studies, Middle East Studies, International Security, Security Studies
Journal Section Articles

Betül Cafer 0000-0001-5846-0032

Güngör Şahin 0000-0001-6296-8568

Early Pub Date December 16, 2024
Publication Date December 26, 2024
Submission Date August 1, 2024
Acceptance Date December 2, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Cafer, B., & Şahin, G. (2024). Yemen’de Husiler ve Aden Körfezi Bölgesel Güvenlik ve Tehdit Analizi. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(2), 183-209.
AMA Cafer B, Şahin G. Yemen’de Husiler ve Aden Körfezi Bölgesel Güvenlik ve Tehdit Analizi. BAD. December 2024;8(2):183-209.
Chicago Cafer, Betül, and Güngör Şahin. “Yemen’de Husiler Ve Aden Körfezi Bölgesel Güvenlik Ve Tehdit Analizi”. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi 8, no. 2 (December 2024): 183-209.
EndNote Cafer B, Şahin G (December 1, 2024) Yemen’de Husiler ve Aden Körfezi Bölgesel Güvenlik ve Tehdit Analizi. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi 8 2 183–209.
IEEE B. Cafer and G. Şahin, “Yemen’de Husiler ve Aden Körfezi Bölgesel Güvenlik ve Tehdit Analizi”, BAD, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 183–209, 2024.
ISNAD Cafer, Betül - Şahin, Güngör. “Yemen’de Husiler Ve Aden Körfezi Bölgesel Güvenlik Ve Tehdit Analizi”. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi 8/2 (December 2024), 183-209.
JAMA Cafer B, Şahin G. Yemen’de Husiler ve Aden Körfezi Bölgesel Güvenlik ve Tehdit Analizi. BAD. 2024;8:183–209.
MLA Cafer, Betül and Güngör Şahin. “Yemen’de Husiler Ve Aden Körfezi Bölgesel Güvenlik Ve Tehdit Analizi”. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 2, 2024, pp. 183-09.
Vancouver Cafer B, Şahin G. Yemen’de Husiler ve Aden Körfezi Bölgesel Güvenlik ve Tehdit Analizi. BAD. 2024;8(2):183-209.